View Full Version : Heavy Assault

2003-05-29, 02:46 PM
Top 10 kills in myplanetside.com

Check out the NC's they appear to have either Reaver or Heavy Assault or both...

I checked the TR top 10 killers on Markov and not one of them has Heavy Assault. The mini chaingun is a load of crap that cannot shoot straight. I rest my case.

I'm not calling for a nerf on the Jackhammer but these two weapons should be equals. Some of my friends do not even like fighting NC purely because of the power of the jackhammer...

2003-05-29, 03:22 PM
Jackhammers are a fine weapon but not undefeatable. For one thing, you can hear them coming from a mile away.... and they cant hurt a fly at a distance.

They kick ass inside a base, but if you get the jump on them with a sweeper, they are dead meat. Or do as i do... sneak up near them and drop a boomer.

I don't think they need to be nerfed (I am vanu even)... if you think they are so uber, loot one off a corpse and see for yourself (or better yet roll a NC and see for yourself).

I think the reason you see so many of them is because they are the flavor of the month. Lets not call for nerfs. Each weapon has it's strengths and weaknesses.

2003-05-29, 03:28 PM
I said I am not calling for a nerf. Just that the TR should have a "fine weapon" too. Hell, it costs 4 cert points..

2003-05-29, 03:31 PM
Wait, let me get this straight, the TR needs better weapons?

That is the one nice part about being Vanu is that nobody from the other realms even bothers to loot your weapons.

2003-05-29, 03:33 PM
i'm sure if we could loot ur maxs we would ;p

2003-05-29, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by kerosene31
That is the one nice part about being Vanu is that nobody from the other realms even bothers to loot your weapons.

I'd loot VS weapons but I can never tell wtf they are or what cert is needed..

2003-05-29, 03:38 PM
The chaingun most definetly does NOT suck. It has its advantages and disadvantages, just like the jackhammer. When ninjaing a heavily defended TR base with a small squad, the first thing I do is bogart a chaingun. With the massive amount of infantry that is surely going to come pounding downstairs, the huge magazine and greater range of the chaingun is a whole lot more useful.

2003-05-29, 03:41 PM
TR don't need to get heavy assault.... all you need is that cycler. I love that damn thing. It's great at long, medium and short range.

My big complaint about the cycler is that many vanu loot them and use them, confusing the hell outa me. I hear a cycler fire.... i run over there and see one of my guys firing it.

2003-05-29, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by Nitsch
TR don't need to get heavy assault....

TR don't need a decent heavy assault weapon? Like they don't need a decent tank either...

To think I was expecting some backup.. :p

2003-05-29, 03:48 PM
The mini gun is a nice weapon as Led said.... you wanta see sucky... look at the Vanu heavy assault. I never see anyone use that thang. For one thing, as soon as you fire it... it's like sending out a beacon telling every foe withing 20 miles where you are. The bullets are slow enough that you can just strafe dodge them.

2003-05-29, 03:52 PM
Nope, vanu lasher is also a very decent weapon. Once you get the lead down, you can kill people EXTREMELY fast with it. Also works great against those people being annoying and hiding behind things :p

2003-05-29, 05:09 PM
Problem with the lasher, even if you lead the velocity is so slow, they can still dodge it. Even at close range. You literally can see it coming.

The ROF is slow, that you can run between the shots.

A direct hit of the lasher IS effective, it's just the problem of hitting. You lead, they see it coming and just reverse direction.

Either, increase the velocity (my choice) or increase the ROF (it only holds 20rds per clip).

The damage on the other hand is perfect.

2003-05-29, 05:19 PM
It has the ability to engage long range targets, but it is not its primary role. If you are getting flustered for being unable to kill anything beyond ten feet reliably... you are misusing it. Heavy weapons are almost exclusively for close range combat.

The lasher is perfectly balanced. Any increase in velocity (it was already increased in beta, as well as damage, and the lash effect was tweaked), ROF, and mag size would severely overpower it.

Just have to learn to use its advantages, and maneuver so your opponent does not have his. I aint talking out of my ass. I did not become #1 in kills for NC on Johari by misusing my weaponry and complaining about how hard everything is.

2003-05-29, 05:34 PM
Then it's just not me mis-using it or I perfected anti-lashing techinques.

