View Full Version : what do you want in PS
2003-06-01, 12:55 AM
what would you like to see later in planet side, personally i would like to see naval battles and capital ship combat in orbit around the planet
2003-06-01, 01:05 AM
naval battles would be possible but i dont think the capital ships in space would work to well unless it was an entire different game or on a server by its self.
2003-06-01, 01:07 AM
yeah, your probably right, it wouldnt work very well:(
2003-06-01, 01:41 AM
ohh I know, mechs, not a MAX but a full on mech like from mechwarior or, hell just about any anime, I wouldnt mind an evangelion but they would be nigh on unstopable w/out another one to kill it, would be fun to pilot tho.
2003-06-01, 03:13 AM
One word, no. I am not suggestion that you play another game othar than planetside. I just think I might know a game you would like. Have you played Zone of the enders 1 or 2? Both are very good. I suggest you try them if you like fast pace mech games. But I dont think that kind of uber powerful super machines would fit very well nto planetside.
I would like Planetside to have different looking bases... ones you'd get lost in each time you enter it... like when you first started the game, and you had no idea how to get around. also, variety is key in this game... maybe they should put a choke point on each base.... more strategy involved or something.
2003-06-01, 01:41 PM
i want planetside to have nuke bases were you can launch nukes at other sanctuaries. maybe the countdown for the nuke could be like 15 minutes and if your empire controlles it for a certain amount of time you could launch a nuke. maybe the nuke could leave radiation so that everyone who spawns at their sanctuary could leave with half health. this would make people want to actually defend certain bases. and the countdown for another nuke to be available after launch should be like a couple hours or we would have spamming of nukes everywere. lol
Naval battles ARE coming, some ways down the road (probably the first expansion pack in 9 months/a year.) A friend of mine proposed orbital starship battles on the official boards some time ago (which would evolve out of the desire of ALL sides to blast HARTs while they are still in orbit) but the reception was lukewarm at best from my understanding. Even if it does come it'll be a looooooong time before we see any exo-atmospheric combat in PS.
As for Eva/anime/Battletech-style mechs, there is a rather flammable thread lurking on these boards on that very topic. Apparently MAXes are as close as we'll get... it was considered and at least for now rejected. But Planetside is still young. (I personally think that a mech would be somewhat unworkable in this game... too many trees/etc., and it'd be hard to make it either unkillable or too weak to resist attack.)
Also, I agree on bases. I was disappointed to see the bases be cookie-cutter. It'd be nice to see some variety in base design, especially with everything they can already do with what is in the game so far.
2003-06-01, 06:52 PM
I would like to see Powered Armor (Heavy Exosuit?), that is between MAXs and Reinforced. It would suffer utility handicaps (only 1 pistol slot?) and no vehicle pilot ability except for a Basilisk, but would have greater durability (250 armor?) and a built-in special. Terran Powered Armor would have an ammo-bet running to mock armor cylinders somewhere on the armor which eliminate the need to reload a weapon. Vanu Powered Armor, which would actually look like it priovides little armor protection (ex. the Starcraft Zealot unit) would use shielding technology to keep it running. For all intents and purposes it'd be the same as regular armor, but it automatically regenerates armor points at a fairly slow rate. The NC, uh, I don't know. They're all into that hippy "life is valuable" crap, so maybe an inherently larger armor value (300?) for theirs to keep their boys standing a little longer? Obviously, the special would be nice, but they wouldn't be massive.
Powered Armor is necessary for this game simply because Reinforced doesn't look cool enough, and MAXs are too big and bulky. There needs to be a large, intimidating suit of armor for dedicated infantrymen that gives an individual better survivability against MAXs and tanks. Right now, Reinforced is so-so in look, but Reinforced is still worthless protection vs any kind of vehicle, and against a MAX. While I don't think Powered Armor should be able to take out a MAX, it should stand more of a chance than crappy Reinforced does right now.
