View Full Version : Naval Warfare

NightWalker XI
2003-05-11, 06:47 AM
It just came across me, if the game had a concept of naval warfare, something like:

A small Frigate, NEEDS 3 people to operate it, 1 pilot, one engineer and one gunner, the frigate has a aft and front machine gun and maybe a missible launcher that can launch an attack deep inland.

And maybe, ust maybe, an Aircraft carrier.

At the moment Oceans are really just a off limits zone, but if they were used it could have big potential, of course this would = lag and more bandwith being used...:(

Also, I was thinking, what about if you have Howitzers as an add on, two crew, driver and gunner, then use some sort of equipement to aim at far away targets, etc

What you guys think, and does PS staff check these forums?

2003-05-11, 06:50 AM
Why use boats when you can use the HART to drop into continets?

Howitzers are an ok concept, but impractical with walking Howitzers and tanks that can do the job.

NightWalker XI
2003-05-11, 06:53 AM
I know you can use HART, I don't mean as transportation, I mean as a weapon, not really adding anything besides another combat scenario, ship vs ship, etc

2003-05-11, 06:55 AM
That would negate the use of the warpgates then. No need to battle for control of the water when you don't need it.

NightWalker XI
2003-05-11, 06:57 AM
I guess, well they could add islands and bases in the middle of the seal, etc

Variety is the spice of life...

A bit too much to ask though :p

2003-05-11, 06:59 AM
Yeah. If you want naval warfare Planetside is not your game.

2003-05-11, 06:59 AM
I haven't heard a definite no on the naval question yet, so try to cut him a little slack?

Well why have a Galaxy or Sunderer when u can use a HART, its just a different tactical approach to attacking, so if transports were put in, I dont see what would be wrong with them.

Heres my thoughts, if naval were to come, a BIG if, but maybe they make aquatic bases to have a point?

2003-05-11, 07:01 AM
Because at least with a Galaxy or Sunderer you can use them on continent. Launch from HART, hack an enemy vehicle station, take off in the Galaxy and meet up with squadmates at the warpgate.

NightWalker XI
2003-05-11, 07:04 AM
Nah, naval warfare actually isn't my cuppa, I'm more into air warfare myself, I was just giving an idea :o

*is the newb in the block*

I can't wait to carry some squad mates on my Galaxy...eh eh eh

2003-05-11, 07:07 AM
It's cool. Welcome. If you're TR, we're happy to see you. If you're a rebel...well it was nice knowing you :)

NightWalker XI
2003-05-11, 07:12 AM

Looks liek we are going to fight it out against each other then (maybe we will be same server, who knows)

Good Luck to us....but I don't do mercy :p :D

2003-05-11, 07:14 AM
I did mercy, she was ok. But nothing to get your hopes up about....

NightWalker XI
2003-05-11, 07:18 AM

Thats funny...but humour won't save you :D

On a sidenote, what are you going to specialize in?

Infiltration? Piloting?

2003-05-11, 08:32 AM

EDIT: Zenny doesnt count, i never even saw him.

NightWalker XI
2003-05-11, 08:35 AM

Nice one Frog, so, what side are you going to be/are?

2003-05-11, 08:35 AM

No one else counts cause.....uh..... I never saw them! :p :lol:

NightWalker XI
2003-05-11, 08:36 AM
New Dawn sounds like NC to me

*is newb and knows nothing of current outfits and which are biggest or whatever*

NightWalker XI
2003-05-11, 08:37 AM

Awesome sig Revenant, wish I had oen like that :eek:

2003-05-11, 08:47 AM
night are those guys in your sig from Ragnork? and if so how is that game doing i haven't played in at least a year.

NightWalker XI
2003-05-11, 08:51 AM
Yeah they are, they are the 2nd Class jobs, you change into them after you reach Job level 40

RO has gonne back to open BETA, so its free again, Chaos is the same but Loki got a character wipe and everyone there started fresh a couple weeks ago


2003-05-11, 08:54 AM
free eh?(opens up ragnarok.com)

NightWalker XI
2003-05-11, 08:57 AM
Aye, its a great game, I am a Thief, level 21/16, my name in game is NightWalker X

NightWalker XI
2003-05-11, 09:12 AM
Forgot to say, they are going to add 3rd level jobs and a pet system, thats a while of though

2003-05-11, 10:42 AM
Naval Warfare

I like the sentence , Naval Warfare . At the moment i can't see very good the use of ships and naval stuff in PS ... But maybe they will do anythin' in the future ... Maybe an expansion or somethin'

2003-05-11, 11:06 AM
Well I could see a reason to have naval units over using the HART. The HART system takes 8 minutes to launch where as if your squad just finished taking a continent but want to head to the one right next to it. Hop in your boat and ride. This will also allow you to pick exactly where you want to land as opposed to the HART which has the possibility of dropping you in the worst situations. That and with heavy weapons on a ship you could soften your targets before forming a beach head. Would give a use to the Deliverers too if they could be use to disembark from a ship to carry a landing party. The only problem with this is how useful is a ship really. There isn't a lot of water to fight over or at least there's nothing in the water to fight for. That and with a Galaxy why can't Galaxies fly from continent to continent why swim when you can fly.

2003-05-11, 11:09 AM
Yea I've heard that Naval Warfare is prolly gonna be an expansion. For naval stuff to work we would need offshore bases only reachable by air and sea. Also coastal bases with the ability to produce sea vehicles would be needed... maybe only 2 per continent.

