View Full Version : Little Lost Love or Why the Vanu are doomed
2002-12-19, 09:24 PM
Does anyone else notice that the NC and Vanu have the most animosity toward each other? Besides all the crap I started, why do you think that is? Back story? Maybe 2 polar oppositte people cling to the weapon types? How do you think the contempt will play out online? I know I'm going hunting for some Vanu as soon as I log on, but what about you? Does all the smack make you want to drop some pain down on another clan or could you care less? I think it adds to the game dynamic, but others might argue.....
2002-12-19, 09:40 PM
I just want to kill everyone. I think we hate the vanu because they talk more crap than we do and their uniforms are ugly. :D
2002-12-19, 09:47 PM
BZ aren't you one of the Vanu?
I think it's because they are both trying to prove who has the more worthy cuase. They both split away from the Terran Republic, and all that is left is witch one did it for the better reason.
If you ask me the NC are just a little misguided, but the Vanu are downright insane.
2002-12-19, 09:48 PM
What faction are you going BZ? I know why *I* hate the Vanu but..NOOOOOOO NOOOOO NOOOOO NOT AGAIN!!! Someone stop me!
2002-12-19, 09:51 PM
Yes I'm vanu... story has nothing to do with why they hate eachother. Well actually the fact that NC keeps posting crap about the story. I'm about ready to kill myself if I read another "NC is the true freedom republic, it's like the US" threads.
2002-12-19, 09:55 PM
I agree with zero one this one, all that story crap is really pissing me off. I'v even seen some people try and use Mani's story as the actual story of the game. :rolleyes:
2002-12-19, 10:04 PM
Anyone who's suffered through one page of that god awful thread deserves a promotion. I think it's safe to say that all of the empires have their morons, and ours (NC) are pretty much shining in full glory there. We kinda have a bunch of morons, like that guy who started that "gay" thread, he couldn't even think up his own sig. He stole mine. If I see him, I think it'll be worth the grief points :p . Anyway, at least I'm funny when I bang on the VANU (sometimes I feel bad, like taking a little kids money, it's so easy).
Originally posted by {BOHICA}Navaron
[B]I know I'm going hunting for some Vanu as soon as I log on[B]
Just bring it, sucka!:D
2002-12-19, 10:17 PM
I pity da foo!!! YOU'RE GOING DOWN LOUISE!!! You hear me sucka! :rofl:
Actually, I love it when someone balls up and accepts a challenge, maybe we can tag team some TR. (Or better yet, you can take off your *perpul* Vanu shirt, and join the NC and learn to fight (O SNAP! :p )
Originally posted by {BOHICA}Navaron
(Or better yet, you can take off your *perpul* Vanu shirt, and join the NC and learn to fight (O SNAP! :p )
What! you want me to forget this...
no way!:D
Tag teaming some TR sure sounds good tho. Count me in!:cool2:
2002-12-19, 11:08 PM
the only way to prove which empire is better is after PS comes out and everyone is used to. We get the commanders from all 3 empires to organize a huge Free For All battle on some continent. Only then will we prove to each other who is the best... only then...
Camping Carl
2002-12-19, 11:14 PM
So... what you're saying is, NC and/or TR will win, right? Because vanu suck?
2002-12-19, 11:29 PM
The only way to see which empire is better is whichever empire I decide to join. Now everyone time to start bribing me with sexual favors. :eek:
2002-12-19, 11:34 PM
:eek: Calm down there Zero. Vanu will easily beat the crap outta anyone. I would also like to mention that the two biggest outfits/squads are Vanu :p
2002-12-19, 11:37 PM
:jawdrop: <----- you like that big boy
2002-12-20, 01:20 AM
Is it just me, or is there a lot of ignorant people posting on these forums? Seriously, this games backround and previews have attracted some pretty stupid people. i won/t mention any names but holy crap! Iv'e never seen so much shit talking in forums when the damn game is still at least 2 months from being released! Has anyone else seen this before?
