View Full Version : Casual Observations on Population
2003-05-29, 05:54 PM
Ok, nothing scientific, just a casual observation when you play.
Does it seem like the TR are just overwhelming in terms of population?
I play VS, and I see the same guys on my side all the time (perhaps it's the time we play or what, it's just strange. I don;t even squad with them).
It seems as though the TR are everywhere.
2003-05-31, 01:00 AM
I dissagree. I've seen creed (TR) guy more than 5 times this past week, including today.
Also you do notice that Vanu is the lesser empire of the server right?
I disagree also, and im NC. Ido see some of the same people, but thats just becuase i go where the real fights are. NOt the dark corners of the world.
2003-06-01, 02:56 PM
It depends on what time of day you play really. As for NC the underdog, or not having enough people? HA!
Acutaly NC is kicking ass and taking names, it sometimes it's really depressing being on the recieving end all the time.
Now this is all a hunch but i think NC has a couple good leaders, at the head of some good infrastructure. When you go pissing around in their backyard, they come out to defend. THeir response time is really damn quick too. So quick, as to make me think they have a group or groups of people who have dedicated themselves to be a rapid reaction force. I think this because
a.) their response time is unreal, and
B.) NC as a whole still manages to maintain an offensive force.
Another problem is witin the Terran Repbulic itself. I think we have alot of lone wolves. On top of that i see very little organization. This isnt to say that their isn't any, but TR has entirely far too many loose cannons doing... whatever. What i see coming out of NC is combined arms. What i mean in this is that they acutally use their land vehicles, in conjunction with infantry and Air attacks. While TR has plenty of reaver drivers to go around, i personnaly dont really see any land vehicles used in conjunction to the degree that i see it from NC. The end result is we get our asses handed to us. As i type this, NC is in the process of locking down 3 contients, and from what ive seen on the field, virtually unopposed. What TR opposition is thrown up, is probably not even in a squad, just a bunch of "instant actions".
During the evening, the TR seems to be a bit different. I know we have 1 or 2 good leaders cause at night is when we seem to do better. An intresting thing that i noticed was the pack mentalty. Get enough people together in one spot, and once they gain momentum we ravange the countryside. Like a big stampedeing herd moving foward. I nearly gained 1 BR and i wasnt even teamed. But an intresting thing i noticed was a nifty little trick to "corrall" the herd to make it go where you wanted. I don't know if it was intentional, but it defenatly got people to where they needed to be.
Overall though, this stuff about the TR being overpowered is nonesense. I've seen what the NC is capable of on Markov and its nasty. NC during a certain timeframe of the day, pounds the TR into the dirt. They're key to all of this is their organization and infrastructure, and coordination, and the TR's lack thereof. I really wish we'd get our act together, but i dont see it happening anytime soon.
I've also noticed a larger amount of vangaurds out there than prowlers. Whenever isee a prowler, fully manned, and actually doing something otehr than driving up and down the same road over and over, im like, "Whoa! A prowler!" But i ALWAYS see vangaurds out there, and man us NC are good with those things, i
ve seen some CRAZY ass gunning with those things. IT's incredibly scary, and im really glad that im NC.
Although it might have somethign to do with the fact that im NC that i see a lot of vangaurds, but whenever i attack a TR base the thing i see the most of are pounder MAXs.
I really think that the TR has to get it together in teamwork better, but the fact of how powerful the cycler is gives them a pretty significant edge on infantry vs infantry combat, where the bulk of the war is. I think that if it wasnt for the Cycler the TR would be in real trouble.
2003-06-01, 05:22 PM
I'd say the cycler is very verstile but not incredibly powerful. ALthough, ive never been on the recieving end of one either. Now, those jackhammers, those things hurt. I go from 100 health and 150 armor to dead in less than 0.5 second. When i hear those things going off, all i want is more distance from them.
I really think TR needs to get more vehicles in the war, and create a centralized command structure. Theres 4 things we have alot of.
Lone wolfs.
That said, ive noticed less and less people seem to be using MAX's as they get more BEP's. Prowlers are rare. I see, maybe 1 or 2 once in a blue moon.
