View Full Version : Ugg New gameplay changes in patch-
2003-05-12, 09:57 PM
Monday, May 12th
1) Made Proximity map changes to make icons more visible:
- radar blips pulse slightly
- altered the red color to make enemies visible in TR facilities
- gave the buildings 50% opacity on the prox map to make it easier to see the blips
2) Advanced Targeting Implant is functional again.
3) The "anti-aircraft" MAX units got some adjustments:
- NC Sparrow MAX had its refire rate and damage per shot slightly reduced...however its ammo clip size is now 12 instead of four so it's capable of delivering much more damage over time before reloading.
- The VS Starfire MAX had its clip size increased from 6 to 8.
- The TR Burster MAX is unchanged.
4) Further reduced the size of every network packet, thus making our netcode more efficient.
5) Building capture experience system has changed. Details below:
a) Squads no longer share base capture experience for either BEP or CEP.
b) Base capture experience is earned by the individual, not the squad and is based on time inside the contested SOI.
c) Every base capture is divided into time "slices" starting 10 minutes before a hack starts and ending when the hack is successful (25-minute time period).
d) You get credit for each time slice in which you are within the SOI of the facility. The more you are in the SOI during the 25-minute window, the more credit you get toward experience. (There are 300 time slices in that amount of time.)
e) Each time slice is worth more or less depending on the NUMBER OF ENEMIES that are in that SOI during that time slice. a nutshell, the longer you are in an SOI, and the more enemies that are in that SOI while you're there, the more xp you receive if the capture is successful.
If the cap isn't successful, you get no capture xp.
Unique kills are no longer counted for any purpose.
Command experience is still modified by the size of your squad, so the bigger your squad is, the more CEP you will gain for base caps.
NOTE: You do not have to be present at the time of capture to gain experience for a base capture. You will get the award for each "time slice" that you were present for if the base is successfully captured.
It'll be interesting to see this in action.
2003-05-12, 10:01 PM
I think the new EXP system is a very bad idea.
It rewards squad members who hide in a corner and don't contribute the team because they die less and spend more time in the SOI.
I liked the old system.
2003-05-12, 10:02 PM
That sucks now no one will leave the base to defend a tower :( but it'll be interesting for sure
2003-05-12, 10:02 PM
Interesting. I concur, I will have to see this in action before I compare it to the first system.
Are we to be informed when a sliver has passed?
2003-05-12, 10:03 PM
get ready to see a spike in cloakers-
I think towers are in bases SOI, so I don't think people will not go to towers because of that, i think they'll be reluctant to fight because if you die you might not get all the experience, or you might not beable to respawn anywhere close if you DO die, thus being removed from the SOI, and losing a chunk of exp trying to get back.
2003-05-12, 10:08 PM
I'm pretty sure most towers are outside the SOI. I guess there's still incentive to hold the towers, but nobldy wants to do that job now that they'll get no base exp for it. No snipers outside, vehicles driving around looking for AMS, etc. I hope they touch that idea up some.
2003-05-12, 10:12 PM
well maybe its time for some people to realize this games not about fucking XP!!!! this ain't your mommas level fest of a dungeon sleeper....
god damn. I'm almost to 16 again and theres only 20 levels. you sure as hell won't play long if thats all you care about
2003-05-12, 10:14 PM
Maybe it's about whatever people have fun for? You have your fun, others have theirs.
2003-05-12, 10:18 PM
so what they have fun for 20 levels then quit? heh... they won't stay around..
2003-05-12, 10:31 PM
If that was the case, then they should just take out the levels and let you pick 3 weapons, 2 armors, and 2 vehicles. But then there is really not much to the game. The levels and what not give you a "goal". I like levels, but I could live without them if there was a big catch. Since you can't win as a faction, you can at least feel like you're working towards something with the levels.
TGF NightHawk
2003-05-12, 10:48 PM
Originally posted by OneManArmy
so what they have fun for 20 levels then quit? heh... they won't stay around..
