View Full Version : Skyguard (AA buggy) [Merged]
2003-06-03, 06:01 PM
Will this thing be common pool? Since the devs have shown that they intend to introduce more and more air units I think it would be acceptable to make the effort of putting empire specific AA buggies in the game.
Also im hoping they are:
1. Fast. They need to be able to make a good effort into chasing a reaver. Also they need to be fast enough to escape enemy buggies and tanks.
2. Some ground attack ability. Even a 12mm or 20mm machine gun would be fine.
3. Small size or camoflauge. Reaver pilots (well, most of them) aint stupid. If the buggies stand out like a muslim in an airport then the crew aint gonna get many kills.
2003-06-03, 06:04 PM
Pretty sure it will be common pool.
2003-06-03, 06:05 PM
and there aint any muslim skins.:D
2003-06-03, 06:06 PM
I bet they just throw an AA gun on a harraser
2003-06-03, 06:22 PM
Originally posted by Nitsch
I bet they just throw an AA gun on a harraser
Yea, thats prolly what will happen. I would like to see some sort of flak weapon. Quad barrelled for that extra little comfort. I mean if a Reaver pilot saw that they would be getting out of there fast. I would also like to see it be a flak weapon because it is easier to surprise pilots with it. Missile locks seem to just scare reavers away, where as conventional flak gets them killed;).
NightWalker XI
2003-06-03, 06:24 PM
I'd raher have some empire specific Aircraft first, but then people would bitch about balance, have you guys seen the official forums lately?
The quantity of bitching and dev bashing there is unbelievable.
2003-06-03, 06:27 PM
TR gets a nuke dropping stealth plane that flies 1,000 MPH, and unlimited ammo
NC get a shotgun with a fan attached to it
VS get a Sopwith camel that will drop earwax bombs (apparently it's really sticky, well kinda)
2003-06-03, 06:40 PM
Originally posted by NightWalker XI
I'd raher have some empire specific Aircraft first, but then people would bitch about balance, have you guys seen the official forums lately?
The quantity of bitching and dev bashing there is unbelievable.
That is the exact reason i read these boards.
Generally, when people on this board get thier ass handed to them they come here to discuss ways they can improve their play... people go the offical boards to bitch and moan till game is molded to their playstyle.
People on the offical boards tend to think every time they get killed it's because game sucks. Not the reality that it was their own lack of skill (or the superior skill of their foe).
2003-06-03, 06:42 PM
Originally posted by Derfud
TR gets a nuke dropping stealth plane that flies 1,000 MPH, and unlimited ammo
NC get a shotgun with a fan attached to it
VS get a Sopwith camel that will drop earwax bombs (apparently it's really sticky, well kinda)
i cant belive i quoted that.... JUST STOP! NO NUKES!
2003-06-03, 07:18 PM
2003-06-03, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by TekDragon
If the buggies stand out like a muslim in an airport then the crew aint gonna get many kills. Where to begin to explain the ignorance of this comment... just how does a Muslim look? Do you think all Muslims are of arabic descent? :rolleyes:
2003-06-03, 09:07 PM
Originally posted by Chryse
Where to begin to explain the ignorance of this comment... just how does a Muslim look? Do you think all Muslims are of arabic descent? :rolleyes:
Political correctness is the root of all evil.
2003-06-03, 09:08 PM
Where to begin to explain the ignorance of this comment... just how does a Muslim look? Do you think all Muslims are of arabic descent?
Wow, im sorry i pissed in your cheerios there mister. I think everyone else here realized it was a silly joke. Please dont blow yourself up inside a childrens hospital to show the error of my ways.
lol @ Jaged. Im buying you a b33r.
2003-06-03, 09:39 PM
2003-06-03, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by Jaged
Political correctness is the root of all evil.
Too Right.
I'll call anybody or anything what I want. I don't change my speech to please other people.
If that bothers anyone, my rear end is awaiting your kiss.
2003-06-03, 11:13 PM
Ok as much as i hate the liberal tards... can we get back on topic?
What are YOU hoping to see with the AA buggy?
2 person?
3 person?
anti ground weapon?
special abilities? (radar)
2003-06-03, 11:40 PM
I like the quad barreled Flak cannon idea.
