View Full Version : Paratrooping from the galaxy
2002-12-19, 12:10 AM
I searched through but really couldn't find anything on this. Will you be able to para-drop your guys from the galaxy, so that if an LZ is really hot you can just have them jump instead of trying to land?
2002-12-19, 12:12 AM
I'm pretty sure that's how it works. You have a kinetic Dampenere that keeps you from becoming paste, so you don't have to worry about chutes.
2002-12-19, 12:14 AM
Awesome, time to find me a squad of paratroopers. :D
2002-12-19, 12:20 AM
Yep, Im all about HALO openings.
if you go NC we can gang bang some vanu
2002-12-19, 12:22 AM
Yea it will probably be a valid tactic.. you can also drop buggys out i think the devs mentioned
2002-12-19, 12:40 AM
hey Hamma,
I don't know if you saw a couple of my other threads, but I asked a few times, when you are in freefall can you move? Can you direct you body at all? Cause if you jumped from a droppod at max alt., as soon as possible, just outside of the soi, could you move enough to land in base? Also, about how high will the KD's kick in?
2002-12-19, 01:11 AM
Paratrooping will be intense
2002-12-19, 01:58 AM
Wah, you don't take damage from falling???? What the hell I saw a screenshot that said you took 1 damage from falling, maybe the guy in the screenshot didn't have armor on but still.
2002-12-19, 02:29 AM
Heh. Need a super heavy transport that can drop a tank and a squad of ground pounders. ;)
2002-12-19, 02:31 AM
you take some damage from falling, but it wont kill you
You can drop buggies out of galaxies? :thumbsup: I would assume other vehicles then too? What about VS vehicles some of them hover... that would be sweet if you could drop them out really high and then hover away in them while slowly losing altitude! :D
Do the vehicles have some sort of KDs then too? So many questions...
Yeah i'm hoping you still take 20-40% damage for troops and 40-50% damage for vehicles from falls. If not landing your galaxy becomes useless unless it's for a pickup. And we will see way too many airborn tanks and MAXs.
2002-12-19, 03:58 AM
whatever excuse is used a tank falling from a transport from 50,000ft should not sustain atleast 50% damage.
Hey that's Admiral stupid to you buddy!!
2002-12-19, 04:12 AM
someones not enjoyin his new rank, lol... im happy with mine ty
Well it's not that new. :)
And also just like to point out i doubt a galaxy will be flying at 50000ft up. :)
But i still agree there should be a good amount of damage done to a fallling tank or buggy.
2002-12-19, 04:23 AM
I don't. In fact I don't think any damage should be taken at all. Not even from being shot. That is all :D now quit bickering!
2002-12-19, 04:28 AM
YES, and the only way to kill eachother is with small nuclear trout that u must slap your opponents with! When slapped you will incinerate instantly while the slapper will remain unharmed. Then the l33t players will learn how to drive by slap, on a skeeter. and will just speed around slapping everyone.
.... for that i have to give my self a :huh:
Originally posted by Hatte
YES, and the only way to kill eachother is with small nuclear trout that u must slap your opponents with! When slapped you will incinerate instantly while the slapper will remain unharmed. Then the l33t players will learn how to drive by slap, on a skeeter. and will just speed around slapping everyone.
.... for that i have to give my self a :huh:
Oh i get it so no :blowup: or just some
2002-12-19, 04:50 AM
exactly some good old fashioned trout slapping, but you know what will happen one day, some guy will come in with a bigger nuclear trout, and everyone else will want bigger nuclear trouts too. Eventually the nuclear trouts get so big u can hold them anymore, and they need to be shot out of a cannon, so everyone will just go back to guns because nuclear trouts are a stupid idea.
2002-12-19, 07:14 AM
i hope they dont allow tanks to be droped out of galaxies... unless there are a lot of easy ways to take out dropping troops.. otherwise people could just drop 40 tanks right into the middle of an enemy base... skiping by all walls...
I have no problem with squads of units droping down... or buggies, but heavy armored vehicles shouldnt =) I'm siding with what the dev's have stated so far, were only units & buggies, this keeps base battles on a 'more fun' scale for both attackers and defenders, defenders can hide behidn the walls and attackers must breach it... if everyone can bypass physical boundaries with ease then theres not going to be much 'fun' in playing the defensive side of the game (note--I hate to defend bases, so by saying this I'm limiting my own ability to drop into enemy bases in a HALO jump =p it's 'cool' but not practicle when we are trying to make attacking enemy bases & defending your base fun)
2002-12-19, 07:24 AM
I have to agree with you for the most part , DiosT, but if you think about it, to drop 40 tanks you need 40 galaxy, or 20 if they did two trips, thats is alot of experienced people, i think they'd deserve to take the base. =P
On with paratrooping, i think that after your KD's work you should be stunned for a few seconds, and take some damage.
