View Full Version : Emerald can't handle the player load!
2003-05-21, 08:18 PM
Just now Emerald started to melt down. After a few hours of play with the same squad, on the same continent, hoorible lag struck. My entire squad got frozen, unable to respawn anywhere, we had to log off (which entailed clicking "quit" and then waiting 5 minutes for it to log off)...
Whats going on in Emerald? Some of the ppl I talked to on the server said it couldnt handle the number of players on it, and that they never stress tested the servers with numbers as high as are on them right now...
Was anyone else on Emerald around 8pm EST?
2003-05-21, 10:04 PM
at 7:04 PST Emerald got really bad...tanks driving in the air, people floating...stuf like that.
We looked at the other servers, and noticed that the west coast servers were less cluttered and ran smoother.
Also, both West Coast servers needed TR. Tells me where all the TR are playing...:)
"we charge the $12.99 to maintain the servers..."
Wow it's the MasterGnr! Been a while since i've seen that name here. :wave:
And i'm just curious does anybody know how many players where on the server?
2003-05-21, 10:08 PM
I'm not sure what the deal is with Emerald, it has always been a little flaky in my experience.
2003-05-21, 10:08 PM
Good ol' Markov :D No lag worries on there. When are they starting up the other servers?
2003-05-21, 10:10 PM
Well konried is up (second east serv) they should have brought that one up first, seems more stable
2003-05-21, 10:21 PM
Originally posted by MasterGnr
at 7:04 PST Emerald got really bad...tanks driving in the air, people floating...stuf like that.
We looked at the other servers, and noticed that the west coast servers were less cluttered and ran smoother.
Also, both West Coast servers needed TR. Tells me where all the TR are playing...:)
"we charge the $12.99 to maintain the servers..."
Wow the l33t Tribes Talk dude , How ya been MG? :cool:
2003-05-21, 11:41 PM
Been pretty busy with Army stuff, thx for asking!
I enjoy what this game represents, but in the two nights I have owned it, I could not play for more than 45 minutes. Between issues that I am having with the balance and the horrid lag on emerald...argh
Some people say "find another server if u dont like lag" but the point is many of us are playing this because teammates from previous games are playing. I am a west coaster, but the GeeZers want to play east. Central would be more fair....but they didnt give us a choice did they? You can't just change servers after you have invested time in earning BEP and CEP.
They should allow your character to change servers.
TR is owning on most servers! Go TR!
2003-05-21, 11:52 PM
Welcome to the introduction of EVERY MMO GAME...they suck for the first couple days. Deal with it.
And why do you need character portability between servers the first two days? Not like you have anything worth keeping.
2003-05-21, 11:57 PM
Originally posted by MasterGnr
TR is owning on most servers! Go TR! We are? damn my planetside thing is wierd.
*sigh* For once i really want to go shopping.
2003-05-21, 11:59 PM
I'm guessing they will add the ability to move between servers at some point.. at least I'd hope so.
2003-05-22, 03:31 AM
Considering how little there is to gain from a server transfer, again...why?
Name? If you transfer to a server where someone has the same name, YOU are the one to change it, not the person who had it on that server first.
BEP? Trivial, and not that important.
CEP...well, that's a maybe. Harder to get that, at least.
Granted there is a lot less to transfer with PS than EQ, but Sony charges big time $$$ to transfer characters between servers on EQ, and you transfer without any of your items or cash.
2003-05-22, 08:34 AM
I'm not talking about now
But later, when I am BR20, or CR4 or something, and my team decideds "hey we want to switch servers" I'm not gonna want to start over again. BEP may be trivial to you, but after a month of working hard to gain all that BEP I'm not gonna want to give it up. I worked hard for it.
At this stage in the game, you gain nothing from moving your char. Later things will be different.
2003-05-22, 09:17 AM
Konried may be more stable simply because hardly anybody is there rigth now. Hopefully it will get more players as more join the game.
It seems right now like there are too many east players for ine server, but not enough for two. Hopefully more people join in and things even out.