But, my overall impression is that NC has a figurehead, it seems like it has a central point where communction happends. Im betting they get together, they talk, plan and discuss. Now in TR ive been in a few squads that were taking its orders from a higher up, but most of the squads ive been in, the squadleader more often then not seems to be acting independantly. (IE "Yea i have a squad, lets run over here and take this base")
Generally speaking, im kinda bummed. While i can't positively say that everything ive stated in this thread is the bonified truth on how it is in the TR, these are just my casual observations. I genuinly wish that im wrong. In part, i am, because such leadership does exist, however, not nearly to the degree it should be, we are in dire need of a better infrastructure, which the NC is seemingly in no shortage of.
Im sorry to break it to you, but to my knowledge theres no "Head Command" for the NC. Theres a bunch of really organized outfits, such as the 66th Special Ops "Devil Dogs", along with a lot of multi-outfit alliances, but no one is running the show from up high in the ranks.
We're just good. :D
2003-06-02, 03:49 AM
Doesnt have to be a head honcho calling the shots. But if you have well organized outfits, that communicate with each other, thats enough to produce the level of coordination im seeing, or think im seeing :D
Either way, its frustrating, and ive seen what NC is capable of. NC the Underdog and underpowered and TR overpowered is a total urban legend.
2003-06-03, 01:15 AM
the only place ive seen TR being overpowered was when im gonna take on a Dual Cycler, and lately ive been killing more and more of them, and i do agree, ive been in a squad a lil late to a hack when the command chat was going on, "hit this base next'' and there is always at least a hundered people there, i dont think ive ever seen Vanu or TR do this
2003-06-03, 03:29 AM
Ya know i was just glancing at the leaderboard. Scrolled down to the bottom, and looked at leading outfits by members. Then it hit me. No wonder they "appear" to be so well organized, NC has a couple big outfits. Thats alot of people who share a chat channel, that works no matter where you are no?
2003-06-03, 09:16 AM
I think also what hurts the TR alot is it is newbie favorite. Most people I know who play, begin playing TR.
I play NC and have found that at least once a day I get into a phenomenal squad. I've been very impressed with the gameplay, fighting skills and tactics that I've seen from my comrades-at-arms.
2003-06-03, 10:01 AM
well that seems quiet true....anyway they ARE newbies but they are many....way too many...and most of them use the mini chaingun with enough firepower to kill an entire squad....anyway im getting my PS next week (i hope) and im gonna kick some ass on marcov :P
2003-06-03, 11:18 AM
Actually, i think more people use the Striker than the chaingun.
I've tried the chaingun, its to situational for my tastes. That said, id rather use a Jackhammer. Thats a weapon that acutally WORKS.
I do think your right, the TR seems to be everyones first choice when playing this game. Probably the backstory to the empires has more to do with it than the weapons. Most newbies jump into the game with little to no knowledge of the details i'd think.
2003-06-03, 12:10 PM
well....i read almost every article about PS so thats why i joined NC...the freedom fighters....anyway for the newbies here heres a hint of the empires:
Terran republic- keepers of peace, executers of civilians, fast weapons "loyalty until death" (gay....if u die on auraxis and respawn u can become a traitor legaly:S)
Vanu Sovereignty- Experimenting things on humans ,thinking its gonna make their life better, Energy weapons "technology equals might" (bullshit)
New conglomerate- Freedom fighters, the best empire you can choose, high-damage-per-shot weapons "Freedom over oppression"
that should get them started huh...
2003-06-03, 01:50 PM
Actually the Terran Republic is the estabishment from Earth i think. The New Conglomerate exists only on the one planet. Its a rebel faction. It does not exist on earth, or any other place in the planetside universe. So I'd be careful and tread lightly when attempting to take the moral high ground. A freedom fighter in some countries, is a terrorist in others. In war, everyone thinks their right, but the reality is, who's to say? and whos to judge? by who's standards?
Israeli murder's are called Commandos. Arab commandos are called terrorists. Contra killers are called freedom fighters. Well if crime fighters fight crime and fire fighters fight fire what do freedom fighters fight? They never mention that part of it to us, do they. - George Carlin
2003-06-03, 02:23 PM
Your posts about the organizational nature of the NC really had me thinking...and reflecting. As was stated a couple posts earlier, there is no NC figurehead to speak of. But, as your investigation came to show, there are a number of large NC outfits on Markov and that one point is the defining element of the NC's "perceived" organzation.
