View Full Version : Wow, the Vanu realy are stupid.

2003-05-24, 03:02 AM
Last night I picked up combat eng on my cloaking char. I had alot of fun. Here a few of the highlights. Both of these stories are true documentations of realy dumb Vanu.:

I find a Vanu AMS behind enemy lines, swarming with stupid little Vanu. I put a boomer behind three at the equipment terminal and step back. I detonte the mine, killing the three Vanu and another that got caught in the blast. I sneak out of the AMS cloaking field and hide behind a tree while one of the them fires randomly in frustration. After he gives up I go back in and do the same thing, getting three kills this time. I again, hide as the same n00b sprays the air. I do this a few more times till I run out of ACE's. (None of the n00bs had any on their corpses.) Then I wip out my blade and begin to hack one of them to bits when someone finaly carches on and shoots me. I got a total of 11 kills.

I sneak my way into a vanu tower that is under attack by my fellow NC. I am the only friendly in the spawn room. The where at least 30 vanu in there. I plant a boomer behind three Vanu loading out and detonate it. No one even notices when I take three of them out. I do this four more times until I run out on ACE's, without any retaliation. I then wip out my knife and kill one guy in a corner before a enemy cloaker reaizes whats happing and kills me. I got 13 kills this time.

2003-05-24, 04:05 AM
That's great.

You wanna cookie?

2003-05-24, 04:07 AM
Yes, I would love a cookie. Peanut butter is my favorite, ut I like choclate chip too.

2003-05-24, 05:43 AM
ahah u got 13 frags at once, hows that possible?

2003-05-24, 05:46 AM
Simba, learn to read. He said he used all his aces to kill 13 VS...

Anyway, good job...

2003-05-24, 08:51 AM
a cool lucky shot :P

2003-05-24, 01:38 PM
i dont see how the first shows vanu being dumb. If none of them are BR6, and even if they were, didnt have darklight, how were they meant to kill you, or even find you?

2003-05-24, 01:41 PM
Awww, look at the little angry Vanu!

2003-05-24, 01:48 PM
yeh, but im right, right? i havent got the game yet [i live in England and my mate got the last copy in Game] but i was in beta. im gonna go get some chocolate cheesecake. but... who the hell IS this Domo [?] guy? :domotwak:

2003-05-24, 01:50 PM

Edit: also a japanese character who farts a lot.

2003-05-24, 01:54 PM
right. so.... aye? whats the big domo got to do with fark?

2003-05-24, 02:13 PM
Big deal, i got the same stories for TR and NC. It is way easy to get multi-kills it this game. I've set up multiple boomers ina base and filtered maxs from the "who cares they're dead now" armors. Then fininshed the maxs off with whatever remaining boomers i had planted earlier.

I've planted 5 boomers ina spawn room. Waited til one of them got wise and tryed to destroy it. Then proceded to light up the room. Yes, i was in the room. No, i'm not telling you where.

I never thought i would like cloaking. Someone else told me to try it out. If done right, it's one of the most fulfilling rolls in the game.

2003-05-24, 02:17 PM
Originally posted by Stream|ine
Big deal, i got the same stories for TR and NC.

Is it really that hard to just say, "Good Job" ?

2003-05-24, 02:20 PM
Yea, be curteous, you festering dumb shitbags.
[/end sarcasm]

2003-05-24, 05:57 PM
"Wow, the Vanu realy are stupid."
