View Full Version : What role do you want to play

2002-10-03, 08:23 PM
I know we don't have the full list o what roles you can play, but from what we have, what do you want to be?

personal, i would want to be a sniper or a gunship pilot. I love the idea of flying around, and being able to go all around the planet if you want.

2002-10-03, 09:18 PM
So far being a Mosquito Pilot appeals to me the most, flying cover, aerial battles.. mmmm

2002-10-03, 10:42 PM
I am not real sure....

*whisper in my ear CEP....CEP....CEP*

Maybe I will look at the commander role... I am not real interested in it really... nose grows a foot

2002-10-03, 11:30 PM
I think I'd have to go with the good old 'wherever the team may need me' :D


CDL Full Otto
2002-10-04, 08:41 AM
As if there is any other role than Machine gunner. Did I see a mounted gun on the dune buggy! woo hoo


2002-10-04, 09:40 AM
No pilot.. Just your basic, kick ass soldier.

2002-10-04, 10:56 AM
I'll be the guy in the Heavy Armor breaking things. :D

TNP BigWinky
2002-10-04, 02:15 PM
I'm feelin the machine gunner :)

2002-10-04, 02:43 PM
I dont really know what role i want to play...since there isn't CTF in this game...

I really enjoy HO... so i might want to try that :) The only thing that i would worry about is like... having to buy all my stuff and keep up with refueling my ammunition... so i would be very careful not to waste my shizzal and such... plus as heavy you can be very dependent upon your transports and cover (1 heavy versus a herd of lights is never good).

I like the idea of being a base infiltrator... being sneaky and all ninja like, and i also like the idea of being a hacker :) Either way, i want to shoot up a lot of bad guys :D


2002-10-04, 06:16 PM
the man with the rifle

2002-10-05, 01:22 PM
I'll be a tactician. As for actual fighting/support role, only time will tell. All of the stuff sounds appealing, so I guess I'll have a very different set of characters. :D

I figure I'll be a shock troop or the like. Guy with some kind of assult rifle/shotgun, in the middle of enemy fire. I always get unlucky that way, it seems. :(

2002-10-06, 12:44 AM
Either a pilot or a gunner in a aircraft.

2002-10-06, 04:11 PM
I'm thinking of a commanding role right now, as far as certifications go it looks like I'll be the combat medic with some heavier armour holding a jackhammer while using some heavies as human shields (and healing them in return, ofc) ;)

2002-10-10, 06:15 PM
Shiver join ussss :p

I'll be a commander of course. Remember you can switch roles very quickly, because there's no penalty to changing certs/implants.

2002-10-10, 07:26 PM
All I know is that I will be watching the hills for snipers

Those buggers will be hard to find as large as the game will be.

2002-10-10, 07:38 PM
Ugh... That reminds me of playing Half-Life with my brother. HE CHEATS with that god-forsaken Sniper Crossbow. One hit kills, even if it's in the foot. :mad:

I hope for my sake snipers are toned down a little... If they're over-powered this'll turn into SniperSide. :(

2002-10-10, 07:45 PM
well on the bright side, they cant lie down.. only kneel

2002-10-10, 07:47 PM
For every advantage there will be a equal disadvantage.

Stealthsuit anyone? :D

Snipers will be recon and support units. I am pretty sure that this game will be designed with teamplay in mind, so that no lone snipers can just run around without the danger of getting taken out.

I hope so anyway, heh. :D

2002-10-14, 07:16 PM
Ah, so many choices . . .

Playing a heavy looks good for the same reason being the big dude in TF2 is fun, stand still and FIRE! but I think we'll get bored quickly :(

Second choice was a lone sniper, get a bike and / or a stealth suit, one big long gun and sit on a hill for ages, but thats OK in CS, u know 8 terrorists are gonna run round corner A or corner B in the next 4 minutes - If I'm playing PS I could be there for 5 hours before somebody gets in my scopes :(

So a new plan. Now I quite fancy leading a DSV Rapid reaction force using my squad, nice couple of dropships, armed up with a couple of tanks, few heavies and some nice fast troops, pop other the horizon, drop off the troops as near to the target as possible. Then take off and offer covering fire from the gunners whilst coordinating the attack from the sky. Now I have this planned to such detail - I practically dream about it, pls don't spoil my illusion!

