View Full Version : Kinetic Dampeners
2002-12-19, 05:03 PM
So we get these nifty little high tech Kintetic Dampeners that can absorb the energy from a fall.
Well, damnit, if I have a device that can "dampen" kinetic energy then I want it to dampen all the projectiles shot at me! Think about it, a MAX dropping from the sky builds up a LOT more energy then a puny little 9mm bullet travelling at mach 2 or whatever speed they go. So stopping the bullet should be no problem whatsoever for this little device. I also want it to slow down missiles to the point where I can pluck them out of the air and throw them back at people.
And can I turn it to reverse mode to make a Kinetic Enhancer? Turn my pistol into tank bustin bad %^*( little gun?
How about I use it to allow my air craft to come to a complete stop instantaneously? I mean I have one on my body too so I wouldn't suffer from the acceleration. Turn it into reverse mode so I can reach terminal velocity instantly!
Or how about give me a real high tech one that can completely absorb kinetic energy. Then I can hop out of the Galaxy and just float like Yoda.
2002-12-19, 05:10 PM
That would be pretty helpful if your in a tight spot and want to be completly like Magneto and chunk back at em!
Originally posted by zMessiahz
So we get these nifty little high tech Kintetic Dampeners that can absorb the energy from a fall.
Well, damnit, if I have a device that can "dampen" kinetic energy then I want it to dampen all the projectiles shot at me! Think about it, a MAX dropping from the sky builds up a LOT more energy then a puny little 9mm bullet travelling at mach 2 or whatever speed they go. So stopping the bullet should be no problem whatsoever for this little device. I also want it to slow down missiles to the point where I can pluck them out of the air and throw them back at people.
And can I turn it to reverse mode to make a Kinetic Enhancer? Turn my pistol into tank bustin bad %^*( little gun?
How about I use it to allow my air craft to come to a complete stop instantaneously? I mean I have one on my body too so I wouldn't suffer from the acceleration. Turn it into reverse mode so I can reach terminal velocity instantly!
Or how about give me a real high tech one that can completely absorb kinetic energy. Then I can hop out of the Galaxy and just float like Yoda.
In the words of our great nazi leader :
2002-12-19, 05:31 PM
RP reason:
The KD can only be used for your own mass. It doesn't stop all kinetic energy directed toward you - it "dampens" (if you will) the energy that would destroy/harm ourselves from a fall by halting as much of the kinetic energy from our own mass as possible, not the mass of other objects.
RL reason:
... Can I call you Mr. Dumass from now on if I need to explain the real reason why they would not implement this? ;)
2002-12-19, 05:35 PM
when you jump out of a plane, you fall fast like you normaly would, but when you get about 6 feet from the ground, little anti gravity things kick in and slow your fall to a smooth landing. they call those things kintetic dampeners
2002-12-19, 05:44 PM
Snipe: there is no anti-gravity there. They lessen kinetic energy.
Carp: We all know the the RL reason lol. So on to the RP reasons... If the dampeners can only be used for your own mass then how does it account for the armor? Which in the case of the MAX is surely many times your own body mass. And in addition to that you are saying that we would have an even higher tech device that can somehow associate itself with a living entity and filter out under a bombardment of kinetic energy which energy is directly related to that living entity. Not only that, but that device would have to also then figure out which of that kinetic energy was harmful and which was just normal motion. Remember a MAX has a run speed that rivals a tanks, so the range of "normal" kinetic energy is quite severe.
2002-12-19, 05:46 PM
maybe it repels off the ground
2002-12-19, 05:47 PM
this isnt "physicside" >< its arcade style with a tiny twist of sim.
2002-12-19, 05:51 PM
The dampener is a machine. It is intergrated into all of the diffrent armors,not into your body mass. If it was you'd need a Kenetic Dampener Implant. Were anyone (like the Vanu with their UberHiTech) be stupid enough to install dampeners on their projectile weapons to slow that projectile down sow it can make a soft impact with the target I'm ok with that.
We in the Terran Republic don't really care if our bullet's take damage when they hit something, so long as what their hitting takes damage to. That is why there are no kenetic dampeners on weapons.
2002-12-19, 05:54 PM
I want kinetic dampener bullets :(
2002-12-19, 05:57 PM
a) I'm not a fish (Carp? Come on, at least look over your posts ONCE before posting. :p), and b) by your own mass I mean the mass of your body and anything associated with you. The KDs are not intelligent enough to discern organic material form inorganic material. They simply dampen any kinetic energy that is being built up by your own "body" and releasing it safely when your "body" encounters solid matter (i.e. ground).
