View Full Version : SOE balancing TR MAXs!
2003-06-05, 03:07 PM
Look here (
And the whiners win again :rolleyes:
Well at least they did this during the trial period so I can cancel my subscription, oh wait I already did :mad:
NightWalker XI
2003-06-05, 03:14 PM
Good thing I never used a MAX or else I'd be pissed, also TR MAX's ain't all that, I took out an anchored MAX with ym Phoenix today, people always complayin instead of using their great weapon, Phoenix from behind wall/tree = dead MAX Lancer from far away = dead MAX
2003-06-05, 03:16 PM
So what's the NC/VS excuse-of-the-month going to be after the MAXes get nerfed? :p
2003-06-05, 03:19 PM
Damn it. I only just started experimenting with the TR max units. I suppose we cannot say too much right now until we play with the post nerf versions.. :(
2003-06-05, 03:21 PM
I like this qoute from a TR guy:
"I'm TR and I support this decision. I generally have been anti-nerf, but being in the pounder near an enemy AMS, it just feels wrong to kill 20 people so fast."
I also wish that instead of a nerf that they brought the other weapons up to par. As long as this doesn't start a huge nerf fest, I'll be happy.
2003-06-05, 03:22 PM
Eh. I play TR MAX's, and they may well be correct in doing this. They tend to rock indoors, and from the sound of it, the adjustment won't be very large.
On the other hand, it's a rare day when I can kill a vehicle with my AV (dual cycler) MAX - perhaps it just because I'm shooting at tanks most often, but still� seems better at anti-inf than at Anti-MAX or tank.
2003-06-05, 03:28 PM
Here we go again, they should just increase the other maxes a little bit if things are out of wack.
I didn't think you could get that many people to give up their TR character, and the nerf isn't even in place yet.
2003-06-05, 03:29 PM
Whoa, are you quitting PS PR24? Or just taking a break from it?
2003-06-05, 03:31 PM
Oi, now I'm pissed. I'm a Heavy Weapons (MAX included), they where fine! Gosh darnit, whiners win yet again. :mad:
This is a sad day for PS. People cry and they nurf the max, thank to everyone for making PS a steaming pile of shit. If you keep whining maybe they will remove the TR empire all together :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Ouroboros
Whoa, are you quitting PS PR24? Or just taking a break from it?
It really depends on how PS is in it's current state by the 19th of June. Lag is a big issue but now they are nurfing any power the TR have so I am not sure if I feel like dealing and listening to the whiners daily.
2003-06-05, 03:35 PM
I agree that the TR MAXs where better then the other MAXs by a little bit, but in my opinion, they where what every other MAX should be like, something to be feared! They shoulda just boosted the VS and NC MAXs alittle.
Pretty soon we will all be fighting with sticks and turnips... no wait... Turnips would probably be overpowered. :rolleyes:
2003-06-05, 03:46 PM
--- Sporkfire in the official forums
I just wanted to let you know that MAX issues are being addressed. After watching the data on the DC and Pounder over the past few weeks, we've come to the point of view that they are, in fact, somewhat overpowered in certain situations compared to their counterpart MAXes. They are both going to be reduced slightly to bring them back to the original design vision.
A little more information. The change is happening, but don't expect it before the weekend. I just wanted to give you the heads up on the topic.
Also, every developer for any MMOG knows that reducing the damage on something will incite a few people to cry nerf. When we reduce damage, we do our best to keep the weapon in question competitive and effective.
We only try to bring it into balance with the effectiveness of its counterpart in other empires. The TR MAXes will still be righteous damage machines, but they will be more in line with the other Empires'.
The fact that we reduced something this time around should not be interpreted to mean we will never beef anything up. It's just the direction that this issue needed to go.
NightWalker XI
2003-06-05, 03:51 PM
I'll tell you what the problem is:
VS person: Our weapons are fucking shit, nerf the TR weapons, theya re like so overpowered
Same VS person only a few hours later (this actually happened): Stop complainign VS guys, our weaposn are good, we just need skill to use them instead of runnign around shooting our guns everywhere
NC person: OMG the Striker PWNS the Phoenix, you guys need to nerf their Stryker
Me: You fucking moron, each empire has its own advantage and disadvantage, you can fire a Phoneix behind a tree or wall and guide it to your target, its an awesome weapon
NC person: YUou can do that?
Do you guys see the pattern?
There are also some TR whinners but this is what the official forums are littered with, no wonder they are nerfing the TR MAX, all that is on the PS OF's is whinning and flaming.
Bunch of childish bastards
2003-06-05, 04:03 PM
When you snipe us from afar with the Lancer do we not curse?
When you shoot us unseen with the Phoenix do we not dispair?
When you flank us with a Decimator do we not hit the dirt?