2002-12-20, 01:20 AM
I got rid of my post here because it was stupid ! and so was I and I'm getting rid of the rest of the traces of my stupidness
Well i was gonna disagree with you Myhouse but
Originally posted by Bighoss
Those of you that have been playing first person shooters know what I mean. How gay are energy weapons?
...well nevermind.
2002-12-20, 01:46 AM
Don't take me wrong, I'm not saying everyone. But yes i think there are a lot of them out there. I just mentioned it because Iv'e never seen so much bullshit in a single forum. I guess I just have to ignore them and only listen to people like you Dio.
By the way, nice sig!! :clap:
Thanks made by Lazare.
2002-12-20, 02:26 AM
Originally posted by {BOHICA}Navaron
Does anyone else notice that the NC and Vanu have the most animosity toward each other? Besides all the crap I started, why do you think that is? Back story? Maybe 2 polar oppositte people cling to the weapon types? How do you think the contempt will play out online? I know I'm going hunting for some Vanu as soon as I log on, but what about you? Does all the smack make you want to drop some pain down on another clan or could you care less? I think it adds to the game dynamic, but others might argue.....
La la la....*Add Navaron to Victim list* lalala.....
2002-12-20, 02:31 AM
Originally posted by Bighoss
lol everyone know's that the biggest group's turn to shit with in a month most group's that plan to far ahead fall apart. I've been at the beginning of a lot of three online massive games. the beginning group's are good for a while then their are reforms and changes. if you think it will be any different this time you are shitting youself and are probauly one of the annoying guys that walks around the beach in a thong. The power will constantly switch because no team will hold it forever. Their will be no way to tell who is the best because sony will change thing's until it is all equal. We all know anyway that Vanu is gonna be stupid. You can just get the vibe that it's where all the 10 year olds and kid's who don't play real first person shooter's are gonna go. If you play lots of first person shooter's you want THE GUNS, I WANT LEAD TEARING INTO FLESH AND BLOOD.
Those of you that have been playing first person shooters know what I mean. How gay are energy weapons?
Blaster Rule(Energy weapon) in T2 duels :)
2002-12-20, 02:31 AM
<div align=center><font size=+1>I'm just here for the fun =)</font>
<img border=0 src=>
<img border=0 src=>
<img border=0 src=>
2002-12-20, 02:33 AM
Hey, BZ, I think he's talking about us. You know what I don't get, you see a thread like this, obviously a fun oriented thread, and then you ALWAYS get some anal retentive guy talking about why the forums not serious, or how *they've gone downhill*. IT'S A FORUM ABOUT A GAME -> GAMES = FUN. No one makes you click anything. Use a little discretion and you may have a little less to worry about.
Originally posted by Bighoss
We all know anyway that Vanu is gonna be stupid. You can just get the vibe that it's where all the 10 year olds and kid's who don't play real first person shooter's are gonna go.
Dumbest post of the week!:ugh:
2002-12-20, 03:48 AM
You're insane :\
Originally posted by Kriege
Blaster Rule(Energy weapon) in T2 duels :)
2002-12-20, 11:39 AM
Originally posted by {BOHICA}Navaron
Does anyone else notice that the NC and Vanu have the most animosity toward each other?
We of the Vanu Sovereignty have offered to bring you to enlightenment, but in your ignorance you have repeatedly replied iwth threats of violence. We have recourse left but to defend ourselves. We are confident; however, that you will see the light, one way or another.
2002-12-20, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by Sandtaco
:eek: Calm down there Zero. Vanu will easily beat the crap outta anyone. I would also like to mention that the two biggest outfits/squads are Vanu :p
Wow..... you really don't know about the PS world... look outside the box of PSU man :)
The two biggest outfits are DreamscapeVirus and Sardukar, who are both going Terran.....
Dosen't mean they'll win though =]
2002-12-20, 01:39 PM
I really don't think they'll be any rivalry or sticking to the storyline when the game starts up. people will join the sides with the guns and vehicles they like. And I myself plan on killing anything and everything that isn't on my team, i don't care who they are.
2002-12-20, 01:43 PM
There is no box of PSU, we are as open of a community as we can be.
