View Full Version : Battle Stories
2003-06-06, 08:23 PM
Lets hear about some good fights. All this talk about nerfs, and patches, and wishlists.. lets hear about some of your fun experiences :D
2003-06-06, 08:29 PM
Reaver fight.
So i climb into my newly spawned reaver and head towards the south side of cyssor for a tower battle. I get 3 reavers on me. I dip through some trees, under a bridge, and skim the cliffs of a mountain. All 3 reavers on me. In a desperate attempt i afterburn towards a warpgate in hopes of being able to repair. I land safely as do the 3 reavers. The ace pilots climb out and we all have some good conversation in /tells. All of a sudden when they start repairing there reavers, i climb into mine and afterburn out of there waiting behind a nearby cliff. 2 of the reavers head back to the battle when one of them heads my direction. I take up position behind the reaver shooting it down with my guns and a volley of rockets only to get a nice tell reading "F***** BASTARD" :)
2003-06-06, 08:31 PM
on my cousin's computer, I was in a tower. so there was this reaver fling around the top of the base killing the people at the turrets so i went upstairs and looked down and the reaver was just hovering there so I jumped from the tower onto the reaver aimed down and unloaded although I got killed it was still cool.
2003-06-06, 09:06 PM
This happend when I was leading a squad which locked Ishundar last weekend for the TR. We we're at the last base in the continent that belonged to teh VS (forgot the name at the time) and we JUST got the tower, my squad moved to the backdoor and we got in, we were fighting our way through the base, slowly but surely. We where passing through the spawn room on to the CC, taking out newly spawns on the way when I get the pop up "(insert name here) tower has been captured by the Vanu Soverignty." Now we where REALLY stuck between a rock and a hard place. We eventually made it to the CC with only 3 guys and held them off..barley. My MAX was down to 20 armor and I had around 70 health (no idea how, it just was.). So that's my finest hour, how about all of yours? :)
2003-06-06, 09:25 PM
I only lag......but i had some very good 1 by 1 battles. Onc i was a cloaker and i hacked the cc, then like 10 nc maxs came o the room, luckly they we not br6 yet. So i would throw my plasmas at them, then run outside and wait for them all to stop shooting. Then i went inside over and over again and did the same thing. I killed about half of them, then finally a big yellow guy came walking up to me and blasted the shit outa me.
Another time i found a very new guy walking around, so i got him more familiar with was fun....altho he knew jack about anything but how to move and send tells.
2003-06-06, 09:33 PM
I remember being on the run from a reaver using a combination of heavy treecover, armor repair and medkits to keep myself alive, plus liberal doses of surge between the passes. I came to the edge of the trees but knew i could never make the way to the base without catching a rocket or four up the butt so I broke cover and unholsetered my thumper, mostly because I didnt want him to see me with my desolator. Now maybe he was out of missiles, maybe he just had this tora tora tora fetish but he decided to make a close in pass at me rather then hover off and fire (if he'd done this i whould have made a run for it. As he was making his pass I fired, he must have felt the pucker factor because instead of firing he immediatly leveled out and started to ascend, if he'd fired he might have been alright but the decilator had cycled and he was almost right over me when i fired again he tried to get above it with straight vtol but it clipped him, boom crash reaver done, chearing support guy running towards the next base for an ams under full surge power.
2003-06-06, 09:44 PM
I remember about a week ago I spawned a Reaver and went to cyssor. While I was there my reaver got jacked by a TR and he killed me with it. End story.
2003-06-06, 09:48 PM
I was playing on my friends computer one night for the TR. So anyways, I was defending this tower with about 20 other guys. There was a base on each side of it and both were held by the Vanu. I was crouched in a door and was trying to nail this one guy from afar with a Supreser when I saw the guy in front of me drop dead from a single shot somewere one my left. I turned and zoomed in on the place. Sure enough, a head pokes over the hill to shoot me but I fired a burst of. He cowerd back behind the hill for a couple of seconds thinking I'd lose intrest. About 7 seconds later that head reapeard so I shot again. Thinking I had him spooked, I ran around the opposite side of the hill and sneeked up right behind him before unloading a clip in his back.
