View Full Version : Most skill needed?
2003-06-01, 07:19 AM
This is a poll about the most skill needed. This is Grunt, support, pilot, MAX, tanker, stealther, or....other...
Grunts are normally in Reinforced and are the most important part of the battle, they cn be anything and still have a good amount of firepower and can have some support roles like engy with them for when it's needed
Support, engy, hacker or medic with minimal weapons, these guys don't fight, they run around doing stuff like healing and such
Pilots are either dropping off troops in a Gal or in a Reaver, mosquitos could be used, but only by an idiot or someone who can't get his Reaver for some reason. Take out tanks and piss off the Grunts.
MAXes are the big guns with major firepower for what they can do. They aren't as versatile as grunts and can easily be taken out by a Grunt with AV from range but they cn single handedly hold a CC from a squad of grunts sometimes.
Tankers drive around in their tanks and just blow shit up. Run over some infantry and let the gunner do his work.
stealthers are normally teh l33t n|nj4 h4x0rZ. They often can be helpful in causing problems for infantry not prepared or trying to hack a CC when the defenders are twidling their thumbs or off in a major battle.
Other are things I couldn't think of.
2003-06-01, 08:10 AM
Infantry, stealths need a good bit of skill but its very specialized, where as an infantryman has to be good at everything, or else he is just a target.
2003-06-01, 08:30 AM
I'm a grunt by nature and by heart. But I wanted to know what the fuss was with the infil armor. Trying it out for one day was enough to know I wasn't skilled enough or even patient enough to learn the skills to be a good infil. There's a crapload of stupid infils out there. But if you're a really good one, you're a better player than me.
2003-06-01, 10:01 AM
...wheres the commander option? ;)
I think stealthers have the most skill required, im a grunt and i love to blow them to pieces when i turn on darklight vision!
2003-06-01, 12:49 PM
hey, my first post. i hope i wont regret this...
anyway, being a stealther is probably alot harder than any other job cuz you cant carry any weapons, only REK. and if youre escort dies, if you even have one, youre screwed. and its not that hard to miss them if you are paying attention. they are weak in every way.
2003-06-01, 01:05 PM
What about us snipers? ;) Don't we get our own category?
It can be a pain taking out more than 3 guys before then send aircraft out which are difficult to defend against. Plus, nearly impossible to get another sniper to head out with you so that you can coordinate two bolts at the same time.
Any type of vehicle, max, or infantry in a building then pwn you royally since you are reduced to pistol use. ;)
2003-06-01, 01:50 PM
no if u got Reinforced and have your assualt rifle on secondary :) i am looking at gettin the cert when i get the reinforced or mebe ill just get it now since i dont really like chaingun (its ok but everyone goes after you then)
2003-06-01, 02:40 PM
Cloaker is the hardest, hands down. Thats why I play one. There is nothing as nerve racking as being in the middle of some 30 odd enemies. Being a grunt consists of running and gunning and sometimes repairing and hacking. A cloaker has to know when to move, and when to stay still. When to attack and when to let an easy kill go to waist. We always have to be on the lookout for Darklight. I have seen alot of people who play a cloaker without skill, it is very easy to tell. They usualy last no more than a few seconds in battle.
2003-06-01, 03:36 PM
I'd say grunts. Infiltrators going into a cap with 30 guys there has very little to do with skill. If one turns on darklight, you're dead. Therefore, it has more to do with luck than it does with skill. For a grunt to really make a difference, he has to stay alive. Infiltrators have the luxury of lobbing grenades or running up to a guy with an AMP, but infantry (at least, TR infantry) have to move through dozens and dozens of Lancers, Lashers, Jackhammers, and sniper rifles to kill the enemy (with a Cycler, because the Mini-chaingun sucks). Being successful as a grunt takes a lot of skill in both using weapons, using implants, using equipment like medkits, and overall battlefield tactics (using cover, approaching from different directions, etc). Based on my experience as both a grunt and an infiltrator, I am sure that being a grunt takes more skill.
2003-06-01, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by Warborn
Infiltrators going into a cap with 30 guys there has very little to do with skill. If one turns on darklight, you're dead. Therefore, it has more to do with luck than it does with skill.
