View Full Version : Tale of a just TK

2003-05-22, 07:49 PM
(Disclaimer: This happened at the END OF BETA.)
Once upon a time, there was a pilot named ObnoxiousFrog. One day, during a battle over a tower on Cyssor., ObFrog flew past a pilot inferior to himself named Zshazz. In a fit of rage and stupidity, Zshazz shoots down ObFrog's already-damaged Reaver for almost hitting him. As ObFrog goes to the nearby Tech Plant to buy a new Reaver, Zshazz rockets his defenseless prey who did nothing. The following convo ensues:

ObnxiousFrog: Why the fuck did you do that?
Zshazz: For flying like a dumbass.
ObnoxiousFrog: So you shoot me down for dodging fire, then rocket me as I go to get a new plane? Brilliant plan, dumbass!
Zshazz: Yea I did think it was a good plan.

So, as ObFrog is zooming off in his new Reaver, he looks at the ground to see if a pilot there is Zshazz. It is, so he darts off upward. Zshazz, in all of his dumb bastard glory, shoots down ObFrog once again. Chat transcript:

ObnoxiousFrog: wtf?!?
Zshazz: U almost hit me while i was repairing, i would have been royally pissed.
ObnoxiousFrog: So....you shot me down for not hitting you?
Zshazz: Yep
ObnoxiousFrog: Once again, brilliant plan, you royal fucktard

OK, now ObFrog is really pissed. He keeps flying over Cyssor, battling TR as they come, when he falls upon a convoy. A convoy of a Sunderer and.....a Reaver. He scans the aircraft, and God-be-damned, it's Zshazz! Already tasting the sweet nectar of revenge on his lips, ObFrog waits, trailing just beyond sensor range. Then, it happens. Zshazz stops to a hover for a few seconds. The few precious seconds in which ObFrog would wreck his revenge. Launching a full salvo of rockets into Zshazz, ObFrog is completely unremorseful to his deed. He ends his job with one solemn word to his opponent:

ObnoxiousFrog: Fucker

2003-05-22, 07:51 PM

2003-05-22, 08:06 PM



2003-05-22, 08:14 PM

That sure was one justified TK!

Lee Fay
2003-05-22, 08:25 PM
Omg can't believe there are indeed so many fuktards in this game.

I had similar experience, except that guy was in a vanguard.

So I found him gunning his vanguard solo, and I let go all my rockets on my reaver and got my revenge.

To hell!:mad:

2003-05-22, 08:57 PM
Man thats why I always carry 3 decimators (9 rockets) if anyone decides to FUCK wit me you WILL die. (well vehicles and MAXs). Then I also hold my rocklet, which I just go up to and set it on secondary and let all 6 rockets blast!

2003-05-22, 09:24 PM
I hate it when you spawn into the sanctuary and you get stuck in a spawntube behind some afk asshole. Thats the only time i really go into a rage about TKing(becuase i CANT).

Sometimes i kill people for being completely stupid. For example, running around a almost captured base with my decimator when the message "This facilities generator is under attack" pops up. So i run off to kill the intruder, and its a friendly av max. So i yell at him to stop and wait for the hack to finish. He turns and shoots me once (bad idea as i was holding a decimator). So i ripped him a new one, and 30 seconds later the base turned friendly.

2003-05-22, 09:48 PM
/me adds Zshazz to tk list.

I hate people like that, and If I see him, he'll be dead.

2003-05-22, 09:53 PM
What A FUCKARD!:mad:

2003-05-22, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by Destroyeron
/me adds Zshazz to tk list.

I hate people like that, and If I see him, he'll be dead.

To bad he's NC. Still, if you see him, shoot him with a repeater with AP ammo. I'm sure the zebra fucker won't even see your muzzle flash and go off hunting every friendly withing 100 yards of himself.

2003-05-22, 10:06 PM
Originally posted by ObnoxiousFrog
To bad he's NC. Still, if you see him, shoot him with a repeater with AP ammo. I'm sure the zebra fucker won't even see your muzzle flash and go off hunting every friendly withing 100 yards of himself.