If you think about it, you fall from any distance you will be stunned alittle bit, and it would help prevent drops right into bases, and if KD's are built into your leg armor, your upper body would still take alot of impact.(I'm assuming that KD's absorbe the force of ur landing, and do not slow your decent)
A similar effect should occur to vehicles. where they take damage and are useless for a short period.
This would prevent base drops for sure, and remove the desire ppl have to paratroop altogether.
2002-12-19, 07:45 AM
i like the idea of base dropping, i jsut dont think an entire platon of units should be able to drop past any outside base defenses set up.. maybe have some base-controlled missile turrets w/large Z-axis limits(no halo jumps ove a base)...
and there are outfits with over 90 members that are gearing up for planetside, if 2-5 outfits team up, they could pull it off, and if it's a successful technique, continue to do so, the only defense possible would be an equal number of anti-air people(how would anti-vehicle weapons work vs. a flying/dropping tank?)...
I just think it'd elimiate too many of the challanges of taking out a base...
and with a bunch and bunch of recruited pilots, you could pull it off, if it's allowed, I can assure you it will be tried =p
2002-12-19, 07:52 AM
Most definatly it will be tried, and I for one want to be one of the first to pull it off. heh.
I still think that it would make more sence to have a period of a sort of stun, it would allow defenders to react and make a dropped tank chopped liver pretty fast.
2002-12-19, 08:06 AM
stun time would be nice =p the heavier the vehicle the most stun the duration... light units get a ~1 second stun(like in battlefield 1942 when they hit the ground), MAX's would get a 4-5 sec stun, and mediums in the middle..
For tanks....(assuming devs allow them to be droped)
"kenetic dampers drain to much power to allow tank operation after a drop" and thus have a 8-second 'power down.. this requires units drop down with tanks in order to protect the tanks, for the tanks to protect them when they are operational.. would allow the tactic, but MANY more people to be effective(I'm still opposed to the whole dropign people right into the middle of bases idea)
2002-12-19, 08:17 AM
I was thinking something like double those times would be effective, but thats just a small balance issue if they do implement it.
2002-12-19, 08:37 AM
in a FPS, a 5 second stun is a long time =) but may be neccessary if MAX's are like tanks heh
2002-12-19, 08:59 AM
I'm assuming that the area between the walls of a base and the inner buildings is large, it would take some time for a max to run around the side of the base.
^ is an example, if the tank/max dropped around the side away from the main gropu of defenders it would take more than 5 seconds for the heavies to reach it to do any significant damage.
2002-12-19, 10:08 AM
well.. cant make stun times insane just cause it would take them that long to run there in the first place... point of discussing this is to see what kinda of penalty should be added, that isnt impossible, but leaves some practicality to it... and a max can do damage running up to a defended wall...
by having somewhat short, but still deadly stun times, it keeps a tank from getting shots off the split second it lands, and is blown back into the area in pieces half a second later, simply because the 30 people sitting there waiting for it to drop couldnt do enough damage while it was still in flight
2002-12-19, 10:34 AM
It will be interesting to see how this whole paratrooping thing works out hehe
2002-12-19, 10:39 AM
yeah i'd like to see a platoon drop outa the sky onto a combat field =p hope theres some nice fast air transports so you can quickly coordinate a group of squads and get them to a fight quickly
2002-12-19, 12:50 PM
Wow, this has been awfully succesful for my first thread. :)
If I remember right, the galaxy can only carry buggy type vehicles (so no vanguard dropping :D) and i think halo jumping into the walls of a base wont be a huge problem since you'd be a sitting duck while in freefall. I also think the stun idea is a good plan to really prevent people from just mass dropping into the base. Hopefully they'll implement this, cuz it sounds incredibely fun!
2002-12-19, 01:18 PM
Are you going to be able to control base turrets, or will they always be AI controlled?
2002-12-19, 01:27 PM
You can climb right inside and fire away. In fact, they will not even fire at all (AI) unles your empire has control of an AMP station.
2002-12-19, 01:31 PM
yea, turrets are always manual, but if you have an amp station on that continent, then the turrets will automaticly fire at *Vehicals* only if u deploy a motion sensor, will it shoot at troops
2002-12-19, 01:42 PM
snipe is correct.
good call :D
2002-12-19, 03:17 PM
Most definatly Hamma, if it is allowed it will definatly be a great strategy for attacking, or even paratrooping a hacker in behind the enemeies main defences, even with stun times, stealth armor would still protect you. Basically you could drop a stealthed hacker into the base, have him sneak into the command room and disable the base defences and all the defenders supplies before the attack began.
