View Full Version : Your momma is so (insert line) Thread!!
2003-05-14, 05:29 PM
Ok guys, this is the your momma's so (insert line) server, here the objective is to insert a momma's joke in your post. This is for humor and is generally considered (insulting) but the real purpose for this is to get your friends back with some knew one liners, so ill start it off!!
Your momma is so nasty, I asked her what is for dinner to night, and she open her legs and said "cottage cheese"
Your momma is so fat, she went on an elevator and made tower of terror part III!!!!
Your momma is so poor, she asked to borrow my shoes so she could walk into the store without being laughed at!!!
Your momma is so dirty, the coach told the football players to "hit the dirt" and the football players hit your momma instead.
Anyone else up for a joke?
2003-05-14, 05:32 PM
2003-05-14, 05:34 PM
Kiss my ass ***!!! Don't ruin it for the rest of us (No one is behind me) I wasn't asking for your opinion just your jokes you ass.
2003-05-14, 05:36 PM
So anyway, today is like the 5th day in a row that there have been tornados close to my house. What the hell is that about? Anyone else having funky weather?
2003-05-14, 05:38 PM
Yes actually. Every time I've washed my car, it has rained. Without fail. And Monday was worse. Big thunderstorm. I like thunderstorms and all, but seeing my lights blink sucks.
BTW, I've been through 2 tornadoes and an earthquake. Actually slept through the earthquake. Thunderstorms... now those I enjoy watching.
Yeah, lots of tornado warnings where I live, and every so often the wind will knock the lights out... which gets annoying...
2003-05-14, 05:58 PM
Oh Christ, I might as well give them both the credit for this thread to since they seem to go with the idea that it is nice to "devo" my threads
:lol: :rofl: :lol:
2003-05-14, 06:00 PM
It's cool though, every time it hailed I was in a garage, and i've never had to quit playing ps cause of the weather.
2003-05-14, 06:14 PM
Your momma is so black she makes midnight look like an albino.
Your maomma is so poor she has to reclcye the corn in her shit to feed the kids!
Your momma is so fat when she walks her ass looks like 2 pigs wresling under a blanket.
Your momma is so dumb, she tried to mail in her rent check with a food stamp!
2003-05-14, 06:23 PM
I love this man, where did you get them!!! This jokes are cool!!!
Got anymore?!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
2003-05-14, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by Unregistered
Your maomma is so poor she has to reclcye the corn in her shit to feed the kids!
Love this one especially!!!!
2003-05-14, 06:29 PM
I got them out of my head. They just sort of popped in there.
Your momma is so ugly she turned Madusa to stone.
Your momma is so hairy even John Dere won't cut her lawn!
Yea dude I had this mad wierd Ice storm last month where it was like raining a lot, but then it got maddd cold so everything froze, but then the ice just kept building up and building up till all of the trees were falling over and branches were cracking and falling everywhere due to the weight that it could not support. One huge branch fell on my car, but because my car was covered in a huge sheet of ice the only thing that got damaged was my freakin antena!! Noooo!!!
But yea we didn't have power or cable for like a week it sux0red hardcore. It was pretty surreal walking out after everything cleared up, because there were branches EVERYWHERE and the branches that didn't fall down were hangin mad low. Also, the grass when it was all icy was really cool because each individual piece sticking up was sheeted in a bunch of ice, it looked like one of those ice sculptures.
2003-05-14, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by Unregistered
I got them out of my head. They just sort of popped in there.
Your momma is so ugly she turned Madusa to stone.
Your momma is so hairy even John Dere won't cut her lawn!
Ouch cold dude, these would make a person come after you with a bitch stick!!!
Unregistered, you ever considered going into the "Insult" buisness. You would come back with a few bruises and hell, youd make a lot of money for that talent you have...(I think)
And im pretty sure when you first started, people came after you with a bitch stick untill you contributed
:lol: :rofl: :lol:
2003-05-14, 06:52 PM
People don't "come after me". I'm 6'2" 230lbs and most people stay out of my way.
If you know me, then you know I'm one of the nicest people you'll ever meet. If you don't know me then I can be a real asshole.
Hell one of my all time favroite lines is one some jerk off in a bar trys to start a conversation, and I just look right at him and say "I didn't come here to talk to you". Then as soon as they open their mouth again I follow up with "What was I just said you didn't understand?"
They genrally leave me alone after that.
I am the poster child for Anti-Social behavior.
2003-05-14, 06:54 PM
Yo momma smells so bad she'd make Speed Stick slow down and Right Guard turn left!
Yo momma is so old that she farts dust!
Yo momma is so old that her first husband was Ogg Bigclub the Fire-keeper.