I played TR in beta and rarely (i do mean rarely) killed by a lasher, even indoors.

I would get hit (and the lasher does horrific damage), but even indoors, the lasher ROF and slow velocity was so slow that I can get behind him and get the kill.

I wouldn't come out unscathed, but I would be the last one standing.

2003-05-29, 05:58 PM
Hey this thread was for bashing the mini chaingun! :o

Is there any TR who has the cert to give their take? (or did cert in it at some stage).

I just don't see the point in spending 4 points on this when it's just a really inaccurate version of the cycler w/ a larger ammo capacity.

2003-05-29, 06:02 PM
I played TR during beta and used the mini-gun... i thought it was a fine weapon... i think you are trying to create an issue where there is none.

2003-05-29, 06:25 PM
Originally posted by Nitsch
I played TR during beta and used the mini-gun... i thought it was a fine weapon... i think you are trying to create an issue where there is none.


2003-05-29, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by Plato
Hey this thread was for bashing the mini chaingun! :o

Is there any TR who has the cert to give their take? (or did cert in it at some stage).

I just don't see the point in spending 4 points on this when it's just a really inaccurate version of the cycler w/ a larger ammo capacity.

It's because the Lasher is so underpowered that it's not even worth mentioning in the first post.

I'm hurt. :(

Actually, the Mini-chain does suck at anything longer than close range. I do feel it's the best close range HA out there. Even better than the jackhammer (slow RoF).

1-on-1 with a chain gun, just keep your distance and use any decent medium range weapon (rocklet, punisher, etc), and you'll be left standing.

2003-05-29, 07:08 PM
Originally posted by tmartinez72
It's because the Lasher is so underpowered that it's not even worth mentioning in the first post.

I'm hurt. :(

I did not mention the Lasher because I have no experience with it other than being killed by it on the odd occasion

I think I'll try the minigun again at some point when I increase in BR. I still believe I have a case tho. Thanks for your thoughts and opinions.

2003-05-29, 07:17 PM
Everyone is bias to their own empire at this point :p

There was a time when the CG was ultra-powerful, but it isnt that anymore.

I wish people would quit thinking up which weapon should be nerfed and start thinking of ways to bypass it, new tactics.

Thats when the real fun starts :brow:

2003-05-29, 07:19 PM
The thing with all HA weapons is the 4 cert cost.

Any medium or special assult close range weapon will just take an extra .75 seconds to kill someone.

It's just not worth it. I do fine with the sweeper shotgun, cycler, or even rocket rifle.

2003-05-29, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
Everyone is bias to their own empire at this point :p

I just think the fact that Jackhammers outnumbering the GC 20 to 1 is a good indication that something is wrong is all.

2003-05-29, 07:40 PM
The miniCG the one of the best weapons in the game! So soon as someone starts to use it on me, my frames drop to like 2fps and i can't move. The CG then chews me up and spits me out. It's very effective and efficient. I so great that it can cause so much lag that you can kill ppl even when they are behind you.

If you can't handle that gheyness tryout the TR AV missle thingy. The pheonix i think. No minimum range on it for target lock. I've had a missle locked on me inside CC and spawn rooms.

stfu,stfd, stop complaining about TR weapons.

2003-05-29, 09:15 PM
I admit, that a NC Gauss can easily outshoot both the TR's heavy and med, and the VS's heavy and med at long to mid range. However the closer you get, the more it starts to hurt. The chaingun is supremely wicked when you have one guy, wielding it, and running through a base shooting at everything that moves

2003-05-29, 10:56 PM
All I know is that almost every grunt in NC has a jackhammer (I check their corpse and hear them all around), quite a few TR carry the Mini-gun (I should know, I am fighting right along side of them) and almost NO VS carry the lasher. I don't know if this is because the lasher isn't popular, but is a viable weapon, or if it is because it sucks, I always played VS for the MAXs. :D

2003-05-29, 11:08 PM
I played NC during beta, and not everyone EVERYONE had a Jackhammer, but it was relatively common. Now every EVERY Terran has a Striker. Which is why they suck so much. :) They carry the big old Striker with at least two boxes of ammo. And have no room for 9mm.

