View Full Version : Small Unit tactics primer

2003-05-22, 02:43 AM
Ok while i'm not in retail yet I'm going to try and blend a few things I've been picking up on the boards along with my experiences for beta. Obviously a lot of youse guys can skip over this although hopefully it will help vets some too.

This is gonna ramble a bit but forgive me.

Know cover, love cover use cover. Rocks are cover, hills are cover, walls are cover, hulks of vehicles are cover. Trees and your teammates are not cover, neither are light and close to death vehicles (many people have found this out the hard way).

Crouch. This is not doom, running while shooting is worthless. If you deathly cannot crouch for some reason (hopefully it is because your c button is broke) at least stand still. About the only gun i personaly seen that can be used at any kind of distance while running is the thumper.

Dont shoot your teammates in the back. This seems fairly simplistic but youd be suprised. If theres an enemy down the corridor and your teammates are in front of you unclench yourself from your trigger guard and dont shoot. Let them take care of ti or be taken care of.

Watch your grenade spacing. While this doesnt mean as much in planetside as real life it's still important, a gaggle of troops draws fire. Also when moving across open country do three things. 1) Stay off the road, you stand out even worse then normal (in your nice red blue and purple uniforms, whould someone PLEASE toss me a can of grass green spraypain, thankyou). 2) Stay away from groups. See above 3) Stay away from MAX's in the open, same goes for tanks, nothing draws fire like a TR MAX charging across a courtyard, once they kill it or it gets out of cover they will kill you, and unless you have surge, your a lot slower.

Pretty quick ill throw in some more detailed things as soon as i draw up some diagrams.

2003-05-22, 10:16 AM
And when running across a bridge, stay on one side, instead of blocking the road for all the vehicles coming from behind. People with less patience than me will run you over.

Tip: place mines behind the trees outside the base walls, it's hilarious to see attacking infantry trying to take cover from the defenders, only to be blown up :D

2003-05-22, 10:18 AM
^actually, run on the railing if possible.. i swear i get nailed by out of control friendly vehicles on bridges too much even if I am on one side.

2003-05-22, 10:21 AM
Just watch out for those buggy drivers that like to ride with one set of wheels on the railing :)

2003-05-22, 11:04 AM
Rule Number 1: Move With Your Squad. Stay with them. Do not go do your own thing. Staying with the engineer and the medic and the hacker and the other rifles is the key to everything.

2003-05-22, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by Doppler
Trees and your teammates are not cover, neither are light and close to death vehicles (many people have found this out the hard way).
First of all, whats the matter with trees? Second of all, whats the matter with light infantry? :D J/K on that second one. :D

EDIT: Forgot to add this in my original post, good guide. If every retail n00b could get just these basic points down (along with not shooting the generator :D) then the world will be a better place. :D

2003-05-22, 01:16 PM
I keep having to learn to use the military crest of hills, vs. the crest.

The military crest is far enough down one side that either just your head, or nothing, peeks over the other side. Standing up on the actual crest makes a nice outline, and says "shoot me!"

2003-05-22, 09:37 PM
Never heard the phrase military crest, this could be because I'm airforce though and you know how the services like to refer to things difrently at any oportunity (WTF IS A HEAD?) Term i've always heard it refered to was skylighting,

Yes dont shoot the gens is another important part of this guide, I was mostly referring to squad tactic but it bears repeating, try not to damage anything in a base your trying to take, especialy after the hack has occured.

Trees are technicly refered to as shitty cover or concealment. Cover is designed by something that completely blocks the enemies vew of you. A lot of trees arnt wide enough to quily, but it depends on what continent.