2002-12-19, 04:11 PM
i do belive the galaxy can carry the lightning tank aswewell
2002-12-19, 04:15 PM
Stealth Paratroop Hackers?
2002-12-19, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by Zatrais
i do belive the galaxy can carry the lightning tank aswewell
I think your right
2002-12-19, 04:18 PM
You guys ar emaking this seem too easy. The galaxy can't fly that high, so it would be a somewhat low drop. The base will probably have 1-2 anti-air MAXs, and many other defensive players (MAXs, turrets, Medium) Those two anti-air MAXs will start shooting like hell as soon as they see the galaxy. Galaxies aren't that fast or manuverable. So they will be meat for the anti-air, and possibly the rest of the defensive players.
2002-12-19, 04:33 PM
They can fly fairly high. :)
Have to make it over mountains somehow :eek:
2002-12-19, 04:37 PM
:rolleyes: They'll still be meat for anti-air. And, can the Vanu MAX's (anti-personel) weapon (Quasar?) also have its limited lock on when you're firing at vehicles or no?
2002-12-19, 05:22 PM
Not if I was flying it. :cool2:
Breakdown of above statement could be taken a few ways:
a) I'm a damn good pilot and they'd never hit me because I'm just that good.
(most likely what you thought)
b) I'm a h4x0r and no damage would be done to me because I'm just that good of a h4x0r.
(possibly a thought, but probably not)
c) I'm a piss-poor pilot and I'd crash looooooong before I even got the base - even if no enemies were encountered before hand because I'm just not that good.
(... more akin to the truth than I'll let on)
Galaxies carry buggies OR light tanks. Nothing bigger.
And yeah 40 light tanks dropping from 40 galaxies would require a lot of experienced peeps but if there is no or nearly no damage from falling that's what will happen, everybody will use the paratrooping tactic and you'll end up with 60% or more hoping into galaxies and tanks trying to drop at enemy bases and take over and the rest will be doing AA work.
2002-12-19, 05:40 PM
what ya gotta understand is that in the prolonged future, there will be thousands of people out there of course there's going to be a need of tons of galaxies and i dunno - it just seems that all this is very very possible. not like "takes too much skill and knowledge". soon enough the majority of people will be well.. seasoned vets.
2002-12-19, 05:40 PM
i think that it would be better that if vehicals are dropped from a certain hight, that they flip over in the air and blow up when they hit the ground. this would only happen from high up
2002-12-19, 05:41 PM
yeah i kinda got off on the "if tanks could drop" path... I sont think even light tanks should really drop... but *shrug* i guess...
I guess as long as infantry cant really shoot down at us it would be ok... (or increase the cone of fire immensly)...
as for getting 20-40 galaxie pilots... I think a 'starting' character can get the certs to pilot a galaxie... or a tank.. so even if you dont have a lot of pilots you can 'make' one on one of your 4 free slots and take a tank over
The way i see it the kinetic dampeners should halt a % of your mass so depending on your mass it will work more or less.
Troops - halts 70-90% Damage(10-30% taken)
MAXs - halts 50-60% Damage(40-50% taken)
buggies - halts 60-70% Damage(30-40% taken)
light tanks - halts 40-50% Damage(50-60% taken)
Something like that.
2002-12-19, 05:50 PM
Hmmm... I don't think so... the vehicles taking that much damage is almost like the kinetic dampeners aren't even there. In the future they fixed falling damage... let's go with it. :rock:
Ok so why use tanks themselves to get to the target? Just hop into a galaxy, heck why land at all? Just drop those suckers all over the place, yeah that will be fun! An aerial battle game!
My point is if there's no falling damage than it won't be the same game. I mean who would rather roll over mountains to get to the target when then can let a galaxy do the work, and why waste time actually landing your ship, just dump those things and go get more. As i said no falling damage would just mean half do the paratrooping thing and the other half get stuck doing AA work.
2002-12-19, 06:03 PM
Whether we have all the damage voided or not is irrelevent. I know how they work. :p
2002-12-19, 06:06 PM
People will roll over a mountain to get somewhere in a tank because of just that. The chance to roll over a mountain in a tank. Unless you're a MAX you're not going to have anything close to the firepower of a tank. If the tank is really needed they will use it. Don't get to jumpy about it Dio it will be fine. :D
2002-12-20, 07:17 PM
1.) I seriously doubt that the devs would allow galaxies to be too easy to aquire. If they did, then these strategies would be too prevalent and would disrupt attempts to balance defender/attacker gameplay. I know that it would be fun to drop en masse into an opponents base, but just a few ships would be effective and fair.