So, Powered Armor would:
- Have Reinforced as a prerequisite
- Cost 3 or 4 cert points
- Have one pistol slot and two rifle slots
- Be unable to pilot anything except a Basilisk or Wraith
- Have 250 armor and a slightly better damage modifier then Reinforced (Reinforced takes less damage from some attacks, as do MAXs)
- Have that really cool, bulky (or sleek and techy) powerhouse look that futuristic soldiers need
Also, this is idealism at its best. I do not expect a Heavy Exosuit to be added to the game anytime this century.
Also, guys, when you suggest something, you have to understand that stuff needs an actual role in the game. People ask for Mechs, but really, what is a Mech? It's a walking tank. What could a Mech add to the game, aside from its appearance, that you do not get out of a tank? Every vehicle, every weapon, and every suit of armor or piece of equipment has to fill a niche. It has to be there for a purpose, and do something that something else isn't designed to do.
2003-06-01, 07:30 PM
I put this on another thread but they would go just as good here. These 7 ideas would make this game, in my opinion, absolutely godlike.
1. Do away with exp system. Everyone is BR20. Period.
2. Give squad leaders and commanders better tools to lead their forces. Ability to see equipment of each player and an easy way to assign people within a squad into sub groups with their own squadleaders and objectives.
3. Ability for outfits. to control a base. By control i mean CONTROL. Logos. Restricted acess through lockable doors. Placement of permanent (at least until destroyed) turrets and stations. Perhaps even allow manipulation of the structure based on time held like adding a bunker or a small wall. All of this would give bases a personal feel. Outfits would gladly hold a base if they felt it "belonged" to them.
4. Ability to completely destroy another side. This one is big. Getting into the sactuary is a step in the right direction. Now we need the ability to stop the enemy from spawning in their sanctuary. This should be a HUGE undertaking requiring days to complete.. and only then if everything goes correctly. Once completed the enemy side is completely wiped out.
4a. Doing this would require more servers. Once a side gets wiped out they move to a different server to play. Since there is no experience it wont be too much of a set back. Outfits could even remain in place and transfer to another server.
5. The ability to WIN THE DAMN WAR. Using the ability to destroy a side it is possible to win the war on a server. Once a side wins the server would be completely under the control for a period of, say, 24 hours in which everyone would have time to party and congratulate each other. Once the 24 hours is up the server resets and everyone is back in fighting the war from the beginning.
6. GM events. Lets say the war has been going back and forth for between 2 sides (or even a 3-way stalemate) for a period of weeks or even months. The GMs could intervene. GMs could go on each side in "super armors" and organize a HUGE battle between the stalemated opponents. The battle would have GMs on both sides leading their troops in an all-or-nothing battle to crack the stalemate. The GMs would be like elite troops or heroes and could possible be given command status and outfits could pledge their allegiance to a GM and be directed during the flow of battle.
7. "Hero". GMs should monitor the game. Did an outfit play an extremely pivital role in winning the game for their empire on a server? Give those players (or only the ones who deserve it) a reward. Perhaps a special vehicle they can use once a week. Perhaps an 'experiemental' armor they can use once every few days. Perhaps even allow them access to vehicles/weapons periodically that are in the pipeline to be released later (would allow testing and reward). These rewards to "heroes" would last until the end of the next war. Perhaps they would even carry over if that empire won again (probly not though, it would lead to an imbalance eventually).
2003-06-01, 07:35 PM
I would like to see infiltration suits taken out of the game, but since thats not going to happen, i want to see some sort of scuba trooper when the naval stuff gets put in, hopefully looking something like this.
The certs would be tied to medium assault, av, combat engineer and reinforced. Maybe also the basilisk/harrasser as well
Medium assault would give you some sort of magnetic acceleration weapon, supposedly produced from salvaged and heavily modified NC gauss rifles, only slightly less powerful and such, av would give you the option for some sort of magnetically seeking torpedo launcher, sorta like a cross between a decimator and striker, combat engineer would give you some sort of mine and reinforced armor would allow you to use a neutrally bouyant suit of armor equipped with a rebreather with about the protection of agile. The basilisk/harraser cert would both give you the same vehicle, can't remember the name of them but they are basically hand held propellers divers use to get around faster. You would also have some sort of light amplification device that would only be useful up to a certain range, most likely relatively short, to make underwater combat very intense. You could also use all of the support equipment as well.