On a side note, look in the recruiting forum :p
2002-12-20, 03:00 PM
Kinda off topic and game discussion , but WHEN DO I GET THAT RECRUIT THING UNDER MY NAME TAKEN AWAY!!! Just wondering hehe :)
2002-12-20, 03:02 PM
You need more posts.
2002-12-20, 03:06 PM
Kriege post on here more than once a week and it will go away :p
2002-12-20, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
You need more posts.
Okay , is there any regulation on off topic replies ?
2002-12-20, 03:15 PM
technically we shouldn't overdo it with the off topic spam. So just post something that's relevant to the topic and keep responding to what everyone else says.
2002-12-20, 03:37 PM
I will yell at you for off topic spam. :p
Then we send a mean 500 pound gorilla over to your place. :)
2002-12-20, 04:42 PM
Take over who's place?
2002-12-20, 08:05 PM
Just me getting rid of my stupidness !!! this is not done upon request of a moderator but I think I've been stupid and overly angry and opinated
2002-12-20, 08:15 PM
Vanu gay
Terran COOL because they get cool goggles
NC COOL cause they Holy crap bigghoss, how stupid can you get. :rolleyes: An energy pistol that can pierce armor can do alot of damage, easily as much as your little shotgun pistol. Also, large groups usually stay together because they're more organized in the first place. It also seems like you choose your empire based on looks, and you assume that Vanu weapons suck. You might want to go to the weapons page and read about all of the weapons.
2002-12-20, 08:38 PM
Nothin like flaming a guy *then* sending him to research your faction. HAHAHA :p
2002-12-21, 01:39 AM
I did that's partly the reason I don't like what the vanu have to offer I prefer gun's plus I like the terran's 4x scope it come be useful
2002-12-21, 04:10 AM
I dislike the Vanu because all teh smart people join it. Makes me look less smart. :p
2002-12-21, 06:43 AM
Originally posted by Zarparchior
I dislike the Vanu because all teh smart people join it. Makes me look less smart. :p
your sig scare me dude
2002-12-21, 12:35 PM
As it should...
ph33r my |33+ Paint skillz! :evil:
2002-12-21, 12:44 PM
I don't like what the vanu have to offer I prefer gun's
LOL Bighoss, what do you think the vanu carries? pea shooters? i think my first mission will be to find you and blast open your skull with my energy weapon
2002-12-21, 09:26 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Hatte
LOL Bighoss, what do you think the vanu carries? pea shooters? i think my first mission will be to find you and blast open your skull with my energy weapon [/QUOTE
before you go off and interpret other things that people say and completely miss the meaning let me make that clearer. I-Don't-like-energy-weapons. I like gun's because it is my opinion and I don't like the weapon's the Vanu have from what I have read about them.
Who know's maybe when I test out stuff in VR I'll end up being Vanu
2002-12-24, 01:12 AM
the vanu suck because they are eather cowards or idiots. They are eather going to be on a hill snipeing and the moment anyone looks there direction they run into a bunker. Lets not forget the idiot at the the back of the group or in the narrow hall fireing thrasher's and cratering him-self and all his team mates (and don't deny it, it will happen) :blowup: :father:
2002-12-24, 01:47 AM
So what group will I be in when i jump over your Base's wall, in a MAX and rip you apart with my energy weapons?
"Things that go squish when they catch grenades."
2002-12-24, 01:55 AM
Hahaha, touche :p
2002-12-24, 08:25 AM
Technology over numbers. Who wins?
If u say numbers then what can 10k ppl with sticks do against a nuke??
Vanu WILL win and thats final.
2002-12-26, 02:38 AM
Until I saw the ads in the January PC Gamer I thought TR would be the bad boys on the block. But the Vanu ad is pretty darn arrogant.
I mean, "Aliena, Technologia, Dominatia". What else can it mean but
"Alien technology will dominate you."
And the rest of the ad basically says, "If you don't join us ignorant fool, you die!"
The TR and NC ads stress loyalty or freedom. Not to mention that the Vanu in the ad makes the armor look insectile.
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