View Full Version : tactical bombers

2003-05-14, 04:09 PM
who thinks tactical bombers with dumb drop bombs would be cool.

all it would have to be is a galaxy with no passenger compartments. perhaps some gunners for protection and a payload of 1000lb bombs or cluster bombs or whatever.

would be great to drop on a hot battle field.

2003-05-14, 04:26 PM
Imagine the grief points:eek: .

2003-05-14, 04:27 PM
And have even more whiners complaining either;

A) They are too powerful. NERF!
B) They aren't useful. NERF!
C) I get too much grief with this.. NERF!

NightWalker XI
2003-05-14, 04:30 PM
I would love to see Bombers, they should be able to fly really high like real tactical bombers, that way you could strike deep into enemy controlled territory :D

2003-05-14, 04:34 PM
nothing wrong with nerf's stuff.

nerfing == balancing.

of course i would not like to see a stategic bomber droping nuke cluster bombs.

but a tactical bomber that drops dumb bombs would be cool to use on an enemy base.

not much different than the reavers's missles or the sunderer's dual cannons (that serves more as an ATTY piece than a troop transport)

it is just a cool option that can be tweaked for balance.

and the bombs can be different like what you get with the other grenade launching weapons.

there can be fragmentation/plasma/ and what that other one called....it is an electronic EMP bomb or something.

actually sounds like plasma would be the equivalent of napalm.

2003-05-14, 04:54 PM
they should need someone to be on the ground with a laser for them to lock onto so they are not greif machines and also not totally over powered

2003-05-14, 04:57 PM
Would be extreme coolness.

2003-05-14, 05:31 PM
there shall be the following soon after release :

Bomber plane
Anti air flak cannon buggy
Vehicle carrier in addition to the Galaxy

im gonna make a new thread on this look for it

2003-05-14, 05:55 PM
If it were to work it would take a lot of coordination to be usefull with out being a bane to your faction. yeah I think they should be able to go higher than the other aircraft. To avoid some major griefing a bomber would have to set a way point that would tell all other friendlies in the area that he was going to hit that structure or spot. I think the bombs would should be guided to the spot by satellite presumably. hmmm, what if once the bombs are dropped from very high up a timer would show up on all friendlies screens in the bomb area that tells them when the bombs would hit so they had some warning. Maybe only a certain command rank and above could use them since they could have such potential for destruction. Aside from having to be like cep 3 you would have to spend 4 certs on it. This would limit the use of a very powerful weapon to a responsible and dedicated few.

As far as experience goes I don't know how realistic a bomber would be in the soi current system.

oi, why am I talking about this? Well, I guess if they're going to add ships to the game why not bombers too?

just my 2 cents,

2003-05-14, 06:03 PM
Being killed with no possibility of beating your attacker = not fun.

It might be realistic to have bombers, but it would be very far from fun. I hope they never go in.

2003-05-14, 06:07 PM

2003-05-14, 07:04 PM
Waitaminute... this mean d0rian HAD A DECENT IDEA FOR ONCE.

Attention, people of the universe: the world shall end in 5 minutes and Hell shall freeze over. That is all.


2003-05-14, 08:44 PM
Hey DOrian Check out the post a couple Thereds ahead of you it says the PS team is trying to introduce Several new things including the Liberator heavy bomber. as well as a anti arcraft buggy. its really cool. look at the one that says OMG a bunch of times, but its true :D :D :D :D

HS Warwolf
2003-05-14, 08:44 PM
Bombers might be pretty cool. You might not even have to add special aircraft for the job. Just add two hooks on a reaver for a veriety of bombs like cluster, dumb and smart bombs. then have one fly over a base tryin not to be shot down and drop a cluster bomb.

2003-05-14, 08:46 PM
wow....i did not even know about this.

it must be a collective hive mind.

New aircraft :
Liberator - a brand new common pool bomber
New vehicle:
Skyguard -- an anti-aircraft buggy

2003-05-14, 08:49 PM
ya already to uber i think

2003-05-14, 08:51 PM
i just realized.

this is how they keep the beta testers who dont know if they want to get the game or not.

they give them a quit hit of new features before the release date to intice them.