View Full Version : Pit the PS weapons against your Favorite SCI-FI worlds!
2003-06-06, 02:38 PM
PS Vs Aliens : Aliens win
PS Vs Star Wars : As long as the Empire doesnt bring a Death Star, PS wins
PS Vs Star Trek : ST Wins
PS Vs the Aliens from V : PS Wins
PS Vs Predator : PS Wins (dark Light Baby!)
PS Vs Starship Troopers : Troopers wins, TAC NUKES BABY!
2003-06-06, 02:56 PM
Please note, it is Vicchio's fault for unleashing The Nerd� within me. Blame him for any insanity that follows.
Vicchio, buddy, you need to be more specific here. What kind of limitations on equipment are we talking about here? Are the Wars/Trek people allowed to bring starships to a gunfight, or are we just talking personnel weaponry here? If it's the former, then of course Trek and Wars wins. Orbital bombardment, they don't even need to bother coming down to the planet.
If we're talking soldier-to-soldier, though, you might be a bit more on track. PS vs. Aliens? I dunno, Audio Amplifier means we can track the motherbitches pretty easily and I doubt that once cornered an Alien could do much versus a DC MAX, acid blood or no.
Wars, yes. We win again. Storm Trooper armor = reinforced armor and they're essentially bringing a stronger version of the Pulsar to the table. And of course AT-ATs and their lesser cousins are AV food. If we kill AT-ATs we kill entire squads at a time, and they can't respawn. Advantage PS.
PS vs. Trek?... well, Borg, perhaps. But we'd STOMP over everyone else's azzes. Klingons use melee weapons, we'd cut them down before they even reached us. Romulans are wussies and the Fed doesn't know how to fight (and using weapon power in Elite Forces as a judge, I'd say that a MAX could withstand at least one direct hit from a Phaser rifle.) Advantage PS.
Who the heck are the Aliens from V?
Predator? Good god. A race of nothing but infiltrators (but in infil suits that do have a small armor value.) Yeah, we'd kick their asses, even if they do have the equivalent of 200 life.
Troopers? I dunno. The Punishers On Crack are certainly a major advantage, but the best they wear is something akin to Agile armor. You bring some Reavers and Magriders to the fight, as well as some snipers and Pounders or Quasars, and I don't think the Troopers would last too long (it'd be bloody though.)
2003-06-06, 03:05 PM
2003-06-06, 03:06 PM
AT-ATs would walk over everything we have in PS.
PS vs. Rebels = PS
PS vs Empire = Empire
Also, all but the VS would rape the borg. The borg's shielding is only effective vs. energy weapons from what I've seen.
2003-06-06, 03:22 PM
Oh come on. AT-ATs move like 20 MPH at best. They're AV bait, especially if the legs are aimed for. And the lesser ATs (ST and PT) have significantly less armor, so they're also AV food.
PS > Empire.
NightWalker XI
2003-06-06, 04:05 PM
ST would not win VS PS
Lasher vs Compression Rifle = dead redshirt holding compression rifle
2003-06-06, 04:23 PM
Originally posted by SpaceDrake
PS vs. Aliens? I dunno, Audio Amplifier means we can track the motherbitches pretty easily and I doubt that once cornered an Alien could do much versus a DC MAX, acid blood or no.
Wars, yes. We win again. Storm Trooper armor = reinforced armor and they're essentially bringing a stronger version of the Pulsar to the table.
PS vs. Trek?... well, Borg, perhaps. But we'd STOMP over everyone else's azzes. Klingons use melee weapons, we'd cut them down before they even reached us. Romulans are wussies and the Fed doesn't know how to fight (and using weapon power in Elite Forces as a judge, I'd say that a MAX could withstand at least one direct hit from a Phaser rifle.)
Predator? Good god. A race of nothing but infiltrators (but in infil suits that do have a small armor value.) Yeah, we'd kick their asses, even if they do have the equivalent of 200 life.
Okay, only quoted what is relevant to what I'm posting. Audio amplifier would only make their hiss louder, and you'll die with your ears ringing.
Stormtrooper armor=recycled pespi bottles, they'd get owned worse.
You're right on Trek.
Predators=small numbers. Get owned bad.
So MrV is a geek at heart.
Well that's refreshing.
2003-06-06, 05:27 PM
Who cares if the Preds can't cloak...
a. They can easily heal themselves
b. They have a lot of life
c. The range of weapons (Taken from AvP2 here)
Speargun - Sharpest material ever, I mean snipe through MAXs sharpness
Plasma Pistol - Electric gun, probably with EMP field
Plasmacaster - Huge Plasma Bolts that can lock on to enemies
Disc - Speargun material but in a Boomerang-esque disc
Not to mention, every possible vision mode and elite hunting skills
d. They DO NOT have small numbers. Predators are a race (Like us) they just hunt in small numbers
Preds would pwn
PS vs. Aliens? I dunno, Audio Amplifier means we can track the motherbitches pretty easily and I doubt that once cornered an Alien could do much versus a DC MAX, acid blood or no.
