View Full Version : Question for someone with the Prima Guide

2003-05-30, 10:27 AM
Hi All,

Can someone with the Prima guide to me a real quick favor please? Tell me if the rated damage of the Jackhammer is the same as the damage of the sweeper shotgun against infantry with normal bullets? I think it is either 8x10 for the Jackhammer, but I do not know for sure.

Then could you possibly tell me the damage for the rocklet gun?

Thanks in advance, I appreciate it... I am trying to decide if I should untrain heavy assault and get the rocklet gun instead.



2003-05-30, 11:03 AM
That assumes that the prima numbers are actually correct, which may not be the case. The numbers could change in a patch without us being told as well.

2003-05-30, 11:18 AM
They of course could, but I did my best to memorize the ones I thought were important, and they did match up ingame (ie... Decimator does 400 dmg to a max, takes 2 to kill a max, 1 decimator and 1 phoenix (at 300 dmg) also kills a max, that is correct, 1 decimator and a striker (200 dmg) did not kill a max though. So it appears at least most of the numbers are right, and don't forget that one of the last changes was Phoenix damage to aircrafts and reaver armor, those numbers are correct. So it looks like the damage tables were added extremely close to release.


2003-05-30, 11:24 AM
I don't have it in front of me, but yes I do believe the prima guide says they are the same (one of the first things I looked up in that thing)

2003-05-30, 11:25 AM
I also have a question for those with the Prima guide: WTF were you thinking when you bought that thing?

2003-05-30, 11:42 AM
Damn it, I demanded a good manual from SOE for reading in the shitter and they failed MISERABLY! So the prima guide is a good place filler. Mind you a lot of stuff, screenshots and otherwise are way outdated, like screenies of early beta.

2003-05-30, 11:52 AM
The problem with those guides is that they are written during beta and released the day the game hits the stores. With a game like PS, half the book is either incorrect or outdated before it hits the shelves. Now if some enterprising company would write an online guide and keep it updated with changes... that would be worth paying for.

2003-05-30, 11:59 AM
I got the guide and it sits right next to my toilet for easy reading. You really cant use it as a reference book, there is too much bad info in it, but I still think it is a good read for people just starting the game. It does a good job of introducing basic game concepts and fighting tips.... just when it gets to the details does it suck.

PSU is 10x better reference than the book.

2003-05-30, 12:21 PM
PSU does not tell me the damage a rocklet gun does to infantry and vehicles though :D

Can anyone check that please? Pretty please? I will send you Hamma with a cherry on top if you do...

2003-05-30, 12:30 PM
Thats something that was suggested. We will probably start working details like that into the weapons page.

2003-05-30, 02:45 PM
That would be a great feature.

It would be great to know the damge weapons do.