View Full Version : Weight.
2003-05-14, 09:00 AM
One of my problems with PS is that it feels a bit too a bit too light, I think both mechanics and sound have something to do with this.
When I shoot someone in CS - or even BF1942 - it feels like I'm hitting them. There's something solid, tangible about it. It adds to the sense of tension and suspension of disbelief.
I don't get this in planetside. When I kill someone it feels like I'm shoving them out of the way, not smashing lead into 'em.
So, what does that mean? I'm not as concerned about them hitting me. I don't want to die in the game but there's not the same emotional charge.
Perhaps sound is an issue. In CS you can imagine the kick of a weapn. Firefights sound scary. Weapons fire has a tenacity and a growl to it. In comparison PS sounds busy, but not scary.
It feels like the most promising thing about PS would be organising squads. The tactical aspect. At the moment it seems like the fighting aspect - the visceral thrill - is somewhat lacking and, in some respects, perhaps secondary.
Any thoughts? Agreements, disagreements? Is there an issue to be resolved here? Do you think it'll ever be so?
I am not in Beta and I so badly awaiting planet-side to come to my house in U.K from U.S and if you say there is no weight to the kill then i aint happy. First off this is what makes Timesplitters2 so good. The awesome thud of lead as you kick the hell out of your enemy. You feel it, it the sfx and music that makes it what it is. Such as the hardcore loud thuds and booms and the heavy metal music while your shooting the trigger. I get what u mean.
2003-05-14, 09:18 AM
I havnent played PS but Im dissapointed to hear you dont get to hear that GOBSMACKING SMACK a shotgun delivers with major recoil to both players throwing them both off banlance and the person getting hit should be thrown back somewhat.
Its awesome feeling the violent impact of the weopons and adds a whole new level to the game.
I doubt this game is going to back it up but give it 5 years and gaming is going to go Insane. FINGERS CROSSED.
2003-05-14, 09:30 AM
Idgaf! How ya doin bud!
Great to see ya gettin into it,
Ya the weapons do take a little getting used to.I just keep reminding myself that we are dealing with futuristic small arms so the sounds and recoils could be very different from our present day stuff,hehe.
As for teamwork,its a must.I joined a great outfit thats being started by some of my wwiionline buddies,its actually a section from their clan.IF you havent joined an outfit yet be sure and PM or email me(still on the roster at bfe) and Ill fill ya in.AS it stands now we are planning to play Vanu but we may play TR also on different servers.
2003-05-14, 10:44 AM
I find this to be the same way. I still love the game, but firefights don't have that same feel. I like the sounds, but alot of the guns need to sound more intimidating. Just so long as it is not the Bolt Driver, that sound is too recognizable all ready. As soon as I get 1 shot off, they have a reaver in the air hunting me down. :D Thats the price for dropping people in 2 hits from a mile off. :D
2003-05-14, 10:45 AM
ey i get the point; must be somewhat like UT but with too big maps; wich makes 1on1 like the only thing you hear...
In cs i luv it when i'm holding back and like 3 teammates go in the hall on dust, then suddenly you hear a Heavy Explosive grenade, and hell braking lose with AKs, MP5s and Colts. You simply KNOW what happened by the time you hear the sounds! That ownz!!!
2003-05-14, 11:38 AM
CS Sounds are all about the AWP (POWWWW!)
I hope there's a gun where everytime you hear it firing, you know someone's died. That would bring the fear aspect into play
2003-05-14, 12:36 PM
I would definately like to see meatier sounds put in for the weapons.
2003-05-14, 04:28 PM
I dunno about 1942. Unless the new patches have really helped that game I thought it had some of the sloppiest play ever. I had to get the blood patch to even tell if I was hitting somebody. I heard the last two patches really helped the game though, so I'm basing my observations off of how gameplay was right after release.
