View Full Version : Lets bring a tribes idea in on defenses
2003-05-09, 10:15 PM
Personaly, i hate reavers. I understand their place is the game, and like anything their great when their on yourside. My personal complaint with them is how much impunity they can fly over the battle field with. Hell a smart reaver pilot if they get hurt, can just fly off and repair. Ok fair enough, that's how aircraft work in real life too (AIRPOWER BABY). So having a hate for them but still an understanding of their place in the scheme of things I was at a loss. Last night after the servers went down for whatever reason I went briefly back to my old obsession Tribes, specificly the renegades MOD, While their I was reminded of the AA millise launchers you could place. They were turrents that only targeted aircraft/jetpacking people. Slightly durable but not really in the scheme of things. We put a new device imilar to an ACE for combat engies to get that places down these turrent. Give it range (although a siginifigantly slower rate of fire) of the bugged spitfires The ability to lock on. To balance it make it so it cannot aquire a lock if someone is flying above or below a certain cieling. So flying extremely high your safe and huggign the turf your safe too. As a final matter of balance because they'd chew through aircraft so badly let each combat engie only build one or two.
Thoughts? Concerns? Flames?
2003-05-09, 10:28 PM
I like it.
I think there should be more than just the spitfires. There should be EMP turrets, rocket turrets (anti-tank), AA turrets (both machine gun and missle), laser turrets, mortor turrets, spotter turrets (that relay coordinates to mortor turrets), and floating turrets (for placement in the water).
2003-05-09, 10:29 PM
Good Idea!
2003-05-10, 12:48 AM
lets also learn something else from tribes. FIghting against other people is fun. Fighting against turrets isn't. I'm not saying remove turrets. But defenses should be based on people, not deployables.
2003-05-10, 01:00 AM
Doppler, that is a great idea that hasn't had to much said about it. The devs should seriously look into that. But I wouldn't like a crap load of turrets that Tekdragon talked about. That would just be to much.
2003-05-10, 04:32 AM
Thing is, i wasnt talking about a crap load of totally different turrets. 99% of them would all be the same turret (the other 1% would be floater turrets) except with different gun mounts depending on the situation needed. Com Engineers would still be very limited in how many they can drop, but now they can choose which role they want their turrets to specialize against instead of JUST having a jack-of-all trades.
Lets say the 2 combat engineers are in a group protecting a tower. They lay down some spitfires around the area. Suddenly a scout spots a vanguard collumn approaching. The combat engineers go out and change a few of the turret mounts to rockets while the infantry switch to their anti-vehicle weapons.
About fighting ppl = fun: i agree. However, turrets are a valuable addition to the strategic defence of an area. The same goes for motion sensors and mines. Personally id be happy if combat engineers could only place 2-3 turrets. I just want them to be able to choose the role their turrets would have based on the situation.
FURTHERMORE: I think the anti infantry quality of turrets needs to be reduced a bit. I feel the majority of turrets should be designed to target and destroy vehicles. The turrets should either be in-effective at killing infantry or should choose to target vehicles as a priority if given the choise of targets in a large scale battle.
Why do i want this? I think it would add teamwork and strategy to the game. In real life tanks dont just run into an area without support. They are almost ALWAYS accompanied by some sort of light support. Its called combined arms. By having turrets actively target vehicles it would mean that tanks would have to hang back with the infantry that can effectively destroy turrets targeting their vehicles.
As of now turrets are simply used ineffectively. They are mass deployed and seem to work in an unrealistic manner.
2003-05-10, 04:34 AM
The more goodies I get to play with the happier I'll be. Bring it on!
2003-05-10, 10:58 PM
In a shameless attempt to bring this back to the top of the forum now that I actualy had a chance to read it. I tend to agree with you guys that I dont want to see masses of turrents my idea was to create a defensive remedy against a problem but we could simply limit the number of turrents players can have. I also think the floating turrents while intresting whould never get implemented (unless they put in sea bases which i for one whould like to see, including the underwater fights) I tend to think antitank turents whouldnt be all that great of an idea, just because that's what the wall turrents are for. Having said that I whould like to see an antivehicle mine. Mine, wide area of damage wide trigger area, infantry whouldnt set it off (although maybe max's whould) other then a jersy barrier it seems like the best way to keep a magrider/vanguard/prowler from rolling up. Basicly i'm not trying to make this game a turrent game, and i whouldnt want it to go as far as the renegades mod but giving engies more options cant hurt.
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