-- The TR MAX
2003-06-05, 04:03 PM
I fully agree with that last statement that Spork said and the fact that they're nerfing the TR MAXs rather than bring the other empire's up to par. Why is that? Well... I play as TR now. They are Captain Carnage in a Can. Seeing all the complaints of how good our MAXs our, if the others' were brought up to par the complaints would change to the original, "OMG maxes our to good!!! THye kill liek 30 people before theyy die and rar to good so MKae are wepaons more powerful to bllow up teh maxes faster plz." See where I'm going with this? ;)
However, I cannot fully agree with the nerf of the TR MAXs. Why is this you ask? Well, they were fine the way they were before. I liked them that way. Why do they need to mess up a good thing and change it? You may see that I play on teh TR, but that does not mean I neccessarily want the TR to be overpowered. Of course not! I want balance. I have done extensive testing, and have found that I would enjoy the MAX more if it stayed the way it is now. Those are my facts and arguments. You can take it as you will, but I will say this:
LOYALTY UNTIL DEATH MUTHA-FUCKAS!!!! Muwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahor!
2003-06-05, 04:05 PM
And so it begins the rounds of nerfing.
All the whining will have everything fubared.
You whine about my side, i whine about yours. Its a vicious circle.
Next on the chopping block:
Lancer (or whateverr the VS Av weapon is that they snipe with)
etc etc etc.. it never ends does it?
2003-06-05, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by Plato
When you snipe us from afar with the Lancer do we not curse?
When you shoot us unseen with the Phoenix do we not dispair?
When you flank us with a Decimator do we not hit the dirt?
-- The TR MAX
That's sig worthy :)
2003-06-05, 04:12 PM
You guys do realize that all theese n00bs are going to keep complaining until everything that can kill them is removed from the game. Then they will quit because they can't kill anyone else. Every game goes down this road, unfortunatley, so enjoy the game while you can before you see cyclers shooting little foam pellets, and vanguards lobbing water ballons over base walls. Stupid n00bs. :mad:
2003-06-05, 04:15 PM
Gimme a break , the TR maxes were both significantly better than the others ( not including AA ) , theyre bringing them down a bit , and everyone whines about the "VS and NC whiners" I wonder why VS and NC never bitch about eachother being overpowered? I bet its some sort of conspiracy against the TR eh? I dont think the TR is overpowered in any way beside their maxes needing to be brought down a bit . Both of them are much better at killing infantry than the Vanu AI is , and the DC is better at killing vehicles than the Vanu AV , but thats ok right? I just suppose every VS player is alot less skilled than TR right? .
TR maxes are both alot more powerful than VS maxes , not so sure how they stack up to NC maxes ( havent played NC) , but if you took say a DC max versus either the AI or AV max of the VS , outside , it would be somewhat even with jumpjets , but the TR would still probably win if they were equally skilled . INDOORS the TR would 100% rape it , without even locking down , but thats ok right? I wont even begin to talk about how much faster they kill infantry than the VS maxes . I realize a couple decimators will take one out , but it will do the same to a VS or NC too , and its not all that easy to take out a TR max with a decimator when hes bouncing shots around corners ate you or youre in a tight area . I dont think the TR should get a massive nerf , but they should be brought down closer to the lvl of the other MAXes . If you are gonna cry and quit the game because they nerfed your overpowered killing machine a bit then good riddance .
2003-06-05, 04:16 PM
Don't they see that this move is just going to fuel the whinners?
Even if their change was purely from looking at the numbers, people will perceive that the "queeky wheel" syndrom will be what fixed it.
If they are tweeking down the TR maxes because they were superiour to their counter-parts, why not just increase the NC and Vanu? I think that such a blatant nerf at this point in the game is very dangerous from a PR standpoint.
2003-06-05, 04:16 PM
You know i cant wait tell they eventually nerf the jackhammer.
If they hit TR MAX's (one of TR's strong points), almost garunteed they look into jackhammers (one of NCs strong points) sooner or later.
2003-06-05, 04:19 PM
Originally posted by Ducimus
You know i cant wait tell they eventually nerf the jackhammer.
If they hit TR MAX's (one of TR's strong points), almost garunteed they look into jackhammers (one of NCs strong points) sooner or later. :nod: Unfortuanatley so. We will all get a visit from the nerf bat.:(
2003-06-05, 04:21 PM
I laugh at people who say "whiners win again!"
Just because they whine themselves, and because they cant let go of their so beloved weapon.
Thats pathetic, guys, show some common sense! Dont you think, when everyone is complaining about Tr maxes, and is showing some real arguments, he could be (just a little bit) right?
But no, since you guys obviously ate the ultimate fruit of truth (or whatever), nobody else can be right.
If youre a MAX player, tr max that is, start counting how many people you killed, before getting killed!
Then be honest and argue again. But dont use "the whiners win!", because that makes you no better than these "whiners" you complain about.
2003-06-05, 04:24 PM
I prefer the nerf guns actually, nothing like raining spongey darty suction cup tip death onto others
2003-06-05, 04:26 PM
The problem with them is, the AV Max (Cyclers) is good against Inf and Vehicles. The AI (Pounders) Max is great against Inf and vehicles. NC and VS MAXes are more set in their roles, and are not so capable against what they weren't designed to destroy.
2003-06-05, 04:28 PM
>>You guys do realize that all theese n00bs are going to keep complaining until everything that can kill them is removed from the game
For this reason i think i may cancel when i get home. Fact is people hate getting owned. So when something consistantly owns them they get angry and bitch about it. this is so for players of all sides, its almost like personal vendetta on messageboards to bitch about how this is overpowered, that is weak, etc.