2003-05-14, 07:32 PM
Damn dude, Your just like me!! Im 6'2 and I weight 210 pounds!!!
I am generally anti-social too but hell this is a forum where if your generally antisocial, you don't get talked to.
I was so crazy one day, I remember that at a party I one time poored an entire bottle of hard whiskey into a huge fruit punch bowl and set that bitch on fire!!!!
:lol: I have never seen so many people scared shitless saying that there was a bomb in the building and that one just exploded in one of the bathrooms. I laughed my ass of the entire time.........than I spend 5 months in jail....bummer.
2003-05-14, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by Sando138
Yo momma smells so bad she'd make Speed Stick slow down and Right Guard turn left!
Yo momma is so old that she farts dust!
Yo momma is so old that her first husband was Ogg Bigclub the Fire-keeper.
you stole those from somewhere but good none the less. Keep im coming guys!!!
2003-05-14, 07:35 PM
This thread sucks.
2003-05-14, 07:35 PM
Is there some reason why your name is "unregistered" and your title is custom title....I know this is stupid to ask, but it has been bugging me ever since I first saw you post for the first time...
It would please my brain from the pain of thinking if you would just tell me.
2003-05-14, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
This thread sucks.
ouch man, don't diss the thread!!! All my threads suck...what else is new. You just hurt my feelings by confirming it...
2003-05-14, 07:44 PM
i got them from somewhere, but i don't remember where, so they're fair game... :) and the last one was my own creation.
2003-05-14, 08:08 PM
Unregistered is a status, not a name. I refuse to register my name at this site, and therefore I am Unregistered.
That and I got banned at for useing this name before I ever posted anything. One of the admins (Statoshi) over there wanted me to register and I did it as a joke so he banned me.
When Hamma started this site, that admin (Statoshi) was one of the origonal staff here so I did it again just to spite him, because I knew Hamma wouln't ban me for using the name.
So there you have it. I refused to register my name, and did this as a joke.
My title is Custom Title because everyone is always posting "I want a custom title", and I can laugh at them and say "I have a custom title, and you don't".
All in all both the name and title are a reflection of my sick sence of humor.
2003-05-14, 08:15 PM
Unregistered, you sound a whole lot like me, for some reason. a person who cannot be classified as a 'people person' by anyone's standards save those of a raving lunatic.
2003-05-14, 08:48 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
This thread sucks.
2003-05-16, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
This thread sucks.
its been confirmed 3 times
Lock'er up and haul ehr off hamma, thisn thread should be closed 2 business.
and sorry, but i see little humor is thoes jokes...
2003-05-16, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by Unregistered
Unregistered is a status, not a name. I refuse to register my name at this site, and therefore I am Unregistered.
That and I got banned at for useing this name before I ever posted anything. One of the admins (Statoshi) over there wanted me to register and I did it as a joke so he banned me.
When Hamma started this site, that admin (Statoshi) was one of the origonal staff here so I did it again just to spite him, because I knew Hamma wouln't ban me for using the name.
So there you have it. I refused to register my name, and did this as a joke.
My title is Custom Title because everyone is always posting "I want a custom title", and I can laugh at them and say "I have a custom title, and you don't".
All in all both the name and title are a reflection of my sick sence of humor.
So how did you a "custom title" anyways? Sounds like a good joke but too bad statoshi isn't here..... Hey, do play counter-strike? If you do, do you think it is a good game, because I have had it for 4 years and needless to say, it has not got me bored. I am a fan of Command and Conquer games but planetside well most certainly surpass them in everyway. Thx for posting unregistered and this thread obviously pissed off some people but hey, it was worth the chat!!!
2003-05-16, 03:29 PM
Haha Unreg, you got your own little squeeky now!
2003-05-16, 03:37 PM
I like to think of it as having my own Bizziaro Tobias. He means well, he's just not all there.
2003-05-16, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by Unregistered
I like to think of it as having my own Bizziaro Tobias. He means well, he's just not all there.
Well, I dont think you have any loose screws so ill put it like this.
Most people wouldn't know why your custom title is well....custom title and why your name is unregistered unless you say something like you just did. It makes a lot more sense now to me and just think about yourself as being unique and not being all there.
I mean who else would have a title like that? Hell....I haven't figured what the hell is a squeeky and a sputty and a hamma......or even wtf a dio is. So, at least I know why one person has a unique name.
anyways, so you dont like counter-strike?
2003-05-16, 03:56 PM
Chia 4 Lyfe!!!
SoF2 > CS
oh, and this is Dio:
2003-05-16, 05:27 PM
Your momma's so fat that when she goes to the beach she's the only one who gets a tan.
