View Full Version : The "Real" Bad Buys
2003-06-07, 10:32 PM
In this big conflict of war...who's the bad guy? Or at least your view on who the bad guy is. Im still tryin to think if its the Vanu or the Terran...all the Vanu want is Domination, Terran want peace and order, but the NC broke away from the TR because of
2003-06-07, 10:42 PM
Originally posted by Neohunter
In this big conflict of war...who's the bad guy? Or at least your view on who the bad guy is. Im still tryin to think if its the Vanu or the Terran...all the Vanu want is Domination, Terran want peace and order, but the NC broke away from the TR because of They all want domination. The TR want it because, well, they've always had it! :) The NC want it, because they want to become the TR and the Vanu just want to further Alien technology. Vanu seem to have the weakest reason for fighting. Oh well. :o
2003-06-07, 10:57 PM
The Vanu are fighting for survival, actually. They want to further the technology, and the TR are trying to wipe them out for it.
2003-06-07, 11:21 PM
Ahh, I stand corrected. Well then, it can't be Vanu, they are just fighting for survival. So, I guess it is just 2 people fighting for power, one fore freedom, and one for Peace and Order, I guess you decide.
2003-06-07, 11:23 PM
its definately the Vanu...i mean look at em....just look at
2003-06-07, 11:45 PM
I will now look at my sig and follow my own advice.
2003-06-07, 11:52 PM
Not only is it since I'm TR, it's also because of my personal opinions. It's Vanu Soverignty, they broke off from our Empire when they found the Vanu-alien technology, which is ours technically. We want our technology back and repremations must be paid! Now the New Conglomerate aren't push-overs, but their more of a glorified resistance movement, which we can most certainly handle. Back on-topic, Vanu have stolen our technology and the Empires property and we're taking it back NOW. So Vanu watch out, The Terran Empire will take back what is rightfully ours, and we will do it in force.
:) Nothing personal against any of you here, just faction pride
2003-06-07, 11:54 PM
VS and NC fall under the same TR oppression. NC thinks VS are freaks that will and wanna change humanity to be more like the Vanu were. VS are for progess. Niether TR or NC like this concept. Thats why the NC look like gobots.
2003-06-08, 12:03 AM
Originally posted by FearTheAtlas
Not only is it since I'm TR, it's also because of my personal opinions. It's Vanu Soverignty, they broke off from our Empire when they found the Vanu-alien technology, which is ours technically. We want our technology back and repremations must be paid! Now the New Conglomerate aren't push-overs, but their more of a glorified resistance movement, which we can most certainly handle. Back on-topic, Vanu have stolen our technology and the Empires property and we're taking it back NOW. So Vanu watch out, The Terran Empire will take back what is rightfully ours, and we will do it in force.
:) Nothing personal against any of you here, just faction pride If you read the sights, that's not the reason. The TR want a complete stop to all research into Vanu technology, and irradication of its remnants, they have destroyed many stockpiles of it and many ancient Vanu structures.
2003-06-08, 12:06 AM
Why must you burst my self-reassuring bubble? :(
Well, ultimately the Vanu Sovereignty will destroy humanity. I'm all for it, but you may disagree, and then may also be bombarded with white hot plasma.
2003-06-08, 12:29 AM
I think the devs wanted to leave it to the gamer to come up with his or her own opinion regarding who's good and bad. Every empire can be placed on either side. New Conglomerate can be seen as freedom fighters or terrorists, Vanu as a cult or a group fighting to save humanity from itself, and Terran as either the opressive force or one fighting to restore peace in Auraxis.
2003-06-08, 12:30 AM
Nobody is the bad guy in this fight, it's all dependent on who you ask.
The NC want a society with more emphasis on personal freedom -- whether that is justified or not (for sure), we have no idea, but if you are someone who puts extremely high value on personal freedom, then the NC are probably the good guys to you.