That's about the size of it! If the Devs do not impliment some kind of goals to reach or make it harder to level, no one is going to stay around at level 20 for months and months! I was in a squad the other night and 5 out of 10 guys said they prob wouldn't even be buying the game, as it was too repititious and nothing to expect after lvl 20. They went on to say" why pay for a game that has no goals?" We'll see what happens!!
2003-05-12, 11:02 PM
Well I just spent a couple hours playing under this patch. My squad and a little help took two bases. One for 97 BEP and the other for 146 BEP.
Gonna have to change.
2003-05-12, 11:15 PM
Yeah so now Gal and ANT drivers get nothing...
This is just a bad idea... Leveling is allready a burden more then a joy... let's make it more of a pain!
Great idea
2003-05-12, 11:17 PM
Yea, I don't like this new system at all. The base SOI is way to small, especially if you are defending a spawn tower that you're attacking a base from. Hell I am a grunt and Gal pilot... I got maybe 200bp and 320 for capping two bases. This is ridiculous
2003-05-12, 11:24 PM
I dont think this patch is a good move either.. I think its a multi-part EXP change. But its still bad news :\
2003-05-12, 11:27 PM
The thing that annoys me is that since people can't drop the level ladder is the game mind set, we will most likely see slower and slower levelling implemented in the last patches before release. One of the things I liked about this game is how easy it was to raise a character up to a comfortable playing level. Unfortunately, we're leaving all that in the dust to appease ladder climbing.
Fuck your goals, this is an FPS.
2003-05-12, 11:29 PM
As I see it with the XP thing now, the enemy attacks with force and we are defending and it gets rough and doesnt look good, so instead of throwing XP at the attackers I would just leave and hinder them as much as I can. No point in giving the enemy.
Maybe to influence defending of a base till the end, give the defenders XP based on the number of attackers they defend from on each "time slice" based on some kind of system built for the Attackers.
2003-05-12, 11:31 PM
Originally posted by Airlift
Fuck your goals, this is an FPS. :lol:
2003-05-12, 11:36 PM
Rather than restating reasons why this would totally screw up the game, I'll skip to the good part....
2003-05-12, 11:43 PM
I mean it tho. I don't care if Joe Smacktard wants his character to get a halo and a pair of nonfunctioning wings to indicate that he has reached a certain lofty goal, but it pisses me off that his need for superficial longevity is interfering with the first person shooter that I'm trying to play over here. My goal is to frag everyone who shows up red on my radar. I want them to fall in heaps at my feet where I can continue to put rounds into their corpses until they turn into backpacks. Every time I frag some bastard, tick a stat and let me do it again. Don't drag the damned levels out just to make the game hold our attention longer.
Planetside is never going to provide the kind of gaming experience that the most vocal detractors are after, but in the end, their bullshit is watering down the game that was already magnificent in carnage.
2003-05-12, 11:50 PM
know what? i got NO BEP for saving an entire base singlehandedly. VS hacked a base. i run in, kill the hacker and his escort and hack the base without any hacker certs, and i get diddely. nada. zip. zero. zilch. goose-egg. no BEP whatsoever. why? because i started running to the cap point as soon as the base was hacked, and didn't sit in the corner for 14 minutes before saving the thing.
Naturally, I think this new system sucks.
2003-05-12, 11:54 PM
Yea, some people are stuck on the RPG aspect :\
2003-05-13, 12:01 AM
OMG airlift's rant needs to be posted in the beta boards, emailed to the devs, and spammed in every chat.
I don't think anyone could of said it better :clap: :clap: :nod:
2003-05-13, 01:48 AM
Airlift said it all.
2003-05-13, 05:17 AM
too many people see MMO and finish the rest in their head.....
Coming from a CS freak AND a UO/DAOC/SB player i can see both sides of the coin, but heres my take
Theres a reason i quit UO/DAOC/SB and continued to play CS till PS beta.....
Don't give me a Fing treadmill and take months to reach the supposed "end-game" I liked DAOC and SB's endgame, but honestly, who wants to sit and chat for 6 months to get there?
With PS, 5 mins of shooting VR stuff and i can get my Punisher/Deci combo going, with BR 5 shortly thereafter for reinforced. That IS endgame, right out of the chute.... This is why I want PS. I want an MMO where im not working to play, where im just playing and having fun god forbid.