2003-05-14, 05:32 PM
Bah, the AWP is the single dumbest sounding weapon in CS - its more of a cannon than a small arm, which may be correct sound-wise, but also displays the idiocy of it being in CS at all. Not just does it screw a good few things up in the gameplay there, it also makes not the slightest shred of sense to carry an anti-tank weapon into a gunfight ;)
(Admittedly them using the Arctic Warfare Magnum Police version at least lets the theme fit, theres still no cars in CS, and its too easily wielded) Err, offtopic.
Yeah, good sounds add alot to the feel of a game, together with viewbob when firing (Day of Defeat anyone? I actually fear firing off that MG while standing there ;) ) and twitching for hits. Yeah, but again at least the twitching bit would be a major design issue.
2003-05-14, 06:07 PM
with major recoil to both players throwing them both off banlance and the person getting hit should be thrown back somewhat.
The problem is...SHOTGUNS DON'T DO THAT. Every time you see a movie where someone gets hit by a gun, and goes flying, you are seeing hollywood in action, and not anything that even remotely approaches reality.
Newton's laws prohibit it...if a hit from a gun is powerful enough to cause the target to go flying, then the equal-opposite reaction would also cause the person using the gun to fly back...farther. Would you really like to go flying back 10 feet yourself every time you shot your weapon? I wouldn't.
Zentenk VA
2003-05-14, 09:13 PM
To me it does feel weird shooting someone, i guess its the sight of the bullets flying or something, or the lack of blood. It seems sometimes my bullets do NOTHING and I die like instantly... really crappy too. One thing I love most is the tank, i can wipe out tons with the vanguard, if im driving or gunning... I wish I could do both, ive had sucky gunner's and drivers... but ive also had really good gunner's and drivers and we would last an hour and rack up exp. I think the gravity is lower on this planet, tanks get some good air and they slide around a lot... hmmm hehe. For some reason I can't stand to use the automatic weapons in this game, they just don't feel right for some reason... only weapons I enjoy using are ones I know where they are going to go, grenades/cannon/shotgun... shotgun is a little iffy at times.
2003-05-15, 04:14 PM
'Newton's laws prohibit it...if a hit from a gun is powerful enough to cause the target to go flying, then the equal-opposite reaction would also cause the person using the gun to fly back...farther'
I dnt think it's father... should be less.. I think ;) too tired to think about it any more than that.
2003-05-15, 04:54 PM
Originally posted by SaltzBad
Bah, the AWP is the single dumbest sounding weapon in CS - its more of a cannon than a small arm, which may be correct sound-wise, but also displays the idiocy of it being in CS at all. Not just does it screw a good few things up in the gameplay there, it also makes not the slightest shred of sense to carry an anti-tank weapon into a gunfight ;)
(Admittedly them using the Arctic Warfare Magnum Police version at least lets the theme fit, theres still no cars in CS, and its too easily wielded)
It's unrealistic but who cares? AWPs are the coolest, and the only weapon n00bs like me can kill people with :D
I think the game needs weight like CS, when you shoot someone, the thump of the bullet in a target (Or you) really does add a lot of atmosphere. They shouldn't have blood though, Timesplitters 2 is perfect without it, and it would put some people off. I don't think PS is a gory sort of game (With all the pretty Empire colours and all!)
2003-05-16, 12:51 PM
Sp3ctre's nailed one of the points. I was thinking about this yesterday. "What was it that made CS so scary?" The thump.
I think that people should die more quickly too, or slow down when they're hit. Surely the force of an object slamming into them would hamper their movement temporarily at least.
Come on guys, keep throwing out your complaints/worries. For each one you post, post a solution.
We might not change the release game but you might have an effect on future modifications.
2003-05-16, 04:39 PM
I agree wholeheartedly. And just wtf did they do to the shotgun?! It sounds like some sort of laser rifle or something!
2003-05-16, 05:57 PM
Just keep in mind that any additional sounds/animations added to get an effect while shooting or seeing someone go down/take dmg adds considerably to the "lag factor".