By way of example:
Saturday: I'm curious about infiltrators, so I start one. I then "instant action" him into a fight. After assisting with the CC hack on whatever base I was in, I receive an invite to a squad. Hack finishes, mop up some Vanu resistance and we move on. During our 2nd battle, I get invited to join the outfit that all of the squads' members belong to. Now, I'm used to EQ guilds as command structures for organized raids...but I never, ever, could've imagined what happened next: Our squad gets "orders" to recall to the Sanctuary, by a senior outfit officer. He then splits pilots out of squads (of which 3 full squads appeared in the Sanc) and with haste, makes an all-air squad and two ground-assault squads. He "orders" the creation of AMSes for each ground squad, armor, hacking personnell, etc and before I knew it, we were a force of 30 people. All in roughly 20 minutes of fast-paced messaging. For the next 4 hours, we're unstoppable as we steam-rolled our way across whatever continent we were on and all the while, the Outfit's leader is quite literally barking orders: go here, secrure this, cover that, pull out. But perhaps even more importantly, each of the 3 squads leaders would enforce the Outfit leader's orders with motivating lines like "You heard the man!! Move it!" and the only-heard-once comment of "It took you all too long to get out of the base, make it snappier next time". And you know what? We did make it snappier. And the more we did the better we got and the better we got the more "new" soldiers who would join us via Instant Action and before I knew it there were over 100 NC blitzkrieging the continent...together. It was amazing.
And if scenarios like the above are rare to non-existent for the TR...then I feel really lucky to have gone NC on Markov...really, really lucky.
2003-06-03, 02:35 PM
hey duc what do u call an auraxis freedom fighter? a terrorist?a contra killer?a murderer? from what i know TR only wants more power and control....they dont care about their citizens SO the citizens rise up for freedom
2003-06-03, 02:40 PM
dl it and listen it till the 3rd min
NOW what do u think?
2003-06-03, 04:08 PM
I dont have to read it. My point was to get off your moral high horse. It has no place. How you or I view an empire is irrelvant. Because ultimatly its just 3 sides slugging it out in a merry go round of musical bases. While its possible to argue the backstory, its really moot. It has very little to do with the game itself. This is not an RPG. What it is, is 3 sides that are technologically different slugging it out, for what?
Opression? What oppression? Each side seems to be about equally opressed to me. Fight for freedom? Freedom from what? The place you "liberate" or "opress" will just change hands again later on. Let me ask you this. Lets say you have two nations at war. Naturally both sides think they are fighting on the right and just side. No one after all, goes into battle thinking they are the bad guys. But if everyones on the right, who's in the wrong? Who's to make that determination, and by who's standards do they use? Think about that for a bit. You may find it a very hard question to answer.
2003-06-03, 07:43 PM
Playing TR on Emerald made me realize, it seems like 60% of all TR DON'T FIGHT! They wait until little red flags appear under a base, and haul ass to that spot to get XP. Then they dissipate instantly. Sure 40% busted their butts to take that base, and then go on to hit other base, but the rest are moochers. The NC don't have 200+ people waiting around at bases most of the time, usually its 2-4 squads trying to take a base, with another squad coming in for XP. Just more observations...
2003-06-03, 08:44 PM
Well im hoping we see more teamwork and organizatin from TR here on makov. Vipre, in his post has confirmed my supicions and observations, to the letter. THanks for relating your experience.
Right now im looking at joining an outfit or two, hopefully my game expereince will change. Hopefully TR gets an outfit going as large as the NC's 666th. I sure am hopeful aren't i? lol If things don't pan out in that direction i think ill switch servers (and empires) or quit PS altogether. Being part of an unorganized mob (or seemingly so) isn't appealing for 13 bucks a month. I'd have as much fun playing DoD for free.
2003-06-05, 06:34 AM
well its ur problem u dont like the game/empire/outfit....
2003-06-05, 11:51 PM
and you just like NC because its stonger, come to our side of things and see if you like it.
