View Full Version : Ideas for the game.

2003-06-03, 11:29 PM
I have 3 ideas I think most PS players would like to see.

1. The addition of tank riding. Have you ever seen pics or movies of WWII and GIs riding on the front of tanks? I think 2 tank ride slots of vanguards and prowlers would be a nice thing to see. As well as them being able to use their rifle while tank riding or tank hoping w/e you want to call it.

2. I think knifes should drop and make a way to use a diferent empires knife. How they would change it and if they should is not realy certain but it would be nice to have a Vanu knife =/.

3. I think upon capturing an enemy base the crates near the spawn room should have weapons of that empire in it. Like a weapons cash being awarded to the captors. Would it work I dont know. Also, being that there is equipment terminals I dont know that they would have weapons in crates. But... whats in those crates then?

Anyways, those are my ideas. Try not to flame them and so forth cause they are just my thoughts and extending the games life. Personaly I realy want to see Idea 1 happen. That would be very cool. See ya all on Emerald (if you play that server), and long live the NC! =D

2003-06-03, 11:42 PM
I like the crate idea...

I don't liek the tank rider idea..it takes away the role of my dedicated transport craft.