The Vanu, however... they aren't "fighting for survival", as NeoTassadar put it, from what I can tell. Fact is that according to the backstory, the gate closed, the expeditionary force found these alien artifacts, but they didn't want to at once start tinkering with them. The Vanu did, so they horded them and eventually broke away, trying to use their new-found technology to win against the Terran Republic. If there's any side that I cannot relate to at all it's the Vanu. I enjoy my personal freedom, I respect and law and understand the need for authority in society, but the Vanu are fighting simply because they want to break off. There's nothing wrong with the Republic as far as they're concerned, it's simply that they aren't running it. So, yeah, the NC are OK to an extent with me, but the Vanu are just nuts.
As for the Terrans, loyalty until death, what more can I say? Someone who sticks with their committments and doesn't break off to make themselves the new Emperor (a la the Vanu), or to forge some hokey new society which will do nothing but set the stage for a new authoritarian society is A-OK in my books.
Good thing our revolutionary forefathers weren't cut from the same stone as Warborn, here, or I might have to know the words to God Save the Queen.
2003-06-08, 12:50 AM
And it's a good thing we didn't collapse after the 9-11 terrorist attacks, or we'd all be praying to Allah right now...
...depends all on the way you want to look at things.
2003-06-08, 01:22 AM
About the topic on the TR wanting to take out the Vanu Technology.. ever think they have a reason?? I mean a good reason though.. not "they're TR." but Warborn (As usual) is right..
And also.. in war.. ur team is always right and teh other is always wrong.. if u think differently.. join the other team.
2003-06-08, 01:53 AM
well honestly even tho im TR, TR seem to be the kinda bad guys, but ina good way. they rnt insane. NC seem to be thegood guys, kinda like wut braveheart would have sided with. now the Vanu i see them as being crazy and bad. but yeah im starting to get into teh whole get order back thing. its kinda nice to have a ultimate goal. NC have it too i guess not sre for vanu.
2003-06-08, 02:18 AM
Hey, us Vanu just wanted to push the pretty buttons on alien gizmos to see what happened, and the Republic opened up with chainguns. The Vanu made no hostile moves whatsoever. started it! :D
2003-06-08, 06:00 AM
Unfortunatly history tells difrent tales about William Wallace then what was portrayed in the movie, but it's hollywood you expected that right? I think if the TR are destroying vanu tech it's to rob the sovreinty (sp?) of their powerbase.
Me personaly i'm swayed by both NC and TR rehtoric, what won me over you ask? Goggles, or rather the lack of them. TR reminds me of Mad Max on acid.
NightWalker XI
2003-06-08, 06:09 AM
TR Reinforced Exo looks like its wearing a bondage mask from a crazy sex movie
Anyway I choose VS because I like their cause, they ARE fighting for survival, they were curious as to what the technology could do and they foud rebirthing technology, the TR was afraid that they may find somethign powerfull or whatever and they wanted the technology secured and locked away, the Vanu was started by scientists who ran from the oppresors and made an empire were the Vanu technology was the center of it all, the Vanu want to help human society become greater than what it is now, to further our humanity, we are good, you are oppresors and tyrants, you msut pay for your crimes you commies!
2003-06-08, 06:16 AM
Where is the Vanu royalty? I thought that was a requisite of a soveriegnty? (sp?)
2003-06-08, 11:43 AM
I prefer to think of the Terran Republic as the bad guy of course I'm TR so I guess I'm a bad guy.
2003-06-08, 12:51 PM
A wise man once said:
Ours is not to wonder why
Ours is but to crush disloyal colonists
2003-06-08, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by Doppler
Where is the Vanu royalty? I thought that was a requisite of a soveriegnty? (sp?) Ahem, prerequisite. And it's Tobias. Or me. *Stares upward regaly*
Zentenk VA
2003-06-08, 04:11 PM
I think of Vanu as venemous creatures out to kill! TR look like a bunch of guys that get in brawls in a bar and drive Harleys. NC look like good guys.