2003-05-22, 09:34 AM
Even during Beta, Emerald was simply not as good as the west coast servers, Johari in particular.
I am on the East Coast myself, I live near Charlotte, NC and have broadband. During beta, I really wanted to play on Emerald, but the lag was simply horrific. I tried once again when retail hit, hoping that it would have been improved, but it seems to be no better.
2003-05-22, 09:39 AM
I'm not talking about now
But later, when I am BR20, or CR4 or something, and my team decideds "hey we want to switch servers" I'm not gonna want to start over again. BEP may be trivial to you, but after a month of working hard to gain all that BEP I'm not gonna want to give it up. I worked hard for it.
At this stage in the game, you gain nothing from moving your char. Later things will be different.
You haven't got much experience with MMOs specifically SOE ones have ya bud?
They will never do a char transfer at the drop of a hat.
the only time you got one is for if a new server opened up.
If you wanted to move your level 60 wizard with 2 years (literally) playing time, you eitehr waited for a brand new server with a movelog facility or else you where stuck.
Anyway whats teh point of a group of friends moving servers unless you are trying out a new empire. Just stay on teh same one!
2003-05-22, 09:43 AM
I'm going to try out konried tonight. Emerald's performance was disgusting.
I agree with hamma though, moving characters between servers would be nice. Leveling in this game is more of an annoyance than it is a reward system, so having to do it multiple times blows.
2003-05-22, 10:06 AM
Matuse-- DAOC had an absolutely flawless launch.
I was on emerald as well on hrm.. Hossin. We had 3-4 continent crashes which really sucks when you are far away from a base in a tank and it POOFS. I also had some really weird lag spikes-- one when I got out of my magrider to fix it and it proceeded to warp across the base with me chasing it 8)
Still a whole shitload of fun though!
2003-05-22, 12:41 PM
I dont plan on moving. Just thinking out loud.
I am sure there will be other people buying this game, and they, being sensible folks, will fill out the other servers.
2003-05-22, 01:53 PM
Matuse-- DAOC had an absolutely flawless launch.
Except the item crafting system didn't work, the majority of the world wasn't itemized past the lvl 20 zones, keeps didn't work properly, relics weren't in though they lied about it until someone tried to grab one, RvR was terribly balanced, the game lagged like mad if 40 people were in the same area for RvR and the cities had terrible lag.
Other than that DAOC was flawless.
Big Bro
2003-05-22, 02:36 PM
They proved during beta that none of the servers could handle overload. I think the magic number was like 4k? That's when I started to notice lag and stuff anyways. That's why they have people monitoring it and setting up the new servers as needed.
I'm fairly certain that once Konreid and Johari reach the magic number, they'll release new servers and we'll be having a conversation about how great the Hamma server is comparatively. YES, they should name a server after you man!
2003-05-22, 02:49 PM
Ender nailed it there...DAOC was incomplete when it went to release. I was in beta for DAOC, and I quit when they announced the release date on the beta boards, because the game was so obviously not ready for prime time (well, that was one reason, the other is that DAOC had a boredom level that made EQ look like skydiving)...hell, the primary rogue class for all 3 realms went into release COMPLETELY UNTESTED.
The quality of its release from a lag/server stability point of view was superb by MMO standards, but it still had problems with crashes and lag and such.
Big Bro
2003-05-22, 02:51 PM
I feel much better about a game that needs a bit of "tweaking" to acheive gameplay balance than I do about a game that crashes every now and again for "no apparent reason".
Get the basic critical things going first. If it's playable, then release it. The gameplay balance will come with time. Those that don't care to help with that can wait a few months while the rest of us have fun.
2003-05-22, 09:35 PM
Well Emerald appears to be going down in a ball of flames again tonite. I log on, get into a HART, I cant drop anywhere, im trapped on the thing, have to Alt+Cntrl+Delete, then I cant log back on to Emerald...
2003-05-22, 09:44 PM
Yep, just an hour ago (6:45 mst) im in my reaver, go through the hossin warpgate...and freeze, i should have known better, there was a reason that i saw 30 people, sunderer, and 2 galaxy's frozen in warp gate...sigh..i guess i thought i could make it.... I am so pissed off at emerald, if I wasnt at br10, I would switch to Markov, but o the work!!!