2003-05-29, 11:14 PM

The weapons are fine
From what I see on the field,

VS HA = Med-Long Range
TR HA = Med Range
NC HA = Very Short Range

VS AV = Med-Long Range
TR AV = Long Range
NC AV = Med Range

VS MA = Med Range
TR MA = Short Range
NC MA = Med Range

VS Pistol = Med Range
TR Pistol = Med Range
NC Pistol = Point Blank Range

They are all fine, I use weapons from all empires depending on what I need, with reinforced, I sometimes grab a chain gun and a hackhammer and go in, or a Vanu whatever that thing is called and a jackhammer and move in

Remeber, each weapon is good at different things, the key is balance, not copies.

2003-05-29, 11:15 PM
Striker... right... thats what i was thinking of.

2003-05-29, 11:16 PM
VS Tank: teh suck
TR Tank: not bad

2003-05-29, 11:25 PM
bah, VS tanks KA, they can cross water (why I dont see huge vs naval fleets, I dont know (yes their tank can only be on water for about 3 min, but their buggy can be on it 4ever))

The VS tank only takes 1 person to use (it has a gun) thus it can target 2 things very well

It can run circles around the other tanks

It can crush inf all day (how many times have you been crushed by a mag rider? I lost count, and Im a Vulcan!)

TR Prowler is very KA if it has 2 gunners, since it can dest inf and armor at the same time, targeting 2 things is a very nice thing

The NC Vaguard is very good, no doubt, though IMO it is best hands down when you go tank vs tank, it is not good at dealing with more than 1 target, and dies very fast to air, etc

It is also VERY easy to flank due to slow turning gun and very slow turning tank :p

I say they all have their uses, and all are good in their own light

2003-05-29, 11:46 PM
Remeber, each weapon is good at different things, the key is balance, not copies.
If i were TR i can't think of any reason why i couldnt use a pounder in any fight situation. There are however a few instances when no VS max can do quite what i need it to. Whereas, i am almost certain that if i had a pounder. I could do exactly what i want.

2003-05-30, 05:35 AM
Originally posted by MrVulcan
VS AV = Med-Long Range
TR AV = Long Range
NC AV = Med Range

Eheh, was that a typo? Phoenix gets far longer range than the Striker. 8 seconds of flight can go pretty damn far. I can shhot from a base and attack the tower and take out mainy MAXes easily. The Striker has a 100M range it seems normally. Getting any farther causes real problems locking(unless they're air and the Striker shooter has a clear LOS). For the Striker to work not locked the target needs to be stationary or as a desperation fight against a MAX indoors.

2003-05-30, 05:39 AM
Originally posted by Stream|ine
If i were TR i can't think of any reason why i couldnt use a pounder in any fight situation. There are however a few instances when no VS max can do quite what i need it to. Whereas, i am almost certain that if i had a pounder. I could do exactly what i want.
Pounder has short range(I can aim at 45 degrees and be able to shoot like 50M at most) and it's really designed for indoor or close combat. Unluckily, it's a grief magnet. DC MAX has problems shooting at ranges when not locked down but if it gets locked down and you're in a VS MAX just jump over it. Also, locked down MAXes are AV bait. Both the Lancer and PHoenix can easily take out the locked down MAX. You see a lock down MAX with the Lancer and before he can unlock he's quite dead. Phoenix is slower but more accurate and if they try to run you can still hit them. Can't say anything about the Striker against TR MAXes obviously. They'd probably be owned at any rangeby any AV. Of course, indoors, multiple people with AV would be needed for any AV weapon. Or just a smart person with a decimator.

2003-05-30, 10:34 AM
Hey, all i know is that when i compare what it take to take down each individual armor. The pounder is the one i have the most issue with. Doesn't matter what i go after it with. Reaver, MAX, thumper. I stuggle the hardest with pounders. It's not it's armor or anything. It's the fact that once you start attacking you really need to finish him off before he gets wise. Otherwise you just get vaporized.

Vis Armata
2003-05-30, 06:42 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
Everyone is bias to their own empire at this point :p

There was a time when the CG was ultra-powerful, but it isnt that anymore.

I wish people would quit thinking up which weapon should be nerfed and start thinking of ways to bypass it, new tactics.

Thats when the real fun starts :brow:

But whining is so much easier than thinking through the problem.

