View Full Version : Comp Specs For Planetside

2003-06-06, 09:28 AM
Help! I just bought PS and the framerates sucketh. Maybe it is the framerate. I am not new to Online Gaming, but still DUMB. I run a Dell 8200 P4 2.0gh w/ 256 RAM and a GEforce 4 Video Card. Internet Connection is DSL. I also run Windows XP. (example: I will be following someone, and everything will slow down or pause, then when it smoothes out again, that person will be a mile away) Makes this game very frustrating. Another question is this: I always seem to have 30 something applications running in the background eating up all of my VM. How do I get them not to run, and not to come back when I reboot?

Thanks for any help,


2003-06-06, 09:33 AM
For the programs running in the background, do this:

type msconfig and hit OK
When that comes up, click the Startup Tab
Go thru and deselect anything that you don't want (use this rule: If you aren't sure if you need it to stay or not, leave it).

2003-06-08, 04:59 AM
Even when you have turned off all unneccessary applications, you will still be experiencing the same poor performance. See that hot deal for the Kingston RAM in the Planetside retail game box? Use it.

2003-06-14, 01:19 PM
and wut kind of Geforce 4 i bet its a Geforce 4 MX which is crap upgrade to a Radeon 9500pro or if you cant find it get the 9600pro

2003-06-17, 07:09 AM
I had exactly the same problem with my Dell pc. It was a P4 2.4ghz, 256MB and a GForce Ti4600. Alot of my mates were running PS fine and had lower specs systems them me but had more ram. I have since upgrade to the system listed in my sig and PS runs like a dream even with every setting maxed out :)

Sadly the simple solution of just adding more ram may prove expensive as the ram used in Dell pc's costs a fortune due to Dell's policy of using non standard parts. For the cost of buying 512mb for my Dell, I instead went for a Thermaltake Xaser III case, Abit IC-7 mainboard, 1024 3200 DDR TwinMOS ram and a black Sony floppy disk and still saved �150.

2003-06-17, 09:30 AM
With 256mb ram your computer is going to need to use more of your hard drive as ram (a pagefile). HD read/write speeds are a LOT LOT slower than ram read/write speeds, so the less ram you have the slower things are going to be. You should upgrade to at least 512mb and I bet you'd see a major increase in game performance.

2003-06-17, 10:46 AM
Hate to say it, but it took 768MB ram for me to see a significant difference.

I like leaving vegation on and textures on high and I get quite a bit of hard drive activity. They are my bottleneck right now so I'm thinking of going to WD Raptors in Raid 0. Needed an excuse to get a pair and this appears to be it. My current HD is a 120 WD JB.