View Full Version : Hamma is a sellout.

2003-06-05, 02:57 PM
<a href="http://staff.planetside-universe.com/squeeky/eapopup.JPG" target="_new"><img src="http://staff.planetside-universe.com/squeeky/eapopup.JPG" width=500 height=400 alt="Click me for full size!"></a>



Note: PSU has not sold out, that popup is from a site i previously closed. No worries, just a silly joke ;)

NightWalker XI
2003-06-05, 02:59 PM
Almost got me worried there, also, glad to see a someone else using stylexp :D

2003-06-05, 03:00 PM
Originally posted by NightWalker XI
glad to see a someone else using stylexp :D

Friggin owns :)

2003-06-05, 03:00 PM
The Sims Online...

How fitting it is for you do use that Squeeky.

2003-06-05, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by Ouroboros
The Sims Online...

How fitting it is for you do use that Squeeky.


2003-06-05, 03:02 PM
Squeeky = 9 year old girl who plays the sims

2003-06-05, 03:05 PM
You can't silence the truth.

NightWalker XI
2003-06-05, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by Sputty
Squeeky = 9 year old girl who plays the sims


And yes...style XP PWNS everything, I currently have a very cool metalic one going on and am downlaoding a couple more now, I just need to get some decent wallpapers to go with it, sumhow I am never happy with my backgrounds...

2003-06-05, 04:01 PM
well, until a wallpaper or style adds 20 FPS to my games I don't give a flying fork what it looks like..

2003-06-05, 04:37 PM
The disclaimer ruined it all. You could have at least made the discalimer tiny. :(

2003-06-05, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by �io
The disclaimer ruined it all. You could have at least made the discalimer tiny. :(

I'd rather not get a bunch of "OH SHIT IS THIS TRUE??" propoganda.

2003-06-05, 04:43 PM
Originally posted by Squeeky
I'd rather not get a bunch of "OH SHIT IS THIS TRUE??" propoganda.

Bah if the idiots believe anything they see on a forum that's their problem. ;)

2003-06-05, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by �io
Bah if the idiots believe anything they see on a forum that's their problem. ;)

WTF!! DONT CALL ME AN IDIOT (/i believe you)

2003-06-05, 05:15 PM
So this is the spam Jaged was complaining about. Hmm

2003-06-05, 05:16 PM
*nods mock-knowingly*

2003-06-05, 07:00 PM
If I sold out it sure as hell would not be to EA

2003-06-05, 07:37 PM
why not? they own everthing else... its not like I would be a shocker

2003-06-05, 09:58 PM
Originally posted by OneManArmy
why not? they own everthing else... its not like I would be a shocker
