View Full Version : How Is Planetside
2003-05-24, 11:16 AM
ok i have a few questions for you planetside players i was going to get the game but had second thoughts and waited and now iam thinking of getting the game i have all the requirements and i have dsl now i was wondering is it really worth it or is it not and do ALOT of people go on the servers???
2003-05-24, 11:18 AM
It's deff. worth it, and yes the servers are packed.
2003-05-24, 11:29 AM
comon how bout everyone else what do you think
2003-05-24, 11:30 AM
if you have the money, go for it!
2003-05-24, 11:37 AM
Two words.
30-Day free trial.
I am going on werner and i wondered whats the average number of people who go on say like on a saturday night in England at 8:00p.m?
2003-05-24, 12:10 PM
Originally posted by HellFlame
Two words.
30-Day free trial.
2 word: 50bux buy.
yep its worth is, especially if ur in a clan.
2003-05-24, 12:25 PM
I'd hold off on buying it right now. Reason being, exp system has the game totally off balance atm. This planetside yoru playing right now is in no way living up to it's potential. The best strategy for advancement and certs is really, really boring.
When they fix the exp system I'd recommend getting it. In it's current form it's really not worht playing much. Unless grinding out exp and doing the same base capping for hours on end is your thing. I reckon some people actually enjoy the repetitive and pointless type of play like that. I don't, but that's just my opinon.
2003-05-24, 01:11 PM
chavr ur not going to buy it because of the xp system, wtf is wrong with u. planetside is an addicting games and if u can get it , well get it. you will find ur self playing it every chance u get. dont listen to someone who is not going buy it because of the exp system. ther is more to planetside than the exp. but the more exp u get the better. so buyt it.
2003-05-24, 01:35 PM
Chvar already did buy it, and does anyone else thing it's odd there aren't any reviews of planetside yet.. looking at shacknews, bluesnews, ve3d I haven't seen the usual flood of reviews that appear when a new game is released.
I'm waiting till gameplay offers something other than "musical bases" for xp points.
at any rate, new players right now are getting the shaft as the xp points gained from going through vr training has been removed temporarily due to some exploit. This is a vital way to get new players br 3 and have enough certs to enter the game without getting massacred, IMO.
We had to remove VR experience temporarily to solve a second exploit that was found. But this is not permanent. It will return in next week's patch.
2003-05-24, 03:27 PM
Yeah, I have the game. I spent three days playing it before I got suspended for speaking out against the exp system on the SOE boards.
I played a month of beta. I knew exactly what I wanted to do with my character and what to do to get exp. After 3 days of playing I got all the way up to br6...... wooooo.
Exp is fubared atm. The ONLY way to get any appreciable movement to your rank is to cap bases. Kills net you jack. I don't really enjoy going from base to base to base and being part of a mob that overruns the few scattered defenders, gets the hack and then moves on int 15mins. It's freaking boring.
I like tactics, battles, strategy and fun. The current system still allows open fights and battles, but you'll never get any certs if all you do is fight people in the open. If you securely defend a base you'll never see any new certs. If you screw up on defense and let the enemy hack your base and then you hack it back you'll see some rank advancement, but not alot.
It's just cheese right now. If you don't have the game already then wait till they fix it. When planetside is working right it's truly and awesome game. I was hooked thru most of beta. Right now though it's just a shadow of what it could be. Don't get a bad first impression because some hotshot at SOE has decided players can only be motivated by the exp treadmill.
Wait till they make exp something you get from fighting instead of making fighting something you do to get exp.
2003-05-24, 04:21 PM
You will be waiting a while for a "fix"
I don't see them changing it anytime soon. If you were not in beta, you dont know the difference anyway. They speed up EXP for the purpose of testing, folks were NEVER supposed to get to BR20 in one week.
2003-05-24, 04:37 PM
It's an alright game. Not worth the money in my opinion, but you may like it.