So while NC and VS players are rejoicing, i think their victory in the whine department is short lived. What they have done works both ways, and i, and many others will be returning the favor im sure. Or i might just cancel and save myself the frustration. But at any rate, this is sony and verant no?
The nerf bat is just getting warmed up.
2003-06-05, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by ReneG8
I laugh at people who say "whiners win again!"
Just because they whine themselves, and because they cant let go of their so beloved weapon.
Thats pathetic, guys, show some common sense! Dont you think, when everyone is complaining about Tr maxes, and is showing some real arguments, he could be (just a little bit) right?
But no, since you guys obviously ate the ultimate fruit of truth (or whatever), nobody else can be right.
If youre a MAX player, tr max that is, start counting how many people you killed, before getting killed!
Then be honest and argue again. But dont use "the whiners win!", because that makes you no better than these "whiners" you complain about. We aren't making the arguemnet that the TR MAX was at the same level as the rest, we where simply saying that SOE should have boosted VS and NC MAXs up to the TR level, instead they are going to nerf TR. Once you get on the nerf train, you can't get off before the end of the line. Now that they have given into whiners with nerfs (not balanceing through boosting the less powered) everything will go before the mighty nerf chopping block. It will be the vanguard, the jackhammer, the lancer, the striker, the Magrider, heck, they'll nerf everything if you give them enough time. i just hope the people SOE don't give into every stupid little whiny request from the general populace.
2003-06-05, 04:35 PM
Yes Bob (not starrider ;))... we all get whacked in the face with that disfiguring stick made of nerf eventually. It's as assured as death and taxes. :ugh:
2003-06-05, 04:37 PM
Originally posted by MilitantB0B
We aren't making the arguemnet that the TR MAX was at the same level as the rest, we where simply saying that SOE should have boosted VS and NC MAXs up to the TR level, instead they are going to nerf TR. Once you get on the nerf train, you can't get off before the end of the line. Now that they have given into whiners with nerfs (not balanceing through boosting the less powered) everything will go before the mighty nerf chopping block. It will be the vanguard, the jackhammer, the lancer, the striker, the Magrider, heck, they'll nerf everything if you give them enough time. i just hope the people SOE don't give into every stupid little whiny request from the general populace.
Well i agree with the point that the other maxes should be made stronger, than nerfing the TR ones.
But the point IM saying is, that people bitch about from what they get owned by. And people get owned by tr maxes. over and over again. So they do (legimatically (sp!?!)) ask themselves why.
Point is: When everyones complaining about the same issue, than there has to be a certain amount of truth in it, right ?
2003-06-05, 04:40 PM
Geezus people calm down, the sky isn't falling. They saw there were complaints and looked at the NUMBERS that show the TR max are too friggin good. Wait and see what the results are before blowing a friggin gasket.
I would have preferred to see VS max get a boost in clip size, but something had to be done about the overwhelming power of the TR max indoors. I think they should make the DC bullet do less health and more armor to make it more effective vs vehicles.
Happy lil Elf
2003-06-05, 04:42 PM
TR MAXs were slightly overpowered when compared to the other empire's MAXs. THis is not to say I agree with reducing the TR MAXs to bring them into balance rather than boosting the NC/VS. I would rather have seen boosts. That said I am glad they will be balanced in some way.
2003-06-05, 04:44 PM
EDIT: quote taken out of context
2003-06-05, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by ReneG8
Point is: When everyones complaining about the same issue, than there has to be a certain amount of truth in it, right ?
"Insanity in individuals is something rare - but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule."
Friedrich Nietzsche
(not dissin on you reneG8, you gave me an opportunity to use a cool quote)
2003-06-05, 04:52 PM
Here is the problem with every threee sided game (I thought this out quite some time ago when I played DAoC, ugh.). The problem is that every side wants the other sides to be less powerfull. It is human nature to want to be the most powerfull guy on the block. Heres where the problem is, when you talk about nerfing 1 empire, the other 2 empires get on and complain while the 1 empire in question argues against it. This results in there being more posts against it then for it. As long as you are talking about nerfing 1 empire, instead of boosting the other 2 you will always be burried under an avalanche of complaints. The results are much better when you choose to build up the underused, underpowered things, instead of nerfing the slightly overpowered things.
2003-06-05, 05:13 PM
I do see that, Bob (not starrider ;)), but if everyone was buffed instead of nerfed we'd have insane numbers for the same playstyle. What do I mean by this? Well, Side A's MAXs are too strong? Pump up B's and C's. Side B's Med assault is too damn good? Pump up A's and C's. Side C's Tank pwnz all? Pump up Side A's and B's. What do you end up with? A game in which one's average life span is 20 seconds or a game where all numerical values are doubled to compensate. For example, (illusionary change - not real) since Striker damage was upped to 300 pts of damage from the prior 150, vehicles armor has been raised from 1000 to 2000. Trippy, eh? The numbers eventually get so high that when people talk about having 5 health left after a heated battle, it'd actually be 5k. :ugh:
No, by far the better way to go is the nerf train. w00t w00t! All aboard! :)
2003-06-05, 05:15 PM
yah, I dont know about this, its kind of funny reading forums and they whine and cry. then i see a post TR is gonna whine about the nerf, what a bunch of babies TR is.....:rolleyes: the max is more overpowered than the other maxs, i agree with that but the other empires also have advantages, which we dont complain about.