The thing with Darklight and cloakers is that most people don't turn on Darklight unless they think a cloaker is present, or they are in a place where cloakers usualy are present like the cc. A good cloaker will never be noticed and will spend as little time as possible in the usual places. A good cloaker has little to fear from darklight. There is very little luck involved.
Originally posted by Warborn
. Infiltrators have the luxury of lobbing grenades or running up to a guy with an AMP
Grunts have the luxury of being able to use powerful weapons and armor. Grunts hide behind armor, cloakers hide behind invisiblility.
Originally posted by Warborn
Being successful as a grunt takes a lot of skill in both using weapons, using implants, using equipment like medkits, and overall battlefield tactics (using cover, approaching from different directions, etc).
Being an infl also involves using weapons, implants, and medkits as much as or more so than grunts. Infls have to rely on equipment because we dont have the luxury of heavy weaponry (sp?). Alos, a skilled cloaker MUST use tactick to tay alive. Using cover is a very efective way to lower your visibility even further. Cloakers have to come from different directions. Sneaking through a firefight is a good way to die in the crossfire.
Originally posted by Warborn
Based on my experience as both a grunt and an infiltrator, I am sure that being a grunt takes more skill.
I have played both also. I obviously think playing a cloaker takes more skill. I guess its a matter of opinion.
2003-06-01, 04:38 PM
The thing with Darklight and cloakers is that most people don't turn on Darklight unless they think a cloaker is present, or they are in a place where cloakers usualy are present like the cc. A good cloaker will never be noticed and will spend as little time as possible in the usual places. A good cloaker has little to fear from darklight. There is very little luck involved.
If you are trying to go somewhere the enemy expects, like the cap room, you will die. The game has been out for too long for people to be caught with their pants down and have nobody around who has Darklight. This is, by the way, referring to the "30 guys guarding the cap" scenario I mentioned in my post. I'm fully aware that most people don't put Darklight on when they're going from Point A to Point B, but in that case, all a cloaker need do is crouch and move slowly. Not being noticed is very easy, IMO, as all it involves is not moving quickly, not attacking, and not running into enemies.
Grunts have the luxury of being able to use powerful weapons and armor. Grunts hide behind armor, cloakers hide behind invisiblility.
You'd be surprised how powerful an AMP is compared to an assault rifle at close range. Grenades, too, can deal a lot of damage, although the cloaker does have a more limited amount of them. Even still, the knife with a melee booster implant is nothing to ignore. Two hits on secondary and your target is finished.
Being an infl also involves using weapons, implants, and medkits as much as or more so than grunts. Infls have to rely on equipment because we dont have the luxury of heavy weaponry (sp?). Alos, a skilled cloaker MUST use tactick to tay alive. Using cover is a very efective way to lower your visibility even further. Cloakers have to come from different directions. Sneaking through a firefight is a good way to die in the crossfire.
Valid points, but the actual execution of them is very simple. The only weapons an infiltrator has which need real skill to use is the knife, grenades, and the Beamer/Repeater (AMP involves simply holding down the trigger and keeping the weapon pointed at the target). The equipment part, well, given that you die almost instantly when you're found out, it plays a far lesser role (grunts need to keep their armor and health up, which is a serious issue given that they commonly have multiple people from a distance firing on them -- infiltrators, if they aren't running or walking into enemy fire, have only that of their target).
Although I will admit fully that an NC grunt with a Jackhammer takes far less skill in killing than even an infiltrator circle-strafing his target with an AMP.
I have played both also. I obviously think playing a cloaker takes more skill. I guess its a matter of opinion.
I think everyone can agree that MAXs take the least skill though. :)
I'd have to say support simple because you get no BEP and you run around a lot helping others. It's one of the most vital roles but the most unnoticed.(the guy who just shot down the reaver is usually congratulated more than the hacker who hack the term or the engy who repaired the v-pad)
2003-06-01, 06:39 PM
Originally posted by �io
I'd have to say support simple because you get no BEP and you run around a lot helping others. It's one of the most vital roles but the most unnoticed.(the guy who just shot down the reaver is usually congratulated more than the hacker who hack the term or the engy who repaired the v-pad)
The question was "Which takes more skill?", not "Which should we pat on the back because they don't think they get enough recognition?".