2003-05-24, 04:49 PM
Yet more people complaining. It's NOT ABOUT THE XP people! :)
The game is what you make of it and who you play with. Tactics you say? Well isn't that something that can help you take a heavily defended base? Working as a team on very specific goals not something you like? You can get to BR10 very easily now with 1-2 weeks of solid playing or within a month if you don't play every day. So BR 20 within 3-4 months? Well that sounds about right to me. You just have to specialize at the lower levels. Hence the need to get with a good group of people and PLAN. Know who has what certs and how to utilize that person properly.
2003-05-24, 04:56 PM
This is my view on XP:
It should take a long time to get to the highest level, because if you get to br20 in a matter of days, you won't be able to develop your character further.
However, it shouldn't take too long because people will get bored just using Medium Assault when they really need Heavy Assault (For example)
It should take a while, but not too long, is what i'm trying to say
2003-05-24, 06:09 PM
The only problem with that thought hamma is that they never once said "remember folks, beta exp is inflated to allow for testing of higher levels, don't expect to see this when it goes live".
What we did see were statements like
"exp is supposed to be thin in planetside, it's only there as a sort of learning curve for new people"
"It's not going to take 2.26 months to hit 20, we don't intend to turn this game into another treadmill"
"Exp is something you get for fighting. The Planetside is not about earning exp but to fighting. Fighting is the purpose."
"We are making changes to the exp system but when we get done you should see the same rate of exp as before only be getting it in a different manner"
"We don't split exp in a squad. Being in a squad will always get you more exp then solo."
Granted those aren't exact quotes, but they convey the message. What did we really see though? They ignored everything they said and made exp slow to get and turned the game into a treadmill.
Lastly, and this really bothers me. Those of you that say exp doesn't matter, fighting is why you play... if that really is true why are you so against having the exp rate increased? If you honestly don't care about exp then why do you care if the rate is increased?
You do realize that BR20 is just a number. The only importance being 20 has is that you get your last cert at that level. Being 20 doesn't make you any stronger. Versatile yes, but not stronger.
Your not any cooler at BR20 then you were at BR5. 20 isn't some goal of the game to hit. There are no flashing lights and fireworks going off when you ding 20. You get your last cert and then you get your butt back out there and fight.
People won't get bored when they hit 20 as long as the dev's keep adding more content. If they don't add more content then people will get bored at 12. Trying to hit 20 won't have any motivation if the content isn't updated.
Ya'll are thinking that levels are the retention factor in planetside, and they aren't. The real reason to keep playing is all the potential content that can be added and the scope of the fighting. If it was only about levels then this game is woefully inadquate to keep people's interest.
2003-05-24, 06:47 PM
seriously guys, if no one cares about XP then why are we all arguing? and besides, as Hamma said, this is how it is. Stop bitching.
2003-05-25, 08:47 AM
The only vocal bitching going on here is Chavr. Everybody else seems to have accepted that this is the way it is and dealt with it.
Chavr, after 3 days you were BR6. Seriously, dude, what level did you expect to be after 3 days? BR6 is enough to give you some useful certs to play around with. At that rate, you would've been BR12-13 in a week. FYI, I was around the same BR after 3 days. I am now currently BR10 CR1. No exploits. XP is just fine. Like someone else said, I'd rather see them fix other issues like the musical bases.
2003-05-25, 09:07 AM
With the time I spent playing I expected to be 10-12 after 3 days. If I was getting full exp for kills in a squad I would have been.
Musical bases is a direct result of the current exp system and it's total neglect of kill exp. No one wants to defend because exp is only gained during an assault or a crappy defense where you have to resecure. A solid defense will net you next to nothing.
If you honestly have no problem with the exp system as it is now then you'd have no problem if they increased the rate then. I mean, exp means nothing to you so why would an increase bother you? However, if you read the message boards, polls and listen to people in game you'd see that ALOT of people are like me and not happy with the exp. So a change would make alot of people happy, and the happy people shouldn't be bothered since they dont' care about exp anyway?