2003-06-05, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by Zarparchior
I do see that, Bob (not starrider ;)), but if everyone was buffed instead of nerfed we'd have insane numbers for the same playstyle. What do I mean by this? Well, Side A's MAXs are too strong? Pump up B's and C's. Side B's Med assault is too damn good? Pump up A's and C's. Side C's Tank pwnz all? Pump up Side A's and B's. What do you end up with? A game in which one's average life span is 20 seconds or a game where all numerical values are doubled to compensate. For example, (illusionary change - not real) since Striker damage was upped to 300 pts of damage from the prior 150, vehicles armor has been raised from 1000 to 2000. Trippy, eh? The numbers eventually get so high that when people talk about having 5 health left after a heated battle, it'd actually be 5k. :ugh:
No, by far the better way to go is the nerf train. w00t w00t! All aboard! :) Well obviously, it has flaws to. Everything in moderation, if SOE will keep that in mind, we will do fine.
2003-06-05, 05:35 PM
I believe that is the goal everyone shoots for, is it not? Perfect balance?
Well... maybe not SOE, but still... :p
2003-06-05, 05:45 PM
Arrg - this is the kinds stuff that makes me mad. I'll agree that the TR max's are over powered a bit. I'll be dropping the max cert soon too (cause it's not really that good- I can kill more guys in reinforced or with a lighting than I can a max anyway).
I hate how he says he knows the TR max is better than the others, so they are bringing it in line with them. WHY NOT BRING THEM IN LINE WITH THE TR MAX? Instead of nerfing, upgrade the others. I just don't get it.
When I can one hit kill any max in combat with a decimator - bringing down anyof them isn't the answer, I think they should be brought up to the TR levels.
2003-06-05, 06:04 PM
well, don't look at it as a nerf, look at is a boost to TR's right to bitch bout our bad weapons :P
Seriously tho, i'm going to wait and see how this change affects the TR gameplay before i start bitching.
2003-06-05, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by Endodroid
Here we go again, they should just increase the other maxes a little bit if things are out of wack. Exactly. This is a huge mistake.
2003-06-05, 06:14 PM
Uh... what the hell are the Devs thinking? Just because the TR pwns all j00 NC and VS doesn't mean we are overpowered. It just means we have skill. :p
2003-06-05, 06:36 PM
Well at least we still have our super over powered mini chain gun of death...
2003-06-05, 06:40 PM
Yeah it's not the NC and VS fault that the only people capable of playing the game are on the TR side...
This is lame!
Down with NERFS!!!
I really wish they had just increased everyone elses magazine size... then no room to complain. MY only problem with the TR MAX was that when I played a DC I once killed 2 MAX and 5 grunt... and then reloaded.
Try doing that with a falcon! I dare ya!
MAX armor should be hard to kill, should be killing machines... No problem! just make it so our MAX can kill your MAX within reason.
My favorite story about this is the great Falcon conspiracy. TR are swarming us, alot of MAX units, some grunts, so I put on my falcon panties and head into a hallway. There is a DC locked down not ten feet away, I wander forward, putting rockets into his back. I think I may have missed once or twice, but anyone who uses a Falcon will tell you that's common, in the meanwhile the DC unrooted, turned, and began shooting. I hit him 17-18 times! he killed me while I reloaded behind my worthless shield.
Now I have little doubt that the next fella to come along felled him pretty easy, but when you get the jump on someone, and pound them from behind... you want them to fall down dead!
I doubt this will effect much, and doubt that it will make TR MAX any more worthless then the other MAX units.
Just wish they's increased a few little things and moved on.
2003-06-05, 06:44 PM
Yes im sure the only reason TR seems overpowered is the thousands of players on the other side are somehow significantly less skilled than the TR players......And as far as why they didnt buff the other MAXes up instead , its fairly obvious that the devs like how the VS/NC maxes stand compared to infantry as opposed to how TR MAXes do , I dont know if I like it that way but oh well , its certainly not going to ruin the game for me .
2003-06-05, 06:47 PM
And I really dont know why you think maxes should be these insanely powered Killing machines when they cost a whopping 3 certs each .
2003-06-05, 06:50 PM
You say once you start nerfing people will keep whing so you nerf other things.
How wuld boosting other Maxes be any better?
Then everyone would whient o boost their weapon of choice.
I think the NC and VS maxes are rigth where they should be.
If you boosted the NC and VS to match then ALL MAXes wuld be a bit too powerful. That is makeing the problem worse, not better.
2003-06-05, 06:52 PM
Hunter, the best way to determine if that scenario is balanced is if you could have killed him if he got the jump on you (role reversal). Would it be physically possible? No? Well then... :)
I agree. The Falcon NC MAX is almost as crappy as the VS Comet MAX. :ugh:
2003-06-05, 07:05 PM
Originally posted by kerosene31
"I'm TR and I support this decision. I generally have been anti-nerf, but being in the pounder near an enemy AMS, it just feels wrong to kill 20 people so fast."