2002-10-14, 07:24 PM
/me pops the bubble

The Bolt Driver (Planetside's only sniper rifle to be announced) has a very slow refire rate, because you have to reload after every shot.

This means we won't get close combat sniping ala UT =]

Also, it's been said that there aren't one shot kills (don't quote me on that) so all in all you'd have to be a good sniper to have any real effect.

2002-10-14, 08:12 PM
If you watch one particular video (I have one called spelletjesgarnaal_ E3_2001_PlanetSideMovie_1.wmv) which shows the bolt driver in action.

"My heavy weapon right now happens to be what we call a bolt driver, it's our sniper rifle. One shot ... a lot of damage but it only carries one shot at a time."

I'm sure I see the odd close range one shot kill when it's being used ;) (whoever he shot at must have been low on health), but my main point is that the reload time/refire rate is not bad at all! I'm looking forward to that weapon, if you've got the aim it could be acceptable at close range as long as you're not up against anything particularly devastating (ok so it's probably useless short range :cool: ).

Sky Marshall
2002-10-16, 10:32 AM
I think pilot or commander. But the pilot role is going to be incredible. That is something I really love in T2 and I know that PS is going to make it unbelievable. The commander role will be superb as well, I love to design tatics and battle plans and adjust on the fly during the course of battle. Man, I cannot wait for this to come out! :D

2002-10-16, 11:59 AM
Being a Pilot will be even better if they implement the multiple controls that I want to have :)

Mouse n Keyboard for shootin, and a proper joystick for flying :D

2002-10-17, 02:46 PM

2002-10-17, 03:06 PM
my role : Queen Biznatch.



2002-10-17, 06:20 PM
I wanna be a high-tech redneck. You know in StarCraft in one of the first terran movies, there are some rednecks driving around on patrol in their dunebuggy? I wanna do something like that, however I dont wish to be eated by Zerg.

2002-10-17, 07:35 PM

"i love u sarge"

2002-10-18, 01:18 PM
"There was nothing to do. He set the rifle down. This was an execution. As if by signal, Russian troops began to file down Groski Prospekt. Repp, firing since 0930, checked his watch. 1650. An eight-hour day, and not a bad one. He chalked up the score in the seconds he had left. Three hundred and fifty rounds he had fired, couldn't have missed more than a few times. Make it ten, just to be fair. That was 340 men. Then the three on the stairway with the pistol. Perhaps two more in the grenade blast. Three hundred and forty-five kills. 345. Three hundred and fo--.
The shell went into the tower forty feet below Repp. The Russians had gotten fancy, they wanted to bring the tower down with Repp inside it, poetic justice or some such melodramatic conceit. The universe tilted as the tower folded. The line of the horizon broke askew and dust rose chokingly. Repp grabbed something as gravity accelerated the drop..."

-- Stephen Hunter's "The Master Sniper"

I'm defintely going to start out as a sniper. The stealth suit and a sniper-friendly set of implants really appeal to me. I doubt I'll ever match Heir Repp's feat, but it's good to have a goal, don't you think?

2002-10-19, 05:18 PM
Sniper mainly, & gunner for any vehicle.

2002-10-19, 06:45 PM
I rest my case.

SniperSide. :(

2002-10-19, 07:52 PM
I think its a bit too soon to say that :eek:

2002-10-20, 12:58 AM
whats with all the hate for snipers? LOL. Snipers are a main part of any army, you just have to keep yourself down so we dont hit you. If it takes time to reload as it is said for the bolt, then it will have to be seen if it will be an effective weapon to cause any one shot kills. I just want the game to come out!

2002-10-20, 11:52 AM
I wanna be a sniper or a pilot! Death from above!

2002-10-21, 01:21 PM
Sniping is only really gay/no talent in like, Tribes and CS...oh and that one in UT too.

2002-10-21, 01:45 PM
sniping in Tribes is not no talent :eek:

2002-10-21, 02:33 PM
If your one of the jackasses that snipes the V pad it's no talent.