How about this though. The next time you find a weapon you think is unbalanced just don't say nothing. The next time you find a vehicle that needs a touch of work, dont' say nothing. In fact, dont' complain about anything. Just accept the game as it is and be content. No matter how flawed or messed up something is, just accept it and move on. In no way should we point out the flaws and explain the impact of them and how to fix them.
It's not like we are paying for the game monthly or anything. It's not like some flaws are bad enough that we'll stop paying. We shouldn't say anything to try and correct a flaw that is bad enough we will stop paying.
Just accept it or stop paying. Don't fight for a game you believe could be great, but still has some flaws.
2003-05-25, 09:41 AM
Do you honestly believe that you should be able to get to BR10-12 in 3 days? Forget about Beta and how XP used to be. Beta is over. Beta was a time for things to get fixed and tweaked like bugs and the 4 point cost of the Lightning. I'm talking about the here and now. Do you really believe it should only take you 3 days to reach BR10-12?
It's human nature not to want to defend a base that's not getting or going to be attacked anytime soon. I know I get antsy if there's no action and want to go where I can find me some. I doubt if XP tweaks will change any of that.
2003-05-25, 09:51 AM
Yes I do think 10-12 in 3 days of hard play should happen. Casual play should get you 10-12 in no more then 5 days. 20 in 7 days of hard play and 20 in 12-14 days of casual play.
The point if the game is not to impress someone because you spent 3 months leveling and now your some uber high level. The point of the game is to fight.
When you have more certs the fighting is more fun and you have more versatility. Being stuck with the same weapons and setup for a week or more is boring. Not being able to react to situations because you don't have the certs is frustrating.
I play to fight, not grind exp. However the last minute change to the way kill exp is given out has made the game on that you chase the exp carrot or you get no new certs. If a person tried to honestly just fight and not play the base cap game it would take a month to hit 10. Maybe longer.
Being level 20 means nothing in this game except you have your certs. Your not uber, your not cooler, you don't get 300 extra hp's and 200 more armor. You just get your certs. Then you train what you want and get back out there and fight some more. Delaying the certs just causes people to get bored because they are using the same weapon day in and day out and there is no change. FPS games allow for a person to change gear based on map or opponent tactics. Without certs you can't change out your gear though.
I understand some people don't see it this way. They can't think past the "EQ mentatility" that levels actually mean something to your character and that we should have to "work" to get respect for our characters. Well, your character isn't more powerful at 20 then it is at 5, more versatile ya, but not more powerful. We shouldn't have to work to get some utility for our characters. It should just come with playing the game.
Checking my exp bar every few hours to see how I'm doing should not happen in an FPS game. I never checked it like that in beta and I dont' think I should have to check it now. Let me freaking play to have fun and allow the exp to be such that I get it easily. I shouldn't have to play in a manner to get the most exp because any other playstyle results in being locked at the same level for weeks on end.
Lets say you see a hotspot at a base. Right now if you move to that hotspot you might make 1k exp defending in a 2hr timespan. In that same time frame you could go on the attack and make 15k exp. If you got rewarded proper exp for kills though then you could see 10-12k exp defending that one base. Defending an active base is fun. Defending a base and then looking at your exp and see you didn't even get a single bubble is not fun. If you could make exp while defending then you'd see it happen more often. Not to mention you'd be making exp faster then if all you ever did was cap bases. Attackers now make 2-3k for a defended base. If we got proper kill exp an attacker would make 5-7k for a defended base. The defenders would make 5-7k just from defending. People would flock to the action because not only is there exp to get, but it's just plain fun to boot.
It's win/win really.
How long does it take to advance?If its like 1 rank per day im not happy. Do you get experience for flying,driving and stuff? I hope so but really if as soon as you get to br10 you start to struggle for xp then it kind of makes sense anyway because at br20 you can like use any cert and in the FAQ they said you were allowed a few? Kinda unexageration if you klnow what i mean. I will be playing this game tonight and looking forward to meeting some New Conglomerate dudes and beating the hell outta some Vanu scum . But give me an example of how long it takes to advance. I mean does it take like a week to go up 1 rank or is it quite steady.