Welcome to DAoC... er Planetside.
hehe... balancing is a full time job and will be on going for years to come. It's unfortunate that people will leave. But balancing is nessessary.
IMO they should get rid of MAX's all together or at least allow you to loot max weapons off a corpse. So all empires can share the technology.
2003-06-05, 07:14 PM
TR: If we can't have m4d pwnage maxs, then the terro... er, whiners have already won!
I want to say something to all you 'vocal' TR max players - You've been telling the NC and VS to quit whining and "adapt" to your maxs, use tactics, get skills, etc. Well, now YOU quit whining and adapt to your maxs. Use tactics, get skills. Because your maxs won't save you anymore.
And in case you haven't noticed, things in MMOGs generally get hit with nerf bats. Don't whine when something you use is 'undeservingly' nerfed, m'kay?
2003-06-05, 07:20 PM
Actually, toning down the TR max makes alot more sense than having the other MAXs up to par.
If the NC and VS MAXs were boosted up to TR's overpowered strengths, then the MAX will dominate the field. It'll be a big MAX & Vehicle fest. You have Max's for indoors, and vehicles for outdoors.
Why bother with infantry at all now? To hack CCs? Give me a break. How's 10-20-30 infanty get thru 5-10 TR MAXs gaurding the CC?
Flank them with Decimators? Shoot them from afar with a Lancer? Run them over with Magriders? Excuse me, but when did they start putting CCs out in the fucking forest and in the open? Oh, they didn't! They are in buildings. Safe havens for the TR MAX's.
So, we bring the NC & VS MAX up to par. Now we make the infantry stronger. Now we make the vehicles stronger. Now we make the MAXs stronger. Oh-oh, gotta make the infantry stronger again.
Just balance the TR by toning it down, yet still make it hard to kill each other. Bringing up the power just makes killing EASIER. I'm sorry about your kiddie mindset that it's fun to just kill things easier. Now you have to work at killing, what a fuckin' concept.
Funny, TR are ALWAYS whining, "VS just needs to learn to use their weapons effectively". Well, looks like the TR are going to have to take their own fuckin' advice.
I'll start it out:
TR, learn to use your MAX's effectively".
2003-06-05, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by Nitsch
"Insanity in individuals is something rare - but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule."
Friedrich Nietzsche
(not dissin on you reneG8, you gave me an opportunity to use a cool quote)
I got a german quote and tried to translate it, hopefully its the same meaning.
"Ein Zitat ist besser als ein Argument. Man kann damit in einem Streit die Oberhand gewinnen, ohne den Gegner �berzeugt zu haben."
"A quote is better than an argument. You can be superior in a discussion, without having convinced the other."
Gabriel Laub
2003-06-05, 07:31 PM
Big T, that is funny, isn't it? ... but I resent what you said about outspoken TR players. I play for the TR, and I am outspoken. Therefore, I and the entire Terran Republic is correct and you are wrong. The TR MAXs are fine pre-nerf.
You can try to argue with me if you want to, but my logic is infalible. :cool:
And while I believe that is what I said to some extent, I agree with ya small t. :D
2003-06-05, 08:52 PM
Absolutely necessary. Heh, I'm sorry but TR MAXes have been complete BS since the pounder/DC switch.
Before you start with the "ONOS TR IS TEH SUX NOW U SONY **** I QUIT!!#" go play a VS MAX for a few hours and note that even if you have a ridiculous situational advantage, you'll almost often lose 1v1 against a TR MAX. That is, assuming you don't get lamed by mass Strikers before you even see a MAX at close range.
edit: Totally agree with TMartinez's post on things.
2003-06-05, 09:03 PM
Well after tonight, I definately do not think TRs should be nerfed. I was playing on Ishundar, a continent right next to TR's sanc, and we were gettin owned by the VS, flat out owned. They almost had the cont locked, but I had to go. It all evens out believe, because those Magriders were just running us over. Our tanks come no where close to VS or NC's tanks.
Oh no, this is totally unnecessary. I mean, when a pounder max comes walking straight down a hall, holding down the fire button, while the user is eating a sandwich and watching Oprah, and murders thirty people that have absolutely no chance to even run, it was all skill, right?
2003-06-05, 09:53 PM
To say nothing of NC's personal anti infantry weapon that has a fast rate of fire, little COF, and kills everything on the average in 2 shots. You can bet your beanies NC's precious jackhammer will be hit by the nerfbat too. Glorfied sweeper my ass.
2003-06-05, 09:54 PM
Oh no, this is totally unnecessary. I mean, when a pounder max comes walking straight down a hall, holding down the fire button, while the user is eating a sandwich and watching Oprah, and murders thirty people that have absolutely no chance to even run, it was all skill, right?
Right on.
2003-06-05, 09:55 PM
anyways, the jackhammer and the scattercannon really aren't that great unless you're an idiot and go in close range
although the pounder and cycler needed a big nerf
Originally posted by Ducimus
To say nothing of NC's personal anti infantry weapon that has a fast rate of fire, little COF, and kills everything on the average in 2 shots. You can bet your beanies NC's precious jackhammer will be hit by the nerfbat too. Glorfied sweeper my ass.
