View Full Version : lets finish this SW V. XM

2003-05-10, 10:40 PM
Ok, lets put an end to it.

Who'd win?

Cast Vs. Cast

Star Wars Vs. X-Men

2003-05-10, 10:43 PM
There is no competition, X-men would kick SW ass.

2003-05-10, 11:07 PM
Star Wars>All

2003-05-10, 11:15 PM
Prequel Star Wars, or Sequel Star Wars?

2003-05-10, 11:18 PM
Won't matter Omni...X men would win. Magneto turns the Death Star into many pieces. All those government workers would be dead because of, not some left wing militant group, but because Maggy sneezed (I wonder if he's ever been called that???)

2003-05-10, 11:20 PM
I dunno, All the Jedi Knights vs X-Men could be a nasty battle. Otherwise I would just say X-Men

2003-05-11, 12:11 AM
Maggy collapses their lightsabers. Phoenix owns everyone.

2003-05-11, 12:13 AM
Sun Crusher blows up solor system.

SW: 1
X-Men: 0

2003-05-11, 12:17 AM
heh, Phoenix swallows whole suns

Xmen 1
SW 1

And after the Sun Crusher was used, Maggy comes in and crushes it

Xmen 2
SW 1

2003-05-11, 12:21 AM
Yoda could take them all on, while baking a cake, with his head on fire..... Ok, maybe not, but I would give ANYTHING to see him try! :D
I voted SW because Jedis kick so much butt it is funny.

2003-05-11, 12:36 AM
Bah, wolverine could PWN dem all, magneto killed like 4 ppl with 3 round balls, and hes like 80, all of teh X-Men could PWN them, and if you had all of the mutants vs all of the sith and jedi and stuff, still, Apocalypse is like, rar, and he kills a bunch of ppl, then pheonix is like, moo! and then thye all die! bahwhwhwahhahahawahhahahahahaha

2003-05-11, 01:05 AM
It doesnt matter how many people he can kill with his 80 year old balls, SW would still win.

2003-05-11, 07:31 AM
You guys are forgetting Professor X and Galactus. SW would get pwned.

2003-05-11, 11:37 AM
Let's see, the entire jedi coucil except Mace, Yoda and maybe 2 others was pwned by plain dumb droids. Yeah i'm sure they'll have a chance against a team of mutants with amazing powers. :lol:

Heck Cyclops sucks but he could still eye beam their asses and win. (no they can't block it with their lightsabers, it's not a small SW rifle, this thing can take down moutains :D)

Iceman coudl freeze all their lightsabers and them included.

Nightcrawler would be too fast for any of them (yes even that little jumpy Yoda, even Yoda needs a target)

Prof X could freeze all of their movements.

And there are many more who could win all by themselves let alone with their mutant brethren.

2003-05-11, 02:15 PM
How about this �io V.S. God

NightWalker XI
2003-05-11, 02:31 PM
X-Men would kick all their asses, even only one X-Men can kill them, bring on Professor X, one thought and all those Jedi dudes drop dead :D

2003-05-11, 04:46 PM
Originally posted by NightWalker XI
X-Men would kick all their asses, even only one X-Men can kill them, bring on Professor X, one thought and all those Jedi dudes drop dead :D

Dude you could have just said http://bohica.planetside-universe.com/images/forumPics/whatDioSaid.gif ;)

2003-05-11, 05:14 PM
Wtf??? How many of the X-men can come into space and battle it out???

Rember the STAR in starwars??? Thats bcoz most of the battleing is in SPACE!!!

So the X-men sit on earth, yelling at the starships over their heads, while they get blown to tiny bits...

Thats no contest...

And besides, if it was on earth, i still think many of you forget that thing called the force... Ever seen Darth Vader strangle a person just by looking at him? Bet the other Jedis can do that as well...

2003-05-11, 09:19 PM
That's the thing though, for the force, u need EYE CONTACT, Xavier can sit in dat round room, and kill anything he wants, they could neva find him, he could mind control a star destroyer to kill all teh other shipz

2003-05-11, 09:55 PM
Originally posted by RandoMTerroR
Ever seen Darth Vader strangle a person just by looking at him? Bet the other Jedis can do that as well...

Ummm no they can't, it's a dark side power.

2003-05-11, 10:28 PM
Bah, Vader would hack them while they're on the net and choke them over his webcam.:D

2003-05-11, 10:28 PM
Neo comes in and owns everyone, END

2003-05-11, 11:23 PM
Originally posted by �io
Ummm no they can't, it's a dark side power.

They can, but they won't, because, they, umm... aren't evil...

2003-05-12, 12:56 AM
OMG, why must everyone forget. SW would win because X-Men fly in a stupid ship, and it would get owned by a star destroyer before it even got anywhere. Just think death star beam, sun crusher, all the other pwnage space ships, and dont forget about the extended universe.

2003-05-12, 01:23 AM
Originally posted by Dharkbayne
How about this �io V.S. God

�io, hands down.

2003-05-12, 01:37 AM

I'm glad i've acheived such a status here at PSU but i don't think i'm ready to become a deity just yet. ;)

2003-05-12, 02:20 AM
Originally posted by �io

I'm glad i've acheived such a status here at PSU but i don't think i'm ready to become a deity just yet. ;)


2003-05-12, 02:21 AM
OMG :O_O: have any of you actually taken a step back and taken a good look at this thread?.... its quite sad...... really....

NightWalker XI
2003-05-12, 02:57 AM
In the comics X-Men have some alien friends dudes and they have big alien ships whixh kick ass.

Also, Prof X could mind control scientists to program some sentinels to fight for them.

And space is not a problem, Prof X's power doesn't restrict him to a planet, the force ain't got nuffin on Prof X

NightWalker XI
2003-05-12, 02:57 AM
Originally posted by OneManArmy
OMG :O_O: have any of you actually taken a step back and taken a good look at this thread?.... its quite sad...... really....

Whats wrong with it, you gonna tell me liking SW or X-Men or ST is any mroe sadder than playing PS till you drop?


2003-05-12, 05:20 AM
Originally posted by NightWalker XI
Whats wrong with it, you gonna tell me liking SW or X-Men or ST is any mroe sadder than playing PS till you drop?


But if you play Planetside til you drop, the Admins here post your pic and put you in a shrine. Now that Rocks!

2003-05-12, 03:30 PM
I'm just saying when you start seriously debating which fictional character could beat which fictional characters ass the geek gets a little thick in here...

2003-05-12, 03:54 PM
Yeah, we should be debating about spoons vs fat kittes!!

Or maybe which car from the Fast and the furious is hotter!


2003-05-12, 04:58 PM
Originally posted by OneManArmy
I'm just saying when you start seriously debating which fictional character could beat which fictional characters ass the geek gets a little thick in here... Thats the thing, its not serious.

get the gremlin off your nuts OMA, and relax.

NightWalker XI
2003-05-13, 06:58 AM
What...you mean Professor X does not exist...but I saw him...he was going by the alias Patrick Stewart....you LIE!!


2003-05-13, 08:05 AM
I hate starwar and xmen