View Full Version : New game idea

2003-06-03, 09:17 AM
Just have a quick idea. I played a lot of Tribes / 2 back in the day so this is where this comes from.

What about a laser target designator? It could be carried by all ground troops (I was thinking it would be free;ie no spec points). An infantry could use it to paint the ground where an enemy is hiding, and this could show up on the map of any friendly aircraft. This would help reavers out (although peeps are already against them), but I'm thinking more towards the bomber.

Sort of like forward air control for close air support. This feature was sort of in Tribes 2, but never got fully utilized. I guess it would give more advantage to the Reavers which might be a bad thing, but I'm thinking more of helping the infantry (especially in defense) to identify targets.

By the way, do we know if the DEVs read here or only the official boards?

2003-06-03, 09:18 AM
Several dev's read our boards.

I'd have to agree. something like that would be awesome. I wouldnt' mind seeing it. I have alot of faith the dev's have huge plans for post release content.

NightWalker XI
2003-06-03, 09:18 AM
Thats a pretty cool idea ALTHOUGH I would change it so a specific cert used that device, like engineers or something...

2003-06-03, 09:19 AM
I don't really like the idea. It would make things to apparent to everytone on the same empire rather than using the command channels to tell people and try to fight back you'd get someone to paint it and then the fight would be over. Kind of unbalancing for armies depending on AMSes. Also, WPs can do this for your squad.

2003-06-03, 11:02 AM
That is a good idea, but I believe a better suited char type would be the sniper/scout for painting the targets. Since they have the ranged sight, it just makes sense to me.

2003-06-03, 12:56 PM
On the same vain, I would like to see a designator like in Tribes 2 that could bring the ordanance onto target.

This could be pretty kewl with teh liberator, flying at cap blowing the crap out of a tank that is being painted by a stealther.

In T2 it was an art to have a few Heavy lobbing mortars in the air and having them drop where you wanted, normally on an deployable.


2003-06-03, 12:58 PM
The funnest thing about the laser in T2 was when you saw a newb running around trying to kill people with it.

For that reason alone I would support it being in PS :D

2003-06-03, 12:59 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
The funnest thing about the laser in T2 was when you saw a newb running around trying to kill people with it.

For that reason alone I would support it being in PS :D

Hey that green flash in your face could make you lose your cap route :)

2003-06-03, 01:03 PM
Well, if you are CR1 and in a squad with the bombers / reavers, you already have this device - it's called command way points!

Actually, the idea isn't too bad. I'm not sure I'd want just anyone to have it, however, unless it was a "must be in hand and clicked on to paint" type of designator. My reasoning being that if everyone could set a "bomb here" persistent way point for free, pretty soon the battlefield will be a mess of useless, outdated way point info.

Possible limiting things to prevent this would be cert required, only actively paints, limited to squad viewing.

You could throw the higher level CR folks a bone by allowing them to paint, or persistently paint, some number of bomb targets that are universally viewable, using the command uplink device.

2003-06-03, 01:11 PM
Yeah my thinking with it would be that it would need to be selected (preventing you from using any weapons while using) and having to actively "shoot" it and hold it on target. The minute you die or change weapons, it disappears.

I just thought of the grief points problem however. Someone could paint friendlies and then the pilot would get all the grief.

I would not want the laser to actually guide the weapon to the target. That would give reaver pilots (and liberators) the ability to fly at high altitude and never come down to ground level. They would be impossible to kill.

Anyway this whole idea came to me last night when I was flying my Reaver. Our base was being attacked by a decent size force, and we had defenders inside and outside the walls. I was flying low, trying to decimate the enemy lines, but identifying who was who was very hard.

2003-06-03, 01:33 PM
i like the idea. pistol size tool (yeah they're bigger in real life, but it'd be suicide for anyone but a stealther), lights up area on map. if there are friendlies in the painted area, the displayed color changes, or they should show up real bright on the map.

considering only the SL gets to set those squad waypoints, you have a 1 in 10 chance of him being the one who knows where the heck to put it.

2003-06-03, 03:00 PM
Or even as an implant. We have quite a few useless implants right now, couldn't hurt to add another decent one. :p

2003-06-03, 03:09 PM
It would be an idea but i don't think it should show up on every bomber on the cont, make it for a target area only, like any bomber within 100 yards will see the target but others won't or something like that.

Otherwise it will just help promote carpet bombing spam fests.

2003-06-03, 04:43 PM
It would be pretty good 4 the players who r in squads, not 4 ppl who just fool around and isnt in any squad, they would just use that thing 2 paint all over the map.
PS takes very much time, I mean it takes like 1 min 2 take equipment if u dont have a favourite. And I cant move my mouse good either.

2003-06-03, 04:53 PM
Here's what i put up on this earlier and i freely concede that i was also ripping off tribes one.

A designator implant, paints a target on your reticle for as long as it's activated shows up on factions miniradar and squad/alliance members maps for as long as it's held on the target. Also displays a happy little bulseye or something. The biggest bonus to it whould be for arcing projectile weaponry (sunderer and most if not all tank cannons) giving you a measurement of where to fire in order to get the projectile to arc onto the target properly. Just my two bits, and as someone said, we really really need some decent implants.

2003-06-03, 04:59 PM
I don't really like the idea. It would make things to apparent to everytone on the same empire rather than using the command channels to tell people and try to fight back you'd get someone to paint it and then the fight would be over. Kind of unbalancing for armies depending on AMSes. Also, WPs can do this for your squad.

I feel this whould give defenders a much needed advantage when it comes to hunting down and killing enemy ams. Current system 9provided your squad leader actualy has CR1) find ams, spam MARK MY POSITION AMS FOUND until deathw hile trying to blow up or hack the ams. AMS's are tough beasts and rightfully so, so a little combined fire whould be a boon in killing them. Also this I think whould force armies to start brining multiple ams to the battlefield, something that's not that bad of an idea anyway.