I pla on TR because first off i like red and black...along with goggels:D .....second its the newb place. have you ever read Ender Game? Ender gets a team of very new newbs, he's like shit. Bean is the tough 1 of the group. Then later on his team is the best on the ship. I'm looking for that group of dumbasses, they dont know a shit. I found that team. Tho in the beginning of the book i was a very newb myself. i'm gona work it, then once i get up enough (meaning br's and faster computer(damn aol), i'm gona grab that shit load of newbs and make them strong. I agree that NC is powerfull and i would bow for that, but since we never die, i shall not. I will fight till some1 gets bored and apperently i'm not bored. I fight because i want to server my empire, i dont want to give up. I mean for christ sakes look at vanu, they got the smallest empire and still fight for what they think is right. Yes we got lonewolves and you got outfites waiting to be platoons, but still soe1 will come and change it all. I hope i change TR.
2003-06-06, 01:11 AM
lol i like freedom better then "loyalty until death"....fine loyalty....but what if u die on auraxis and u respawn u can just be a traitor legaly?
2003-06-06, 09:32 PM
But notice something, we aint betraying that, we betraying what we both believe.. We all respawn and use warpgates, old vanu shizniz. And we both hate vanu becuse they think that techno will help the human race, we both use it, now aren't we both traitors?
2003-06-06, 10:22 PM
How exactly does dying make one a traitor?
Hmmm ok i can play with words...
Loyalty until death... hmm lets see.
It means im loyal until i die...
Ok so i die.
and sit there.
for 25-30 seconds
Ohh im alive again, and still loyal.
So, we have 25-30 seconds to which im not obligated to be loyal. What to do? Well lets see, could i go grab a soda? hmm yes yes. Chips? sure, take a leak.. ya why not. What about being a traitor?
well lets see.
- one who, in breach of trust, delivers his country to an enemy,
Hmm gonna be a little hard to do since im dead.
surrenders an army or body of troops to the enemy, unless when vanquished;
Hmm im dead for 25 seconds, does that mean im vanquished? Ya think it does.
also, one who takes arms and levies war against his country;
Since im dead, that would be a real neat trick, how do i do this? I'd lke to be the first TR on the block to pull this one off, someone tell me ;)
2003-06-07, 05:38 AM
lol dude u never get it do u? u die EVEN ONCE ur not loyal anymore....
2003-06-07, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by Matri00
lol dude u never get it do u? u die EVEN ONCE ur not loyal anymore....
Loyalty UNTIL death.
To say it again, im loyal until a die, at which time i have a 25 second grace period to do what i like. Your point is kinda. well.. you have none.
2003-06-10, 03:56 AM
Been playin for about three weeks now and i have seen 2 prowlers only 2!That is messed up:(
2003-06-10, 12:01 PM
Two problems with the prowler off the top of my head:
1. It takes 3 people to man it properly. Where as a vanguard only takes 2 people. The amount of soldiers it takes to equip 2 prowlers, NC can equip 3 vanguards.
2. Splash damage on the main guns, kinda sucks i hear. Haven't used it myself though, so i can't verify that, but thats the rumor on it.
2003-06-10, 05:54 PM
K, k. How about when some1s heart sops beating, then suddenly he gets shocked and is alive again. Betrayed? It happens billions of times here, why not terran. oh and notice as i said before, if we betray, so do you. You and i dont like vanu but we use some of their techno, call us traytors, yes?
And 2 prowlers =6 vangaurds. Yes ok you got a shitload of vangaurds, still i've seen more but thats enough to take out a hell alot of people. But then with 2 big cannons and chainguns being used by separate peeps, you could rull a shitload of peeps too, instead of 1 gunner attempting to switch back and forth. Notice another thing (well i haven't tryed this yet on a prowler but...) if you walkup to a vangaurd and crouch right next to it, you could take out that bastard real fast, as for if you walk up to a prowler, walk up to it and its gona kill you with its chainguns. But as somehing i learned, if yawana take out a big army with 50 or so guys, all shoot at 1 thing at a time,then when that shitload s dead move on to the next guy and so on.
by my standard, long live the NC!
2003-06-17, 12:41 AM
The posts above about NC organisation are spot on, I'm in 666th and regularly have Field Command for the outfit (along with a few of the other guys, we rotate it).
We pretty much have 6-10 squads online all the time, usually run from a central command.
When we have a properly organised outfit event we can field over 10 squads and have all reaver, all vangaurd, all MAX etc.. squads.