2003-05-11, 11:12 AM
Speaking of only having 2 per continent. I think each continent should have it's own unique facility that helps an army on a global scale. These bases should be in the same vein as relic keeps in DAoC.

NightWalker XI
2003-05-11, 11:33 AM
I just got an idea, Navy Bases, located in middle of oceans or on coasts or possibly a peninsula, this would make the use of boats more relevant and not just for transport, as an assault vehicle too

NightWalker XI
2003-05-11, 11:34 AM
Originally posted by BlakkyZ8
we would need offshore bases only reachable by air and sea. Also coastal bases with the ability to produce sea vehicles would be needed... maybe only 2 per continent.

Yeah, I didn't notice that, but thats what I think too :)

2003-05-11, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by NightWalker XI
New Dawn sounds like NC to me

*is newb and knows nothing of current outfits and which are biggest or whatever*

Good job. You get a cookie.

HS Warwolf
2003-05-11, 01:32 PM
Naval warefare might and could fit into ps very well. The galaxy can only carry a tank and a MAX and some infantry. With a navy, you could carry multiple tanks and tons of infantry. And a few large dropships. you could bombard coastal bases and launch cruis missiles father inland. They might ,MIGHT include something like carriers. They could hanger 3-4 galaxies and beneath decks they have lots of tanks that are loaded onto landing barges like what the marines use. They would also hanger hovercraft to make amphibious landings like the marines also. The carriers could launch close air support aircraft. And MAYBE if they include it, some kind of helicopters like commanche's or sumpin like that. Having a navy dramaticaly increases the flexibility of your military. Ya sure you could take a galaxy and drop a few squads of infantry outside a base but think of it this way. A carrier like ship is anchored off the coast. About 1/2 a mile inland there is a base controlled by the enemy. You ready infantry divisions below decks on landing hovercraft. special operations are redeid and loaded onto helicopters. tanks are redied on barges and are launched out the back of the ship. the hovercraft are cast off and go inland about a fourth a mile. The choppers take off and insert sniper, motor and machine gun teams. They take thier positions. The tanks start moving inland. Then there is a large explosion at the base. A cruise missile was launched from the ship. It had exploded inside the base. SuddenlyThe battle begins. Galaxies that were launched off the ship start unloading MAX's and Infantry. Tanks start rolling up the the walls. motors start going off. Snipers pick off unweary infantry. Machine guns are going off.
Naval warefare opens up tons of possibilities in terms of strategy and flexibilbity. The ships might not take thousands like in real life, but mabe a hundred or so to operate it. Not counting the pilots, infantry, or tank crews.

2003-05-11, 01:46 PM
i think it would be nice like let's say TR gets a continent lock naval
bases would be a huge help in that situation mmm possibilities

:ncrocks: :vssucks: :trsucks:

i also hate frogs:p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p

NightWalker XI
2003-05-11, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by ObnoxiousFrog
Good job. You get a cookie.

Is it chocolat chip?

2003-05-11, 02:24 PM

to comment on yor origonal idea its a good one, but whats the purpose of the engineer on the frigate? Also several bases are located within site of the shore. Naval inland strikes are out of the question because it would get spamed same thing with howitzers. Carriers probly not but they might be able to carry liek 1 mosqito and one reaver on the aft portion of a sip (like helios on modern day ASW (anti submarine warefare) ships). There is no way to use a vehical to go from one continent to another so taking a ship from continent A to locked down continent B wont work. Also now u cant use warp gates to get that navy from continent to continent. The solution would be to add 1 or 2 more bases (probly two to make 2 sides have a navy to fight with on that continent) and smaller warp gates on the shore. But Naval warefare is being considered by the devs. D day style landing could hapen in PS not using deliverers (Sp)

2003-05-11, 02:36 PM
/me imagines a d-day type of event...

NightWalker XI
2003-05-11, 02:50 PM
I guess an Engineer would be pointless, well then, I guess it would get spammed, maybe they could implement a limit, and if your gettin attacked by Navy you use your Navy agaist them too, thats wanna see, ship on ship, aircraft on aircraft, etc

2003-05-11, 03:19 PM
Well, the cookie in mention is an Uber-Cookie. It can become made of anything with any topping. Try the pepperoni pizza with saurkraut, its to die for!

2003-05-11, 03:44 PM
Hmmm ... I think the Naval Warfare will be implanted in the game , in the future :cool:

Just imagine a battle with 100 combat crussiers , destroyers etc. and Mosquitos , reavers and more fliying around , being destroyed by Anti-Air defenses , and soldiers shooting from the ship :p

HS Warwolf
2003-05-11, 04:04 PM
Having a navy doesn't eliminate the use of warp gates, it just adds another mode of transportation. You might not even have to have huge ships. Have kinda small ships that have a little raft with an outboard motor. (whatever you call those things) and just launch small teams off those boats in smaller zodiac's. You might even just add scuba gear and have em jump off the side of a ship and swim to shore. (if they ever add the ability to swim)

NightWalker XI
2003-05-11, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by Demdadar
Hmmm ... I think the Naval Warfare will be implanted in the game , in the future :cool:

Just imagine a battle with 100 combat crussiers , destroyers etc. and Mosquitos , reavers and more fliying around , being destroyed by Anti-Air defenses , and soldiers shooting from the ship :p

Thats what I wanna see :D

And an uber cookie, WOW!! *eats uber cookie with chocolate topping*

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :love: :love: :love:

2003-05-12, 04:32 AM
Naval warfare would add a large dimension so PS. A close look at the USN and the kind of ops they perform justifys it right there