2003-06-01, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by Warborn
I think everyone can agree that MAXs take the least skill though. :)
I am far too lazy to pick apart your post again, but at least we can agree on one thing.
2003-06-01, 09:05 PM
Most skill required
(Skill required to hit moveing targets reguarly)
No skill required:
Anything used by TR except bolt driver. :D
2003-06-01, 09:26 PM
Originally posted by �io
I'd have to say support simple because you get no BEP and you run around a lot helping others. It's one of the most vital roles but the most unnoticed.(the guy who just shot down the reaver is usually congratulated more than the hacker who hack the term or the engy who repaired the v-pad)
I'm going to agree with you on this, support takes a lot of skill (Proper Engineering placement), the knowledge of how to infiltrate and hack terminals if you're a stealth hacker, and let's not even get into the patience that a medic needs :p
2003-06-01, 09:45 PM
Stealthing is a combination of skills and patience. I've made plenty of mistakes just cuz i was in a hurry. The biggest hurdle a stealther has to deal with is moving. There are plaenty of time when ppl can see you when you are A. Not moving, and B. not handling any equipment. Furthermore no darklighter needs any reason to turn on DL other than personal satisaction that his area of infuence is secure. at br 13 now many ppl have DL and audio amp. Whcih make sneakin around very difficult if you need to move fast aswell.
I totally adjust my loadout according to potential darklighter contact. If i know there are multiple darklighters. I carry up to 3 jammers. Whcih only leaves room for 3 plasmas. Which is only good for killin one reinforced with all 3. Or one agile with one plasma to spare. If im really on i'll save the final plasma and use the knife. Very often it only takes one or two swings. NOT secondary fire mode jabs. Since it is harder to hit and gives your position away more easily.
Reguardless what specificly happens in any encounter. Your inventory is no longer equiped to really continue. You must pilfer and scavenge. You also must be able to use anything you find. Not everyone carries plamsa nades. So sometimes after a scavenge i'll be left with 2 plasma, 2 frags, and no jammers. So in the next confrontation i gotta goto my inventory hud and swap things around. This can be very stressful if you are in a large battle. If max even spits in your direction your toast. Then there is cross and friendly fire. Since the grunts around you are visible, if someone shoots at them its the same thing as being shot at. And if you are playing stealth engi. Theres very little you can do to avoid this, other that just switch rolls.
Inventory management is the key to success for a stealther IMO. Cuz you gotta give up your reticule and goto mouse curser mode. Which is rather tedious when you have to do it after every two or three kills. I've come to a point where i messure how i'm doing personally, by how many times i can successfully link my victories from scavenge to scavenge. That, and also how i deal with darklighters.
I think the thing about stealthing is that if you don't do it and do it proficiently. You really don't know what we do. You only see glimpses of our mistakes or successes. Not method by which it was performed. Sure you can witness what a teammate does. But then it becomes part of the problem cuz you can see your own stealthers. You can't tell what your enemies can't see.
I strongly encourage everyone to at least try it out. Even if you are totally opposed. It will help you understand wtf we are doing. And may aid in further confrontations. I know that most of what i know about catching stealthers is from being one.
2003-06-01, 10:37 PM
Originally posted by Warborn
I think everyone can agree that MAXs take the least skill though. :)
I agree with you about MAXs taking the least skill. But why is that? Is it because they have more firepower and armor than the regular grunt? Then you have to say being a grunt takes less skill than an infil who has even less firepower and armor.
2003-06-01, 11:23 PM
Originally posted by Winged_Nazgul
I agree with you about MAXs taking the least skill. But why is that? Is it because they have more firepower and armor than the regular grunt? Then you have to say being a grunt takes less skill than an infil who has even less firepower and armor.
I concur
2003-06-02, 12:39 AM
I would say stealthers too but grunts are also . To me Being a skilled stealther doesnt have much to do with kills though . I get fairly few kills ( I probably have 200 total as a combat eng/inf/hacker) because mainly the only time I kill people is A) I have no other choice . or B) they are out in a big open area , since theres pretty much no risk of me dying .surge to get about even to them running , drop turret , surge ahead drop one , usually gets most people since they dont expect it .