2003-05-25, 04:10 PM
It starts off fairly quick. You can be 3 before you leave the sanctuary, almost 4 in fact.
If you travel with the hacks and just stick around long enough for the cap and move on you should see a pretty good amount of exp. You'd probably get 5-6 in the first nite. You can conceivably get to 8-9 the next day. It's all really gonna depend on how many bases you help take. The more your there for the better your exp. If you get in a smart squad they will put a few people at every base that is being capped and get exp for several bases at once. Soon as you start to lose on a continent pull out and go to a place where your side is winning.
Once you hit about 10-11 you'll see the rate slow some, but not alot. It just takes more then before is all. At 15 you hit the first hell level. Be ready for a week or more to get thru it. Each level after that will take even longer.
2003-05-25, 08:35 PM
Once you hit about 10-11 you'll see the rate slow some, but not alot. It just takes more then before is all. At 15 you hit the first hell level. Be ready for a week or more to get thru it. Each level after that will take even longer.
Please dont post on thinngs that you havnt experienced personaly. Rather then bitch about the exp rate lets see you propese a way to fix it. Something more robust then "return to the old system"
Having said that I think it whould be intresting to see them try starting a server that everyone starts at BR 20.
2003-05-25, 09:02 PM
Easy now with the snappy responses. Everyone around here needs to take a chill pill and show some more :love: :p
2003-05-25, 09:37 PM
I've posted how to fix it before, but I can do so again. Np.
Leave base captures as they are now. The risk/reward is pretty much right on. No problems.
When a member of a sqaud, then have all kills give full exp. In other words do not divide by 10 and then add in a cheap 20% bonus.
This will have more then the affect of just increasing the rate of exp gained. Defense will be worth something because kills will net you good exp. Not only will kills on defense be profitable but if you do happen to make a resecure that is added bonus to defense. Fights can go back and forth and both offense and defense will be rewarded.
Furthermore support classes will not be a drain on a squad. Since adding more members can only add to your exp, not take away, all classes will be welcome. That medic my not give you an extra shooter, but he will be keeping shooters alive, and it costs the shooters no exp loss to have the medic grouped with them. A gal pilot can keep his bird safely hidden for everyone because he's not taking away from the exp. The added manueverability of the galaxy is worth not adding another shooter, since after all your not losing exp.
That is how you solve this problem. No one could complain about exp with the method I suggest. Offensive attacks will net you 2-4k for the capture and roughly 2-3k in kills. Even if you don't get a capture you still get the kill exp so you had fun and made progress. Defensive actions will net you 3-5k in kill exp and perhaps 1-2k worth of resecure depending on the length of the fight. Even if you are forced to fall back from base to base you are still having fun and getting exp.
It's win/win anyway you look at it.
Oh, and I do speak from experience on the level issue. Two level 16's in beta. One took me about 4 days to get and the other took me almost two weeks. I know which one I had more fun getting up and which one felt more like a tedious level grind.
Originally posted by chavr
I played a month of beta. I knew exactly what I wanted to do with my character and what to do to get exp. After 3 days of playing I got all the way up to br6...... wooooo.
BR6 is more than enough for most players. My goal is reached at BR6, and i go with some of the higher-costing certs. We're not all gonna get to BR 20 within a week or two. If we did, wouldn't that brign a lot of the fun out of the game? I'm not saying that the only fun in this game is getting exp , but part of the fun is fighting and fighting until you can get to a desired level ,so you can whip out that new gun or jump into your new shiny vehicle.
Stop complaining.
if this was already said, i dint read all the posts due to lazyness, so sorry for repeating something.
2003-05-28, 09:19 PM
I'm at 5 and halfway through to 6.
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