View Full Version : PSU: Going down faster than a whore on overtime

2003-05-16, 03:42 PM
I just saw this quote come up and It made me want to take this oppetunity, with all the trouble Hamma has been having with the site, to pour salt in the wounds.

Let's use this thread for you best How Often/How Fast quotes. All in good fun of course.

My fav is a lot like the one in the Quate DB, and here it is:

PSU: Going down more than a $2 whore durring fleet week.

2003-05-16, 04:14 PM

So true :P

2003-05-16, 04:15 PM
PSU: If you pick at it, it WILL get worse.

Leave it alone hamma!

2003-05-29, 12:10 PM
Hey that was my quote! woot fame at last!

2003-05-29, 12:12 PM
PSU: Have some free time? Oh wait, why else are you here?