2003-05-13, 05:58 AM
So I just got finished playing for about 4 hours with the new experience system change, and it's terrible. Down.right.terrible.
I'm not an experience whore either, but it was so boring. Let me give you a couple anecdotes:
My squad and I were 4 people big. We were fighting over Cyssor and eliminating the Terrans from the North West area of the continent...Wele, Chuku, Honsi, among other bases. Eventually we wiped out the TR population and locked the warpgate on the other side of the continent, thus saving the North West area of Cyssor.
During our push to get TR out, the Vanu crept up from Oshur from the South East. We all moved down to Gunuku since it was the newest base being hacked by the Vanu, and we took them out, one base after another, one resecure after another. Eventually we pushed both the Terrans and the Vanu off of Cyssor, but for some strange reason, the continent didn't lock.
Almost the entire continent (save a few ANT squads) left Cyssor for Oshur to pay back the VS for their cockroach incurrsion. We pushed from bottom to top on Oshur and eventually locked it before I went to bed.
That's the story, but here's how it all happened:
Terrans have base.
We notice.
We advance.
We die.
They die.
We push.
We hack.
Terrans die.
Terrans push from tower.
They die.
We hack tower.
Everyone returns to base.
10 minutes of silence, TKing, and people doing -nothing- in the base that we hacked. Just running around chatting with eachother- it looked like a damn yahoo chatroom.
People shooting tease shots at their empire teammates only to have entire squads fragging other squads only because somebody in your squad asked you to frag somebody in their squad.
After the 10 minutes were over, everyone was awarded about 900-1200 experience, approximately. The highest amount I took for a poll in /broadcast was 1277 from my teammate Jackal. I only got 112 CEP though, probably because I only had 4 people in my squad.
After we left Wele, we went towards Chuku to wrap that up and finish up the TR and picked up 4 more squad members on the way to Chuku, making our squad 8 people big.
Terrans have base.
We notice.
We advance.
We hack.
Terrans die.
Terrans push from tower.
They die.
We hack tower.
Everyone returns to base.
Repeat 10 minute scenario of yahoo chatroom and TK fest. This time however, there was very little resistance at Chuku to begin with, so there was no "pre-10-minute-hack-slice". We walked in, hacked, they noticed, pushed from the surrounding towers, and then gave up.
I did another /b "POLL: How much experience did you get?" and got no numbers above 800. My CEP jumped to 476 (yay!) because I had 8 people in the squad, and yet, spent all 15 minutes in the base during the hack, with no "pre-10-minute-hack-slice" addition.
Even though, as stated above, that I am not an experience whore, it feels good to be rewarded for accomplishing something that took you so long to do- but get slapped in the face with a cookie crumb instead of a cookie.
The experience system changes are NOT good.
2003-05-13, 06:44 AM
Developer posted 05-13-2003 12:17 AM user search report post
Well, it's been interesting reading the various threads on exp changes. Obviously we have struck a nerve. Or perhaps exposed the nerve, stretched it out, poured salt and pepper on it and then lit it on fire while chanting ancient dark rituals of pain and dancing in horrible glee. One of those two.
There are some good suggestions here, many of which I've copied into a log as notes. In particular the intent of the changes was not to diminish support roles, although that may have been the effect. We'll be examining that. The rate is a common complaint, and we knew it would be - exp before was too fast. This may be too slow. We'll need to collect some data and see how it actually works in practice to make that determination.
Most of the angst seems to revolve around base captures, which got the largest changes. It would be good to get some comments about kill exp and how that is working out, since that's a very large component of where exp comes from as well.
Please note it's not productive to start the Nth new thread so you can put your own personal spin on how badly exp sucketh without offering fix suggestions that aren't already covered. So please, Zerg the existing threads and add your thought if it is new or just acknowledge you agree with the poster if applicable. That will give those two guys in the back of the room the chance to tell us how badly MAX's sucketh as well.
In the end we'll do our best to come up with a system that is fun while preserving a sense of accomplishment and value to those people who have used exp to specialize their characters. We don't want it to suck. In fact, I'll go out on a limb here and say we WILL make it not suck for as many people as possible (because to paraphrase Lincoln, you can make it not suck for some of the people some of the time, but you can't make it not suck for all of the people all of the time).