2003-05-16, 06:59 PM
I think Hamma is like a twist on his last name, "Hammer" and a Squeeky is a midget, and Sputty is a kerazy lesbian monkey lover :)
2003-05-16, 07:26 PM
Originally posted by Unregistered
People don't "come after me". I'm 6'2" 230lbs and most people stay out of my way. Damn, I'm 6'1.5" and at 200lbs....and i'm younger. when i get alittle older, YOU will have to stay away from me.:brow:
yo moma is so fat, she took out the trade centers for osama.
yes that sucked. Why? Cause this thread sucks.
2003-05-16, 07:28 PM
im 200, 6 feet, im in wrestling , and if ppl f*ck with me, I just pick them up and squeeze them :P
2003-05-16, 07:45 PM
Originally posted by Dharkbayne
I think Hamma is like a twist on his last name, "Hammer" and a Squeeky is a midget, and Sputty is a kerazy lesbian monkey lover :) Correct with my name
2003-05-16, 08:05 PM
Im not a midget :ugh:
2003-05-16, 09:13 PM
Originally posted by Squeeky
Im not a midget :ugh:
Of course you aren't (*cough*)
--------------------Sounds like....................I need some cough medicine for my throat...........
2003-05-16, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by Dharkbayne
im 200, 6 feet, im in wrestling , and if ppl f*ck with me, I just pick them up and squeeze them :P
Ouch................I don't think you can squeeze a squeeky though......
2003-05-16, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by UNEEDASSHOE
Your momma's so fat that when she goes to the beach she's the only one who gets a tan.
I thought a dio was a pokemon.............
Seriously.....Dioduck or some shit like that. BUT DAMN!!! That is one ugly mofu...looks like he needs to shave big time!!!
2003-05-16, 11:31 PM
Your mommas so fat, she jumped in the grand canyon and got stuck! (old fucking news)
2003-05-20, 03:04 PM
Your mommas so fat that when she goes to get her shoes shined shes gotta take their word.
2003-05-20, 06:00 PM
Originally posted by UNEEDASSHOE
Your mommas so fat that when she goes to get her shoes shined shes gotta take their word.
2003-05-20, 06:00 PM
Originally posted by LTC:LaserTobias
2003-05-20, 11:36 PM
your momma is so fat, Clinton has a new butt buddy.
2003-05-21, 10:32 AM
Originally posted by UNEEDASSHOE
Your mommas so fat that when she goes to get her shoes shined shes gotta take their word. I got it.
2003-05-21, 03:04 PM
are you that dense that you dont even understand what that means but at least someone got it
2003-05-21, 03:25 PM
Your mommas so fat that when she walks out to get the mail it measures on the richter scale.
2003-05-22, 02:53 PM
Your mommas like a big mac, shes full of fat and only worth a buck.
2003-05-22, 07:08 PM
yo momma is so fat, her ass is a surgical remover at the local hospital.
2003-05-22, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by UNEEDASSHOE
Your mommas so fat that when she goes to get her shoes shined shes gotta take their word.
ObFrog's Humor Explanation Service!!!
OK, what he was going at was that your mother can't see her feet due to her immense abdominal girth. This being said, when she gets her shoes shined (this requiring her to pay money), she needs to take the word of the shoeshiner that her shoes are, in fact, polished (and that she got her money's worth).
ObFrog's Humor Explanation Service: Helping the Dense Laugh at Kindergarden-Level Humor Since May 2003
2003-05-22, 09:40 PM
Originally posted by LTC:LaserTobias
proof LTC is really dumb...
2003-05-23, 12:07 AM
Originally posted by ObnoxiousFrog
ObFrog's Humor Explanation Service!!!
OK, what he was going at was that your mother can't see her feet due to her immense abdominal girth. This being said, when she gets her shoes shined (this requiring her to pay money), she needs to take the word of the shoeshiner that her shoes are, in fact, polished (and that she got her money's worth).
ObFrog's Humor Explanation Service: Helping the Dense Laugh at Kindergarden-Level Humor Since May 2003
im glad someone could explain that joke to the idiots out there
2003-06-03, 05:18 PM
Your mommas so fat that she aint never used a phone booth.
2003-06-03, 06:54 PM
that was... gay...
2003-06-03, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by {BOHICA}Navaron
So anyway, today is like the 5th day in a row that there have been tornados close to my house. What the hell is that about? Anyone else having funky weather?
2003-06-03, 09:08 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
This thread sucks.
2003-06-03, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
This thread sucks.
2003-06-03, 09:29 PM
haha yoru momma is so fat wheniu i swa dru k i would fukll her
2003-06-03, 09:29 PM
Ummm... what?
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