2002-10-21, 02:42 PM
o snipers can piss off :)

half the sky
2002-10-21, 07:54 PM
I want to be the one who kicks everyones butt!!!

2002-10-21, 08:27 PM
Heavy FieldMedic Commando is my choice. When Commando-Medic is possible at all. :rock:

2002-10-23, 11:14 AM
Actually I wouldn't mind being a medic, would be fun and I would always be in need and the receiver of mad <3

2002-10-23, 07:10 PM
Sniper/pilot combination (assuming u could do both)

I'll probably spend my time sitting on a hill waiting for a platoon to come around (after I spot them with my mosquito, of course, I ain't waiting 5 hours for a lost newb to stagger around after getting his leg eaten by some alien plant)

Either that or a Galaxy flyer and land the thing, let out my crew, then join them as support (from a distance, of course...I'm a Sniper not a Assualter

Or just spend my time driving the dune buggy around trying to do insane stunts (PlanetSide BMX...kinda)

either way I'll definetly be a Sniper, no doubt about that

And if NOT due to some weird twist of inhumanly cruel fate, I'll be a pilot

Pilot is base line for me, I couldn't enjoy the game without being one

2002-10-23, 09:29 PM
if your a vanu medic, the vanu alliance could use you (just a thought)

2002-10-23, 09:33 PM
I see there's some good Medic:love: goin down here :groovy:.


2002-10-24, 01:57 AM
man this will turn into sniperside if everyone keeps up this im gonna fly a ship around by myself and sit ona hill for hours attitude...b/c then there will be no ppl to defend bases, or land or anything...this game is TEAMPLAY not sit ona hill time lookin through glass. granted the servers will be big and the lands so big snipers should be spread out but...what happens when ppl start the....oh im tired of being sniped so ill start it to chain reaction? they really need to think of a drawback for sniping...that one shot then reload is no big deal.

2002-10-24, 05:47 AM
the size of the game will stop people just sitting on a hill and waiting, who knows how long it would be before somebody falls under your sites?

2002-10-24, 05:55 AM
yah thats a good point...

im more worried about like...when your fighting over a building and snipers just sit there picking u off in the open..cuz from some of those screens cover looks kinda sparse in some places...other than that, is anybody really gonna wanna run to thier object? didnt think so :) heheh so most everyone will be in vehicles and such when covering distances. lol..watch some one get the 12x zoom implement and just cross continent snipe hehe.

2002-10-24, 08:09 AM
i'm not completly sure, but i think the bullets can only go a certain distance

2002-10-24, 08:53 AM
I expect most assaults to start off with all our troops riding APCs protected by an armada of Tanks. A group of gunships will scout out ahead and pick off any snipers and straggling vehicles, closely followed by the Galaxy. The infantry will be well proteced and inside compound walls before the snipers get a chance to respawn ;) Easy.

If there's a large defending force, snipers will be the least of our problems :cool:

2002-10-24, 06:25 PM
yes, if u actually defend yourselves snipers won't be able to hit you

Ya know, the way T2 did it was pretty ingenious, you know, with the long laser beam that leads to the soruce of the sniper?

Maybe the Bolt Driver could have a magnetic wave around it (like a Guass in Fallout: Tactics or a Tracer on it

Besides, in every good team is a sniper or two, they're used for sniping off the enemy snipers, whether you're raiding or defending

2002-10-24, 06:53 PM
I'm sorry, I'm sorry... Let me rephrase what I meant:

Snipers shooting at other team: :thumbsup:

Snipers shooting at me: :ugh:

You know... just typical hypocrite junk. ;)

2002-10-24, 07:32 PM
OOOH yes I see

kinda like counter-snipers shooting at snipers: :thumbsup:

Counter-snipers shooting at me: :ugh: :O_O: :evil:

2002-11-03, 08:01 PM
I don't know what I would call myself. I would probably just attack bases with my friends with a Cycler and a Striker. I won't have too heavy armor on though so I'm still able to move around quickly. I'll probably be in the forest too so I don't have to worry about snipers. I guess you could call me a... I really don't know what you would call me...

2002-11-03, 11:04 PM
I plan on being a pilot. 100% spending every last effort to fly. I play(ed) BF1942. The only part of that game I enjoy is being airborne, on a good serve,r I can spend all map in one A/C and have the top kills. I love it.

PS Snipers are a very SMALL potion of the US army. FYI.

2002-11-04, 01:17 AM
well the bolt driver as I understand isn't a lead shooting gun...it sounds more like an energy type of gun (could be wrong) and most often energy weapons will have a pretty bright flash with a pretty bright projectile...The bolt driver's projectile should for a brief moment point the sniper out.

2002-11-04, 02:26 AM
#1 Hotshot fighter pilot.

Secondary, I would love to play a stealthy anti personell fighter who dabbles in recon/ hacker skills.

That might change when we see how effective the weapons and different abilities are.

2002-11-04, 08:26 AM
Yea flying is my #1 interest. But covert operations are appealing as well :D

2002-11-04, 11:36 AM
Sniper all the way.
As for those who want to fly around in a sketer: They have No armor, 1 Reaver > 4 sketers i would say, and its proably a good bet that a good aim with a high dmg weapon could toast a sketer, i myself will of course fly a sketer, but only to get around, trying to dogfight in one or do strafing against, say 4 guys, one with a cycler, would be crazy (well not if your dogfighting another sketer i guess) but even the galaxys point defense chain guns would proably tear up o of the cute little jets before it even hurt the lug. just my thoughts.

2002-11-04, 01:03 PM
Well second to the MAX, being a Tank driver sounds like fun to me. I mean flying and all that would be great, shreeking around the skies laying down covering fire, slamming into the ground 3 seconds after take off.......

Thanks, but if I'm driving were gonna stay on the ground :D

2002-11-04, 02:58 PM
I know I may sound like some sort of nutcase, but...

I think I'll try playing the game before I pre-select what I'll be exactly. :D

2002-11-04, 06:21 PM

::looks at all the people staring at him::

Let me explain... I see that there will be a lot of snipers. Now, I hate making assumptions based on other games, but let's take T2 as an example. T2 bases require sensor networks to be effective.

I'm assuming the sensor system works similarly (And from what I've read about the stealth suit, it does), so all you snipers will need sensor coverage.

Barring that, I'm gonna be a hacker, my friend and I are gonna be the Terran Republic LoJack Team :-)

2002-11-04, 06:24 PM
Wow, someone that actully wants to do beacon D :eek:

2002-11-04, 06:31 PM
I think heavy gunners and skirmishers will be base defense, Engineers will have our fair share of battlefield experience.
We'll be the poor guys who get to place the explosives to blow stuff up, and we get to mine enemy areas. Plus repair. will probably be in-field too.

2002-11-04, 06:34 PM
Well "Beacon D" was the joke we used back in T2 for getting stuck with a shitty job like putting out sensors all over the place. The joke was that if you blew it, or were late to practice or something, the leader would put a beacon way out of bounds and tell you to stand there and guard it.

So it became a joke "Shit, I'll be on Beacon D for weeks, after that one"

2002-11-04, 06:37 PM
Haha, got ya.

2002-11-06, 07:20 AM
Snipers are a main part of any army...

This is actually false. I'm a bit of an ametuer World War 2 historian myself, and for all the armies of all the countries involved in the war, snipers like you imagine them were not a big part whatsoever. The Wehrmacht, for instance, made little to no use of snipers during much of its fighting, as it relied on speed and surprise, not camping. The average infantry man with a bolt action rifle could easily qualify as a sniper, firing a single aimed shot from a concealed position to hit an enemy, but that's the extent of it. Snipers were simply not a major part of an army. The existed in every army, but were typically very few, and did not make a significant impact over (except for urban fighting, where snipers generally demoralized and pinned down enemy troops).

Anyway! :)

I myself am planning on being a sort of commando/special forces player. I despise the "lone wolf, it's so cool to be Rambo!" concept, so I fully intend on joining a group of like-minded players to accomplish our goals. Back on track, though, Hacking, light armor (the Infiltration Suit sounds nice), and a variety of close to medium ranged weaponry will be ideal. A melee weapon, a pistol, and an assault rifle.

On another more interesting note, however, snipers could very easily ruin this game. Most FPS makers don't understand their own game, and so make snipers a class that tends to upset the game terribly. It's extremely irritating to die without a chance, so one-shot kills had better be out of the question (at least two, depending on how hard it is to hit someone). In addition, ammunition for a sniper rifle should be very limited. The game isn't about lone-wolfing it. It's about teamwork. Give a sniper 20 bullets only and he'll be more inclined to stick with a group of other players, scouting for them and supporting them in combat, while reloading from allied vehicles or whatnot when he runs dry. It's imperitive that the devs realize how important it is to ensure snipers don't get out of hand... everyone loves to be Rambo, dropping people left right and center, but it's not healthy for the game at all.

2002-11-06, 08:13 AM
On the bright side they haev made lying down impossible, which means a sniper can only kneel, makeing them a bit more visiible, and as far as I know there will be no one shot one kills..

I too hope they balance them well, so they dont become a dominating force

2002-11-06, 09:19 AM
If snipers get AWP powers... they will overwhelm the battlefields, you know it, I know it, we all know it. But to make them easy to find.. would take away from the mystique and make sniping too hard.

You cant lay down, go prone in the game???? WTF is that BS?

2002-11-06, 09:29 AM
THat is correct, there is no prone position as far as we know, probably because they didnt want it to be a sniper/hide and seek game :p

Lets not forget the area is huge, you could hide about anywhere in the grass if you were able to go prone. Refer to our video section, some of the vids show grass very well.

2002-11-06, 09:36 AM
But to make them easy to find.. would take away from the mystique and make sniping too hard.

If they're difficult to find, they need to have a fairly weak shot to compensate. Long range, high accuracy, good cover through the terrain... you need some disadvantages too.

2002-11-06, 01:52 PM
Hard to find yes but your out there by yourself, and if you want to be getting good exp you need to attack more then one guy at a time and be in a well traficed area. having to shoot someone 5-6 times would make sniping useless as it would be better to just get up behind them and let lose with a supresser or something. Another issue is have it ROCKET LAUCHERS. I Hate them. I would like them to be anti armor, but as you know if it can establish lock on a person, or has a realy long range (and they almost always fly perfectly strait in these games) then Rocket sniping (gaaaaaaaaaaay) shall become popular. but by no oneshot kills i guess they mean being hit with sevral kilo's of high explosives does not kill you, which is cool by me, then its alll gravy.

2002-11-06, 02:09 PM
nuclear weapons technician.

I'll be the guy at the main base with his finger on the button.

"ok...say when!!"


2002-11-06, 02:33 PM

2002-11-06, 06:51 PM
This seems like a good place to ask sience i dont want to start a new thread....
Is RocketFodder a Dev? he seems to know everything about PS there is to know..... or is he an Omnipotent deity? one of the two is my guess though he could be something else that is omnipotent such as a powerful celestial or demon..... thoughts?

2002-11-06, 06:56 PM
He's just another guy who posts on these forums and has probably been following the game for a while. And also needs to get more sleep or drink less booze or something :)

2002-11-06, 07:08 PM
He knows more than the average fan, so everything he says is pretty much true.
What he doesent understand is not everyone knows the details :p

2002-11-06, 07:12 PM
I'll more than likely end up being a combat medic. Depending on what certifications i go for, i'll probably end up with some engineering stuff as well.

2002-11-06, 07:47 PM
I think I take on of the 4 slots and become a full-time Galaxy pilot.

Just don't blame me if we get shot down and you all die.

2002-11-06, 08:45 PM
Pilot most the time. At first scout aircraft to explore the land and later heavy or transport. If u ever need a pickup just call for da tiger.:clap:

2002-11-06, 09:04 PM
Ill go for Pilot too. Depending on how the flightmodels will be made. I hope Aircrafts wont be too easy to fly, which is even more fun to manage them in a combat situation.

I think snipers will play their major role in the small scaled squaD VS. squad combats.

Also medics and techs are going to be very important.

2002-11-08, 06:34 PM
I'll take you there, support you while you're there, then bring you home safe to momma.

2002-11-08, 06:38 PM
I think i'll try my luck with an infantrist. I'll try to get as much weapon certs as possible to become a realy flexible soldier. But i'll rather equip the light than the heavy armor. In Vehicles i'll be the gunner, not the driver :)

2002-11-08, 06:40 PM
I want to drive tanks. Preferably really fast and run you all over.

2002-11-09, 12:25 PM
I've always preferred two roles in these class based teamgames.

Support : Engineer ( TF ) or sensor and turret placement (T2), when it's quite down my own base I do pilot dropships in T2 sometimes too...
Defense : Big 'n scary, like soldier ( TF ) and heavy mortar dude (T2)

I've yet to find out how this works in PS (certifications), but can't wait :D

2002-11-10, 11:25 AM
reading a post brings to mind a question: if you run someone over with say a tank, does it kill em? No someone in a MAX suit, i dont think it would kill them, butt say your run over a sniper, is he a gonner?

2002-11-10, 11:31 AM
if you are fast enough he will be sqiched :)
so i saw it in an ingame video :)

2002-11-10, 12:18 PM
prob basic solider in MAX or med armor.

2002-11-23, 08:00 PM
I want to be a Hacker/Infiltrator.... when base under siege freaks out cuz all their doors just unlocked, I want it to be because of me :)

2002-11-23, 08:51 PM
Planning on being a sniper, but if it's unbalanced I'll probably go with some sort of driver or a hacker.

2002-11-25, 08:29 PM
I will be a sniper even if they are unbalanced. I will just have to suck it up and kill people in a single shot.

2002-11-25, 09:25 PM
i'm goin to go with the stealth infiltrator role, i like the idea of commin up behind sumone inside their own base, when they least expect it, and makint them feal some steel in their necks..... it would also require quite abit of experiece and skill to do without behing detected.....

i really hope you will be able to drag bodies and possible even clean up blood (anti blood liquid or somethin, splash it on splatter to make it dissapate)...

also i'll probably go with a hacker cert of some kind, this means i can infiltrate a base and turn off defenses then exit leavin a trail of bodies, then come in with the first wave of attack. so if u hear some nutter running at you yeling "hello boys, IM BACK" its just me..... lol

2002-11-25, 11:17 PM
Well there is no blood, so that takes care of that. :D

2002-11-25, 11:20 PM
no blood, sweet as....... well it would be nice, but i can understand it would slow down servers considerably, besides its good for us stealths, now to drag bodies under this stairwell.....

2002-11-25, 11:25 PM
There are bodies im sure.. but no blood. Dont know how long bodies stay on the ground, I know its been addressed but I dont know where :p

2002-11-26, 06:57 AM
Normally I'd complain at a lack of messy gibs, but I'm probably going to be a heavy-weapon specialist - all I need is explosions. Decimators, Pheonix's, that kinda thing :}

2002-11-26, 08:08 AM
from sniper to heavy explosives, thats a pretty big change syt..... what gives, not liking theidea of keepin with the sniperside stereotype? (fool with a bolt driver)

2002-11-26, 10:42 AM
Im going to be a sniper, but im more worred about fool with a phinex shooting me from further away then i can see.

2002-11-27, 03:24 AM
Originally posted by m0rph|u5
i'm goin to go with the stealth infiltrator role, i like the idea of commin up behind sumone inside their own base, when they least expect it, and makint them feal some steel in their necks..... it would also require quite abit of experiece and skill to do without behing detected.....

i really hope you will be able to drag bodies and possible even clean up blood (anti blood liquid or somethin, splash it on splatter to make it dissapate)...

also i'll probably go with a hacker cert of some kind, this means i can infiltrate a base and turn off defenses then exit leavin a trail of bodies, then come in with the first wave of attack. so if u hear some nutter running at you yeling "hello boys, IM BACK" its just me..... lol

Reminds me of my Aliens vs Predator 2 days. When you know there's an invisible enemy around, you begin to shoot down coridors and pepper rooms -- just to be sure. Chances are somewhere along the way your bullets will hit the soft, unprotected flesh of someone in an Infiltration Suit...

2002-11-27, 03:27 AM
........or your buddy on his way back from the John.


2002-11-27, 03:29 AM
He was probably a traitor anyway :p