2.) Galaxies are going to be THE primary taget, because killing them kills their passengers (probly). If they do, I know that I would like to come up with an interception squad to destroy Galaxies en route to their destinations. :) Also, the base defenders would have a field day shooting paratrooping units out of the sky. :D
3.) Surely other vehicles will be in far more supply than Galaxies, so not everyone is going to have an easy to find ride. And even if they did, it might be better to try a more low-profile approach whne trying to surprise you opponents.
4.) Next, Galaxies only spawn at Dropship Centers and Sancuaries so finding a Galaxy to transport your tank, even if the ride exists, it will be difficult, and from the map of Cyssor that I've seen, it seems that there is is only one dropship center for each continent.
5.) If you did send fourty Galaxies into a base (ignoring the insane amount of teamwork, personnel, resources, and and took it over I severly doubt that it would work twice. The scouts would report it coming, squads would grief their MAX team members to get AA MAXs fast and vehicles would be spawned to counter-attack the incoming dropships. Then while you have your huge grin on your face for *brilliantly* outsmarting your opponents your air force drops out of the sky like ducks being shot with assault rifles. :D This would definitely happen because ANYONE can spot 40 Galaxies.
6.) I admit, that it is quite possible to amass this type of assault, but it would require the entire empire to do without dropships for at least a week, and it would only be worth it in the middle of the night, say 4 am. I could see this happening, actually, and I would be amazed if it did. Also, I would also be very fearful or respectful of that commander and would have to expect raids such as it from any group (if it came through), but personally, if I am commanding a squad assigned to defend a base I will have good air defenses in place so that I can at least try to fight back an onslaught such as this.
On another note, I believe that the kinetic dampeners should prevent all damage, however, should a person or vehicle take enough damage in the air they should take more damage when then hit the ground, as if the kinetic dampeners were damaged or destroyed in the fall. That way the tactic of dropping on top of a base is more risky because you might die and you might not. I would be very cautious to remove AA defenses on a base before attempting to overrun it with paratroopers if they would like to not waste their resources.
However, after all of this "point-making" I get sick of hearing arguments like a few of the ones that I have read in this thread and in others. This is one thing that I can't stand about people trying to argue on forums. Their only point is a worst-case scenario and they don't bother to rationalize how often that possibility can happen. If our decision makers *only* listened to WOS then we would be like the Terran Republic where there is little possibility for us to endanger ourselves or others.
I might be asking to be flamed for this, however, I would like to be able to read through the forums and only read what is contributing to the discussion.
2002-12-20, 07:34 PM
durits, all you need to do to get 40 galaxies is to get 40 pilots that has the cert and make them spawn them... Vehicle availability is individual for every char... getting 40 galaxies would mean about 600 people if they're all fully loaded tho thats the hard part
and the galaxies might be prime targets but 40 galaxies means 120 20mm guns firering to protect themselfs hehe
2002-12-20, 07:54 PM
that also means 80 gunners :p Which will be hard to find.
2002-12-20, 08:00 PM
those 80 are included in the 600 hehe
Originally posted by Duritz
1.) I seriously doubt that the devs would allow galaxies to be too easy to aquire.
On another note, I believe that the kinetic dampeners should prevent all damage, however, should a person or vehicle take enough damage in the air they should take more damage when then hit the ground, as if the kinetic dampeners were damaged or destroyed in the fall. That way the tactic of dropping on top of a base is more risky because you might die and you might not. I would be very cautious to remove AA defenses on a base before attempting to overrun it with paratroopers if they would like to not waste their resources.
Ok well first off as said a galaxy is (just like anything else) easily available as logn as you have the cert for it.
Second your idea on the KDs is a very good one, i like it very much. It prevents abuse of paratrooping but also still saves people who get caught in pilotless ship. Very nice. :thumbsup:
2002-12-21, 01:07 AM
Hey everyone, I have been following this site for awhile and really think this game is going to be terrific.
Everyone is talking about how people will just jump out and never land at all, well one way to possibly solve this is to have it so vehicles can only land or drive out t.he back under a cerain height. This will make it much more interesting for vehicle deployment because the Galaxies will have to fly much closer to the ground to deploy vehicles. This will also make vehicle "kenetic (sp?) dampers" non important.
Sorry i have no suggestions for refular troops.
See ya all later, bye
2002-12-21, 03:56 AM
dude, that would be awsome, like old b-17 raids, where they flew in formation for gunner protection, wouldnt that be awsome if you could pull together about 20 galaxies and do that?