2003-06-05, 10:00 PM
All I am saying is your taking away TR's only advantage we had on the other empires. I dont really care though, I dont play as a max, just supporting my troops :D
2003-06-05, 10:01 PM
Personally I find this nerf unnecessary. Last night a pounder MAX on emerald was spiked on the top of a tower with an engineer there to repair them. He was killing people like crazy.
After he killed me two times, I waited on the floor below until my surge implant activated and ran past and behind him, killing his engineer buddy with a jackhammer, then I pulled my other hammer with AP ammo and stood behind him and filled him up. Simple problem solving >_<
I seriously think every side has their theme, and MAX's are definitely TR's. I also think NC is the strongest side overall. The gauss outperforms the pulsar and mini-cg at medium and longer range as well as more damage, and there really isn't anything that can top the jackhammer up close.
Add in the fact that if TR's strength are MAX's, you can only get one config every 4-5 minutes, so if you die soon, you're screwed. I could die 50 times in 2 minutes and I'll still be able to get a gauss/phoenix/jackhammer.
I suppose the nerf can't be stopped, so I hope it is really really minor.
2003-06-05, 10:03 PM
HA! Where do you think most of the heavy fighting occurs? Not in towers are bases is it? Nooo of course not.. couldnt possible be in close range where you haven no choice could it?
Ever use a jackhammer? Its range is alot farther than you'd think, its rate of fire is incredibly high, its cone of fire is pratically non existant (the reload times very well). Most things you can kill in 2 hits, 3 if there abit farther out. A cycler at similar range has an ungodly COF unless you burst shoot. At which point the jackhammer already owned you. Cycler is overrated. Play TR sometime and acutally use it a few times..
2003-06-05, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by Led
No, just reminding you of your self rightousness over the TR MAX. This is the 2nd post ive made referencing it where you simply side stepped the issue. Or does the truth hurt that the jackhammer is overpowered and you just won't admit it?
2003-06-05, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by Ducimus
Cycler is overrated.
anyways, just stand back and fire at the person while running backwards. it's a really effective tactic, i swear, especially with the cycler
2003-06-05, 10:18 PM
I just wanted to let you know that MAX issues are being addressed. After watching the data on the DC and Pounder over the past few weeks, we've come to the point of view that they are, in fact, somewhat overpowered in certain situations compared to their counterpart MAXes. They are both going to be reduced slightly to bring them back to the original design vision.
Isn't this how it is supposed to be? I thought certain weapons were supposed to be better than others in different situations?
*sigh* Here we go, pretty soon this game is gonna be just commonpool armies squaring off against each other...
You guys are daft if you think they did this because players were complaining. They clearly stated that they looked at data and found the tr maxs out of line with other maxs.
Everytime something gets balanced, everyone with an axe to grind floods the forums and claims they are going to be quitting. Does it ever hurt the bottom line, though? No, because people like playing balanced games. The minority that quits because their precious manastone/skill/spell was reduced in functionality is incredibly small compared to the number of people that will stay because there are no obvious imbalances.
The devs think that something is unbalanced, and a large percentage of the playerbase does as well. That doesn't mean that the devs only think that because the players think that, and they are "caving." If the devs were going to cave, they would have done it in beta. Instead, they looked at gameflow for weeks and came to this decision. I play all three empires and even have a tr character that uses maxs, and I support this decision--some of you need to take your blinders off.
2003-06-05, 10:37 PM
2003-06-05, 10:37 PM
Zarp - by 'vocal' TR players I meant 'bitching that we're getting nerfed' TR players. Though that clarification likey isn't needed...
If you take the lumps with the good, or just quietly grumble about it, that's fine with me. I think that the devs would do a much better job balancing if all the little balance issues weren't buried under "Vanu sucks too much!" "TR rox too much!" "Vanu/TR are fine, quitcherbitchin!" threads. I mean, seriously - if there are more than a dozen posts on the same thing, THE DEVS KNOW.
Originally posted by Ducimus
No, just reminding you of your self rightousness over the TR MAX. This is the 2nd post ive made referencing it where you simply side stepped the issue. Or does the truth hurt that the jackhammer is overpowered and you just won't admit it?
If the jackhammer is overpowered and it toned down, they will have to tone down the sweeper. Then the rocklet rifle will be the end-all close quarters weapon.
The heavy weapons are unbalanced in relation to each other at the moment, yes. The jackhammer is exactly where it needs to be. However, the chaingun is still a beta relic from when the jackhammer and lasher were crap. Its COF needs to be reduced so it is more viable outside the range of a jackhammer. The lasher is fine, people just need to learn how to use it.
The chaingun is not worthless, either. I keep a locker stocked full of them and go on murdering sprees with it, inside and out. I even get tells from TR saying "How the hell do you manage to kill with that POS?"
Fight smarter, not harder.