If you stand on a bathroomm scale while wearing a backpack full of Steven King hardcover books, while you yourself technically do not weigh more or have you added any mass to yourself, but if you were to jump off a 3 foot ledge you feel the extra mass/weight anyway. As I said above, the KD simply releases any harmful kinetic energy caused by your, whether you have extra artifical mass added to yourself or not.
2002-12-19, 06:03 PM
My bad Zarp, didn't mean to refer to you as a fish lol :)
Ok so it only works on your armor and you then. So then it should still beable to dampen any kinetic energy hitting the armor! Like a bullet... also if it is built intot he armor then why not build it into an aircraft? Even if I can't reverse it, insta-stop should would be useful!
2002-12-19, 06:10 PM
It is built into the Aircraft. If the piolet bails or goes link dead the aircraft will auto stop, and land.
How exactly is the Armor which dampens it's own kenetic energy stop a diffrent object's kenetic energy? It's no wonder the TR steered away from your Alien tech. You people are crazy.
2002-12-19, 06:12 PM
Can pilots get shot out of aircraft? or is the aircraft bulletproof? I'd like to see a sniper just bust a pilots head open while he's flying around.
2002-12-19, 06:20 PM
How does it stop other kinetic energy? Simple really... Kinetic energy is of course all the same... the energy of motion. A bullet does damage by transferring its kinetic energy to another mass. No transference of kinetic energy means nothing happens. So a dampener, which for some reason can only dampen its own kinetic energy (as an aside I still say anything that could dampen kinetic energy wouldn't car if it was connected to the object it was dampening by solid state matter or not) , would stop a bullet by dampening all that kinetic energy that was transferred into it.
2002-12-19, 06:50 PM
Technically speaking, it doesn't so much stop all kinetic energy, it just safely releases kinetic energy during the transfer. And it only does this for you own mass. A bullet transfers its own kinetic energy to your body, and the inability to deal with this unwanted energy is what causes the damage. However, when you fall from somewhere high, what happens is that your body gains kinetic energy and when it splats on the ground, the damage is actually the inability to transfer the kinetic energy in a satisfactory way.
That is why if you jump off the roof, do not bend you knees and land on just one foot/leg, you will break it - while if (assuming you know exactly how) when you land you distribute your weight more evenly and (to further distribution) roll, you will suffer much less damage.
KDs, in a simplistic sense, allows you to "roll" and evenly distribute kinetic energy YOU have built up.
So there. :p
2002-12-19, 07:17 PM
Technicly, a bullet hitting you at high speeds has the exact same effect as you hitting that bullet at the same speed.....
The real question is "do they actually dampen the energy, or do they just increase friction"
2002-12-19, 07:56 PM
"Technically" yes, but that's because you don't have a Kinetic Dampener, do you? :D
Oh, and as for "increasing friction" wouldn't that be creating more "harmful" energy (and thus, defeating the whole purpose)?
2002-12-19, 08:08 PM
Would almost cause as much harm as falling on a bullet. :rawr:
Camping Carl
2002-12-19, 08:54 PM
Ha! So if people shoot at you, all you have to do is jump on the bullets!
2002-12-19, 09:10 PM
My brain hurts after reading this thread :ugh:
2002-12-19, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by Camping Carl
Ha! So if people shoot at you, all you have to do is jump on the bullets! ... No... :confused:
The energy you would be adding (which would normally just make the bullet hit harder) would just be nullified/dampened, but the bullet itself would still transfer all of its kinetic energy to you none-the-less.
Camping Carl
2002-12-19, 10:55 PM
Oh, come on... I can dream, right?
2002-12-19, 10:59 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
My brain hurts after reading this thread :ugh:
My brain hurts from reading every thread :ugh:
2002-12-20, 10:21 AM
Zarp, come on man, the kinetic energy released from you falling or something hitting you is the exact same thing. Its all kinetic energy of the armor itself. Its all a frame of reference question. You can just as easily say the ground is rushing towards you instead of you to the ground. In fact, if you were falling fast enough a rock would become just like a bullet. So if a kinetic dampener can release enough energy so that a fall caused no damage it could do the same for a bullet!
Some one said earlier about maybe the KD repeling off the ground. You could explain the lack of fall damage with something like this, but it wouldn't be a Kinetic Dampener. Also, everyone would rightfully want to be able to apply that thrust to jump with (ala T2).
There is, of course, a solution that allows falling to be safe and bullets not with a kinetic dampener; however, the arguement that things hitting you vs you falling will not get you there! Try a new approach, and consider it a mental game :)
2002-12-21, 04:08 PM
A mental game? You make me sad. The fact that you're using real life physics in an unrealistic game for an unrealistic scenario is ludicrous! Anyway...
The KD does not stop bullets, make you invincible toward any damage, become a thruster, make the ground into a soft and sticky goo that will cushion your fall.
IT RELEASES KINETIC ENERGY ONE WAY - and that is through the mass that it is attached to.
