View Full Version : Question about sniping.
Not sure if this has already been covered, but I was wondering if when sniping it moves while your scoped for the reality feeling of breathing or it stays completley still like in CS?
2002-12-19, 01:54 AM
Yay a sniping thread! I've heard that there is bobbing of the sniper rifle but I'm not quite sure.
2002-12-19, 01:55 AM
If there isn't bobbing I will be mad, when the crosshairs are still they are too easy to use, sniping should require skill not just point and click.
2002-12-19, 01:57 AM
/me suffers a heart attack when he sees this ball of fire
we don't actually know which for sure, but i think it will bob around. now will someone lock this thread because it might as well be a giant pool of jet fuel. nothing personall, but sniper threads always become fireballs, snipers are afraid of balance.
2002-12-19, 02:31 AM
LOL! Are you saying that people who sit off away from the battle and expect to be able to one shot kill the death star with their pee shooters aren't all about the balance?
Mind you, I love sniping. TEAM sniping, not just picking off stray players for no reason other than I can do it.
2002-12-19, 03:10 AM
Mar, you are pretty cocky for a Vanu, we will see when we get in game.
Ok i won't get into this again but Incompetent i don't know about other snipers but IF i plan on sniping i hope it will be balanced. I just think the balance issue should be on how hard a headshot is not how much damage it does.
Anyway seriously to the PSU staff please lock this asap. This is another sniping war just waiting to happen and we all know how the last one ended up. :)
Dio, I apologize, I didn't really want to know about the headshot damage and how many shots it'll take to kill someone. I was just wondering if anyone knew that at this time if they had the moving scope or not.
No need for apologies. I know you in no way want to cause trouble or anything and i did sound a bit harsh before, sorry. It's just that as you can see by the few posts already made the whole sniper issue is a hotzone as long as it doesn't turn into something like the previous one it's ok.
Again sorry if i sounded too harsh, i just don't wanna see another sniper war. :)
2002-12-19, 05:18 AM
I just want to see a game where sniping can be equal to assault with a machine gun, like counter-strike.
2002-12-19, 05:28 AM
why? sniping isnt SUPPOSED to be that powerful :P. Sniping is best when its strong enough to be useful..but difficult enough that only the truely dedicated, and skilled, do it. otherwise, fights just end up degrading into sniper wars.
2002-12-19, 05:48 AM
Sniping should be powerful but difficult so you have to team snipe and I think there should be a breathing factor to make the crosshairs wander.
2002-12-19, 06:39 AM
snipers are afraid of balance.
bull shit, it's already fairly balanced and people jsut want to screw snipers because people are AFRAID of snipers....
almsot NO ONE is going to be one-shot one-killed, but since people are afraid they might get hit by a sniper 3-4 times and die, they want to eliminate the ability to snipe...
for some reason 2 shtos from a hand pistol is supposed to do more damage then a bolt driver because you have to be in close to use a hand pistol? wtf?
that's like saying a .22 pistol fired at short range should do more damage then a .408 fired from longer distance JUST because you cant see the target.. when in reality a .22 is a paper cut in comparison while a .408 would knock you flat on your ass.. assuming you're still alive wearing NO/"light" armor!
2002-12-19, 09:08 AM
Diost..i can honestly say thats a stupid arguement. Why would anyone be afraid of snipers? I can understand that people would be afraid that sniping would be TOO powerful and would lead to too much sniping..thus taking away from the fun of the game.. but afraid of being sniped? why? i cant even explain why no one would be afraid of that.. i guess its alot of things..
-the game isnt out..kinda silly to be afraid of something
-you respawn after death
-sniping has never been such an uber powerful thing that it leads to fear....only annoyance
-by being afraid of sniping, that would then imply that sniping is so god aweful powerful in every FPS out there..that the very thought of being sniped in another game leads to gamers fearing it.. that is just...silly.
i guess thats kinda the gist of why its not really a factor.
and im not sure how balancing will go in the game..but sniping should be no EASIER than taking someone out with your assault rifle.. honestly it should be harder to kill someone with a sniper rifle because there is alot less risk involved. and you can argue about it all damn day..but there is. You are far away..out of their range..and you are hidden....someone with an assault rifle has to be standing right there in plain view..within their their IS LESS RISK with a sniper rifle. The devs have to take that into consideration and make sniping difficult enough that it wont be over used..but strong enough that it has a use within the game.