2 person
below average speed (maybe a lil slower then the maurader)
Above average armor
NO antiground weapon
2003-06-04, 10:08 AM
Originally posted by Derfud
TR gets a nuke dropping stealth plane that flies 1,000 MPH, and unlimited ammo
NC get a shotgun with a fan attached to it
VS get a Sopwith camel that will drop earwax bombs (apparently it's really sticky, well kinda)
Umm, no. I think the NC should have some sort of massive bomb (not a nuke) becouse their weapons are supposed to be more power-per-punch. The Vanu could have some kind of aircraft that hovers in the air and projects an energy bubble to drain energy from soldiers and artilery. The TR could have an aircraft that releases a series of small bombs very rapidly. All this would be very cool.
Edit: As for the Skygaurd, I think they should have a long range missile that locks on. It should also be very fast so it's harder to evade.
2003-06-04, 10:13 AM
-Quad Flack cannon
-Some form of radar to better reflect aircraft on your radar map
-1 person vehicle
-Travel speed of 65ish
-No ability to defend against ground forces
-Must deploy, like AMS
-Armor a little less than Prowler, unsure on this
This should be a mobile AA battery. Drive it, park it and shoot down aircraft. It should not be able to chase an aircraft in any meaningful way. The ground would make it too hard to aim, imo.
Happy lil Elf
2003-06-04, 10:19 AM
I'd like to see a flak cannon alright, but one that's anti infantry :evil:
Anyways yeah I'd prefer an AA flak cannon to missles. Most pilots (well the ones with brains anyways) take of like a bat outta hell at the first sight of "Warning! Missle Lock!". If they can dodge the skyguard as easily as a Sparrow MAX, you probably won't see a lot of people use it.
2003-06-04, 10:23 AM
Originally posted by Tatter
-1 person vehicle
-Travel speed of 65ish
-No ability to defend against ground forces
-Must deploy, like AMS
Making it one person, deployable, and slow limits its effectiveness considerably. Especially given that a Reaver will be able to position itself far away and unload all of its rockets on your stationary position, blowing you to hell before you can get out, undeploy, get in, and move it away.
Also, while I think the flak guns (or whatever) will be designed for air targets, there's nothing wrong with them being used on ground stuff. I'd imagine that the AA gun will have a poor field of fire on ground stuff, but if you can position it right so that ground targets can be shot by the AA gun, more power to you. That's war.
2003-06-04, 10:25 AM
With the striker at least, and I'm guessing the other "lock-on" weapons, you can fire your missiles _before_ you lock on -- any missile in the air once you acquire a lock will then chase that target. It's pretty easy to get 3 missiles to hit only a fraction of a second after you acquire the lock...
2003-06-04, 12:11 PM
well now that we'ree back on topic i think that it should diffinatly be 2 person and have flak and it should NOT deploy, for reavers it would be like kicking a baby. Also i think it should be at least as fast as a gal (70-75). so that it can catch up with planes, and in my opinion they gunners seat should be like the genade luancher on the back of muaraders cept with flak.
2003-06-04, 12:24 PM
I would like to see it have a BUNCH of missles on the back (Like those really cool trucks in Desert Combat on BF) that fire uber fast, lock on, but don't do alot of damage each, like 30 missles or something, that would look soo cool, SHOOOOOOOM KABOOM! Roar!
2003-06-04, 12:39 PM
I tend to think missles are a bad idea. If they made it so the missles were effective vs planes then NC and TR would whine until the same speed benifits were given to their missle weapons.
The only nuetral way i can see for SOE to release an AA buggy and get out of introducing/fixing content (which they are avoiding like the plague) is to make it flak.
2003-06-04, 02:04 PM
Here ya go, looks like flak cannons:
BTW, missiles aren't effective vs. planes? Really? *scratch head*...
2003-06-04, 02:08 PM
AHA I WAS RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2003-06-04, 02:10 PM
Duel-barreled flak gun and a 12mm automatic rifle/chaingun for infantry. It's like a super-buggy. Just dosen't rub me the right way. Regardless, cool.