Is it so incredibly hard to grasp this? What you're claiming is that the transfering of energy is instaneous. Are you so naive as to think the travelling speed of light is instaneous as well? If kinetic energy can be transfered instantly (i.e. no begining point and no end point) then what you say is correct. Then there IS no difference between transfering one way or another. But since we live in universe where absolute zero is impossible, you cannot make this naive claim that it is the same thing.
The KD does what I have told you multiple times. It dampens the kinetic energy that is being gained BY THE MASS IN QUESTION. Not any other mass! Not the bullet, nor the ground. Kinetic energy GAINED by the mass in question is released safely when contact is predicted. It is able to detect when harmful contact with another solid caused by the mass in question's OWN kinetic energy is the factor. Nanoseconds before actual contact, the kinetic energy is released in the form of another energy type (one unrecognized by us at this time). This alternate energy type is sightless, tasteless, almost indefinitely undetectable. Only through using some of the alien technology (which we do not entirely understand at this time) we are able to see how this extra kinetic energy is dispersed.
I still cannot believe you're saying the ground rushing at you or you rushing at the ground is the same. THINK! Look at where the kinetic energy starts! Is it in the ground, or is it in you (being the object in question)?
2002-12-21, 10:45 PM
I make you sad? Got some pent up frustration with yourself? I make a joke about some game technology and you decide to argue with it. Which is fine. I happen to have fun doing that. But apperantly, you take those arguements seriously while somehow telling yourself that others are the ones being ridiculous. Instead of insulting other people why don't you look at yourself for a little bit. After all, you are the one who decided to go beyond just having fun with a hypothetic situation and become insulting. Why do play games like this if you are oh so grounded in reality?
Can't use real life physics on something unrealistic? Tell that to the countless successful sci-fi writers who try to make their stories as solid and believable as possible. Yes, there is a direct correlation to popularity a feasability in sci-fi writing.
Naive am I? I have a degree in Math and Physics. My best friend is just about done with his PHD in solid state physics. What background do you have that not only makes you such an expert but also makes you think you can judge others knowledge?
"The KD does not stop bullets, make you invincible toward any damage, become a thruster, make the ground into a soft and sticky goo that will cushion your fall."
I hope you aren't attempting to put these claims on me. If so, you need to reread the posts. My claim, after I gave you the point of saying this KD could only release energy of the mass it was attached to, is that something that could dampen kinetic energy could stop a bullet from damaging you. And that if it were reversibe it could speed you up.
Absolute zero does not exist? So tell me Grand Vizier, what exists past the furthest photon in the universe? Where no matter or energy is present? Dark Matter? No, there is NOTHING. Sure, its a concept we can hardly wrap our minds around, but it is there. Besides that, nothing I claimed requires an absolute zero, or instantaneous time.
As I have stated I gave you the point of the KD only transferring energy away fromt he mass it is attached to... just for prosperities sake. While doubtfully true, it does involve, as you stated, a technology we can't hope to understand, so it becomes simply a matter of opinion. However, physics is another thing. After that point, nothing I claimed transfers energy from anything but the mass the KD is connected to. Nowhere in this arguement was it stated that you would stop the bullet itself. The fate of the bullet is inconsequential so long as the KD can safely dissipate the energy that would be transfered into the mass it is connected to. Now you add another assumption that the KD would predict contact, but you imply that what amount to collision detection would work for ground but not a bullet. That is ridiculous as well. Technology capable of dissipating kinetic energy could easily detect incoming projectiles, ground, dust particles, or even individual photons. And nanoseconds? Are you telling me that it takes less time then nanoseconds for a bullet to rip through armor and flesh? Do you realize how little time you are talking about? If this KD can release energy within nanoseconds then it could easily stop any damage from a projectile.
You still believe there is a difference between the ground rushing at you or you at the ground? And you call me naive? Ever heard of a 'frame of reference'? They teach it to you in basic relativity. But nevermind, its rhetorical question anyways since it is so painfully obvious that you have not. In the case of falling kenetic energy is created due to the acceleration of gravity. You know, that force that attracts two bodies of mass. What you seem to not realize is that both masses pull on EACHOTHER. Its not a one sided situation. The pull is equal in both directions. This is FACT. Proven over an over. If I push you out of a plane above the ground, the potential energy of you and the Earth is exactly the same.The ONLY reason you say that you are falling to the ground is because you have had it drilled into your little head since the day you were born that the "proper" frame of reference is the earth. That it does not move and you do. That does not make it reality though. If you consider yourself as the frame of reference, the the Earth is rushing towards you. Please go learn some basic physics.
You finally in that post hit upon an arguement that you could have used to have it your way. Unfortunately, you decided to become a prick instead of thinking it out properly. Is that your defense mechanism when you are faced with something you do not understand?