I can defeat any max one on one, EXCEPT the pounder, because I can outsmart them. Using phoneix rockets, no less, the hardest AV weapon to use in close quarters. My issue with the pounder is that it is impossible to hide from, and nearly impossible to run from. Other AI maxes actually have to aim, and can only eliminate one target at a time. Why should the pounder have such OBSCENE power, with such an OBSCENE firing rate, with such an OBSCENE magazine size, with such an OBSCENE area effect? It has the best of all the worlds.
I started reading this thread, and a shit load of TR were complaing about whiners. What they don't realize, is that when teh complain about it, is that they're whining too. :rolleyes:
You guys bitching on these forums about how "It's fine how it is!" Isn't going to suddenly woo the devs into changing there minds.
Oh and if you're about to say, "We're voicing our opinions so taht if we get enough of us, the devs will change their minds and keep the MAXs how they are!" Do you really think that the devs are going to believe that you honestly think they're fine, or will they think that you guys just want an advantage over everyone?
Stop whining about whiners. Live with it.
2003-06-06, 01:06 AM
Praise the lord! It has finaly come!
2003-06-06, 01:36 AM
Originally posted by Led
The chaingun is not worthless, either. I keep a locker stocked full of them
ahhh may i know where that locker is?
2003-06-06, 03:22 AM
Lockers are specific to the person bro, it's one of the fun features for hauling loot or when the power goes down. I personaly keep mine stocked with desolators, medkits and rpair gun ammow, but I'm that special survivalist type.
2003-06-06, 04:12 AM
Originally posted by 1024
I started reading this thread, and a shit load of TR were complaing about whiners. What they don't realize, is that when teh complain about it, is that they're whining too. :rolleyes:
Thats the general idea. NC and VC players whined tell they got the devs attention and got their way. No reason TR players can't do the same.
2003-06-06, 05:01 AM
hey dude im sure u can use ur brain cells better....well if 2/3 of NC and VS complained about the TR AV MAX there should be some little reason right? thats about....10000 people complaining about the TR....
2003-06-06, 05:05 AM
Originally posted by Doppler
Lockers are specific to the person bro, it's one of the fun features for hauling loot or when the power goes down. I personaly keep mine stocked with desolators, medkits and rpair gun ammow, but I'm that special survivalist type.
but....cant we hack it?? im adv. hacker....i can hack anything....once i hacked a locker....just for fun (it was a VS base base and im NC) and when i opened it i found a mini-chaingun with 3 of those....cubes of soft bullets (150 bullets total 50 each)....anyway i couldnt use it cuz i dont have heavy assault so i destroyed it.....
2003-06-06, 05:21 AM
The hell....?? No, you can't hack other ppl's lockers.
TR strength - Fast firing weapons
MAX a) - Powerful. b) - Armoured
Fast firing weapons + Power + Armour = Over powered you smacktards.
2003-06-06, 05:39 AM
The funniest thing is the people whining and claiming to quit the game over a nerf that HASN'T EVEN HAPPENED YET.
You don't even know what the change will be, and how severe it will be, and yet it MUST be the ruin of your gameplay.
2003-06-06, 06:49 AM
Originally posted by Revenant
The hell....?? No, you can't hack other ppl's lockers.
TR strength - Fast firing weapons
MAX a) - Powerful. b) - Armoured
Fast firing weapons + Power + Armour = Over powered you smacktards.
well tell that to some vanu guy collecting guns from TR NC and VS...hacked his locker,took some of the guns the rest destroyed and left 1 of those boxs of soft bullets...anyway we were pushed back by the vanu and i imagine this guy's face when he looks in his locker :evil:
2003-06-06, 06:52 AM
Hehe, i'm guessing someone forgot what he put in his own locker and lost all his stuff, or is simply spewing bullshit.
2003-06-06, 06:55 AM
dude it wasnt MY locker
2003-06-06, 09:10 AM
Originally posted by Searo
The problem with them is, the AV Max (Cyclers) is good against Inf and Vehicles. The AI (Pounders) Max is great against Inf and vehicles. NC and VS MAXes are more set in their roles, and are not so capable against what they weren't designed to destroy.
Yeah, you got it backwards. Anyway, eventually the game will be so nerfed EVERYTHING will be equal and there won't be a point to fighting. TR MAXs were fine just the way they were. Even if they were a little overpowered, so what? I guess they should make all the Vanu vehicles slower becouse they're too fast and always moving around. Or take down the power in the NC weapons becouse they can kill somebody in fewer shots. It's just plain stupid. Unfair? Taking away one of the TRs strong points, is unfair.
2003-06-06, 11:49 AM
Anyway, eventually the game will be so nerfed EVERYTHING will be equal and there won't be a point to fighting.
2003-06-06, 12:00 PM
Having faced both VS and TR maxes, I generally feel tha TR's are more powerful. I have gotten burned by VS maxes a few times, but TR Pounders get me far more often than other max. (I'm usually playing as a foot soldier)
I don't totally disagree with the nerf, though it hasn't bothered me to the point of whining about it. In all honesty, getting run over by a Magrider in an AV max suit before I can even do 10% damage on the thing irritates me far more! But that's my own little nit pick.
The interesting part about this soap opera is the amount of whining to get the nerf in place, and (the even funnier part) the doomsayers calling it the end of PS. "They tried to correct a ballance issue they have sizable amounts of concrete evidence in support of! Cancel your accounts now!"