Just goes to show that even a sniper can lose track of his prey:D
2003-06-06, 10:06 PM
So I'm in a squad, and unfortunately, our Gal Pilot was a lagger. So we warp, and come out parked sideways on one of the claws around the warp bubble. We all hotdrop, only to be injured by the height. We were then jumped by a Sunderer and its Vanguard escort. Luckily, we had some reaver escort, so the Vanguard was destroyed before it could do serious damage. The Sunderer was the problem tho. It shot our reaver out of the sky and was owning our troops because none of our squad was special assualt. So we're all dodging around like crazy when a second Gal warps through the warpgate. It was our lagger, somehow he had gone back to sanc, got ANOTHER gal, and came back. His laggage caused him to crash right into the Sunderer, seriously injuring it. I was in the dual-cycler MAX, and planted behind a tree where the Sunderer couldnt see me. I unplanted, stepped to side, and ordered one of my squad members to try and distract the sunderer. He did, and I re-planted and ripped into the back of the sunderer, destroying it, and then guess who appears? Mr. Lag, with ANOTHER new gal. Whoop-de-do. And guess how we all died? Crashing into a tower. :mad:
2003-06-06, 10:23 PM
ya so im at the veh pad right? i hack it to let my fellow mates get their vehicle. so i let 2 guys get their vehicles, then i get mine, the dood behind me is pissed, kills me, and steals my reaver.
i got n00bed
2003-06-06, 10:26 PM
lol hitman, guess you're happy bout the new que system then
2003-06-06, 10:27 PM
I was in a Sparrow (NC AA Max) on top of air vehicle tower right next to a dropship base. I took down three galaxies, four reavers and three mosquitos before i was taken out by AV max. Three full galaxies really nets you the experience.
2003-06-06, 10:56 PM
I was in my Reaver, ready to unload some missiles on the inhabitants of a tower, when this skeeter pops outta nowhere. I open up with the chainguns and kill him. Then a MAX chews up my Reaver from behind, :(
2003-06-06, 11:18 PM
Just about a hour ago i was at honsi swarming with VS vehicles
so anyway i see two magriders i jack them both they changed to NC then i run to a corner nme reaver comes around sees the mags unloads rockets on them they also had i full ant i know because they base was practically nuetral so i jack it ,reaver ,rockets,boom keep doin this me wipes out entire fleet of vanu vehicles:p
2003-06-06, 11:50 PM
about a week ago i was flyin around in my reaver, i think it was searhus, not sure, and i saw one of them big, juicy, tasty galaxies flyin around. So being the mean person that i am, i pull completely off course and begin to harass this galaxy. I pepper him with rockets, but i was low from a fight and ran out quickly, so i start hitting him with my machine guns, he trys to get outta the way but takes a ton of damage, ok so he sees this warpgate, right next to a TR tower, with the tiniest little sliver of health left, (i could tell i had advanced targeting at the time) he limps his busted gal into the gate right as i fire a shot that would have killed him, so he parks his gal and i park right next to him. we look at each other and he pops his friends ANT out and proceeds to begin repairing it. about this time an enemy reaver comes over and parks there. So i decide to be all tricky and fly away. I fly and park my reaver behind the tower near the gate. I walk into it, get some rockets, and hove waiting for him to leave again, this time hes accompanied by the reaver. So he takes off thinking hes safe, but all of a sudden i ambush him and hit him dead on with about 20 rockets, messing him up good. knowing that he was screwed, he hotdrops and leaves his comrades for dead, only to be raped by more rockets from me. the Gal crashes into a tree and xplodes. But..... its not over. The reaver gets behind me and bangs me up pretty good. So i afterburn away, knowing that i cant escape him, i decide to act in desperation. I make a U-turn and use a lil afterburner i have left and floor it head on into him, right before i hit, i hotdrop out. The reavers collide killing him and destroying my reaver, but i float down to Earth, with 50 health and 75 armor. LOL needless to say i was pretty happy, so while telling my outfit member about it, i get sniped in the face and die. :D
2003-06-07, 12:07 AM
Originally posted by Lilbird2431
LOL needless to say i was pretty happy, so while telling my outfit member about it, i get sniped in the face and die. :D
2003-06-07, 04:06 PM
bump :)
2003-06-07, 04:08 PM
*reports post*
2003-06-07, 04:23 PM
A squad of around 14 vanu with lancers and lashers started nailing me in a galaxy i pulled up really quickly. i thought i was safe until i heard rockets shoot past me and behind me was a reaver and two mosquitos. The gunners kept missing and the health was going down i kept dodging and lured the flying threesome into an NC held base. With lots of AA MAXs boom one down another and then finnaly the last mosquito bailed
I :love: sparrows now
2003-06-07, 05:03 PM
Back about a week ago before I decided I would become the TR and likewise before the MAX nerf, I was playing as an NC Falcon MAX and doing very well too. I guess I was so used to the slow slow Lasher shots pre-buff and the still insanely slow Comet ballz that the faster Falcon missles were much easier to lead.