2003-05-22, 09:56 PM
It makes me wonder wether I should wait until I get broadband to buy Planetside...
2003-05-22, 11:04 PM
oh you definatly should.
Emerald seemed to be working fine when i finally reconected and played for a few hours tonie.
2003-05-22, 11:22 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
Well konried is up (second east serv) they should have brought that one up first, seems more stable
Probably seems more stable because there aren't as many players on it. ;)
2003-05-22, 11:23 PM
Originally posted by Destroyeron
It makes me wonder wether I should wait until I get broadband to buy Planetside...
I'm having a blast on my 56k. ;) You just can't expect to run around and gun everything down. I play engineer/medic right now, and will expand once I get more cert points.
2003-05-22, 11:55 PM
Anyone else keep getting disconnected from Emerald? I got dropped like 3 times tonight. I might have to go back to Konreid if this keeps up.
2003-05-23, 12:34 AM
What they need to do is lock the server as soon as it hits 4,000 peeps - over that and it gets laggy. Not this, poof we kicked you off thing either, but an actual lock, where you can't even get in.
2003-05-23, 12:47 AM
Which sucks if you go linkdead, and then can't get back on.
What they need is to open more servers to account for the load. The only other solution is a larger game world with more machines supporting it.
2003-05-23, 01:15 AM
well, since beta I have been on Markov, and it has had similar problem to emerald once it gets the load. It has prob 80% the load of emerald at any given time, so it isnt ever quite as bad, but still has enough people in it to populate the world at odd times and have great battles.
So, it is all around problems when the servers get too full. I am sure that it will get better in a few days/weeks
2003-05-23, 09:12 PM
all i have to say is on emerald is.. i have never been kicked out.
no lag.. and i have been in some tough battles..
when playing this game.. no ftps.. or irc servers... even dc hubs should be run..
leave all the bandwidith for the game..
if still.. im sure SOE sees that shit and will address it.
i played in Markov during beta.. and been playing in emerald since the game came out.. and must say that the amount of action.. vehicles on the screen and all that other good shit makes emerald the server to be and i didnt lag a bit..
HoLLa bacK at ur boY!!!
2003-05-23, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by 2coasts
Just now Emerald started to melt down. After a few hours of play with the same squad, on the same continent, hoorible lag struck. My entire squad got frozen, unable to respawn anywhere, we had to log off (which entailed clicking "quit" and then waiting 5 minutes for it to log off)...
Whats going on in Emerald? Some of the ppl I talked to on the server said it couldnt handle the number of players on it, and that they never stress tested the servers with numbers as high as are on them right now...
Was anyone else on Emerald around 8pm EST?
Trust me, they did stress /load test it during beta.. but they did'nt do anything about it. They've put up other servers, but since people insist on playing there they cant do anything except either limit logins (bad) or forcibly remove players (bad). =)
2003-05-23, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by instant
Trust me, they did stress /load test it during beta.. but they did'nt do anything about it. They've put up other servers, but since people insist on playing there they cant do anything except either limit logins (bad) or forcibly remove players (bad). =)
If they offered to let people move their char to Konried, I think many would volunteer. Why not have 2 good servers instead of one quiet one and one laggy one?
2003-05-23, 10:34 PM
i was in beta and got frustated with the load and lemme tell u konried is so nice no lag ability to have back and forth battles ability to take towers without a full squad god do i want cred card number or a game card number :(
2003-05-23, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by kerosene31
If they offered to let people move their char to Konried, I think many would volunteer. Why not have 2 good servers instead of one quiet one and one laggy one?
Well, after they've done with their first cleansing (ban/suspend) i bet there will be room on Emerald for everyone (left) to play there. :-)
They did put up a second East server during Beta at least..
2003-05-23, 10:49 PM
If it keeps having problems go to konried
2003-05-23, 11:26 PM
they can pry emerald from my cold dead hands.
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