Originally posted by AnimalMachine
"They tried to correct a ballance issue they have sizable amounts of concrete evidence in support of! Cancel your accounts now!"
But they won't show us this "evidence."
Personally I'd like to see the numbers.
It would be interesting to see the numbers behind their decision.
2003-06-06, 12:42 PM
Interesting to note that 9 out of 10 TR max units are the DC. That Pounder is a grief machine that kills everything. I think the pounder should be replaced with a rocket launching Max and the DC be AI.
We'll just have to wait and see how bad the nerf is. My biggest issues with planetside right now are the lawn mower use of vehicles against infantry and max units and the sheer suckiness of the chaingun.
2003-06-06, 12:58 PM
For the record, i don't use a MAX.
I don't like this nerf for 2 reasons.
1.) it effects the TR's total force composition as a whole
2.) the pissy whiners got their way.
I tend to look at the big picture, not in terms of 1 vs 1.
Now what worries me is total force, and its application. NC tends to be well organzied, at least on my server. They tend to use combined arms to a much higher degree. (IE using land based attack vehicles in conjunction with air and infantry)
Outdoors we have a fair fight, Most TR infantry carry a striker. This makes their land and air assaults more difficult. A jackhammer isnt as much of an issue.
Now in my experience NC seems to try and deliberatly get us locked inside, be it a tower or base to press their advantage in their AI max and jackhammer. Infantry vs infantry, we are outgunned. Once they have us in a choke point, they turn everything into shredded meat. A cycler vs a jackhammer isnt a good fight, and they know this. Thats where our MAX comes into play. It was what saved our bacon.
Generally speaking, most heavy infantry battles are at 50Meteres or less. Sometimes you'll get in those fun outdoor battles, but eventaully your back at the tower. Overall, i feel NC equpiment is better than our own considering where most battles eventually end up at. Fighting NC in CQB is tantamount to murder. Right now i feel the only reason they dont dominate everything outright, is simply because TR has more numbers.
2003-06-06, 01:27 PM
"10) TR MAX Pounder has been changed so its explosion is slightly smaller and so that its damage-at-edge-of-explosion is slightly less also. This brings the Pounder back into balance a bit, and also reduces its grief potential somewhat."
I use a Pounder max and I can tell you this isn't a nerf, its an improvement that will help with grief a little and more importantly help my max survive longer because in close quarters battles its really easy to damage yourself.
2003-06-06, 01:32 PM
Originally posted by 1024
It would be interesting to see the numbers behind their decision.
I agree completely. What would be cool is if they released these types of stats on a periodical basis. But I dig watching these types of trends for some reason.
2003-06-06, 01:35 PM
Matri00, I'm going to assume that you're not trolling and honestly don't have a clue what you're talking about. Lockers are "virtual" spaces not actual ones. So if you had left those items in the enemy locker alone and opened up your own locker later, you would've found the same contents in it.
I'd tell you to test it but for some reason, they took away the ability to hack enemy lockers.
2003-06-06, 06:19 PM
Even if they were a little overpowered, so what?
Where is that flameseeker award when you need it?
2.) the pissy whiners got their way.
This is a meaningless complaint. No matter WHAT weapon you look at, someone is bitching about it being overpowered.
2003-06-06, 07:08 PM
yay, terrans should win one day by monday
look, if they win, the pissy whiner got his way? now stfu
this whole empire fanboy thing has to stop...seriously, some of u are dumbfucks
i HATE my empire, but im stuck here, and imma make the best of it
TR, of course u think u have skill, u slaughter everything so easily and swarm over everyone, it MUST be because ur good, right?
i mean, us in the NC are just happy and greatful u let us win Emerald because you must have gone on vacations in TR to let us completely own 5 continents...
truth be told, i believe VS needs a little boost in power, they are never a challenge and even if it IS just because they cant use strategy and whatnot, i think they deserve a little boost to make it fair, whether or not
also, the "pheonix is awsome too" comment is BS. The rocket doesnt turn on a dime like the striker, it curves extremely slow and u could barely curve it to hit a moving target.
Lets compare skillz in MAXs to date
VS-Must Jump effectively, shoot accurately, and hit with team and surprise tactics
NC-must shield at all free moments and stay moving and accurate
TR-latch and shoot, stuff will die...just weight the mouse down and go make lunch
2003-06-06, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by tmartinez72
Ok they may not be that crazy to nerf so much. But what I meant by it was it would suck if we all had the same attributes for everything. The only difference woud be our colors.
2003-06-06, 07:38 PM
Originally posted by Matuse
Where is that flameseeker award when you need it?
Thank you. Thank you.
2003-06-06, 10:51 PM
I think the problem people seem to forget is max's are supposed to be one of the few things that's fairly equal between the factions, their special abilities were meant to be utilitous in nature not end all kill all weapons. Having said that I whould like to see the accuracy of the TR heavy weapon bumped so their better in the open field, nothing should compare to the jackhammer indoors but in the open field TR should have the advantage over NC, cant say how the vanu should play in the relationship but perhaps redsigning all their stuff so they have better mobility? Smaller COF's while moving due to alien tech, i dunno.
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