2003-06-08, 04:29 PM
Heres how i see it. The NC want freedom from the Terrans. if you read the NC site, it says that the Terrans blasted apart a peaceful deonstration of Liberty's Call with riot troops. If that's not oppression, what is? they also don't like the Vanu because they think that what the Vanu plans to do to us has negatives that outweigh the positives, and their persistence to do so even without our permission if nessisary makes them an enemy
The Vanu want to change humanity for better or worse. they will use the technology to make us something both more and less. something no longer human (but not quite humane, in my opinon). and they don't want to have to ask permission from TR or NC to do so.
TR wants unity. Unity creates peace in the long run, but it unfortunately causes our creativity and intelect to stagnate. why else do you think that we are still using bullet weapons a thousand years hence? They are fighting what could be considered traitors, at least in their eyes. They arent really all bad, an theyre not really all good, either.
2003-06-08, 04:49 PM
NC > *
2003-06-08, 06:05 PM
if you read the NC site, it says that the Terrans blasted apart a peaceful deonstration of Liberty's Call with riot troops. If that's not oppression, what is?
It's oppression, but it's necessary. The fact that the Terran Republic has kept humanity together under one banner for over 1k years is a pretty good sign that they're doing something right. Personally, if some radicals are staging demonstrations protesting the government, then the stability of the society is being shaken. There are always people who are willing to take advantage of the supposed failings of the existing government and use it to bring themselves to power.
Really, in today's socieities, your personal freedoms all come at a price. Because people in many nations are free to express themselves and share their thoughts completely unfettered, bad things happen in the form of evil governments coming to power, terrorist groups being formed, and crazy cults that drink poisoned Kool-Aid in order to leave their body and go to Neptune or whatever wacky shit they committed group-suicide for. While, yes, you do lose the ability to gather in a crowd and block traffic because you think pissing people off when they're going to work will make them agree with you, it really depends on whether you're willing to take the good with the bad, and of course, which you consider worse. Is it worse to allow totally free speech when so much bad spawns from it, or is it worse to restrict what people can rally about and otherwise control what is available for public protesting?
Anyway, according to my Terran Republic site here (, the New Conglomerate is a group of malcontents who wish to terrorize the patriotic forces of the Republic. Obviously we can't really believe any site as the absolute truth, because each has its own take on things. While I wouldn't put it past the Terrans when it comes to killing some protestors who were seeking to destablize the government, I don't think you get the whole story from that either.
By the way, I don't think the backstory was intended for intense scrutiny. I wouldn't suggest going much deeper than this, or we might break it.
2003-06-08, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by Neohunter
In this big conflict of war...who's the bad guy?
Well, good guy vs badguy is alot like asking who's wrong and who's right.
Nobody goes to war thinking their the bad guys. To whoevers envolved they will always view themselves as the good guys, fighting on the right and just side; while the other side is in their views the badguy, on the side of evil.
The problem is, when both sides think this, who's to make the decision on who's wrong or whos right, and by who's standards do they use?
Ultimatly, i don't think there is any one universal truth or standard to which we can make that determination. War just, IS. It is what it is, its a horrible, aweful thing, when politicians or goverments lock horns with another. There is no glory in war, and their are no winners except those than survive, on both sides. All an individual soldier can do, is hold true to their comrades, and their nation. Because ultimatly, all you have is the guy next to you and the home you want to go back to. So when its down to that, who cares who's good or bad? It doesnt really matter.
REDHORSE Combat Engineer.
2003-06-08, 07:23 PM
Bad guys, simple...
Its the NC and the VS, the VS wish to remove our humanity, hell they're already doing it by making us never dying sterile soldiers. If everyone was like that evolution would stop and humanity would cease to exists due to the widespread madness that mass "immortality" would create.
Then theres the so called freedom fighting NC thats nothing more terrorists that commits acts of war against a republic thats keept the peace for over 1000 years!
Loyalty until death!
Originally posted by Zatrais
Bad guys, simple...
