View Full Version : Water?

2002-12-19, 03:00 AM
I see alot of water in some of the screenshots. Didn't see anything about this.... Will we be able to cross the water on foot? (Well, I guess cross UNDER the water on foot.) How will vehicles handle it?

2002-12-19, 03:43 AM
sink like a brick

2002-12-19, 03:55 AM
Vehicles + water = :nono: (unless VS, sicne they hover they can go over water, not sure for how long though)

And i'm assuming/hoping that soldiers can simply swim across lakes and rivers. :)

2002-12-19, 04:22 AM
Really, bridges could be great choke points for the enemies to cross.. till someone with a galaxy picks up a squad of 'rines.

2002-12-19, 07:01 AM
traditional hovercraft(the kind we have today that uses air to hover), cn go over land and sea without great difficulty(under 'better' conditions--no 15-foot waves with 30-foot swells).. when the sea isnt too bad hovercrafts can skim over the sand on beaches and go right on out into the ocean without sinking...

The US has a bunch of LACV's(Light air cushioned vehicles) in service, but there hasnt been many times when these have been useful.. yet...

assuming the Vanu technology uses hovering by air, rather then ground effect(which is almost required since ground effect is only achieved at high speeds), then a vanu heavy tank could sit ont he middle of a lake and never sink(unless the engine died heh)...

now since it's alien technology, it could be anti-gravity, or something else, in which case i have no idea what would happen =p

2002-12-19, 07:11 AM
But u have to take into consideration the effect that a tank could cross water would have on the game, u could use it to make an aquatic attack on a different continent away from the warpgate.

And not only from a tactical stand point but from a programmers, it would cause problems with the way the game is set up, i assume that the continents are not one continual planet, but individual maps that you load/unload when you either drop-pod in, or use the warpgate, thus it would make it more difficult to program if they allowed people to manually travel between continents.

2002-12-19, 07:17 AM
nah, set up 'invisible' boundries that are far out where you cant see land(so if you keep going you get no where)... they can simply say the continents are too far apart for you to reach by ground =p

if vanu's are allowed to go over water it would greatly add to the 'mobility' side, which is their only advantage over the NC or TR tanks.. but that will need to exist in more then just being purely faster or it's just a high-speed nc/tr buggy

2002-12-19, 07:23 AM
witht he boundires is can simulate 'hopeless travels' because you see no land but dont get too far from it, so you can get back without too much travel without jumping out of the tank and suicide jumping into the water & drowning...

as for people on water..... (ASSUMING dev's want people to swim).. if they dont want them to swim I'd agree as well =p)

MAX's i could see... they all seem inclosed, so if they are enviromental suits(no holes going outside, competely self-contained enviorment), then i could see them 'walking' on the bottom of some watery areas...

Light/Medium armor... I think these are going to be too heavy and not mobile enough... you cant really swim through water wearing 20-60 pounds of armor, including boots, plus more weight in weapons & ammunition, and 'swim'... you wouldnt have enough power generated from 'kicking' your feet to swim to counter the full weight of everything you are carrying....

agile or infiltration suits might be ok.. agile suits are light-weight AND mobile, so might be able to get strong kicks for staying afloat, maybe have it drain stamina a good bit.. and infiltration suits.. I'm assuming it's lighter then 'light'.. so it wouldnt weight too much, and they cant carry a rifle, so might be able to swim as well

2002-12-19, 08:11 AM
Looking at the continents from the overhead view:

it appears that a few have fairly large bodies of water, Cyssor being the most saturated. so it would seem likely that they want choke points at bridges, alot of transports flying around, or for units to cross water.

2002-12-19, 10:28 AM
First of all, you wont be crossing the ocean to another contienent. They took that ability out.

Second, you cant walk across water, or take a tank. I believe vanu vehicles hover for a short time then sink.

BUT, one of the troop transports (I think its the sunderer) has the ability to cross rivers and such. :D

2002-12-19, 10:56 AM
i hope they let light vanu tanks hover on the water =p

and i dont care about cross-continent crossing ;-P just river/lake.. mostly to avoid 'bridge' bottlenecks for vanu to add in vanu's mobility to tanks in a way other then speed

2002-12-19, 01:25 PM
So there will be a way to get across for the ground pounders. Excellent. Forcing your way across a bridge when the defenders have all their defence set up there could be quite problematic.

2002-12-19, 01:28 PM
i think the devs said somewhere that when troops are in water, they have a limited air supply before they drown.

2002-12-19, 01:41 PM
Yes indeed - you probably have about a min of air. A little meter comes up to tell you how much air you have left. :D

2002-12-19, 02:00 PM
So couldn't you just keep your head above water then and swim across lakes/rivers?

2002-12-19, 02:11 PM
In theory.. im not sure how it will be in beta and release - but I could not figure out how to swim when i played hehe

2002-12-19, 02:38 PM
Swimming doesn't work very well if you're stuck in your aircraft after you crash. :rawr:

2002-12-19, 03:08 PM
I don't think it has been mentioned here yet, but:

You won't be crossing continents without a droppod/warpgate. And no, there aren't invisible walls either (to the best of my knowledge). What happens is that the warpgates on the island provide the energy for you vehicles to work. As soon as you leave it's range (i.e. the continent), the engines shut off... which means you get to sleep with teh fishes (especially FF :D)!

For Vany hover vehicles - I have no clue. I'm not psychic or anything (yet). I figured they'd hover indefinitely until they left the "power range" and their engine would shut down and sink.

2002-12-19, 05:15 PM
Well Hamma skimmed it barely. I was gonna say it but you beat me to it! Damn you! :)

Also i agree having the VS vehicles hover over the lakes and rivers would add to their mobilty advantage and it would be cool but only if balanced, i don't want the VS tank to be faster, nearly as armored and powerful as other tanks and be able to cross the waters. :)

2002-12-22, 03:58 AM
As with everything the devs will probably not allow them to cross water for anything but a short time before the Vanu tank sinks. They'd have to make them less armoured or slower or have less firepower to even it out if they would allow a big advantage like amphibious tank attacks.

2002-12-22, 06:08 AM
I reckon the best way to solve the water problem is that if your suit gets wet it start to shrink on you and soon it will be to tight to breathe in. I've your in a tank goes underwater you should have difficulty shooting as the barrel will full of water. As for the Vanu they should make it so that they get knocked about very easily whilst hovering over water, and because of them not having a turret they won't be able to fight that well they have to turn around to fire someone but if someone is making one bounce around it will be very difficult to aim.

2002-12-22, 03:16 PM
It has been stated somewhere that the Vanu tank will sink

2002-12-22, 03:34 PM
Well probably after a bit because i'm pretty sure the devs said the VS vehicles can hover over water for a period of time. Would make sense. :)

2002-12-23, 03:39 AM
Just one more edge Vanu can take advantage of.


2002-12-23, 08:01 AM
Im sure its a very short time, it would not balance the empires well if one team could take their entire army across rivers while the other drowns and dies :p