View Full Version : what do ineed for my computer

2003-05-16, 09:45 PM
Are joysticks compatible?If they are what should I get? If mics are compatible which should I get? I just need all the system requirements.:confused: :(

2003-05-20, 04:06 PM
Joysticks and Mics are not required or part of the system specs. But I would suggest a mic or mic/headset b/c in game voice and systems like TeamSpeak will be used alot.

I like the Labtech voice stand quite a bit. Its just a desk top mic and like $15 at CompUSA. I had a Plantronics .90 but I prefer my speakers over a headset anyday.

As for Joysticks, they are supported but do not work very well at all yet. From what I hear the sensitivity is bad. So don't worry about this just yet as if your not TR and I meet you in the sky and your using a Joystick, prepare to go down in flames!

2003-05-21, 04:18 PM
thanks, but it'll be the other way around.:ncrocks: