View Full Version : Got any tips for Lightning drivers?
2003-05-30, 01:24 PM
Anyone else enjoy the Lightning? Got any tips?
I've been using the Lightning for about a week now and I think I'm finally getting the hang of it. I don't claim to be an expert yet, but here is some of my advice to future Lightning drivers.
It's a very flexiable vehicle to use. The 75mm Cannon and 20mm machinegun combo allow you to engage any type of enemy. It's fairly fast and lightly armored. In fact the thin armor is the only drawback this little vehicle has.
The lightning is perfectly suited for hit and run tactics. In fact never stop moving. Learn to fire both weapons effectively while on the move. If you try to stay still and trade blows with enemies you'll find yourself destroyed in no time. Use the terrain to your advantage and never stay still in one place for very long. I don't think I can say that enough.
The 75mm is great for taking out MAX units quickly as long as you can get a direct hit. The splash damage does decent damage to concentrated infantry units, For regular infantry however, you want to switch over to the 20mm machinegun. It will cut thru reinforced armor like a chainsaw once you get the hang of aiming it. And if you get the chance there's nothing like using a combination of the two and your front bumper. Just be aware that ramming isn't always the best option as you will take damage when you do. In a heated firefight every little piece of armor on the Lightning counts.
The 75mm is also great for taking down enemy defenses from a distance. The range is huge and usually you can sit back from a comfortable distance and pound enemy turrets with impunity. It's great as a mobile piece of field artillery.
When nearing enemy bases or bridges slow down a bit and watch for mines. You'll actually be able to see them and a couple of 75mm rounds will destroy them. This is very important as a single mine will remove 75% of your armor. Two mines are of course deadly.
If you choose to pilot a Lightning I highly recommend you get an Engineering Cert to go along with it. The ability to repair your vehicle will keep you in the fight for very long periods of time. I usually engage the enemy until I'm around 50% armor and then I pull back to a safe spot jump out and repair. Actually any time you get the chance, repair your vehicle as fast as you can.
Another thing that will improve your chances is to immediatelly reload when not actually firing. Even if you've only used 3 rounds it is better to replace them and have them in the magazine than come up against a MAX and not have them. Those few seconds it takes to reload can mean the difference between life or death. This philosophy should be applied to any weapon you carry, but I can't tell you how many times it has saved my butt in the Lightning.
Reavers and Phoenix users are probably the greatest threats to a Lightning. Reavers can be shot down using the cannon, but it takes a lot of practice and deaths to get good at it. Phoenix missile users are pretty tricky. The best defense is to keep moving and try to use terrain to block their line of sight. If you watch the minimap you'll see where the missiles are coming from and can choose to avoid that area or sneak in and take the guy out if possible. Also, anyone carrying rocklets can be deadly when up close so take care when moving in to close contact.
I've found that the Lightning does better when fighting on lush or icy continents. These continents offer more cover in the way of forests than the desert ones. My survival rate drops significantly when fighting in the desert.
Fighting alone without support is also something I would try to avoid. I usually get owned quickly every time I've tried this. It's too easy for a small group of enemy to lay down enough firepower to take out a lone Lightning. It's better to have some friendlies near by to distract some of that fire.
Move. Move. Move. I can't say it enough. Keep moving and try to avoid terrain that will slow you down when in close proximity to the enemy. Repair and reload your magazine often and every chance you get. Those simple tactics will keep a Lightning going for a long time.
I hope this inspires a few people to give the Lightning a try. It's a lot of fun and can be a real problem for the enemy when driven by someone who knows its strengths and weaknesses.
Once I get more comfortable with it I think I'll try starting up an all Lightning squad. I think we'd be pretty deadly in the field by ourselves and with a full squad you could easily dismount and secure a base if needed and in combination with other squads we'd be a great support unit. A highly mobile squad with everyone in Lightnings would be a force to reckon with. I can see jaws dropping as 10 Lightnings come charging over a hill with all 10 cannons spitting out 75mm rounds as fast as they can, barrelling into the enemy ranks squashing bodies under their treads, spewing 20mm rounds into the corpses.
Well, I can dream anyway.:D
2003-05-30, 01:40 PM
Wow, that was actually one of the few posts here I have enjoyed reading.
Thanks! :thumbsup:
2003-05-30, 01:42 PM
Nice post! :D
My problem with the lightning is the NC tank (can't think of the name right now) can kill it in one shot :\
2003-05-30, 01:48 PM
ahh the trusty Vangard, that thing is indeed a beast.
2003-05-30, 02:02 PM
very nice post BTW,
yep Hamma, I dont think I have seen an NC lightning in a very long time :lol:
but it can be very fun, esp since you dont need to rely on a gunner.
I would think about gatting a Vanguard, etc, but ill take my skeeter over anything else any day ;)
2003-05-30, 02:04 PM
Yea, my suggestion for engaging Vangaurds would be from a distance. We're talking very far away.:p
The Vanguard and Sunderer cannons deal out massive damage and a Lightning just can't take that kind of punishment. Scoot and shoot is your only chance.
2003-05-30, 03:18 PM
main problem i see with the lightning is not being able to shoot reliably without moving towards your target. Seems like the best maneuver for engaging a deadly target without running away is a figure S zigzag type deal? Still the ability to pull off such a maneuver takes too much skill to be effective :p i think they really need to up the rotation of the weapons.
2003-05-30, 03:37 PM
yep, if they bump up the rotation to about 45 degrees (ok the tank dosnt look like it makes sence I know) then I think that it would be a much better vech
2003-05-30, 04:07 PM
I can't stress enough that in order to be an effective Lightning driver you need an Eng cert.
The armour is too weak to take more than a few blows (as mentioned above) and the second you see "Warning: Missle lock" then get the hell out of there.
For taking out reavers I find the lightning is fairly effective. The 75mm cannon has a fast enough fire rate so that when you catch a reaver hovering and about to unleash its missles you can take it out or scare it away before it unleashes a salvo of rockets at you.
For taking out Maxs I find the lightning works great on TR but not so much Vanu. Its hard to take on a jumping VS Max because of the limited rotation of the lightning but when a TR max chains himself to the ground he stands no chance.
I am NC myself so wouldn't know about taking them on :p
I actually find Infantry more challenging than MAX's because of the speed that infantry can skitter around to the flank of the lightning. It find its best to keep your distance from infantry and take them out via splash damage.
During those big base battles when an enemy starts to drive an AMS in but gets spotted and starts to drive away.....the lightning can keep up no problem and destroy it or keep it from deploying.
When taking on other tanks though the Lightning does not stack up. I will not take any heavy tank or heavy buggy on alone in a lightning.
I think its great for a one man tank. As NC i have access to the Vanguard but when playing at 5am in the morning it is sometimes hard to find a good gunner. On the continents with more difficult terrain(Ceryshen, Searhus) the Lightning has the advantage over the Vanguard because it can get up more hills and cover those long distances quicker.
Anyway those are just a few random thoughts.
I really like the lightning and I wish I saw it in use more for the NC, the tyrannic TR, and the crazy VS
I loooove the lightning but the (too) thin armor + lag + WAY too many reavers = me gave up on it, or at least until they either up the armor on it a bit or finally realize the reavers are overpowered.
Till then i switched to Skeeter. Lag is still my number 1 enemy but reavers are much less of a problem. :)
2003-05-30, 04:23 PM
Lag is why I use 75mm over 20mm machine gun.
With the lag there is a greater chance of hitting with the 75mm (via splash damage) than with the 20mm machine gun.
If the game was lag free the 20mm gun would be much more useful for myself but hitting running targets while lagging with the 20mm just doesn't work.
Yeah but i get hardware lag, or if you prefer "GOD DAMMMIT I NEED SOME FUCKIGN RAM, THIS THING TAKES FOREVER TO LOAD!!!! " so no matter what i do if i'm near a big fight (which happens A LOT with the lattice system) i'll miss no matter what gun i use for the first 10 secs or so while it loads all the shit.:(
2003-05-30, 04:47 PM
Got any tips for Lightning drivers?
Ya, trade in your lightning certs and get something useful.
Driving an ams I fear baskilisks (sp?) more than lightnings. I just hop out and put a few rr rounds into them and kablooy! At least the baskilisks can get away.
That's actually a good point for anyone if a lightning is chasing you while your driving an ams or ant. Just have a rr or decimator equipped, stop and get out. The lightning can either face you and try to fire at you while it eats rockets or turn and flee with it's guns facing another direction.
It pisses me off that a flying vehicle can take more damage than a tank. Does that make sense to anyone?
2003-05-30, 04:48 PM
I spent a good amount of time in beta as a Lightning driver so I agree the first post is dead on right, and well written. Good job.
My suggestion to anyone new who wants to drive a tank for sheer power, go with the main battle tanks (Prowler, Vanguard, Magrider). If speed and agility is more your thing, the Lightning is fun and you don't need a gunner.
The best use of the Lightning is as a fast recon vehicle and as a AMS/ANT hunter and, to a lesser extent, as a small self-propelled artillery piece.
2003-05-30, 05:07 PM
Nice post... up until now i havn't heard too many good things about Lightning's and even fewer good tactics on how to use them.
It's great you are giving pointers on how to use them, instead of bitching about how they suck... it's refreshing!
2003-05-30, 07:36 PM
Nice post. I traded my Lightning cert in for a Phoenix, but during beta I accumulated around 400-ish kills in 7 days.
I did everything the original poster said, including zigging and zagging. Also, I think most of my kills(probably 75-80%) were from running over infantry and MAX units, especially when they were distracted.
If you never ever ever stop moving rocklets aren't even an issue, but those darn AV weapons(phoenix, striker, lancer), will get you a lot of the time. Or everytime if the user is good.
Since I played NC all I know is I hated Strikers, especially when there were no hills/trees/rocks to hide behind.
2003-06-01, 05:27 AM
Well, I've played around with the Lightning some more and had a lot of success with it. I shot down four Reavers with the 12mm machinegun (I had incorrectly called it a 20mm).
I also had a lot of success using it as long range artillery. I found an NC AMS between two hills and spent a great time pounding it and harrassing everyone spawning. I was able to park on a hill a good distance away overlooking the position and could fire on it without risk of being taken out. I was able to keep the same Lightning going for about an hour and half thanks to my trusty Engineering cert.
My favorite moment happened while I was trying to resupply ammo from a tower near a Warpgate.
As I was coming up the stairs from the spawn room I was killed by an NC who had broke in. I figured he would go directly to the cc and try to take the tower, so I took a chance that I would be able to respawn in the tower before he completed the hack. I made it in, grabbed some gear and ran outside just as he took the tower. I ran to the Warpgate where I'd parked my Lightning and as I jumped in I noticed the guys Reaver parked on top of the tower. I moved out of the Warpgate and proceeded to pound the Reaver with the 75mm and managed to blow it up just as the guy ran out on the roof.:p
Well, he wasn't too happy about losing his ride and so we started trading blows. I got in a lucky shot and knocked him down off the roof.
I had previously ringged the tower with spitefires, motion sensors and mines. So, when he tried respawning back in the tower he was trapped. He tried making a break for it, but I cut him down with the 12mm.
I was having a blast paying the guy back for previously killing me, but he finally wised up and spawned somewhere else. I retook the tower and promised myself to be more careful.:D
2003-06-01, 08:03 AM
Awesome post.....I might have to try some VR on that
2003-06-01, 08:37 AM
Holy crap, I actually read all of that. Nice tips, im gonna go try em out
2003-06-01, 11:36 AM
Originally posted by Hamma
ahh the trusty Vangard, that thing is indeed a beast. Yeah but she's our little beast ;) and we love her
Drunken Chicken
2003-06-01, 03:04 PM
The lightning is a fun tank when used in a squad. Solo, you're going to have more difficulties. If you're looking to use your 1337 infantry bowling skills, then it's probably not for you. If you're looking for an indestructible vehicle, then it's probably not for you.
I sometimes use it in squads since it can fit in the Galaxy. I drop outside the base and use some 75mm spammage to pull defenders away. Since it's fast and agile, I can stay away and use trees as cover while killing people. Many people don't realize that the lightning cannon is the same one that's on the sunderer. It's a great multi-purpose weapon. Good vs. just about everything, useful for taking out deployables, and a king spammer.
2003-06-25, 12:45 PM
2003-06-25, 01:51 PM
Good lord I thought this thread was buried and dead.:D
Some good info in here though.
2003-06-25, 03:01 PM
meh, see the other lightning thread. yes, it has guns. yes, it can kill people. the thing is still gimped and worthless.
2003-06-25, 03:48 PM
I agree totally, the lightning is definately a hit and run vehicle. Remember to trat it like a buggy, not a tank, you will have much more luck like that. Because it is about as fast as a buggy, but, it can brake on a dime. My favourite tactic was to just drive througj a base shooting things up. Then go hide behind a hill and repair the lightning. They are however, severely underused. And a Lightning hit and run squad is a great idea!:thumbsup:
2003-06-25, 04:16 PM
I agree with the bumb, this is a goldmine for any newb lightnin drivers. :nod:
2003-06-25, 07:45 PM
they are not hit and run vehicles with such a limited turret movement. they are gimped and stupid vehicles that just happen to have big enough guns that many people try to say they don't suck.
Originally posted by SumYungGui
they are not hit and run vehicles with such a limited turret movement. they are gimped and stupid vehicles that just happen to have big enough guns that many people try to say they don't suck.
What is your problem, if you dont like it dont use it. It works well for me, I have killed many of you Konried Vanu with it.
So, stop flaming, and what is your character ingame? I will be sure to kill you extra special next time.
2003-06-25, 08:49 PM
Originally posted by SumYungGui
they are not hit and run vehicles with such a limited turret movement. they are gimped and stupid vehicles that just happen to have big enough guns that many people try to say they don't suck.
I guess he/she is trying to tell us that since we have had some success with it and he/she hasn't, then by default we are wrong and stupid.
Er, right. That it's it.:rolleyes:
2003-06-25, 08:56 PM
'my problem' is that this vehicle is busted, and the only reason I care that this particurlar vehicle is busted is because I liked using it. I don't give a spit if my empire's MAXes are busted, I don't use them. I do hate that fact that the lightning is so damn gimped by it's lack of turret radius that the entire thing borders on uselessness.
how is it 'hit and run' to be moving in a near-perfectly straight line or sitting perfectly still while attacking a given target? no, really, tell me how that is hit and run. it's not. it's hoping you get the drop on your opponent and that he has no AV weapons.
2003-06-25, 09:10 PM
Hit and run doesn't mean you need to be moving constantly while firing. You can get into position, engage very quickly and then move to another location. The Lightning is good for this and I really don't have any problem with the cone of fire. I primarily use the Lightnings ability to swivel 360 degrees in place to line up shots. You can't use the Lightning like a tank. It isn't armored enough to be a real tank. It's more like a tracked buggy.
You need to think more like a MAX when driving it and take advantage of cover and terrain features. You need to think about where to attack, when and from what direction. Tanks can get away with jumping into the thick of it. A Lightning can't and shouldn't. Use the map and set your waypoint for areas of heavy action, this way you can skirt around the edges and position yourself for the kill. It took me over a week of constant use to get anywhere good at it.
I love the Lightning and I can't wait until I get enough points to buy the cert again. I traded it in awhile back to get the AMS and Special Assault which fits my Engineering character better. I still want to have the option of running around in the Lightning when I get the mood.
Just follow your field manual...
I'm gona try this out tonight.
2003-07-22, 12:18 PM
Originally posted by gonnagetyou
Sunderer cannons deal out massive damage and a Lightning just can't take that kind of punishment. Scoot and shoot is your only chance. Lightning and Sunderer have same guns :p
2003-07-22, 12:34 PM
With the rotating turret its much better, but i find myself hitting a lot of treest etc :p
2003-07-22, 01:10 PM
why did guys bump this thread?
2003-07-22, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by JuSTCHiLLiN
The lightning can either face you and try to fire at you while it eats rockets or turn and flee with it's guns facing another direction. Or just drive next to u, turn its guns, and fire.
2003-07-22, 05:05 PM
Well, with the new 360 turret on the Lightning a few of my tactics have changed since I posted this awhile back. I'd have to say most of my suggested comments and tactics are still right on though.
One thing I can do now that I couldn't with the old Lightning is set myself up at an angle behind some terrain and take pot shots at the enemy. As soon as they return fire I just back up behind the cover, wait for a break in the fire and do it again. Of course don't stay in that spot for too long, because they will come after you.
Being able to circle strafe some guy has kept me alive a lot longer. It's a lot harder for them to hit me if I keep moving and I'm getting real good at leading my shots with the cannon. The 12mm is a little problamatic when moving, but I'm getting better with it.
I know their was a squad of TR last night on Hossin/Markov that was hating my guts. I must of killed each one of them 3 or 4 times over during one run before they finally got me.
I have a feeling I'll be keeping my Lightning cert for a long time to come.
gonnagetyou what faction/server you on?
Lack of armor just means you have to implement better maneuver tactics:
Armored Recon: Distance = Life.
2003-07-23, 02:17 PM
I'm Vanu on Markov. I've played nothing but Vanu since beta. I've started thinking about trying the other two factions on different servers though. I have 4 Vanu characters going right now, but I've always wanted to try out the other two. I like to try out different things all the time so having multiple characters works for me. It also helps keep the game fresh.
My Vanu aliases are gonnagetyou, gotsome, getsome and soul.:D
If you make an NC on Konried I would love to go Lightningning with ya.
I'd come over to Konried and meet you all to create a Lightning Unit... Coordinated I think we would ROCK.
I was actually thinking NC because being soley strike-recon I would try a lightning/infiltration suit/scatter pistol/repair soldier.
I would hope we could all use TeamSpeak =)
2003-07-23, 05:45 PM
Actually that sounds like a lot of fun Vick and Tac. When I create a NC character I'll try Konreid and look you up. I unfortunately don't have any voice option as of yet, but if we lay down some squad rules of engagement and practice some simple formations ahead of time, working as a team would be a blast. An all Lightning Squad has been something I've thought about for quite awhile now. Maybe it's time to get one going.:)
Cauldron Borne
2003-07-23, 08:11 PM
arrr mateys! They just gave that lubber of a tank 360 rotation!! this makes that lil' pest(i say this affectionatly) a lot more worry power! lighning gets shot at, runs away with turrey facing battle and firing while running. repairs. repeats. hit+run. hit while running!
exactly Cauldron Borne! IMO Lightnings would not be in the middle of a large battle. Imo they either arrive before the large battle or clean up after the battle, DURING a large taking battle they should back off and provide perimitier security: RANGE = LIFE.
Lightnings are quite vulerable to air power though... who wants to be ADA?
gonnagetyou teamspeak is free and I think we can use my RavenShield Team's sever.
Vick & gonnagetyou can you email me at
[email protected] so we can talk off-line.
2003-07-24, 10:58 AM
I tried the lightning in combat for the first time last night. I had the best luck when I was airdropped in by a Galaxy right on top of the enemy. You get taken out pretty quick, but you also take many enemy down with you.
Yea I guess I go after survivial v.s. a high kill ratio... I've played too much Raven Shield i guess. :D
Cauldron Borne
2003-07-24, 04:50 PM
Hey Tac! B4 the lightning upgrade I was leary to useing the thing, but If your going to make up a squad for it and you play smart I'll be gald to join in. You can use my chat room for a fast non-icq chat if you want. just e-mail me the times you want to use it.
[email protected]
Cauldron Borne what sever you on?
Cauldron Borne
2003-07-24, 05:13 PM
all of 'em but my sub cancelled so i'll have to repay. im poor so it'll take a while. Play nc on most though.
Well come over to Konried, I made a NC Lightning guy there
2003-07-24, 05:46 PM
Hey Tac, I made an NC character last night on Konried, so I'll look you up. I play most nights from 9pm- whenever. I live on the west coast, so my hours might not work with yours if you're east coast. Still we can try it and hey there's always the weekends, right.;)
Cauldron Borne
2003-07-24, 06:20 PM
That would be the sickness! Will do. But it'll be about a week. What time you spend there PST? It would be the bomb to kick some TR butt these things. I always wanted to best a prowler in a lightning. :)
9pm pst works great for me, i get home from work and usually log in at 6-7pm est. 9pm pst work for you Cauldron Borne?
Everyone who makes a lightning soldier on Konried please post your name here. Add these people to your friends list.
Mine is: TAC
Cauldron Borne
2003-07-24, 09:54 PM
It will usually, but only in the summer. I play on Sundays the most. Do you? If so when.
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