We do work with some of the other outfits on Markov from time to time particularly if we're on a big operation & then we'll take one or two continents whilst other outfits target different ones.
No big operational secrets there but just an insight into what we're about.
It's funny really because we're known as "the zerg" by some of the other NC outfits on Markov because of our numbers. However, the command team & squad leaders are always trying to improve the way we operate, not just rely on our numbers & we strive to be well organised.
We've been using platoon structures since before Sony announced they would be introducing them and push the boundaries of how to coordinate a big force in the field constantly.
From my perspective it would be great to know that there are some other well organised outfits amongst the TR and VS who are going to give us a run for our money.
Markov's a pretty cool server and we have some great battles, long may it continue! :)
666th Devil Dogs
2003-06-22, 03:21 AM
damn 666th.....ur guys kill me alot... Well atleast i get a "peacefull" post here....and alittle inside info.....
by my standard, long live the NC! /ereases his DNA in the bio lab, silently kills him.....
Dark lord
2003-07-11, 02:17 AM
i agree when it is said that the NC have good responce times. i dont have the game yet but i have been monitoring the conflict on markov and in one instance i saw the NC take seahus from the vanu (vanu had cont-lock) and lock it them selfs in about an hour. now i dont know what happened there but that was phenominal!
2003-07-11, 12:01 PM
NC sure dropped the ball last night on Searhus in terms of "response time".
My outfit - all 8 of us online took the whole continent and pushed into Cyssor. 7/10/03
2003-07-11, 07:30 PM
Well as a member and one of the leaders of a an TR outfit that is constently ranked in top 10 of the outfit points I would like to add that yes in the past the TR have had a pack mentality. I also would like to mention that we now have more cooperation between the various outfits. My outfit has been increasingly working with other outfits to form a more organized response and attack. Also if u notice there has been a increase in use of the prowler. We have been on raids with 40 fully manned prowlers and an equal amount of air and ground support vehicles. (unfortuantly the opposition seems to run when they see us rolling in) We have larger outfits- 1 I believe has over 1k members. I really dont know what their commad structure is though. All i do Know is that in order for the TR to be succesful we need more people to cooperate with CR5's. Also it is true that way to many hang around at 1 base waiting for cap when they could be fighting on another front.
2003-07-12, 09:19 AM
Hmm yes I'd say we VS on markov at least have a easier time attacking TR than NC but I still prefer fighting NC because unless your inside their base, and lets face it when your guys start piling into a base its pretty much captured, the JH isn't that good in the open ground. I can use a punisher and take out a JH user in fast order. Now the TR I don't like fighting against cuz of the damn striker. That thing takes out a MAX quicker than you can say "i've been locked on?" personally I think the striker is the only weapon I think is a bit over powered. NC and VS have nothing that can take out a max as fast as the striker.
So my bottom line in the role of VS...
NC better organized in the attack and defense but easier to fight against.
TR Easier to attack and defend against but harder to go one on one especially in a max.
VS In my infil I get killed more by my own guys when attacking a base than I do from the enemy.
2003-07-13, 06:27 PM
:o dont say nerf the striker or i'm gona say nerf the jackhammer.
an vs is becoming stronger.....justa fyi....
2003-08-10, 02:14 PM
All I know is that I'm super jealous of the marauder. I LOVE having one of those, and I try and set up trades as often as i see them.
thats pretty much the only reason I would like to be TR. Besides the goggles of course :)
2003-08-12, 01:29 PM
It isn't necessarily the leaders that are winning the battles for NC... it is the followers.
actually that goes for any organizational group in Planetside.
If the people under you don't listen and go off and do their own thing all the time, no leader will ever be able to pull anything off, no matter how much organizational skill they have.
I've been with squads that had a leader that was very organized... but if half of his people wouldn't listen to them, we wouldn't have a very good time at all.
I've been with squads that had a half-hearted leader but all of the other squad members pulled together and covered each other and used tactics and made plans... and we became a very effective fighting force.
It isn't the individual, the leader, that makes a squad good... it is all of the squad members working as a team that make a good squad or good outfit.
If someone can rally up about 40-50 people that are willing to work together and do their part, yes that force can become completely unstoppable in this game...
You get 40-50 people together that turn into their own personal "Rambo's" or whatever, the organization quickly dissolves and the effectiveness is lost.
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