2003-05-30, 07:27 PM
about the lasher, it can still be used to moderate-high kill efficiency. Just need to use it at chokepoints. However, i think when they patched the friendly fire no lash issue, they hurt the dmg on the lash unintentionally? I remember my first days in beta the lash's actually being very tough to avoid and hurting. Not the orb, the lash. There seems to be misconception that the "lash dmg" is from the orbs hitting an object and exploding. Rather its the little electric bolts that fly along side/behind the orb (seen plenty of threads on official boards peeps thinking its the explosion dmg).

Chaingun, well it went from being way more effective than the cycler to being comparable. I dont think the cof is too big a problem, its just that the cycler is too close in efficiency comparison (1/2 clip, but relaxed cof). Cant remember what the RoF comparison between cycler/chaingun was.

2003-05-30, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by Plato
I said I am not calling for a nerf. Just that the TR should have a "fine weapon" too. Hell, it costs 4 cert points..

have you even pulled out a cycler yet?

Originally posted by Hamma
I wish people would quit thinking up which weapon should be nerfed and start thinking of ways to bypass it, new tactics.

Thats when the real fun starts :brow:

Again, Hamma comes up with the smart idea. If everyone would just look at stuff killing their asses a lot and figure out how to beat it, rather than saying, "i got killed once with a suppressor! nerf it so it shoots 1 shot per 5 seconds!at half the damage!", then people would suddenly be smarter.

but ya right, like that'll happen. :rolleyes:

2003-05-30, 10:23 PM
Originally posted by Sputty
Eheh, was that a typo?........

yes it was a typo,

VS AV = Med-Long Range
TR AV = Med-Short Range
NC AV = Long Range

2003-05-30, 10:27 PM
Vulcans are not always perfect.

2003-06-01, 01:18 AM
Originally posted by 1024
have you even pulled out a cycler yet?

Again, Hamma comes up with the smart idea. If everyone would just look at stuff killing their asses a lot and figure out how to beat it, rather than saying, "i got killed once with a suppressor! nerf it so it shoots 1 shot per 5 seconds!at half the damage!", then people would suddenly be smarter.

but ya right, like that'll happen. :rolleyes:


2003-06-01, 09:33 AM
Originally posted by Sputty
Vulcans are not always perfect.

no, we too have typos :p

2003-06-02, 04:39 AM
vulcans r weired

2003-06-02, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by Stream|ine
If i were TR i can't think of any reason why i couldnt use a pounder in any fight situation. There are however a few instances when no VS max can do quite what i need it to. Whereas, i am almost certain that if i had a pounder. I could do exactly what i want.

As someone pointed out already, Pounder has a fairly limited range. Even further, doing what it's best at - defending bases and towers - you have to be careful when enemies get too close because you'll find yourself damaging your own armor more than the enemy is. And of course it takes restraint to use a Pounder effectively because you don't want to hurt your own troops.

Even so, it's my favorite MAX. Being able to bounce those grenades around corners means you can kill enemies without ever being in their line of sight - which no other MAX can do.

2003-06-02, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by Vis Armata
But whining is so much easier than thinking through the problem.

Damn right :D

Originally posted by 1024
have you even pulled out a cycler yet?

OK so the TR can have a 4 cert PoS because they have a nice medium assault weapon called the cycler? (damn fine weapon I agree).

If 3 weapons all cost the same and one each for every empire then they all need to have advantages and disadvantages.

The NC Jackhammer is the ultimate CQB weapon but sucks at distances

The VS weapon - I have no idea

The TR CG is supposed to be a beefed up cycler but you can tell from the fact that it's so rare ingame that something is very wrong...

2003-06-02, 12:30 PM
Chaingun is pretty damn weak for 4 credits. I had it for awhile, and while it absolutely mopped up in [very] close quarters, you just can't hit anything more than about 20 yards away. Cycler or sweeper both do a commendable job indoors for 2 credits, and the cycler is accurate to VERY long range if fired in single shots. Given the alternatives, chaingun is just not worth it in my book. Take reinforced, or AV, or special assault instead.

2003-06-02, 12:36 PM
I don't know how anyone could say magrider sucks. It is much better than any other tank vs most fast moving vehicles, aircraft, infantry.