I'll join NC for a day, kill him, delete my character and join TR.

Mission Accomplished.

2003-05-22, 10:13 PM
Originally posted by ObnoxiousFrog
He ends his job with one solemn word to his opponent:

ObnoxiousFrog: Fucker
10 points for style! Did he retaliate any after that?

2003-05-22, 10:13 PM
Wow. Glad to see other people hate this little poster child for condom use as much as me!

2003-05-22, 10:16 PM
Originally posted by MilitantB0B
10 points for style! Did he retaliate any after that?

Nope. I think he quit, actually. I saw him again at a vehicle pad during Twist's "Kill the Dev" contest, but didnt cap him because i was afraid of a mass TK on me because the other people didnt know what was happening with us.

Oh, BTW...
He also said that HE wouldn't own me if i didn't fly anymore....

2003-05-22, 10:16 PM
I wanna get PS just to tk all those damn tkers now.

2003-05-22, 10:46 PM
The first time someone purposely TKs me, i'm going to ask him why. if he says its MY FAULT for getting blasted, well, lets say the end result will probably be very messy on his part.

2003-05-22, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by ObnoxiousFrog
Oh, BTW...
He also said that HE wouldn't own me if i didn't fly anymore....
That makes me wanna start a emerald character named "ZshazzsPrivateHell" and TK him constantly. If you need me to put the hit out on him, just let me know. :twisted:

2003-05-23, 12:43 AM
Makes me wana start a new squad "TK Death Squad" and go around killing these assclowns. Maybe we could petition the Dev to make us up some specical skins like old Nazi death squads and the abliity to see how many grief point you have. And we could travel around and say "You are a traitor and you're TKing is helping the enemy" then we all pump him full of decimators.
I know its a pipe dream but it would be fun.:mad:

2003-05-23, 12:46 AM
I say we make it martial law that people that post on PSU must kill Zshazz whenever they see him. That'll teach him to tk peoplefor ALMOST doing stuff. What a dumbfuk...

2003-05-23, 01:13 AM
Those rotten Tkers get all over. We had one in the Vanu.
Can't exactly remember his name but Soulja would know. I just remember it started with a T.
He was both a Gal and Reaver pilot.
The first time he tried to drown the whole lot of us by ditching the Galaxy in the drink. That didn't work out because he ended up crashing the plane in shallow water.
So then he takes out a reaver and kamikaze's one of our harassers besides rocketing one of our other reavers.
He may still be around but as for which empire, I'm anxious to find out.
I know if I see that character's name, I'll remember it.
Then I'll pass on his name to everybody else.

2003-05-23, 01:41 AM
Good job Obfrog. I don't think the ass-wad has the cajones to post here, as I am sure you were hoping, but none-the-less, entertaining.

2003-05-23, 06:23 PM
Well, if he does decide to come here, and happens to read this thread, I'm sure he'll try to justify his asshat-ness. Still, I'm glad that 1024 thinks that everyone on PSU should kill Zshazz on sight.
Good plan.

2003-05-23, 06:49 PM

2003-05-23, 08:28 PM
This thread rocks

2003-05-23, 08:33 PM
You know, after reading my report over again, I may just have what it takes to be an AGN field reporter....

But anyways, does anybody else have any "Just TK" stories?

2003-05-23, 08:49 PM
I'm amazed at your self restraint to not kill him before you did. Once someone kills you twice in a row, they are legal game to hunt down without warning and certainly without /tell'ing them.

2003-05-23, 08:53 PM
O, I didn't tell him. I just gave him my utmost respects after blowing his newb ass to Hell.

2003-05-23, 09:38 PM
Sorry to spam this, but I really do want to hear other funny TK stories.

2003-05-23, 09:43 PM
Originally posted by {BOHICA}mistled
I'm amazed at your self restraint to not kill him before you did. Once someone kills you twice in a row, they are legal game to hunt down without warning and certainly without /tell'ing them.

Hell, they kill me once on purpose and I'll waist them.