But mainly my time is spent Mining enemy bases doors (rarely get kills but it hurts them alot) , Taking out equip terminals , hacking AMS and deconstructing ( my personal favorite) . It does take skill to do those things mainly because you need to be very aware , know when to sit still or run , and stuff like that .
Vis Armata
2003-06-02, 01:11 AM
Commanding people takes a good bit of skill and patience. It's not necessarily the same skillset as sneaking into a base, but it is challenging. Probably the most challenging in the game.
2003-06-02, 01:54 AM
Comanding takes skill, but cloaking takes more. ;)
2003-06-02, 04:29 AM
2003-06-02, 06:03 AM
...and i do both. :O_O:
Another thing i wanted to add, as if i could. The more certs a stealther has the more things he can do. So he's not limited to only cloaking all the time. Sometimes i use the shealth suit to just get me inside. Hack a term and and switch to agile/thumper, when i had it... Or MAX, but then you cant hack or handle equipment. You do this in a really congested enemy spawn room and they'll hate you for hours. The other side of the coin is grunts that could do this regularly could really be devistating.
2003-06-02, 08:04 AM
most needed... hmmm
Transporters, why? If nothing moves, nothing happens.
2003-06-02, 06:40 PM
Originally posted by Zatrais
most needed... hmmm
Transporters, why? If nothing moves, nothing happens.
The queston was most skill needed.
2003-06-02, 06:55 PM
It really depends on what "Skill" you are talking about.
If it's "twichy skill", grunt hands down is the most skill intensive roll. When the bullets are flying, you have to know your weapon and know how to shoot it well. Use of cover and good aim are the hallmarks of a good grunt.
If it's "situational awareness skill" stealther takes a lot of that. As a stealther if you arn't paying attention, you are dead. A stealther doesn't only have to worry about the enemy, he has to worry about his friends. Many days as a stealther, I will get killed more by friendlies than by enemy. Your friends running you over or sniping you are as big a threat as a badguy finding you. Many times i have suprised a friendly and they shot me from the shock of it. Inf armor isn't too forgiving on other's mistakes.
But being a stealther doesn't take alot of twichty's all about positioning yourself just right for the kill and sticking the amp up their ass, pulling the trigger (or giving them a boomer enemia).
I would like to add too that snipers take a good deal of "twich and situation skill" too. Trying to hit a moving target with sniper rifle takes a good deal of skill and making sure that you are at the right sniping position for not too long takes some tactics.
2003-06-02, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by Zatrais
most needed... hmmm
Transporters, why? If nothing moves, nothing happens.
Important none the less. I went with a AMS cert. I figure retards are gonna die and they gotta spawn somewhere.
Stalker Threads
2003-06-02, 07:01 PM
Im one of the better stealthers (im sure we all like to think that - but if U ever see me feel free to kill me - NEVER EVER RUN AS A STEALTHER).
The guys I think have the toughest job tho is probably either support or galaxy pilots.
Support cos your generally less able to defend yourself and have to rely on your none-combat skill and gals cos theres not THAT many awesome gal pilots and ya one of the easiest targets in the game :)
2003-06-02, 10:12 PM
I would say its a tie between stealther and grunt.
I didn't see anyone mention the most powerful weapon a stealther has, and that's choice(mmm weapon of choice by RATM? whoa where did I put that cd?).
Anyway, 95% of the time infils choose the time and place of the attack; they have the initiative, they have the first shot, and therefore they have the distinct advantage. It makes it a tie with a grunt because they're limited in their capacity to do so(only so many times you can until you have to start scavenging unless you're a knifer).
The first strike and being free to choose to attack when and where you please is more dangerous than any gun in the game, generally speaking.
2003-06-02, 10:30 PM
the chaingun takes skill cuz it sucks i picked up a lasher and raped with it
I'd say your average AV infantryman has got it rough. Most of the time he is squaring off against some giant thing with 4 times his armor and three times his firepower.
2003-06-03, 05:30 AM
Heh, and we if we ever see a magrider we run the fuck out of there. Trees don't work. Only big rocks and going inside.
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