Aliens are way too fast to make a difference if you can hear them or not. The Marines in Aliens had motion trackers which are better than an audio amplifier. The sheer numbers of aliens mean that there wouldn't be enough ammo on the PS world to kill them all :D
Yeah I'm a Sci-Fi action film nerd (And proud of it)
2003-06-06, 05:30 PM
Originally posted by Sp3ctre
. The sheer numbers of aliens mean that there wouldn't be enough ammo on the PS world to kill them all :D
The ammo is limitless, because it's made up of self-reproducing nanites
2003-06-06, 05:32 PM
^haha very clever^
I'm just sure aliens would win! If one snuck in...
2003-06-06, 05:35 PM
Originally posted by Sp3ctre
d. They DO NOT have small numbers. Predators are a race (Like us) they just hunt in small numbers Exactly what I was talking about. One is worth more than a 5 MAXs, but you never see more than 10 of them in one place, even in fanfictions.
2003-06-06, 05:39 PM
Originally posted by Sp3ctre
^haha very clever^
no, really, it is
why do you think all of the ammo boxes and crap disappear in a slowly fading green mess after a while?
2003-06-06, 05:41 PM
PS vs my right index finger hitting the power button on my tower: me :D
2003-06-06, 05:44 PM
Originally posted by Robot
no, really, it is
why do you think all of the ammo boxes and crap disappear in a slowly fading green mess after a while?
It's magic at work! I guess PS would win if they had the Black Arts on their side! They may have hired Gandalf or sumthin.
About the Predators numbers not being over 10: You're right but I think if there was an interplanetary war between Auraxis and The Predator planet, I think they'll enlist more than 10 troops.
Question: How would Star Trek beat PS? They use Remote Controls for gods sake! Lol, maybe they could BORE them to death, by showing re-runs
2003-06-06, 06:18 PM
The Predators seem a little aloof to have a war with anyone. And I don't think anyone has ever found their homeworld. But hypotheticly (the whole sci-fi thing is, really), yeah, they would. It would probably only take 200 of them to take all of one PS server (with no respawning). Plus, they have warships, but let's disregard those. Xenomorphs (the ones from Alien) would be worse, though. At least if they had decent players behind them (I pwn with Alien on AvP).
Star Trek could set phazers to Extra-Crispy. :D
2003-06-06, 06:38 PM
You never saw the TV Mini Series V??? Man, I feel old. Go rent it.
2003-06-07, 12:22 AM
Going one argument at a time:
I doubt that once cornered an Alien could do much versus a DC MAX, acid blood or no.
I guess the original Alien was before your time. A few drops of blood from one of the facehuggers eats through 4 or 5 decks of spaceship hull. A real spray against a MAX would be a quick human corpse. The aliens would have no trouble ripping through even MAX armor with just their bare claws. In an open field, PS has the advantage because of distance, but in-base, the aliens would be beyond lethal.
Storm Trooper armor = reinforced armor and they're essentially bringing a stronger version of the Pulsar to the table.
Since a single hit kills a stormtrooper every time, I'd say that their armor provides substantially less protection than reinforced. They have better weapons, however.
Predator? Good god. A race of nothing but infiltrators
Predators could stand well outside of darklight range and use their shoulder cannons on you without you being able to touch them. Plus, wound one bad enough without killing it outright, and it sets off its little mini-nuke self destruct.
The borg's shielding is only effective vs. energy weapons from what I've seen.
Only time we've seen bullets used against the Borg is when Picard shoots two of them in First guess is that the third one would have had it bounce off. If projectiles worked so well, the borg would not have been nearly so successful.
Question: How would Star Trek beat PS?
Well, for starters they could set Auraxis' atmosphere on fire and burn it out. Detonate the entire planet. Detonate the star Auraxis orbits. Beam PS soldiers into outer space....
ST shields and personal forcefields would take a lot of punishment from PS weapons, while still retaining the ability to shoot back unimpeded.
For Starship Troopers...hmm, I think the combination of the Trooper fighters (make the liberator look like it is dropping spitwads), man-portable tac-nukes, and those rifles of theirs which combine the hitting power and accuracy of a bolt driver with the ammunition capacity of a chaingun and the rate of fire of a gauss...PS would be in dire trouble.
2003-06-07, 01:07 AM
Originally posted by SpaceDrake
Oh come on. AT-ATs move like 20 MPH at best. They're AV bait, especially if the legs are aimed for. And the lesser ATs (ST and PT) have significantly less armor, so they're also AV food.
PS > Empire.
AT-ATs have massive armor and move far faster than what you say. The may seem to mvoe slow but they're huge. No PS weapon would make a dent in their armor. It would take mutliple Vanguards to even cause a twitch. Air superiority for the Empire would take 20 seconds.
side salad
2003-06-07, 07:47 AM
PS vs. Impractical Ballistic Missile Defense Systems: Noone
2003-06-07, 08:19 AM
On the Starship Troopers catagory, are we talking movie here or the book, cause the movie guys would just get owned like a little bitch, but the MI from the book would slaughter us.