2003-05-23, 09:47 PM
one time, i was feeling a little asshat-ish and so i started throwing plasnades all over the place while in inf-suit trying to kill friendlies in a cc, but i was the only one to die... afterwards i got like 7 tells of people saying "LMFAO omg what a f00king n00b!!!11!!!!1" and "serves you right, phuquetard!!!," i deleted that character...

2003-05-23, 09:51 PM
So I'm playing in live and in my mosquito. I'm just merely putting around ishunder hunting down base caps doing some experiments on kills in relation to exp netted during cap. All of a sudden I get nailed from behind.... by red tracers. I do some jinks, hit the AB and go nap of the earth. I stop getting hit and go on to the base.

Doing some circles over the base at low speed to see if radar can pick up any badguys and help out the guys capping. Nothing shows up. All of a sudden more red tracers hit me and I die. I look and it R4NG3R has killed me. So I send him a tell asking politely why he did that. I figured he got confused or something and shot me down on accident. No response though.

So I get a new bird and fly around some more. Stop over the base to wait out the hack and get nailed again. I wait this time and sure enough R4NG3R has killed me again. At this point I know it's intentional. So I head back down to wait out the timer on my bird. While I'm on the ground guess who I see running around cloaked..... oh yeah. He runs up to the vehicle panel to buy something. I just put my cycler up against his skull and unload. Then I pump his lifeless corpse full of rounds.

Well, awhile later I'm heading to essamir. Get to the warpgate and guess who I see. Yep, R4NG3R in his mosquito. So I fly down in front of him and make sure he gets a good view of me. Then I fly out of the warpgate slowly and let him catch up. Soon as I see him behind me on radar I hit nap of the earth and crank on the burners. He might be good at TK'ing, but he sure can't fly. Left him behind and went on my way.

R4NG3R is on markov btw... if your flying and see red tracers coming at you then guess who it is.

2003-05-23, 10:01 PM
Good story.

2003-05-23, 10:10 PM
The final hour of beta I was playing on Emerald just goofing around in the Vanu Sanc and I noticed there was a group of about 18-20 infantry and about 3 MAXs sitting in a circle spamming voice macros. So I go and unlearn my AI MAX cert and get a MagRider cert. I grab a mag and line up with my target. I get up to 65 kph and run into them all. On the first pass I killed 14 of them taking my tank about to half life and I got 184 grief. I turn around and make another pass and kill about 3 more and got about 200 more grief. Then I hopped out of my tank that was now smoking and took a screenshot with my death message window larger than default and surrounding my MagRider is about 16-17 Vanu backpacks with the HART taking off in the background. It is a great screenshot, but I can't host it right now. As soon as I can I will.

2003-05-23, 10:11 PM
Wow. Not exactly "Just", but funny nontheless!

2003-05-23, 10:56 PM
This wasn't really a kill, but it was still really cool. My squad and I were at NC Sanctuary, and at one respawn place somebody parked their vehicle in front of one exit, then used their MAX armor to block the other, he was a griefer. Some guy in a Vanguard from another squad had a friend in there requesting this max and his vehicle to move. So this Vanguard guy rolls in at top speed and slams into the MAX, which kills him, then moves through to the Vehicle and sends it flying about 50 feet away. It wasn't a kill, cept foir the MAX, but I was watching it from my Mosquito.

2003-05-23, 10:58 PM
That was funny.

2003-05-24, 01:17 AM
One time storlling along on oshur i am running back to a base to restock on phoenix ammo when i see (you'll only know who this dumbfuck is if you're NC), ZProtoss. This was quite awhile ago before the last cahr wipe on beta. I completley scream to my entire squad, "THE DUMBFUCK IS HERE! THE DUMBFUCK IS HERE!" My ssquad being smart, knew exactly who i was talking aobut. And my squad jsut happened to be half-reavers.


AS i watch Zprotoss, in the first second is saw him, jump into the gunners seat of a vangaurd, i see his driver coming on his way, as he was the only guy in the WHOLE base besides me and dumbfuck, i "accidentaly" kill him, buying sometime for the massive reaver force to get there. I get in a good postion for a better view, the roof, and patiently watch teh skies.