In tank vs tank fights I have lost one out of 20ish fights against a vanguard. They just cant land a shell unless you LET THEM and magriders absorb the splash damage well enough. I sometimes barely win, but I win.

Magrider is easily the most verstile tank, Vanguards have issues with Anti-air and takes a pretty skilled gunner to lob those shells.

2003-06-02, 12:45 PM
As per the TR mini chaingun, i tried it out this morning and im not really happy with it.

To get maximum use out of the thing, i really feel you need to be crouched to keep the COF down. Problem therein is that most fights are fast. This isn't a game like Day of Defeat where you have to hunker down and use the terrain. You can't go prone here for example. Point being is that you have to circle strafe to some degree to throw the other guys aim off, you don't really have the time to crouch.

Using the chaingun in the spawn tube room in a tower while some hacker did his job, i shot off nearly 200 rounds in 60 seconds. Standing, and moving around to keep my aim on the badguys, my COF was HUGE, at nearly point black range, it encompassed their entire body mass. Most of my shots were hitting the floor or the ceiling.

If there is a use for the chaingun it is certainly NOT a running gun battle, CQB or otherwise.

2003-06-02, 01:20 PM
I agree that the chain gun should have a slightly smaller COF. I used it a couple times and ditched it.

It does the dmg if it hits.

I feel that it should be the best med range weapon out there, so perhaps have a tighter cof for med range, but have it expand very fast after fireing a few rounds so it isnt over powered.

2003-06-02, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by beavis88
Chaingun is pretty damn weak for 4 credits. I had it for awhile, and while it absolutely mopped up in [very] close quarters, you just can't hit anything more than about 20 yards away. Cycler or sweeper both do a commendable job indoors for 2 credits, and the cycler is accurate to VERY long range if fired in single shots. Given the alternatives, chaingun is just not worth it in my book. Take reinforced, or AV, or special assault instead.

Agreed 100%. Heavy Assault is a huge waste of certs for TR.

2003-06-02, 03:38 PM
I had no support when the thread was started. Glad the cavalry arrived. Thanks guys :)

2003-06-03, 07:15 AM
*shrug* I know people tend to say they loot other empires weapons and such but I'm coming a point where I might just wipe my BR 11 TR so i can reroll an NC and use the jackhammer instead. Either that or just re-cert my Heavy Assault (4 points is alot for something not too pleasing as the chaingun).

Its boring and a waste of time to attempt to loot dozens of Jackhammers just so i can run to my locker and grab one every time i spawn. I'd rather just go BUY one....

Chaingun does need a lil fixing up. Not much though.

2003-06-03, 07:56 AM
I'm trained in heavy assault as a TR. But the main reason is because I am constantly looting Jackhammers from the NC :D

I definitely prefer the JH to the minichaingun, but I've still found good uses for the chaingun. Outdoors I tend to use the MCG, while when I'm indoors I use the Jackhammer. I'm not too big on the "spraying the minichaingun indoors" thing instead of the Jackhammer, because doing a lot of dmg to multiple enemies, imo, isn't as useful as doing a lot of dmg to one enemy, killing him, thereby removing threats at a quicker rate then hurting many guys at once at a slower pace.

I've tried the lasher.. but I really suck at using it. I ran into a guy today (akanegum or something like that) on vanu/markov who was awesome using the lasher tho. Even outdoors. Just goes to show u, if u know how to use any of the 3 weapons, they can be good.

But if I had to pick one, I'll take the Jackhammer any day of the week over the other two.

2003-06-03, 12:58 PM
I don't understand the Jackhammer love. It sure is popular for having such a limited range.

2003-06-03, 02:51 PM
Closing range is reallllly easy. You run faster forward than you do backwards so if you're strafing and charging at them while theyre attempting to backpedal strafing to shoot at you and keep range, you WILL catch up and they WILL die.

Surge only makes it easier.

2003-06-03, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by AcidCat
I don't understand the Jackhammer love. It sure is popular for having such a limited range.

Well, battles are won and lost at the CC. You can't get much closer range than that.

2003-06-03, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by tmartinez72
Well, battles are won and lost at the CC. You can't get much closer range than that.

Very true.

Though in such situations, I'll take my Pounder over the Jackhammer anyday.:)