I understand that you are a sniper and want to be able to ENJOY sniping people..and at the same time you want to PWNZ0R..and be considered a bad arse. Well..grunts want to do that too.. and in order for a grunt to be PWNZ0Ring and having fun..he cant be getting picked off from extreme distance by a squad full of snipers.
there has to be an even balance..CS was NOT an even balance. RTCW strikes me as more of an even balance.. sniping is effective when done in the RIGHT CONDITIONS..but there is no such thing as a full time sniper..because sometimes its just gonna get you killed.
2002-12-19, 10:00 AM
Why would anyone be afraid of snipers?
People are arguing that it should take 2-3 shots from a sniper rifle to take down Mr. Computer geek hacker in light armor, or Ms. Nurse in light armor... or the pilot in light armor...(who also has vehicle armor to protect him)....
Currently snipers require 2-3 shots to take out the WEAKEST COMBAT UNIT.... This is how the standard sniping senario will take place:
1. Sniper sets up
2. Sniper takes aim at a stationary target, 99% of the time a MEDIUM armored unit if it's outside the safety of a base or vehicle!!
3. Sniper fires, unit is hurt, Unit looks for the sniper for a second, and runs for cover if he cant find them...
4. Sniper zooms out, reloads(will probably take 5-10 seconds), has to re-aquire the target, re-aim, and fire on a now MOVING target
5. If sniper misses, he'll probably loose the target to surrounding obsticle.. if he hits, he gets a kill...
now.. assuming it's stationary crosshairs i think that is comprible to unloading a clip into a closer target.. which only takes 2 seconds probably, and can be sprayed by ANY newb, where as the sniper must take careful aim twice, and at least once on a mobile target... most newbs get lucky once in a while, thats what makes the overpowered rifles from normal games piss people off... by comparison...
In counterstrike, you'd need to buy NO armor and get hit by an AWP to die in 1 shot...
In Planetside, armor is free, and ANYONE WHO EXPECTS TO BE IN A FIRE FIGHT WONT BE IN LIGHT ARMOR... so they will get the medium+ armor and be 'immune' to 1-shot kills...
just like the infiltration units, snipers are part of the game, people have no problems with a NC infitration unit coming up from behind and firing the HIGH damage FAST ROF pistol in their back, which in 2-3 rounds at point blank probably would waste you... which is like less then 3 seconds.. but a sniper should take 45 seconds to 1 minute 15 seconds to kill the same guy simply because people fear snipers because they cant be seen....
yes people fear snipers, they fear they will be able to take them out in 1 shot, which is complete bull since you'd be a fool to face a dude w/a assault rifle in light armor, and a sniper wont face you in many conditions a dude with an assault rifle couldnt... so.. the only time you would get 1-shotted is exiting a vehicle as a non-combat troop(but you could get agile armor to prevent this too)
because of peoples fear for snipers being to powerful they want all snipers to suffer, even skilled ones, by making them take a minute to kill someone that would die in 2 seconds from an assult rifle or high damage fast ROF pistol to the back of the head
2002-12-19, 10:04 AM
You are far away..out of their range..and you are hidden....someone with an assault rifle has to be standing right there in plain view..within their their IS LESS RISK with a sniper rifle. The devs have to take that into consideration and make sniping difficult enough that it wont be over used..but strong enough that it has a use within the game.
people have already brought up using assult rifles as sniping weapons simply because the bolt driver will be nerfed to hell if you players that dont want to be sniped get your way...
Dev's already have it set so you cant be one-shot killed if you're in the minimum combat body armor(medium/agile), and impossible if your in a MAX...
but people want it to be impossible to kill a medium/agile armored person too, which would reduce the effectiveness of snipers and remove their position in the game to ONLY sniping PILOTS entering/leaving a vehicle, until they all realize they could just get agile armor, hop in, and are protected from furthur shots
2002-12-19, 10:29 AM
Once we get in game, we can decide how effective snipers will be. :D
2002-12-19, 10:34 AM
i agree hamma, I'm just trying to stop people from getting sniping nerfed before they even saw how hard it will be for snipers already
2002-12-19, 10:39 AM
If the dev team nerf's snipers just because of some threads (before beta even starts) that would be a bad call on their part hehehe
2002-12-19, 10:41 AM
yeah i'm glad they havnt, they are all playing the internal beta so they can see how easy/difficult it is...
would be nice to get dev imput on if they think it's hard already
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