View Full Version : Cloakers Unite!!!
2003-06-02, 07:44 PM
Cloaking was cool and all untill EVERYONE and there mothers and there mothers aunts hhave darklight implant.
Now infiltrating blows.
Darklight needs some nerfage. Or infiltrators need some buffage... or a counter of some sorts to Darklight....
2003-06-02, 08:01 PM
Jammer > Darklight
What i really love about jamming someone is the horrable buzzing noise that the jammer has on implants. And once you put his lights out. Now you got him trippin'. Now he's sweatin whether or not he's gonna make it til the effect wears off.
Get used to it too. As time goes on and there are more combat engis. You're gonna need jammers for mines and other deployables.
Most ppl must not know this or it would happen more often. But jammers will disable wall turrets too.
Darklight is not hard to beat. You just gotta be willing to carry jammers even though they do no damage.
I'm in love with Jammers. Today I killed my first NC AI Max with a sweeper in a tower staircase using one. I can just hear him cursing while I slowly shot three magazines into his back. And of course they are great for spitfires and mines.
Haven't tried to use them as a stealther. Overall, I don't want to see stealthers becoming an integral part of the game. I think the number of stealthers running around right now is about right.
2003-06-02, 08:21 PM
removed... wrong forum
Rather than thinking, "Whoa i cant even do anyhting cloacked withotu some skills!"
THink this, "Whoa im getting wooped by this darklight can i beat it? What are its weaknesses?"
Rather than saying "NERF IT!" right away, THINK OF WAYS TO BEAT IT.
2003-06-02, 08:40 PM
In all the time I've played this game, I've only ran up against one cloaker who was smart enough to actually use Jammers. It was really annoying having that ringing sound going off and not being able to see the guy.
Most cloakers run around like they're some sort of invisible assasin or something. I can spot cloakers trying to crouch and move even without Darklight. Not to mention all the sound they make using REKs and changing out gear.
I've even had a couple try to take me out by placing boomers at my feet. I mean come on! I play an Engineer most of the time, so I know that sound they make when being deployed. If I hear that I immediately move and turn on Darklight.
Sure, I've been killed a few times by cloakers. Usually it was while trying to hack and I couldn't turn around in time or I was really low on health to begin with.
The really fun cloakers to kill are when I'm defending a base and the guy lands on the roof after bailing from a mosquito. I always mine the hell out of the roof locations with one in front of each door way and all along the catwalks. The guy always winds up stuck on the roof because he has no way down without tripping a mine or setting of a Spitefire. I always see them bail or hear the motion sensors ring for a second and pretend not to notice for a minute or so, then bam on comes Darklight and out comes the Pulsar.:p
They always look like deer caught in the headlights before they go down.
If they'd only had a couple of jammers they might have made an escape rout for themselves.
The good cloakers are the ones you never know about.
Oh, and if you're going to hack the vehicle pad and create a vehicle that you just leave sitting there so your opponent will have to destroy it before he can use the pad. You really should NOT stay around the pad gloating about how annoying that must be for them. Me and Mister Pulsar were grinning when we shot you in the back.:D
How long do jammers work?
Cause unless they are really worth it infils will be the hardest (by FAR) to play because in less than a month at least 60% of every base you're in will have DL, and the smart people use DL a lot even if they think there isn't a cloaked guy there. I know i've spotted many infils by luck. :)
For the infils sakes i hope the dev eventually make a counter DL implant, something like the jammer nade but that would always be on you.
2003-06-02, 09:44 PM
I'm sorry man but the jammer gernade is already a signifigant counter to darklight. If anything it's a testament to the power of cloakers that so many people have darklight. Having been on both sides of the fence i can honestly say that a good cloaker will have minimal problems with darklight especialy if they pack a jammer or two. Cloaking was not meant to be perfect.
