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Some shitstain STOLE my name!#%
I pick up the game one fucking day late and someone STEALS MY GODDAMN NAME.
2003-05-21, 11:06 PM
You should have had someone reserve it, everyone has open slots :(
SCREW this game. I am going back to Desert Combat and STAYING there. At least I can keep my fucking name!
Led, just do what I do
Put another d on the end
Some shitface took r3d too
Try to PM the guy and ask for it back.
BTW: anyone wanna try ans save r3d or r3dd for me? kthx ;]
2003-05-21, 11:11 PM
You can always be "Led1" or "Ledy"
^needs more help than Led!
I did NOT waste all that time fighting long and hard and really busting my ass only to have some PIGFUCKER steal my name!
I demand BLOOD
2003-05-21, 11:28 PM
The acronym of the day is: ADHD
Advanced Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
J/K, anyway, have a :hug:. If you want blood, you could always throw a gernade into the player's house! Aren't gernades fun to use! I like than nice sound when you pull the pin out of the gernade!
2003-05-21, 11:28 PM
You could name yourself Gernade.
Fortunately, I don't have PS, so Led can't kill me for that :thumbsup:
2003-05-21, 11:40 PM
K, wh wants a hack? :brow:
Or just blackmail the dude, or send him a virus, something that will end his computers life.
Hunt the dude down.
This chickenshits head is going to be mounted on my wall before the month is out.
make a character called therealled and join their empire and tk them the entire time they're online.
they should get the idea
If anyone else could email
[email protected] about this and try to help, I would GREATLY appreciate it.
2003-05-21, 11:59 PM
Originally posted by afex
make a character called therealled and join their empire and tk them the entire time they're online.
they should get the idea :lol:
2003-05-22, 12:31 AM
Lol whats funny is the guy throwin a fit about someone stealing his name also has a thread on the official boards about this too.
Cept here his handle is Led
and there its Ledd.
2003-05-22, 12:33 AM
I think it is time for me to confess.
Ledd on the main ps boards is me. Station names cannot be three letters, so I had to take Ledd.
And I aint a guy :mad:
2003-05-22, 12:40 AM
Sorry to hear about this. Perhaps you can use a different name? Maybe Ledd? Or TankGirl? Hamma can get you squared away changing your name here on PSU if you want, again, sorry to hear about this :(
2003-05-22, 12:41 AM
I think ya gota put in big letters under your sig, "I'm a woman, fucktard"
Originally posted by BUGGER33
"I'm a woman, fucktard"
One little comma, very different meaning. :love:
Originally posted by Squeeky
Sorry to hear about this. Perhaps you can use a different name? Maybe Ledd? Or TankGirl? Hamma can get you squared away changing your name here on PSU if you want, again, sorry to hear about this :(
The day I admit defeat to these fucktards is the day I die.
2003-05-22, 12:46 AM
One little comma, very different meaning.
:lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl:
2003-05-22, 12:53 AM
2003-05-22, 12:57 AM
well i kinda hurt me hand today cuttin middle finger aint feeling ok today.....
*cough* well lemme edit that.;)
2003-05-22, 03:34 AM
You can try to email, but I doubt much can be done about it.
Odds are, the person with the name has never been to PSU, and didn't take the name maliciously. Given that it is also an acronym, it isn't impossible that someone else holds it near & dear to them.
2003-05-22, 04:29 AM
Y'know get in on the servers, find them and tell them... I got someone to give up Pilgrim on Emerald (I had it on every other server)
Just do it soon.
What server are you looking for it on... everyone here can make their lives real interesting for one of our fine Sisters of Battle! :)
I doubt the character will ever even be logged on :mad:
Tried again this morning.
I now have Led on Markov and Johari, which is great, since I will never play on east servers anyways.
No replies to any emails or anything... they were just... gone :eek:
Well hot diggity damn, I am back in business! :D:D:D:D
2003-05-22, 08:57 AM
So you've got it on the west, but not the east??
2003-05-22, 09:08 AM
I personally know some people who reserved their names on all 4 servers just for the hell of it. :p
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