Ph33r our determination to not suck!
2003-05-13, 06:47 AM
Let me just cut one thing off early so as to save time.
EXP is intended in this game as a method of allowing characters to differentiate (through their choice of certs, which are gained as you build exp) and as a slight value in the accomplishments of the character.
The range of EXP was always intended to be thin in Planetside and *not the point of the gameplay*. You play to fight. EXP is a byproduct of that but *not the point* nor was it ever intended to be. When we think of ways of retaining customers, we do NOT think of EXP as a tool for that. All our thoughts along those lines are "how do we make the game fresh and cool so people keep playing". It's implied in all of those discussions that everybody we're considering from a retention standpoint is capped out on exp already.
So for those of you considering that we adjust exp to keep you playing for 2.26 months or whatever on average before you cap out, you can let that worry go. It's not the objective, never has been, and won't be.
2003-05-13, 06:52 AM
Amen. I mean, as a Reaver pilot, you cant stick around a base forever. You need to patrol and help to hold off anybody coming from an AMS or tower. This idea sounds very bad to me.
Side note: I am now COMMANDER ObnoxiousFrog. One step closer to BOHICA whore-ness.
2003-05-13, 07:17 AM
Originally posted by {BOHICA}Navaron
get ready to see a spike in cloakers-
get ready for a spike in darklights too...
Originally posted by OneManArmy
well maybe its time for some people to realize this games not about fucking XP!!!! this ain't your mommas level fest of a dungeon sleeper....
god damn. I'm almost to 16 again and theres only 20 levels. you sure as hell won't play long if thats all you care about
Leveling is for RPG people. Go play EQ is you want a long drawn out leveling system.
2003-05-13, 09:32 AM
I thought this was a great post in the beta forums by Lith, not everyone can see it. So I will go ahead and quote it here
Might as well rename this LevelGrind, insteed of PlanetSide.
The XP system was fine the way it was before. Yes people could 'whore' exp, and get top level much faster then the orignal 'vision' of planetside, but so what?
it was FUN.
I find it horribly annoying to be sitting there, waiting for 3 certs so I can finally fight MAX armor with my AV weapon, capping base, after base, with no one fighting, no defence, no offence, just capping.
The Lattice system helped some of the issues. We could fight one another, some defence exsisted, but its still non-exsistant.
There is no reason to defend.
Now there's no point in even being in a squad.
My squad goes to cap a base, I stay behind to get the AMS, by the time I get to the SOI, the cap has been going 5 or so mins. I lose out on a huge chuck of the exp. Yet without that AMS, we would have lost the hack.
Im a medic, and im running around healing people best I can. I tend to stay behind after a cap and heal people. By the time I get to the next base, the cap has been running a while, and I lose out on some of the EXP. Yet without my skills, we would have lost the cap on that last zerg rush, if I hadn't raised that MAX from the dead.
Im a sniper, and I follow where enemies are coming from. If I snipe from the walls, im killed constantly, so I am forced to move, the best spots tend to lye outside the SOI because the towers are so close to the edge. I hold off steathers that could stop that hack in secret, I knock health off enemies like water, I hold that bridge against 5 or 6 soldiers north of the SOI, stopping their reinforcements to take back the tower. I lose most of the exp because im not in the SOI.
Im a Reaver Pilot. I chase down enemy tanks, and without me the inital assult would have failed. I hunt down the AMS that lies south of the Tower outside of the SOI. When I die I must respawn far away and fly back. I lose huge amounts of EXP, yet without me the AMS would not have gone down as quickly, and they might have regained the tower.
Im the Ant Driver, I run power to the base we're capping thats at 10% power. Without a galaxy, which I cant find anymore because the drive causes them to lose exp, it takes me 10-15 mins to run the ant. I try to keep it full on the inital rush but I tend to be a large defenseless target, and rarely do I survive with a full tank before the base is hacked. I lose most if not all the exp, yet without me the hack would never happen.