Its the NC and the VS, the VS wish to remove our humanity, hell they're already doing it by making us never dying sterile soldiers. If everyone was like that evolution would stop and humanity would cease to exists due to the widespread madness that mass "immortality" would create.
Then theres the so called freedom fighting NC thats nothing more terrorists that commits acts of war against a republic thats keept the peace for over 1000 years!
Loyalty until death!
I htink you're opinion might be jsut a LITTLE bit one sided.
2003-06-08, 07:30 PM
Hey it's my view and the one i'm fighting for in PS =)
2003-06-08, 07:38 PM
Well this is simple, its like star wars. NC are the rebels guerilla fighting the TR in their deathstar. And the VS are rebels that just dont believe in the TR. So the TR are the badguys. its just plain ovbious. I mean, i have no problem picking the bad guys as my main character. and if i was TR i would bet i would be saying the same thing that i am now.... im serious.
it really seems to me the tr are because they wouldnt let the scientist on auraxis mess with the vanu stuff and they TAGGED EVERYONE whereever they went i mean wtf.
2003-06-08, 08:10 PM
The simple fact is the TR are in a manner of speaking the governing body in demolition man. Sure everyone is safe, crime is controlled, the strans run on time etc. To do this the TR wields unheard of levels of power. Maybe on the homeworld this works out ok, maybe they have a system of checks and blaances, however the sliver of TR represented on Auraxis is basicly a military unit, and the excel mostly at killing people and breaking their shit. It's not that their evil or that their tactics are flawed, they just use what they have to work with. Maybe they fired on the protestors because they arnt equiped for a police action.
As to the kool aid thing, let em kill themselves, more air for me.
The NC the way i see it sprung out of researchers and a few of the more lbieral minded members of the military. They chose to break away to preserve a personal freedom that for right or wrong they felt was being ran roughshod over. You cant really falt them this logic The problems comes that whenever you use violence to perform a means you invite violence on yourself. They felt they'd been pushed too far, the TR's didnt feel they'd been puyshed far enough, the TR's see them as disloyal, they see themselves as the ultimate patriot who's to say.
The Vanu are the hardest faction to fit, most likely composed primarily of archeologists and sociologists and maybe a few meglomaniacs for good measure. They dont like either option the TR and the NC represent so they figure, "Hey the Vanu had better stuff then us, they must have had it sorta right" So they break away and begin turning vanu tech towards the purpose of war, because lets face it, it's a small planet and reguardless of ideology there's not enough land water and vanu tech to go around. Vanu wants to try something completely difrent and that's cool and all but i can just see the TR and NC going "Uh guys, those aliens you got the tech from, notice their not around anymore? What ya spose happened to em? Stop punching buttons on that thing."
Happy lil Elf
2003-06-08, 08:21 PM
TR fights the NC because they're rebels and Vanu because they're viewed as freaks.
NC fights the TR for freedom and the Vanu because, again, they're viewed as freaks.
VS fights the TR because the TR wants to wipe them out, ditto for NC and because they want all the Vanu tech for themselves
In the end no one is really the good guy, kinda like real life :p
2003-06-08, 08:26 PM
Originally posted by NeoTassadar
I will now look at my sig and follow my own advice. In that case, maybe you're gonna go crazy. Maybe all the VS are crazy, and want to destroy the world (3rd Impact, Neon Genesis Evangelion).
2003-06-08, 10:55 PM
Originally posted by Zatrais
Its the NC and the VS, the VS wish to remove our humanity, hell they're already doing it by making us never dying sterile soldiers. If everyone was like that evolution would stop and humanity would cease to exists due to the widespread madness that mass "immortality" would create. Aha! But we Vanu are stimulating evolution artificially! And as for the widespread madness, it's hard enough to predict the actions of a single above-average sentient mind, much less a group of thousands-millions (billions if your'e talking ALL humanity).
