View Full Version : June Producer's Letter

2003-06-03, 09:36 PM
Dave Georgeson, Producer of Planetside, just released his June Producer's letter. In it he addresses the recent server issuses and what they are doing to solve it.
As you realize, there have been some server instabilities since launch that require us to manually take the servers down occasionally, and which cause occasional (but short) outages of service.

These are very close to resolved now. You may have noticed us running "Staging" server tests occasionally over the last couple of days. That's us testing the new and improved server code that trounces the server memory leak (it forced us to manually cycle the servers occasionally) and fixes the last big culprit bug that caused zones to go down occasionally (about one or two a day across all servers).
You can find the full letter here (http://planetside.station.sony.com/news_story.jsp?story=56366).

2003-06-03, 09:53 PM
So... what was beta for?

2003-06-03, 10:18 PM
And yet they still refuse to publicly acknowledge the fact that their game is completely incompatable with one of the most powerful and popular video cards out there.


2003-06-03, 10:18 PM
I feel SOE will do a great job post-release.

2003-06-03, 10:24 PM
Originally posted by Squeeky
I feel SOE will do a great job post-release.
They did indeed, moving from beta's 10000 or so people to releases 100000 or so, ide say theyve been handeling things pretty well. SOE always produces fine MMORPGS and games in general, PS was no different

2003-06-04, 07:57 AM
Originally posted by TekDragon
And yet they still refuse to publicly acknowledge the fact that their game is completely incompatable with one of the most powerful and popular video cards out there.


What card?

2003-06-04, 09:04 AM
Welcome to the first several months of every MMO. If you cant handle a bit of rocky terrain here and there go play something else and pick up PS in a few months ;)

As for the radeon, it works great for me.. so obviously its not a PS issue.

2003-06-04, 09:51 AM
Yeah after SOE fix and the new Cat Drivers from ATI I never have an issue with my 9700 PRO.