Obviously this would be useful primarily on the naval continents, but it could also be useful for a brutally effective flanking manuever on cyssor and similar continents. Also, it can drive any vehicle reinforced can and use any equipment available to them as well, it just doesn't work underwater. Through lethality tweaking hopefully the devs could make it a area where small scale tactics and coordination reign supreme, dunno how they should handle movement though, it would need to be fairly sluggish tho.
2003-06-01, 08:36 PM
Originally posted by Jaged
One word, no. I am not suggestion that you play another game othar than planetside. I just think I might know a game you would like. Have you played Zone of the enders 1 or 2? Both are very good. I suggest you try them if you like fast pace mech games. But I dont think that kind of uber powerful super machines would fit very well nto planetside.
first, i dont mean that they should be super strong uber mechs, somthing like a larger max but not bulky, somthing more sleek and fast, like an armored calvary, somthing that dosnt have 2 much armor and could be taken out by 2-3 MAX or a squad of infantry, also they should emfacize (i know i spelled that wrong but im2 lazy to fix it) the empires differances, the vanu should be very high tech and fast, the TR should have big miniguns and mabye minimissle packs, the NC should have large maybe
75-100mm cannons and heavy armor
second, i have played (and beat) ZOE1 and own and have unlocked everything in ZOE2
also the nuke idea sucks, period espcialy because you cant destroy buildings, so it would kill every1 in the area but not the buildings, not exactly feasable, also it would make it way to easy to capture a continent and people would only attack after a nuclear strike
2003-06-01, 09:08 PM
What I would like to see in planetside?
Underground bases
Underground tunnels(ala vietnam)
And of course tons of new weapons/vehicles/implants
2003-06-01, 09:40 PM
Originally posted by Mythos
What I would like to see in planetside?
Underground bases
Underground tunnels(ala vietnam)
And of course tons of new weapons/vehicles/implants
that is actually a pretty good idea
2003-06-01, 09:57 PM
More detail... leaning, 3rd person freelook, hit location, better flying physics. (loops & inertia)
Newer, more creative bases. Better trees.
Vertical jump implant. Not like the VS JJs. Just something to boost verticle jump of a non-max unit to like 3 to 5 times at a steap stamina cost.
The ability to throw my knife at someone.
2003-06-01, 10:45 PM
In one word, more.
In some more words, Base variety, more weapons, more vehichles, more empire defining characteristics, more battlefeilds, towers bridges and geographical points of interest added to the lattice, more planes (I know I already said more vehichles, but I want more planes specificaly :D), large scale objectives, more implants, and a cookie. :D
If they even do half of these, I will do the best do destroy a company/individual of there choosing. :D
2003-06-01, 10:55 PM
1)balanced empires
2)naval units (unf!)
3)more FPS optimisations ;D
4)more advantages for bases
5)better use of the environment:
-implant to climb trees, implant for higher jumping
-more variety to trees (bigger, more kinds/colors,etc)
-remove non-useful ones(or tweak them)
-new implants
7)vehicle repair/reloading pads (only at certain facilities, possibly a new type of base with even more features)
thats all i can think of at the moment ;D
2003-06-01, 11:10 PM
Some semblance of strategy and power shifts...less 'capture and run away' and more 'we should hold this line because it denies them ____ which would make them more powerful'
Sneaky Cheese
2003-06-02, 11:05 AM
Some type of aerial base or something like that (although it should move EXTREMELY slowly). I'd also like to see smoke bombs(greif!), and some type of holographic device that could make up to 15 projections of soldiers in your own army.
(The rest of this post is from the user Frow on the PlanetSide board on
How about an island with a cave system.
A decent XP system
Plasma Mines
Semi-Cloakable aircrafter
If a vehicle gets hit in the turrent, the turrent take damage, and be able to be destroyed. Same with grunts being able to get head shots.