Yay, an actual benefit to playing on the VS. :rolleyes:
Anyway, I had the luck of having an eager engineer in my squad when were trying to cap a TR base. We had managed to hack it, but forces were flooding through the main gate. Bullets, Striker missles, lock on messages, and deaths were rampant. But... there were two figures which stood out in the glory... a lonely mismatch pair of an engineer and AI MAX. But it was a glorious odd couple, as myself would go and cause great damage to those TR bastards, only to retreat behind the wall and get repaired by nearly harmless young engineer. I must have stayed alive about 6 or 7 minutes in those carnage filled archways... It had been sweet. :D
And then they got more vehicles when we had none, rehacked, and eventually reaver and prowler tower camped us to (Loyalty until) death.
Today on Emerald I dropped into Searhus to find that the vanu were getting their asses kicked at Iva, their last base on the continent. I was using a character whose sole purpose in life was to drive a magrider (name was Cube), and I was disappointed by the fact that I couldn't buy it. Shortly some NC outfit--it had to be an outfit by the way they fought with air, vehicle, and infantry support--decimated us. I would normally recall to sanc at this point, but I decided to spawn at a tower in the volcanic caldera and see if I couldn't get a tank. I hacked a term at the interlink facility and called one up, linking up with an outfit mate that was part of my squad to gun.
This tank lived for a ludicrously long amount of time, owing to the light resistance the NC gave us as we took over every base in the caldera. At one point we were up against a lightly manned Sunder, a vanguard, and a half squad of infantry. They clearly were suprised at our arrival, as they were just loitering in the courtyard when we floated in. Before they knew it, their sunder was down and two av infantryman in the cy fell victim to the ppa. They scrambled to get into the vanguard--only the gunner made it into the turret, as I killed the driver with the ppa. My gunner's shots were true and I managed to dodge every one of the vanguard's, despite the distance between us being less than 15 meters. Soon it was dead and we were left with a few people plinking at us from the walls with small arms. I rolled out, figuring 50% armor was a good time to repair.
We decided that this was not enough of a challenge and gated over to Cyssor, where, sure enough, we did find a challenge. After killing a few terran maxs on their way to resecure leza from the Vanu hack, we arrived at Leza. There was a galaxy over the base which we promptly shot down, but it yielded only one kill (Strygun). We proceded to the tower and circled around it as Striker infantryman took chunks out of us before getting run through with a rail gun. A TR sunder arrived, which my adv targetting told me had at least 7 people in it. We just opened up on it, ignoring the guy with the striker on the balcony. I got inside 15 meters so the 75 mm guns couldn't shoot me, and extraordinarily no one got out. All of a sudden, the Sunder vaulted 10 meters into the air and came back down with a massive explosion, killing all.
Definitely a rush. We lost leza of course, but then again, it's amazing the vanu even have territory on Cyssor.
2003-06-07, 06:23 PM
Server: Markov
Empire: Terran Republic
Continent: ???
Enemy: New Conglomerate
I was squad lead of the Charlie Squad (third squad) of my outfit. We were one of the only outfits on that particular continent and were being beaten back by the NCs on all fronts. The one base we owned was already being hacked back by the Smurfs, so we were in a desperate situation. We had no AMS, and our only respawn point in the entire continent was the SE Gun Tower of the challenged base.
I ordered my squad to stay put and lay a tower defense as our other 2 squads continued to advanced to retake the hacked base. There were about 6 players in my squad. Fortunately, 4 of them had the MAX cert (combination of Dual Cyclers and Pounders). I immediately ordered 2 Maxes on each of the immediate flight of stairs - allowing all 4 MAXes to fire upon incoming enemy without fear of grief points. I positioned myself behind the MAXes on the top flight of stairs, while another support character positioned himself behind the bottom 2. We must have gone through 3 full nano-clips each trying desperately to keep those MAXes repaired.
This defense lasted for an entire hour of non-stop fighting. We found out that a particular Zerg NC outfit of over 600 members were assaulting us (I have no idea how many there were that night, but there were many). And to this day I am proud to say that the 42nd Fire Ant Brigade held off their onslaught. Our other 2 squads managed to resecure the base. Although we ended up recalling to sanc afterwards because the NC numbers were just too many, it is a memory I shall cherish throughout my Planetside days. It felt like the Alamo. :D
All hail, the Fire Ants and their TR brethren!
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