Im the galaxy pilot. I get my crew there, and I deliver ANTs, without which we would never take the base to begin with. I lose most of the EXP because of the nessisary ANT runs, yet without me that tower would have been twice as hard to take, and the ANT would have not made it in time.
If this goes into release, im not playing the game. I quit Level Grinds when I quit EQ. I dont play for the expierence, but when that is effectivly the only way to level, to get the certs nessisary to do my job *by level 12-15, you have all the certs you need* I feel jyped if I dare do something that HELPS MY TEAM.
Fix this, you have 6 days.
Yes, that was a nice post Hamma
2003-05-13, 09:36 AM
I can get to the beta forums, but I choose not to since it is the same to me as the official forums before they let all those people into the beta. However, I agree 100% with what Lith is saying.
The issue they needed to address was not the overall rate of advancement, but rather the fact that the best experience came from finding the largest zerg you could and just following it around for points. However, in trying to fix the overall rate, they are fucking the donkey.
2003-05-13, 09:43 AM
That was a very good post, i missed that one in the beta forums.
Last night, I have a feelin' i'm the lucky one that got 2000 BEPs during a base cap last night, but i was also lucky enough to have never died. I ran out of ammo several times, was weilding looted weapons, and had medics and engineers repair me quite a number of times.
Now, I am surprised by the base capture change: the last version, people shared EXP within the squad leading to huge amounts of teamwork. People were very willing to be non-combatants cause they were being rewarded for their efforts.
Frontline Combat was existing. sat night, TR literally had to fight from ridge to ridge, tree to tree, across a plain to cap a base on amerish that the Vanu held and NC wanted also.
I can't think of a better fire fight and end game right there. Defenders got great EXP if they successfully stopped a hack.
At BR5 - a player is combat effective - At Br12-15 a player usually achieves the core of what he wants, BR20 give the player room to tweek and goof off on their certs.
Slowing down the EXP is one thing, and I can agree to that process, it "gives goals."
But you can't remove the reward of capturing bases. That is the key to this game, and now the current EXP doesn't lean toward that process anymore.
2003-05-13, 10:14 AM
indeed take this system off. It's goofy. As that guy said earlier if an ANT driver goes out to get power, he can get back right b4 the hack ends, and still win the points, cuz he DID play a KEY role in saving the hack. reaver pilots can hover in air space right b4 the hack. sniplers can help until hack is about to end then move into the SOI. pls change itback!. it was so great b4 why mess with a great thing.
2003-05-13, 10:23 AM
Outstanding post by Lith there. I would like to add the tank driver to that list whose job it is to block enemy spawn from returning to the base, this often means positioning between the nearest tower and the base and looking for AMS-- that menas 0 exp from cap. Good luck finding a gunner for that job.
2003-05-13, 10:42 AM
Well my response on the beta thread was almost the same:
What about the poor guy who went to get a new galaxy, flying back to the base and didnt get their in time...
It should be shared between the squad!
What about the guy who was defending the AMS or capping a tower outside the SOI which had just been re-captured by the enemy.
It should be shared between the squad!
What about the recon scout who the leader instructed to scout the next waypoint/base...
It should be shared between the squad!
What about the NTU level that is currently sitting at 10 or 20% and desperately needs an ANT run. To save time the squad leader instructs one of his drivers to get an ANT and fill it up and to get back to the base ready for when the cap is complete.
You have just created a perfect reason for someone to turn around and say a big phat "NO" to your squad leader. NO Im not going to get a new galaxy until AFTER the cap. NO Im not going to scout the next base till AFTER the cap. NO Im not getting an ANT until AFTER the cap.
Im all for fixing the exploit whereby if an INDIVIDUAL can sit in an SOI and get exp just for being there.
But making it so that squads don't share the exp is nerfing the support role of many classes.
If your squad is fighting in the SOI, the exp should not be individual. If you are an individual then it should be individual.
2003-05-13, 11:31 AM
The problem with simply making it share is that you get the best experience yield by dividing your squad up and having each member participate in a different cap. We're peeling the exp system away layer by layer and each change is just revealing new (imo Worse) problems and exploits. This was much less of an issue when experience was easy to get and was less the focus. With each patch increasing the rarity of good point hauls, you are adding MORE player focus on experience, which is contradictory to the stated goal of making the game less focused on experience.