2003-06-04, 02:11 PM
now i know wat my cert is gonna go towards :D :D
NightWalker XI
2003-06-04, 02:32 PM
Holy crap, looks good!
Future Plans
June 4, 2003 - The SkyGuard
As the Liberator takes to the skies, Empire leaders have recognized the need for an effective counter-attack vehicle. This necessity led to the development of the SkyGuard.
The SkyGuard is a two-person Anti-Aircraft ground vehicle. The pilot lies in the cockpit, positioned ahead of the gunner. The gunner mounts a raised 360 degree turret equipped with an anti-aircraft Flak Cannon and a 12mm machine gun to suppress ground troops. To effectively pursue and vanquish airborne targets, the Skyguard has been designed with a focus on speed and maneuverability.
Air units will be wise to learn to recognize the SkyGuard and prepare for its challenge. Commanders will recognize the advantages of keeping these vehicles active in base defense scenarios.
2003-06-04, 02:33 PM
Judging from the picture do you guys think reinforced armor will be able to drive this thing?
2003-06-04, 02:35 PM
No - the copy mentioned that the driver lays down (like the Prowler I guess) -- I'm guessing that seals it given that the only ones reinf can drive now are "open top"-type vehicles.
Originally posted by TekDragon
Judging from the picture do you guys think reinforced armor will be able to drive this thing?
Happy lil Elf
2003-06-04, 02:36 PM
Bleg can someone post the picture? Link no worky from work =P
2003-06-04, 02:38 PM
Should be interesting to see it in action :D
I still want to see the lodestar the most
2003-06-04, 02:39 PM
It's open cockpit, re-enforced *should* in theory be able to pilot it hehe
2003-06-04, 02:40 PM
Hmm, judging from the text, I thought that the open seat would be for the gunner...
2003-06-04, 02:40 PM
Good, we need something to fuck up the Reaver whores.
2003-06-04, 02:41 PM
Yeah..sign me up on the Lodestar and Platoons :)
2003-06-04, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by Sputty
Good, we need something to fuck up the Reaver whores. :cry:
2003-06-04, 02:48 PM
Ahah!....I'm TR though..damnit..
2003-06-04, 02:54 PM
I fear this thing already.
It says it's focus is speed and maneuverability....anybody else scared it's gonna have harasser armor and any reaver that see it will simply launch a few rockets and boom bye AA buggy?
2003-06-04, 03:12 PM
hm but the gunner sees the reaver a blows it away with flak
Originally posted by Sputty
Good, we need something to fuck up the Reaver whores.
Let's just hope it has more armor than it looks to have or Reavers won't care they will just blow these up on sight.
2003-06-04, 03:17 PM
Hrm...I was hopeing for 4 flak cannons (TR max has two just so you know what I mean) that fired faster than anchored max and does about twice the damage...
Reavers must be removed permantally from viability :D
2003-06-04, 03:19 PM
the flak cannons will make this very effective. No radar footprint on projectiles, plus high speed/maneuvering=death.
2003-06-04, 03:20 PM
I want anzio annie, or maybe just some V2 rockets... interesting that 1,000 years from now technology cant even match the capability of WWII era tech :p
Hehe, ok when this comes out you come tell me if you can hit a moving target from a moving target with a non lock weapon all the while trying to evade said target's missile barrage. :)
2003-06-04, 03:22 PM
i think if its ment to take out aircraft then reavers won't have that easy of a time taking them out "out on sight". I'm sure their armor is well equiped to deal with reaver missles and such.
And this is if they can geta beed ont he thing. They said it focused on speed and manuverability.
I think this thing will become the nat to annoy the already annoying flys.
2003-06-04, 04:06 PM
The point of the skygaurd is to be able to avoid geting hit by the rockets, not take the damage from them.
*Edit: misstypes.*
2003-06-04, 04:15 PM
"Hehe, ok when this comes out you come tell me if you can hit a moving target from a moving target with a non lock weapon all the while trying to evade said target's missile barrage"
Well with flak he would only need to shoot in the reaver's general vacinity...
2003-06-04, 04:28 PM
Relax Dio... We all know how much you hate the Reaver. I'm sure the AA buggy will be very capable against all the aircraft.