Stay civil and I will as well, otherwise I will respond in kind.
2002-12-21, 10:54 PM
Ding Ding Ding
Keep it clean ladies, gloves above the belt.
:rofl: popcorn:
2002-12-21, 11:08 PM
Uhm.. does it count as 'civil' when you call someone a prick?
2002-12-21, 11:12 PM
I was honestly about to get in this happy little discussion of physics.... but then I realized that I no longer have a clue which of you is arguing what anymore. Oh well.....
2002-12-22, 12:16 AM
Of course that doesn't count as civil :) Point is I was, he wasn't, so I stopped being. But I will go back to civil as long as someone isn't flaming me.
2002-12-22, 08:57 AM
That's what I thought. Just checking... I'd just have to watch my back in these forums if that counts as civil is all. :D
2002-12-22, 10:49 AM
In reality a MAX would not build up more momentum than a bullet on its way down. A fly can have the same kinetic energy as an 18-wheeler truck if the truck is moving slowly. The max is heavy, yes, but the bullet which is moving MUCH MUCH faster would still have more energy. It's also more concentrated on a point. :)
2002-12-22, 01:37 PM
We Vanu have magic powers, and these magic powers are what makes it so you take less damage when you fall. If you want to stop a bullet we have a magical implant that will do that for you, because, well, its magic. I would tell you how this magic works but its a high up Vanu secret that only a few of us know, and we wont tell the rest because...uh....we dont trust you. End of discussion.
On a side note i think they should call the shield implant an IDF, like in infantry.
2002-12-22, 02:50 PM
The concentration on a point is the important part! But I say the MAX would still have more kinetic energy falling then a bullet out of a gun would. Imagine the MAX landing with one foot and on the bottom of that foot was a spike whose tip was the size of a bullet. Which yould you rather get hit by? I guess it really depends upon the height at which the MAX dropped from, but at terminal velocity it most centaily would have more momentum then a bullet. The mass of a max would be what... about 1000 kilograms? Maybe even more! So you are talking in the range of 5 orders of magnitude larger then a bullet. Is the speed of a bullet 5 orders of magnitude larger then the speed of the falling MAX?
2002-12-23, 11:34 AM
Jeezus Mess! I don't post for 2 days and you h8 me already? :(
Plus, the "you make me sad" portion (and pretty much the entire thing itself) was written in humor, albeit a dry and sarcastic kind. I guess I assumed everyone know's what I'm really thinking. But oblivioius is my middle name, so I guess this happend.
This whole thing I don't take seriously AT ALL. So if you don't want to continue, that's also fine. You win!
But not because you're right. :D
**edit: The reason why I acted more "hostile" in your eyes was probably because the former post by YOU called for it. :p
Originally posted by zMessiahz
Zarp, come on man, the kinetic energy released from you falling or something hitting you is the exact same thing.
Try a new approach, and consider it a mental game :)
2002-12-23, 04:50 PM
Aiiight. Then its all good. I hadn't meant to be hostile either.
We can go back to our regularly schedule TR and NC bashing then!
2002-12-23, 06:03 PM
Yay! :love: teh Vany!
h8 teh Communist-Nazis and Hippies!
2002-12-23, 06:35 PM
Originally posted by zMessiahz
The mass of a max would be what... about 1000 kilograms? Maybe even more! So you are talking in the range of 5 orders of magnitude larger then a bullet. Is the speed of a bullet 5 orders of magnitude larger then the speed of the falling MAX?
Just so you know...
Mass has NO bearing on the falling speed of an object. None. Area does, gravity does, mass does not. It does however paly a very large role when it hits the ground. But none in flight.
2002-12-23, 06:44 PM
I think they were discussing how a kinetic dampener would work when striking the ground after falling from an airplane. So I took it as kind of a given that he was talking about when the objects hit something (the ground, a person, whatever), not necessarily while they are in flight.
2002-12-23, 06:48 PM
Originally posted by {BOHICA}mistled
I think they were discussing how a kinetic dampener would work when striking the ground after falling from an airplane. So I took it as kind of a given that he was talking about when the objects hit something (the ground, a person, whatever), not necessarily while they are in flight.
Arghable, guess I read it wrong.
2002-12-23, 06:48 PM
heh Tegadil... the concern here is momentum (p=mv), not speed. Thus the comparison between a MAX's mass and a bullets speed (well ok velocity).
2002-12-23, 07:00 PM
Hey, I know what - when you jump out of an aircraft, you don't die when you hit the ground. That's cool. Is cool not enough for you?
2002-12-23, 07:07 PM
Sure it is, but I can still make fun of it though! You've never made fun of a sci-fi movie/game/book?
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