With the new system, the people who will get good experience are:
1. The Forward Observer who remains hidden outside the base but inside the SOI. He gets there before the hack and waits, simply reporting conditions back to the squad. He stays in the SOI but avoiding danger for the entire duration of the 25 minute window, and collects a monte haul.
2. The Sniper who skirts the base at the edge of the SOI and takes down easy targets, displacing between kills to keep from being sent out of the SOI. He does very little to assist in the actual cap, but collects his monte haul.
3. The lone stealth, who simply avoids all contact in order to a) keep as many enemies alive for as long as possible and b) keep himself in the SOI for as many slices as possible. At the end, he collects his monte haul.
4. The AMS driver, who picks a spot in one of the 4 principle directions (to take advantage of the square minimap) at the extremity of the SOI. Finally, we're talking about someone who is at least directly helping the cap, but he's probably not going to set foot in the base since there is no advantage to doing so.
We've already heard who doesn't get experience, which is a bunch of people who are supporting the cap in very important ways (but unfortunately for them, all outside the SOI). Now we're getting an idea on who will be getting the experience. When the best gains are from leeching, most people will choose to leech.
I dont think SOI's and base hacking should have anything to do with gaining experience. Just improve the experience per kill and give other incentives to capturing a base. Other then the dropship center, noone ever cares about capturing a base like the bio lab so they can get advanced medical terminals. They do it because its next in the lattice and they get exp.
Either that or share the exp for capping a base throughout the continent with every active player.
2003-05-13, 01:23 PM
Nooooo! I liked the old system that counted unique kills!! This will promote wusyness and general sissyness. I hope this doesn't go into release, it may make me change my mind about buying this game, will have to see how all this turns out though. Cya GameSide.
2003-05-13, 01:31 PM
how can you tell if ur in the SOI???
2003-05-13, 01:43 PM
What about a factional pool of exp? The TR, VC, and NC would each have a common pool of XP. As each faction losses or gains bases, choke points, etc, the pool would be adjusted. Players would hold a % of this common pool based upon their performance. Performance would be based upon kill/death ratio, hacks, heals, repairs, and so on. A player could call upon the number of XP up to their % to buy certs at any given time. Just my 2 certs worth.
2003-05-13, 01:45 PM
The problem with all these radical changes is that in case ur forgetting, we're 6 days away from release date. They can't implement huge changes in that time.
again i ask how can you tell if ur in the soi?
2003-05-13, 01:48 PM
What was the matter with the old system? I suppose you could rake in massive amounts of XP by sending one member of you squad to each base being capped on a continent, but I never saw this happening. The most a squad I was in ever split up was to hit 2 bases at once. And even if someone did do this, what harm would it do? This isn't DAoC, XP doesn't make you more deadly, just a more specilized killer. :) I liked the old system, and I hope they will go back to it, or at least something like it. A new XP system this close to release, nothing good can come from this.
2003-05-13, 01:51 PM
I played briefly this morning but it didn't take me long to see that now armies have turned into masses of base squatters for the cap. Many just hide inside the base waiting on the hack, staying out of harms way lest they be killed and lose "time slices" running back to the base.
The previous system may not have been perfect but it was better than this! Squatting bases is not my idea of's taking away the action.
I want to kill, capture, support and not have to worry about getting XP....just get XP by doing my part as an active member of a team.
I don't want my playing strategy dictated by the way a flawed XP system works!
2003-05-13, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by Lilbird2431
how can you tell if ur in the SOI???
Ummm, by looking at the map?
2003-05-13, 01:54 PM
I honestly don't really care how slow the XP is. You can do prett much any role right at startup with the points you get at creation. What I do mind, is if I have to deal with having no support from my squad cause they are all running from the enemy. :D
2003-05-13, 01:55 PM
is the soi colored? like if its terran, is all the area that is affected red? cuz if thats the case then theres nothing affected but the base itself and about 3 feet outside the walls.
