View Full Version : Please help......

Creeping V
2003-05-11, 07:28 PM
ok i downloaded PS last night. I applied and everything i can play in the game, but after a little while the game will crash and a error will show up saying: windows detected and recovered from a device failure. and some other stuff about rebooting. I updated all of my drivers and everything i dont know what the problems is...

P4 intel 2.2 ghz
768 mB of DDR 2700 Ram
intel integrated Graphics card(it ran well with unreal tournament 2003 because of the ram)

all help would be appreciated. If nothing else works do yall think it will be fixed by launch??

2003-05-11, 07:34 PM
I'm guessing it is the integrated video card. Unsupported and integrated is a very bad thing.

Creeping V
2003-05-11, 07:59 PM
well i can upgrade to a geoforce 4 mx 440 128 mb. would that make it better and run better???

2003-05-11, 08:01 PM
It may make the game run stable, but not necessarily well. I also can't gurantee that is your problem, but it would be a damn good bet.

2003-05-11, 08:11 PM
Try resetting your Detonator drivers to 40.72. These are the official drivers that Planetside supports.

Unless all you want to do with your PC is e-mail, word processing and have a mad addiction to Solitaire, never get an integrated video card. They're just crap when it comes to gaming.

Check to make sure you have an AGP slot. The AGP slot will be the first slot from the top, typically brown in color and offset from your PCI slots, normally colored white. If you do have an AGP slot, go get $200 and get a Radeon 9500pro or GeForce4 Ti 4200.

Creeping V
2003-05-11, 08:12 PM
alright because im about to bump my Ram up to a gig, my mother board right now is just pci,but im thinking of getting a soyo and getting either a g4 ti 4200 or 4600. but yeah if i dont switch mother boards im gonna try the graphics card thing. tahnks for your help

any other suggestions are welcome

2003-05-11, 08:15 PM
Albatron makes some great graphics cards. Good reviews and stability.

2003-05-11, 08:18 PM
If you get a 9500Pro, almost all brands are identical because they follow the specs pretty much to the T.