2003-06-07, 10:04 AM
PS vs. Imperium (Space Marines, let's say) from WH40k: Jesus God PS gets smoked. For the friggin' Emperor, baby.
PS needs more 40k weapons (like the chainblade).
Oh, and on the Aliens topic, the actual xenomorphs are quite strong. If they got behind a MAX (which would be very easy) they'd have no problem tearing through its armor to get to the soft, juicy center. In fact, I would imagine that its rather unique bite could smash through the clear glass-like material the NC and TR MAXs use around the head of their MAX units. And, yeah, even then, if the MAX got some acid splash, it'd be hurting like hell.
2003-06-07, 10:08 AM
That's what happens when you let the guy who brought us Robocop make a movie out of a Heinlein book
2003-06-07, 11:22 AM
Well, for starters they could set Auraxis' atmosphere on fire and burn it out. Detonate the entire planet. Detonate the star Auraxis orbits. Beam PS soldiers into outer space....
Alright, alright I just don't watch Star Trek, makes me tired. About the Xenomorphs being strong I agree, but their acid blood can burn through a whole Nuclear Fusion Reactor (Start of Aliens), so they could just have a kamikaze Alien who runs at MAXs. Well if it's Starship Troopers the film, PS would lose. I mean, Denise Richards gets stabbed in the arm (And is STILL smiling may I add!) then 2 minutes later she's shooting some laser rifle, secret healing capabilities? Or they're indestructable?
Planetside vs. Starship troopers: Planetside dies before troopers hit the ground. Nova Bomb can crack planets open.
2003-06-07, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by Sputty
AT-ATs have massive armor and move far faster than what you say. The may seem to mvoe slow but they're huge. No PS weapon would make a dent in their armor. It would take mutliple Vanguards to even cause a twitch. Air superiority for the Empire would take 20 seconds. Didn't some AT-ATs get owned by Ewoks with logs and rocks? AT-STs, too.
Originally posted by Matuse
I guess the original Alien was before your time. A few drops of blood from one of the facehuggers eats through 4 or 5 decks of spaceship hull. A real spray against a MAX would be a quick human corpse. The aliens would have no trouble ripping through even MAX armor with just their bare claws. In an open field, PS has the advantage because of distance, but in-base, the aliens would be beyond lethal. Xenomorphs are fast, that open field would help for maybe three seconds before they close the gap. Anyone who plays AvP will know what I'm talking about. But, since they have almost no health, if there were some TR MAXs anchored, they should take out six apiece in that time.
I'm surprised you haven't made mention of the Protoss, Tassadar.
They aren't a movie theme but they would oen up on some PS fools.
I don't think there's anything in the PS world that could take on a fleet of carriers.
*thinks about what he just posted*
That was so dorkish.
2003-06-07, 12:39 PM
But so true. Especially if Arbiters were also involved, making Darklight essential to put up even token resistence, bringing in reinforcements, freezing everyone. Corsairs making weapons lock up and owning everything in the air. Reavers blowing up everyone.
But, sadly, and as much as I hate it, I'm better with the Zerg on that game.
Edit: I actually had a typo! NOOOO!
2003-06-07, 02:11 PM
Xenomorphs would get owned by PS.
If you die fighting one, you get rebirthed.
If you are infected with one and you know it, recall to sanc and your body will deconstruct and be reconstructed there, leaving the parasite laying on the ground to die because its not part of your DNA makeup that is stored by your Empire's genetic personnel database.
MAX gets sprayed with acid? Even acid damage is repaired by a BANK; nanites reconstruct things at a molecular level.
Oh and PS owns Star Wars. I want to see Luke Skywalker get pasted when he tries to deflect *all* the flak that gets unleashed from a jackhammer...or a pounder or dual cycler. That would funny.
2003-06-07, 02:13 PM
Originally posted by WritheNC
Xenomorphs would get owned by PS.
If you die fighting one, you get rebirthed.
If you are infected with one and you know it, recall to sanc and your body will deconstruct and be reconstructed there, leaving the parasite laying on the ground to die because its not part of your DNA makeup that is stored by your Empire's genetic personnel database.
MAX gets sprayed with acid? Even acid damage is repaired by a BANK; nanites reconstruct things at a molecular level.Edit: Ah, fuck. Pushed wrong button, looked like I was agreeing.
Play AvP, and Xenos respawn, too. In all FPSs, things respawn. Respawning should be disregarded as it only leads to an endless war and no one wins. Do you keep your guns or armor when you recall to Sanc? If you do, DNA argument is moot, the alien stays in you. The BANK would have to get there damn fast (1-2 secs) or the acid is through the armor, the MAX pilot is dead.
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