2003-06-04, 04:29 PM
Hehehe, didn't know they already released to specs. Oh well. :)
2003-06-04, 04:42 PM
So lemme get this straight, (I cant see the pix, @ werk) but from the sounds of it, is it a Maruder with a AA Max arms in the back?
2003-06-04, 04:42 PM
Duel exhust pipes, and look at those rims :brow:
2003-06-04, 04:43 PM
I went ahead and merged the 2 threads about the skyguard, they're both talking about the same thing =)
2003-06-04, 04:55 PM
I'm definitely going to be getting a skyguard. Its hard escorting ANTs in a lightning to defend against reaver attacks.
Also, its about initiative. A reaver could beat a skyguard if the reaver catches it with the gunner looking the other way. It works the other way around if a reaver flies over the hill and the gunner just happens to have the barrel pointed in the general direction.
I expect it to be very balanced and will probably be in concordance with what one of the devs said earlier in an interview about convoys being important with their future plans for the game.
2003-06-04, 05:15 PM
Maybe tomorrow they will release pics and specs for the lodestar. That one I am really interested in.
2003-06-04, 05:15 PM
YAY when this comes out n more worrying about reaver ambushes on you rANT convoy as long as you have a few skyguards around.....i cant wait to get this thing.
2003-06-04, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by Tricky
So lemme get this straight, (I cant see the pix, @ werk) but from the sounds of it, is it a Maruder with a AA Max arms in the back?
Just for you. :D
2003-06-04, 05:19 PM
not only does it pack a punch its also a hot rod for that date with your special someone :D
2003-06-04, 05:32 PM
Originally posted by Tricky
So lemme get this straight, (I cant see the pix, @ werk) but from the sounds of it, is it a Maruder with a AA Max arms in the back?
God I hope so! The maurader is my favorite vehicle in the game! I love how it drives even more than the pounder attached to it!
2003-06-04, 05:48 PM
about hitting a moving target when your moving fast...well i had no problem with the magrider doing this. The flaks will have just as fast projectile speed and higher fire rate and greater angle to shoot than the mag.
I would take this vehicle out with reavers cannons if i wanted to go toe to toe with it, rockets are just too slow. Cannons at longer ranges should do it. Still going to be tough to take out when gunner knows your there and driver is moving :p
2003-06-04, 06:00 PM
If it can take out on avg, 2 reavers/bombers b4 it dies, when they go toe to toe 1-1, I will be happy.
Right now, the AA maxs cant, the reaver wins in a 1-1 if you are semi close and fire at the same time (at least its true for the NC AA one, havnt tried the others on the field)
I see this as being the same as a harassor with an alt fire or the TR max's AA guns on it.
I dont think that that will cut it.....
Oh well, I have faith in the people at SOE, im sure that they will get things worked out
2003-06-04, 07:21 PM
Oh No!
My thread got merged with another one... i feel so violated. Like i got r4ped my Microsoft.
2003-06-04, 09:29 PM
All I have to say is that RoF on that flak cannon better be pretty darn good, or the reavers (and soon... libs) will still be pwing. I can't believe they are giving a 35mm cannon to the lib and yet the Skeeter still has that slingshot with a fan attached to it for a weapon.:eek:
Originally posted by BlakkyZ8
All I have to say is that RoF on that flak cannon better be pretty darn good, or the reavers (and soon... libs) will still be pwing. I can't believe they are giving a 35mm cannon to the lib and yet the Skeeter still has that slingshot with a fan attached to it for a weapon.:eek:
2003-06-04, 09:33 PM
I bet they have more armor then a regular buggy. Those things are so weak, you get hit once your done for.
Happy lil Elf
2003-06-04, 09:42 PM
not only does it pack a punch its also a hot rod for that date with your special someone
Exactly what I thought lol
2003-06-04, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
It's open cockpit, re-enforced *should* in theory be able to pilot it hehe
Rofl, re-enforced. Thats funny.
So....why would anyone get the harraser again? Or when they implement this will it just replace the harraser? Wonder if it has REINFORCED *cough*Hamma*cough* bumpers for magrider like ramming ability.
2003-06-04, 10:05 PM
Despite the blurb about having to lay down in it, those pics make the driver seat seem open. Im gonna hope for the best and assume that reinforced armor can drive it.
