View Full Version : Sniping

2002-12-19, 12:56 AM
Is the bolt-rifle or wutever the only sniping weapon we will be able to get or will they add more later?:sniper:

2002-12-19, 01:02 AM
its the only one in the sniper rifle catagory. So i'm geussing that yes, it will be the only one specifically for sniping.

2002-12-19, 01:07 AM
Its the only one avalible at the release of PS, but i bet they will add one or two as the game develops after release

2002-12-19, 01:09 AM
From all I have read, the weapons that are in now are all that are going to be in at release. However, they still have yet to announce every weapon, I think they are still keeping a few secret.

Bolt driver does its duties just fine :)

2002-12-19, 01:15 AM
I think your right. They will most likely keep some specialized weapons for each faction a secret. Or atleast I hope so, it will mix things up a bit at release. Maybe give an extra edge to one side or the other. That would be fun, especially some more scopes!


2002-12-19, 01:45 AM
The VS Lancer also had sniping capabilities, although it does not have the range or firepower of the bolt driver, plus the Lancer gives away your position with a beam of energy.