View Full Version : My Outfits ideas for PS

2003-05-30, 12:24 AM
While we play we Discuss diffrent things when we are driving/flying places. Just 2 quick Ideas i would post in a Wishlist forum but i cant seem to find one.

Advanced Medic Boost

In another popular game by sony (everquest) druids are loved by one and all for the ability to cast spirit of the wolf and increase movement speed by 50% ish why not a similar ability for the advanced medic (think adrenaline increase) it could last 2 or 3 mins which would be useful in tower assaults and they would have it which would aid them in getting to corpses quickly. at the moment advanced medic is a waste of time as respawning is generally easier and the 2 cert points would be better off spent elsewhere. Edit= Missed a Bit Would Also increase stamina to 150

Light Air Transport (Common pool)

This would be Basically The flying Deliever. No MAX's, No Vehicle, 1 Pilot 2 Gunners With maybe 20 mm Recoiless cannons or 12mm Chainguns and 6 Passengers. Maybe Slightly faster than the Galaxy but still slower than the Reaver maybe flys at 95 kph without the afterburner. Maybe give it as much Manuverability as the reaver and let the pilot fly it in reinforced to make it worth the 3 cert points.

Comments Always Welcomed.

2003-05-30, 12:29 AM
Just get surge for the first one.

2003-05-30, 12:33 AM
Interesting ideas, I have always been for a multi-personel aircraft aside from the galaxy.
As far as the medic ability, would you be able to give this rush to others or only to yourself? I think they originally had an idea like this in the plan very early on. not sure about that though.

2003-05-30, 01:24 AM
Ack one of those is surge, ack get away from the eq mentality, i whould personaly like to see advanced medics boosting their troops health and stamina but nothing that affects the way they affect the outside world.

2003-05-30, 02:20 AM
I need to clarify i meant that in the jesting manner I'm still emtotionaly scarred from eq, and screw the dr00ds :P

2003-05-30, 02:23 AM
Well i aint Played EQ myself but the Guy in the Outfit that has was a druid cos some 1 had to do it hes a team player like the rest of us :)

any way You have said what sucks about the first idea got any ideas on a way to improve it?

2003-05-30, 11:07 AM
I think they did have it where you would get all sorts of drug "buffs". But they didnt like the idea of a bunch of soldiers jacking up on drugs just before a fight (not a good lession to the kids out there).