Well tis true that most infils are hackers so they could ressuply on jammer nades easily enough no matter where they are, just thought about that. Never mind what i said. :D
I'd still like to know how long those jammers work though and on what. Does it neutralize a MAXs capacitor? Will it remove and AMS clocking shiled? etc :)
2003-06-02, 10:05 PM
I play an cloaker, and I have only gotten killed by darklight one or twice. I am not kidding (and I have never used a jammer grenade to this day). Despite what dio said, most people only turn on darklight, either when they suspect a cloaker is present, or they are in a place whare cloakers are common, like the CC. A skilled cloaker spends as little time as possible in places like the CC. A skilled cloaker kills the target before he knows what hit him. A skilled cloaker is never seen. A skilled cloaker dosen't fear darklight. I am sick of people bitching about how easy cloakers are to kill. You never see the skilled ones. A skilled cloaker, is, IMO the most lethal weapon in the game.
And to reply to the starter of this thread. Like I said before, don't be seen, and spend as little time as possible in places like the CC where cloakers are usualy present. Learn when to crouch walk, and learn when to be very still. Learn when it is ok to run. IMO cloakers and darklight are very balanced. I almost like darklight (And remember, I am a cloaker too.) It seperates the wannabe assassins from the (to quote the great Dio) 1337 ninja haxx00rzz
2003-06-02, 10:35 PM
Basicly what a jammer gernade does is make your implants have to be reinstalled. Annoying in the extreme. I almost wish they did somehtign to max's maybe make them lock up briefly? ( i do mean briefly like a few seconds, of course that whould make thumpers be MAX's bane, oh wait i like thumpers MUHAHA
2003-06-02, 10:37 PM
reinstalled at the Bio lab implant station?? Or just disables them for a bit?
2003-06-02, 10:53 PM
Disabled, similar to when you respawn.
Originally posted by Doppler
Basicly what a jammer gernade does is make your implants have to be reinstalled. Annoying in the extreme. I almost wish they did somehtign to max's maybe make them lock up briefly? ( i do mean briefly like a few seconds, of course that whould make thumpers be MAX's bane, oh wait i like thumpers MUHAHA
To clarify a bit on his explanation: When you're hit with a jammer grenade, your "implanet timers" are reset. Whenever you spawn, you cant use your impalnts for a certain amoutn of tiem. This time caries for each implant. You can see how far each one is to coming back online by looking at the status window (the one that shows BR and CR), adn lookign at how far the bar under each of the implant icons is to the right. When that bar reaches the right, the implant is available. To recap, when a jammer grenade hits you, that timer is reset.
If you're wondering how i knwo all this off the top of my head: In beta, i was once defending a base agaisnt a fierce counterattack on a base i had just taken over with my squad. We were all spread around the edges of the main of the two entrances to the CC. We were fighting so hard that we had to loot corpses after every engament. A lone hacker managed to get in through the less defend side door, and jammer grenaded all of us. At that exact moment, im not sure how many, because i lsot my DL, but about 3-10(for all i know) infils jumped in and AMP'd us all to death. Jammer nades are deadly if used right.
Man, the one time i ever getting really pwned...:D
2003-06-02, 11:07 PM
Originally posted by 1024
If you're wondering how i knwo all this off the top of my head: In beta, i was once defending a base agaisnt a fierce counterattack on a base i had just taken over with my squad. We were all spread around the edges of the main of the two entrances to the CC. We were fighting so hard that we had to loot corpses after every engament. A lone hacker managed to get in through the less defend side door, and jammer grenaded all of us. At that exact moment, im not sure how many, because i lsot my DL, but about 3-10(for all i know) infils jumped in and AMP'd us all to death. Jammer nades are deadly if used right.
Man, the one time i ever getting really pwned...:D
That is it! I am starting an all cloaking squad just because of that awsome story! BTW, and takers on NC markov, PM me. ;)
2003-06-02, 11:08 PM
You can't use any MAX abilities or implants for I think 20 min, maybe its 10, but, long enough to knife their asses
2003-06-02, 11:23 PM
I don't know about max abilities, but i know it reses the timer on implants. That is alot shorter than 10 min.
2003-06-02, 11:30 PM
Originally posted by Dharkbayne
You can't use any MAX abilities or implants for I think 20 min, maybe its 10, but, long enough to knife their asses
I think he meant 20seconds.:p
Cloaking in the game is fine as it is and I don't think anything needs to be done about darklight.