2002-12-21, 12:01 PM
That would look pretty damn cool. :D
2002-12-21, 02:09 PM
I just had a thought, do you get BEP for everyone you kill aboard the galaxy, or is it like a set BEP regardless of how many gunners or passengers are on board?
Well i hope/assume you get BEPs for everybody inside IF they die (they can bail if they think it's dangerous).
Specially since there's a small difference between killing a galaxy with only 1 pilot or a galaxy with 1 pilot and 3 gunners shooting you. :)
2002-12-21, 03:25 PM
Gah. I never thought about it now that you mention it... We should get their BEPs if they're shooting at us.
2002-12-22, 01:07 AM
Does the galaxy pilot get BEP's for dropping a squad off, or does he have to hop out and start shooting in order to get xp?
2002-12-22, 05:21 AM
If he's in the squad he gets his share of the BEP's =)
2002-12-22, 10:09 AM
Howbout if you could drop a buggy from the Galaxy and jump out at the same time, and IN MID AIR mount the buggy? Im talkin serious Goldeneye style. Then drive away.
I used to try this on HALO with the banshee's off the higher platforms in the later part of the game.
2002-12-22, 12:36 PM
You probably could do that but it would probably be very hard and sort of pointless.
Anyways, onto the whole 40 galaxies deal. If someone manages to get 40 galaxies all manned to attack a base, they deserve to take the base! Even if it is just people starting new characters to fly Galaxies. Oh and starting a new character also does take some work (I would think) and therefore wouldn't be done in a minute or two. Personally, if my base got attacked by 40 galaxies, I would probably get in a safe spot and start taking as many screen shots as possible... screw the base! Let em have it cause I got the best screenshots Planetside will ever see :D
2002-12-22, 12:36 PM
Another stupid newbie question, what's a HALO jump?
Originally posted by Jinxmasta
Personally, if my base got attacked by 40 galaxies, I would probably get in a safe spot and start taking as many screen shots as possible... screw the base! Let em have it cause I got the best screenshots Planetside will ever see :D
And while he takes his screenshots i'd add to the excitement by hopping into a nice MAX AA and shooting down as many as i can then getting Anti-Infantry and setting up an ambush near the terminal. :thumbsup:
2002-12-22, 03:12 PM
If someone DID get a 40 galaxy raid together, there had better be about 10 people recording the whole thing.
Edit: Im not sure if you can mount a banshee mid-air in HALO - a freind of mine got real close about 12 times (by 'nading the 'shee over the edge and going over just beforehand), but he never did quite get it. He allllmost got it, and a perfect plasma tank shot knocked him out of the sky.
I think it traumatized him.
2002-12-22, 04:16 PM
We got alot of ideas here. I think that dropping strait into a base is dumb but listen to this. Anyone ever seen a c 130 drop its cargo?
It flys really low to the ground and pusshes the crate or vehical (can drop large tanks too) right out the back of the plane. They skid along and come to a stop. I think this would be awsome for vehicals only. Gal comes flying in at high speed and drops a larger tank and flys off. As for delvierin Inf i think a good option other than landing or jumping is rappeling jsut like in the Movie Black Hawk down. Takes more time than landing but u can just start moving again real quick not to mention would look kick a$$!
2002-12-22, 04:20 PM
never ever underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups =D
stopping 40 fully loaded Galaxy's that can airdrop 600 idiots over a base... hehe good luck
2002-12-22, 04:33 PM
Ive got one word for you.... Anti aircraft Air burst tactical nuclear weapon.
Wait one two three...
Lol anyways think of that? All those gals show up and AA max has some special ability if theres more than X amount of Air craft u can sit there and charge up fgor like a min and a half and have some kind of energy sphere making u very easy to spot and everyone knows what going on. If u charge it and if u dont get killed it blows up like 3/4s of all the air craft (40 Gals and 600 men reduced to 10 gals and aprox 150 men). Ooops sorry dumb people! BTW no BEP should be given to such an attack. (could also work if u get like 4 AA MAXs using somekind of thing that shoot at another AA max to charge him if one gets hit it dont work. (can do same thing with Anti Inf and Anti ATank MAXs just takes long tiime to charge, i like my idea with 4 guys charging one and they are easy to spot)
2002-12-22, 04:39 PM
I wonder if air-dropping buggies will be anything like this... (
2002-12-22, 11:15 PM
HALO = High Altitude, Low Opening
It's a parachute jump used when jumping into a hostile enviroment, so you don't get seen or shot at.
2002-12-22, 11:29 PM
I thought the dropship needed to land but now that I know about paratrooping I found my calling
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