After about killing to driver 1 or 2 more times, and getting quite rude /tells from him every half of a second, i finally see the 6, i kid you not, 6 reavers come into view on the horizon.

Zprotoss never knew what hit him.

WHen they came they carefully got in a circle around the van Zprotoss was sitting in. :D Simeuotanesouly (sp?), all of them unload their ENTIRE missle barrageinto the van gaurd.

It was beautiful.

And in a last strain of humor all of the reaver pilots ejected out of their reavers right above the van corpse, one-by-one, making sure the bastard was dead.

I dont know why btu teh ranger story reminded me of this.



Originally posted by ObnoxiousFrog
Still, I'm glad that 1024 thinks that everyone on PSU should kill Zshazz on sight.
Good plan.

Why thank you ObFrog :D :cool2:

2003-05-24, 05:56 AM
As soon as i get PS I'll kill him everytime i see him.

2003-05-24, 07:12 AM
Originally posted by 1024
One time storlling along on oshur i am running back to a base to restock on phoenix ammo when i see (you'll only know who this dumbfuck is if you're NC), ZProtoss.

Yep. This guy got to CR5 from doing God knows what. His strategic commands include such gems as:
ZProtoss: If any of you guys arent that busy, could you come to Ceryshen :)

ZProtoss: We plan on taking Esamir

ZProtoss: lol

Yep, he used the Global Command Chat to say "lol". Hell, if this where a real war, that dumb clusterfuck of a commander would be demoted to KP duty faster that you can say "asshat".

2003-05-24, 02:15 PM
global command chat: :lol:

2003-05-24, 02:34 PM
I've had a few justified tk's, the most are just dealin with the bastards that run around the in cc room shootin at nothing and be obnoxious.

however one sticks out in my mind. My squad was grouping up in a bases courtyard to wait for a gal. Then this fucktard comes up (can't remember his name) and starts shooting our commander. We were all situated in a circle around our commander and all at the same time we turn and unload on this guy. This all happend withen the initial 1.5 seconds of his attack on our leader.

2003-05-24, 02:43 PM
Har har. What a dumbass.

2003-05-24, 05:19 PM
I've only got one...

Guy named Rindin... I'm flying over a base, waiting for a cap in my skeater when BLAMO I explode... check the kill board and it says a Vanguard killed me.

I was too high for it to be from running into him, so he had to have shot me with the 150. So I send a tell

"Man that was rough, was that an accident or what?"

No reply

"Well it's kewl, good luck out there :)"

No reply

Next base and I'm grunting it... running past a vanguard when Rindin shoots me again this time with the MG.

I get pissed

"What the hell was that for?"

No reply

So now I know this Asshat gotta go.

I notice a squad mate park his Vanguard next to Rindins and hop out. I send a quick
"Borowing your van for a sec."

3 shots and 348 grief later Rindin is dead. Of course so is his driver who proceeds to get furrious with me... I mean c'mon you don't want to get tk'd kick a dumb ass who's doing it outa you turret. I tried to explain that but he put me on ignore... his loss.

To end this story Rindin finally figured out how to use the tell feature to send swears at me as he tried to kill me with a phoenex... didn't work and I tapped him off the coil with a Gauss. Finally said

"look this is stupid, don't tk people and they won't come after you"

Rindin "Oh... really"

"Yeah, so truce, peace see'ya later"

"ok yeah"

After all this I checked online... this jag-off is a total noob. not a big shock I guess...

I think what I learned is when someone tk's you... ignore them... if they do it agian... smoke 'em

I'm still working off the grief, but I'm a medium assault inf, I almost never get grief, so it's no big to me.


2003-05-24, 05:56 PM
I was gunner in a Van and were sitting on a cap and this cloaker who isnt cloaked walks up to the side of the tank and starts shooting us but only a round or two at a time. So I /tell him to stop. So he walks a way and a min later he is back doing it again. Needless to say I smoke him with the MG, a few min later he is back, and he starts running around the Van in circles while I track him with the turret. Then he gets bored and runs away. Go figure.