Like someone else said, the really good cloakers in this game never give you a reason to suspect they may be there and if they do they have a good place to hide.
The other day I was playing my cloaker character and wound up outside the CC with a full squad of TR MAXs and Reinforced guarding the place. I stayed as still as possible right behind a guy in the corner and just watched them. Several of the guys were using Darklight, but I stayed out of their range. For those not aware, Darklight reduces your range of view to maybe 15 or 20 feet.
The worst part about it was that I had equipped a grenade in my hand when they all rushed in and I had to sit there for what seemed like 10 or 15 minutes with my finger holding the mouse button down.:p
Eventually I couldn't stand it any longer and aimed it at a corner of the room and let fly. When it went off everone just sort of looked around, like what was that.
It took a lot of patience just to sit there. The guy in front of me kept rubbing his butt in my face and I would have loved to knife the guy.
Originally posted by Jaged
That is it! I am starting an all cloaking squad just because of that awsome story! BTW, and takers on NC markov, PM me. ;)
Indeed it was a very cool story. I hope to see your infil squad some day Jaged, not all of us just turn on the DL when we think there is an infil near. :twisted:
Originally posted by Led
/me :lol: at Doppler
You're gonna get it now. :D
2003-06-03, 12:25 AM
I dont think darklight is a huge problem though I think it should take more sta , so people cant have it on nonstop while crouched ( IE , if you actually do have skill to sneak by someone without giving them a reason to suspect youre there , they wont see you )so someone defending couldnt just sit in a corner defending with DL on the whole time . otherwise maybe give us a slightly larger inventory , since its small enough as it is without essentially requiring us to take jammers with .
2003-06-03, 12:27 AM
Originally posted by TheJingle
I dont think darklight is a huge problem though I think it should take more sta , so people cant have it on nonstop while crouched ( IE , if you actually do have skill to sneak by someone without giving them a reason to suspect youre there , they wont see you )so someone defending couldnt just sit in a corner defending with DL on the whole time . otherwise maybe give us a slightly larger inventory , since its small enough as it is without essentially requiring us to take jammers with .
He speaks the truth. :nod:
2003-06-03, 08:04 AM
Problem with grenades is it makes you semi visable to everyone around you while held down.
Ive played cloakers on all three races. TR cloakers own in combat, NC own CQB, and vanu.....well i guess they can signal aircraft into land?
With the repeater, or the magscatter i can generally stay alive untill i run out of ammo. Thats about 12-25 kills. If i see a darklighted person, i just remember he has it. I still kill him, i just do it from funny places, like trees, walls, ontop of doors, ontop of his empires tank......Nothings funnier then sitting ontop of something they dont wanna shoot at, and sniping (yes sniping) away with the repeater.
2003-06-03, 10:43 AM
Also, if you are making a lone run at a CC (not always wise, but sometimes nessisary), throw a jammer grenade in the CC room to disable any guards with darklight and explode any waiting boomers.
Often when you throw that jammer in the CC, anyone guarding will start firing immidately.... so you can know how many people are there!.
2003-06-03, 04:44 PM
Me no spell gud, it not dat gwait of skill, me juz uze l33tsp3@k frm now on k?
In all seriousness i hadnt realized that my spelling was wrong. I mean I know that's self explanatory but It's the simple fact that I dont think i've ever seen it spelled right and realized it. Oh well. Just like i didnt realized that turret had no N in it until it kept getting kicked back by my spell checker and I looked it uyp on
In closing, be nice to me, i'm a special kid, at least that's what my mom tells me.
2003-06-03, 05:00 PM
Might want to take a look at your sig while you're in a spelling and grammar mood. It's "than", not "then".
2003-06-03, 05:36 PM
All jammer grenades does is telling me an inf is about to strike me..
Then all i have to is stay alert, get to others or spam the area around me whit plasma nades.
I agree.
Normally, when someone tosses a jammer, I know a stealther is in the area and proceed to put my back to the way and randomly fire grenades.
In the time it takes for me to sneak up on someone and actually toss the jammer, I could have killed him with my AMP already.
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