2003-05-13, 02:01 PM
That is correct. The colored circle denotes the SOI and who currently owns it. It generally includes a radius that reaches around the base and in most cases the nearest tower to the base. Some bases have no towers within their SOI, but the SOI is always the same size. A while back, ownership of an Amp Station would double the size of all friendly SOIs on the continent, but that was removed because it was just as detrimental to the owners of the base (for reinforcement purposes) as it was to the other sides.
2003-05-13, 02:04 PM
something must be wrong with me, cuz i dont ever seem to see nething red beyond the base itself...
2003-05-13, 02:06 PM
You can toggle the SOI in the map menu, it could be that you inadvertantly (or as a result of an old bug) turned it off and never turned it back on.
2003-05-13, 02:09 PM
ah one more thing. where that toggle? thanks for ur help
2003-05-13, 02:40 PM
The button to bring up the menu is in the lower right by default, and it says "TOGGLES" on it ;)
2003-05-14, 06:22 AM
this takes away team work fater
2003-05-14, 07:18 AM
I really don't care what they do to Planetside. I'm sure it will turn out for the best and I personally like the idea of really slowing down the leveling. This means if your a higher level (Excuse me, Battle Rank) you'll be 'an old dog' or something to that nature, which is just a pride thing I'm sure.
But I honestly don't have a problem. You guys shouldn't complain that much, if its bad right now, leave and dont play for a month and come back to see where its at. But other than that I think you guys should let it play out, it'll work out for the best and if not, meh .. It wont be the first game with a large hype to fail.
Drink that Pedialyte.. =)
2003-05-14, 08:25 AM
the new XP system really sucks, last night i was the first
TR into an enemy base, the battle started, i killed two guys, one in the hack room, and i hacked the base, and i waited in the hack room for 15 minute untill it got capped. i got about 150 XP points...
2003-05-14, 09:01 AM
To be honest, this should have been expected. Remember a few months ago when I stated they "estimated" that it would take 3 months to get to 20
2003-05-14, 09:27 AM
ive been waiting for weeks for this game to come out. As soon as i saw it and read a little about it i wanted to be a reaver pilot. Now it seems with this new xp system only the infiltrators will be getting all of the credit for taking bases. I mean the whole point for squads has gone down the shitter. If im out in my reaver helping to defend the base and not in the SOI i get Royaly screwed for xp. I know this isnt supposed to be a RPG but i dont want to make a new char every time i want to use a cert that i cant get becuase im not able to get xp as fast as others. Is it me or does it seem that anyone who likes to play support roles ex. glaxy pilots reaver pilots basicaly any one who uses a vehicle wont get any credit for helping in taking a base. i think what will happen squads will be torn appart because people will only be looking out for themselves.
2003-05-14, 09:47 AM
They upped the cap exp last night so everyone can calm down now. We got 1900 xp for a hard fought cap.
2003-05-14, 10:11 AM
Even if they up the experience, It still seems the support roles are still getting the shaft. I plan on playing infiltration and won't suffer from the change, but even i can see that some of the more important roles are getting hurt in the experience.
Everyone was happier with the previous system. If you want to slow leveling, lower the awarded experience. Don't hurt the support. Sure, many support don't mind it due to their FPS view, but you can even look at the poll on this site and see that the majority of players hate this new system.
Whoever came up with this "slice system" really needs to be shot....
2003-05-14, 10:47 AM
I think people need to calm down and, for once, wait this out. Let them make ALL of their XP changes and then critique the problem. Personally I don't really care about the XP (BEP or CEP) when I play. I am out to kill or be killed and maybe along the way advance the front for my faction. I am part of an outfit, a regular member of a squad, and I play a support role. The new XP system isn't broke, it needs to be first finished, and then probably minorly adjusted.
SmokeJumper has already admitted to the oversite concerning support roles, and I am sure they will fix that. I guess I just play to play, and nothing more. (aside from bug reporting like invisible reaver missiles :mad: )
Besides, I always thought towers were a hell of a lot more fun to fight over than bases. Right now, that is where all the "XP" is hiding. In towers. Last night just simply defending 2 different towers, I moved from BR11 to BR12. The process was pure unadulterated FUN. (this was on Amerish, Markov Server)
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