2003-05-24, 06:17 PM
Heh. Both of those are funny. The Rindin one is truly justified, and the "cloaker shoots a a bit then goes away" one is just funny.

2003-05-24, 06:34 PM
in beta me and my two squadmates were all sniping [we had a 10 man squad, trying to take a tower and we all died and respawned a little way away]. I was going to take Guy1 in my harraser and Guy2 was going to reaver our way back to tower. When we respawned this guy, A vanu on emerald called Venom something randomly killed me. I asked him why, and he didnt reply.

I respawned again, and he did it again to me and my harrasser partner. The guy2 had already got out. I respawned AGAIN and saw him, didnt even zoon, just blew him away with snipe. he must have had the default armour because he died in one.

Then we were just about to the leave the base building and he turns up again, shoots at me once and then my partner just turns round and slays him with bolt.

One more time, guy2 is waiting outside and im about to buy my harrasser when he comes along again. BANG! guy2 gets him. I know it dont sound amazing, but it looked so cool because we all got him with 1 bolt. Like on tomb raider - mow down a t-rex a load until it has no healtyh, thne kill it with a final shot from shot-*** - it looks so cool.

Anyway, do you think marsman would let us set up a hunt type thing? Like, you know when the Dev's did the 'hunt me' thing? we could host a show and people /tell us and tell us who to get, and we announce it on radio - team, continent, last sightings etc? It'd be great.

2003-05-24, 06:42 PM
Taking my idea of martial law of killing on-purpose tk'ers one step further :D

2003-05-24, 07:10 PM
Oh my God. I should get to be in AGN soley to do a "Daily TK" segment.

2003-05-24, 08:35 PM
Hey man, it was my idea!

How about: "1024 and ObFrog's Daily TK Hunt!"

:lol: :D :cool2:

2003-05-24, 08:50 PM
1024 and ObFrog's Daily TK Hunt: Killing Trolls, N00bs, and General Asshats.

2003-05-25, 12:25 AM
that would be awesome. I would definetly tune in to that, i'd put off a hour of my normal PS time to deal with reported tk characters. And then i would just go AFK and let the grief points cool down. I'll have a special self explanatory character name called something like "TKERJUDGE" or something like that. ....yes....im going to set up my character now...

2003-05-25, 01:48 AM
Hey maybe we should make a poll about how many people woudl participate in somethign liek that, obfrog. What'dya think?

2003-05-25, 02:52 AM
I think that if ppl start to listen to these broadcasts and hear about all the TKing that happens in game, that some ppl will be turned off by it and not purchase or support a really great game. These ppl may only be a select few, but these things catch up to you.

That being said, I have a tale of a TK I did and what I did to make ammends.

We had just started hacking into a base. I took up a position just outside the cap room downstairs at a choke point. Nothing was happening so I started to futz around with my HUDs when I accidently turned off the names above the characters. I had Darklight on and noticed a stealther crawling along with only a handgun out. Not realizing my mistake I started shooting. It only takes 3 shots from a Cycler to take him down, and then I get +10 Grief Points. Realizing my mistake I /tell him that I am sorry. He actually thanked me for the /tell and wished other ppl would consider doing the same thing I just did. We had a nice conversation going on until we capped the base.

Just admit that you did it and say you're sorry. Chances are some ppl will be thankful that you at least acknowledged your mistake.

2003-05-25, 08:36 AM
Originally posted by 1024
Hey maybe we should make a poll about how many people woudl participate in somethign liek that, obfrog. What'dya think?

That sounds like a great idea. But we would have to actually message our possible prey to see if the Counter-TK is just or not.

2003-05-25, 08:51 AM
Basically they're talkin about the habitual TKer who just doesn't care about anything else, not the accidental griefer.
Usually they are the ones who apologize, not the asshats as ObnoxiousFrog has mentioned.

2003-05-25, 09:39 AM
LMAO . Cool story .

2003-05-30, 04:22 AM