Deployable mini-walls. Like those ones outside of a base.
More uses for the water than to drown yourself in.
Homing Missles that don't only go after Aircraft.
Implant that allows user to jump higher and take no fall damage.
Armor that gives jump jets. Non-MAX Vanu
Tripwire mines
Implant to see Tripwire :) or darksight whatever.
Submarine, carries troops, AA cannon, Long range missles that are aimed from the map view.
2003-06-02, 12:31 PM
I would like to see combat engineers actually engineer something...right now they should just be called combat techs.
1) I'd like to see the ablity to construct temporary (ie destroyable) defenses such as walls, trenches, air cover....
2) Construct small bridges.
3) Make stationary cammo net that shields troops from being visable from the air.
4) Make decoy vehicles.
5) Ability to deploy traps that slow movement... like a mud or nano trap.
6) A pull up window that tells you everything you have deployed and where.
7) Also the ability to deconstruct your own deployables. Sometimes i throw down a spitfire in haste to save my arse, just to find out later it's in the deployable range of the place i really want a turret.
8) An AMS type vehcile that only repairs and reloads vehicles. (has engineering pre-req)
9) More specific spitfire turrets. Have the choice of placing a anti-inf, anti-vehicle or anti-air turret.
2003-06-02, 01:05 PM
i'm not saying have a nuke available all the time. maybe have the nuke base shoot a nuke every couple of days. or maybe every friday. people aren't gonna wait a week to attack. and that's the point it's suppose to make capturing a contenent easy. That's cause capturing the nuke base long enough to launch the nuke will be really hard. and they should make the buildings destroyable.
2003-06-02, 01:53 PM
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Motorbikes. Maybe with the ability to shoot a suppressor or pistol. There could be something else it could do such as driving out of galaxies whilst in mid air (Not too high though) or some special ability like that.
More implants is a must, they could steal some of the ones from Deus Ex
2003-06-05, 07:49 PM
2003-06-05, 10:59 PM
Originally posted by Sp3ctre
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Motorbikes. Maybe with the ability to shoot a suppressor or pistol. There could be something else it could do such as driving out of galaxies whilst in mid air (Not too high though) or some special ability like that.
More implants is a must, they could steal some of the ones from Deus Ex
The sad truth.
2003-06-05, 11:02 PM
Originally posted by Stream|ine
More detail... leaning, 3rd person freelook, hit location, better flying physics. (loops & inertia)
Newer, more creative bases. Better trees.
Vertical jump implant. Not like the VS JJs. Just something to boost verticle jump of a non-max unit to like 3 to 5 times at a steap stamina cost.
The ability to throw my knife at someone.
this would be nice
2003-06-05, 11:14 PM
Originally posted by shinken
ohh I know, mechs, not a MAX but a full on mech like from mechwarior or, hell just about any anime, I wouldnt mind an evangelion but they would be nigh on unstopable w/out another one to kill it, would be fun to pilot tho.
Evangelions aren't mechs though, they're.....GIANT HUMAN CLONES...!!!
Eh, mechs would be cool and all but I don't see planetside having them...leave mechs to mechwarrior X
2003-06-05, 11:25 PM
Originally posted by Kaikou
Evangelions aren't mechs though, they're.....GIANT HUMAN CLONES...!!!
Eh, mechs would be cool and all but I don't see planetside having them...leave mechs to mechwarrior X
actually they are clones of adam for all but unit 01 which is a clone of lilith
also evangelion is usualy classified as a giant robot/mecha anime
besides that they have mechanized armor and are controled by a human inside it
visit my poll
All otakus report
2003-06-06, 12:11 PM
When my friend told me about this game I thought it would be in space :rock: but its not. Ya know, planetSIDE by the SIDE of the planet not exactly on it... yeah. Well, it would be neat if they added a spce part. Yeah i know its a lot to ask but just like spce ships and ports so you could have space battles.
And to actually enter Auraxis again you would have to fly your spaceship through the atmosphere.
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