Its easy to say PS has a weekness in this area but remember that you are playing on huge servers of up to 4000 players,its massive indeed.
I would gladly trade these enhanced visual/audio treats for smoother gameplay:)
2003-05-16, 07:25 PM
No they're not, anyone and their dog can score with an MP5. The problem with the AWP is if its used by several proficient shooters, it can pretty much lock the game down (the support from weapon-switching/zoom/crouching combo-scripts of course makes this easier). On the small playingfields of CS, that tends to stink imo.
Aaah, the old argument of realism. First off it doesn't matter. If you still want a discussion of wether or not its likely that a body would be knocked around under fire, just consider how frickin unlikely it is if its not. The force of an impact may only be as large as that of a well-served tennisball, but the area is significantly smaller - meaning it penetrates and the force isn't absorbed as easily. The human body does not react rigidly - that would cause excessive damage to its own structure from already very minor injuries - so of course, although it could withstand the blast it will more likely act limp.
Again, for the sake of being complete in this argument, yes it is possible and even common that people are not even close to being limp and can in some cases continue to run or perform any other action although they have been wounded directly. It is definitely not the rule though - you shoot someone, they'll stop, although it has little to do with the force of impact. Lets not mention the possibilities for stabilizing your own backhold when firing with the exoskelet-system PS uses, it would make good sense to take full advantage of that (basicly you are a walking firing-pod).
So not only is it irrelevant how realistic or not it is if it looks right, as none of the games ambiente comes from realism, its also not all that far off.
Wether you play sound a that sounds really crappy or sound b thats alot better, it doesn't even remotely matter. As for twitching animations - if the server already tells you about hits, a few twitches won't hurt performance at all, nor will displaying them on your client do much. Worst case scenario you could make it switch-able, so that player animations won't show, the character will just appear to be walking slower. But afaik theres gestures in-game already, similiar deal there.
2003-05-16, 07:37 PM
Okay now, with a gun, if it was powerful enough to make them fly back, it would go thru them, think, if you get shot with a f*cking sniper rifle or something , if it hits ya, it goes through you, if you had impenetrable skin, it would knock you back, but , you dont, maybe in PS from teh armor, but, prolly not, a shotgun, if you got blasted in the chest, you should stagger or something, but its too late to implement any of that anyways, so why am I posting???
2003-05-16, 07:47 PM
SaltzBad,the reason I mentioned that is because when wwiionline put in rifle kick and blood splatter there was an across the board fps drop along with choppyness in big battles(unless your machine was uber).Im pretty sure there was no way to turn these features off either.Of course wwiionline always had its problems,but it is the only other MMFPS out there.
If PS can add these features without affecting performance than it certainly should be looked into.
2003-05-16, 08:27 PM
Slightly off-topic:
Rcn, I'm going to kick your arse, rubber bullets and thumpless sounds be damned. ;)
2003-05-16, 08:32 PM
sorry to say this but knowing sony they probaly won't add that they will prob make u buy an expansion
2003-05-16, 08:41 PM
Nah, sony's not that money hungry, I hope..........
2003-05-20, 05:31 PM
I dnt think it's father... should be less.. I think too tired to think about it any more than that.
No, the person getting hit is being hit with less energy than the firer is absorbing. Possibly if you are fighting in a vaccuum that would not be true, but Auraxis has an atmosphere, so this isn't the case.
Whenever someone mentions a real life gun and speaks of how powerful it is, they always refer to the distance the shot is from the barrel, because friction eats away at it constantly from the moment it starts moving.
Surely the force of an object slamming into them would hamper their movement temporarily at least.
If you were hitting them with big high-power bean bags, it would stagger them. That defeats the purpose of a bullet: to penetrate. If it wasted its energy halting forward progress of the target, it wouldn't get inside and do any real damage.
2003-05-20, 05:34 PM
You could shoot corks from wine bottles... ouch...
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