If thats true this thing will likely see alot of use. With the speed and anti air capability I can very easily see teams of reinforced armor players patrolling the area with empire buggies and Skyguards.
One of the main problems with making vehicle specific squads was the dread of a reaver or 2 coming in and missle'ing the hell out of you before people hopped out and tried shooting the damn thing down. With this, im hoping vehicle convoys, patrols, and raids will be much more useful.
Looks like im gonna have to start packing a deliverer more often.
2003-06-04, 10:08 PM
Hmmm, as soon as theese vehichles come out, I am making a pilot/driver character. I know I'll get a liberator, pretty sure I'll get a lodestar, but this thing is going to have to prove to me it isn't going to suck like most of the other buggies. Glad they used flak and not missles and glad it only takes 2 people. It is so hard to get 2 people that know what they are doing ot gun for you. Looks real cool though.
2003-06-05, 12:44 AM
On the post about the 12mm gun making it a "super-buggy", look at it this way:
The Harrasser's gun is a 3-barreled machinegun, so it will still have a signifigantly higher ROF than the Skygaurd, while still doing the same damage-per-round.
Also, the Harrasser and Skygaurd will likely have simmilar menuverability and speed because the Skygaurd has a much heavier loadout, but probably sacrifices armor.
BTW, those flack-cannons look a hell of a lot more powerful than the ones mounted on the TR AA MAX.
2003-06-05, 12:57 AM
BTW, those flack-cannons look a hell of a lot more powerful than the ones mounted on the TR AA MAX.
Damn well better be.
4x the damage, 4x the speed(anchored) (know it wont be that high, but I can dream cant I?)
Fucking Reavers. Wouldnt hurt me a bit if they nerfed the cheesy things into uselessness.
2003-06-05, 04:27 AM
actually, if anything I bet that these will start out being slightly too powerful against reavers/liberators. Reavers may be big and scary to you dirtymonkeys but their armor is made out of a soggy soufle.
The only angles of approach I can see on this puppy would be long distance stand off with chain guns (as someone already mentioned) or swooping down close and fast with missiles, flying nap of the earth.
Depending on the range and power of the flak cannons both techniques will probably be pretty risky.
Hopefully the dynamic that this will encourage is for ground troops to make targeting them a priority so that they can get air cover.
Speaking of airpower, how many bombs do you think a liberator is going to hold? Will they be able to carpet bomb a tower long enough to pin the enemy inside all by themselves?
Pretty easy to just have a liberator fly over a local tower and bomb it into dust before the ground troops move in.
I really hope they get rid of the tower system at some point.
2003-06-05, 07:42 AM
Just use the afterburner assualt. Line up your shot infront of the target, start firing and hit the afterburner. This groups all of your missles in a small group just behind your reaver, just before hitting the target pull up and hes meets the worst pain in history. Ofcourse, if your to far away when you start the afterburn all those missles will explode under you, and that really really really hurts.
2003-06-05, 08:58 AM
Just a quick question:
When will the Liberator and Skyguard be "released"?
2003-06-05, 11:45 AM
�io?! You hate the Reaver as much as I do?!
:hug: :thumbsup:
I dunno... Putting aside the fact that I'm a piss-poor Reaver pilot, I could never seem to lead the rockets I shot quite right to hit fast moving targets. It is MUCH better to make this AA buggie almost immune to the Reaver's rockets by allowing them to dodge them (mAtRiX stILE!!!111 ;)) rather than have it deployable. I mean... if you had to set the thing up it better be a damn RAILGUN. Four shots to take down a Gal, maybe 2 for a Reaver, and nigh instant hit. Then and only then might I consider an AA deployable vehicle/gun.
2003-06-05, 11:59 AM
If this allows reinforced armor (which it should) I think it will be pretty popular. I mean when you are cruising to a base with your buddy in reinforced in your harraser or empire specific buggy-- what is your big concern? Tanks? Nah just out run them.. it is aircraft!! None of the buggies are good vs aircraft. So this ends up becoming an ideal transport vehicle that can protect and attack vs air.
Looks to be a good thing overall.
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