2003-06-11, 06:09 PM
Look i know everyone has different views im just saying the TR are really oppresive they keep track of you everywhere you go they stop your protests and prevent us from expanding technology found on Auraxis. plus if you cansider the nc to be terrorists isnt that somewhat like calling our forefathers terrorists we broke off from the main nation and fought for freedom but you dont call them terrorists. :trsucks: and as for the vs well they are just freaky they are obsessed with getting technology and becoming something that is inhuman that is the last thing i would want for my fate. but i do like their stuff :thumbsup: not like they are trying to enslave us coff coff TR coff coff :whip: <--tr
2003-06-11, 06:18 PM
/me whispers to the Vanu Soverignty leader "So you propose an alliance against the terrans" "Yes" to be continued... bwuhuhahaha
You terrans think ur so tough
(We were all terrans at one point thus we were all stupid at one point... some have become smarter, the NC and well a few of the VS, TR stay the same stupid people)
plus if you cansider the nc to be terrorists isnt that somewhat like calling our forefathers terrorists we broke off from the main nation and fought for freedom but you dont call them terrorists. That just gave me an idea TR are british NC is american and VS is .... um lets see oh yeah France
2003-06-11, 07:30 PM
I am Vanu, and I have no idea why. I look at the Vanu tech, I look at the tr/nc tech, I look at the Vanu tech again, and I weep horribly.
Face it, Vanus are a bunch of crazies. Trust me, it's a big galactic joke to someone out there about the true knowledge of "Lost" Vanu Aliens.
The light at the end of the tunnel for Vanu is a Seltzer bottle and a cream pie in the face.
The TR seem too uptight, and the NC look like a bunch of slackers. The Vanu, even with their heads in the clouds, want to get things done.
Best reason to be Vanu? We have the best looking female uniforms out of all of the empires.
2003-06-11, 07:41 PM
...And the Lancer.
I sometimes think some of our other guns are alien remote controls mistaken for beam weapons.
2003-06-11, 08:48 PM
In all reality, there is no "bad guy" in any war. It's simply a question of beliefs and willing to fight for them. Of course, not everyone will follow every else's beliefs. History is written by those who win wars, not lose them.
The Terran Republic in this case are a tyrranical military force that threaten the life of those who do not join them, and justify their threats with responsive action. Yet could they not be scared that this threat of anarchy and alien fanaticism could endanger the Terran that still remain on Auraxis? The New conglomerate are said to be anarchist rebels, yet they state that they simply wan't freedom of tyranny and emphasize individual freedom over a govt. with control. The Vanu Sovereignty are said to be alien freaks who plot to use their twisted discoveries to threaten existence, but they simply say that they are advancing at a more rapid pace than the other empires and wish to continue their evolutionary process.
In the end, the true criminals are the Terran Republic. It knocked over the first domino by encasing the liberties of the once free peoples of Auraxis, and put the public of it's force under a dangerously controlling need-to-know basis, particularly the Vanu. They stick to traditions that they say have maintained peace for over 1,000 yrs., but did they not limit the liberties of others under the threat of persecution or death? I see no peace there. By the way, the NC do not use the excuse of freedom to kill, they use it to protect their own lives. But they fear the vanu for ridiculous reasons and attack them due to misunderstandings, not even questioning a possible co-existence, even with a common enemy. Not as guilty as the TR, but hey're up there.
2003-06-11, 10:22 PM
We are Vanu, Resistance is futile.
*whispers come from background*
What?! What do you mean our weapons are not affecting them??!
*more whispers*
What???? You mean one of their mobile armor suits just killed 20 of our men by just bouncing nades around a corner killing them before they could even get away?!
*more whispers*
Damnit man! Call up the blackmarket! We need some punishers, decimators, and rocklets!
I dont give a rats ass about faction pride! I want something that can kill these terr0nz! And our weapons are not even phazeing them!
*whispers fade away as running footsteps are heard*
Ahem...well, I see that resistance isnt futile, I see that our so called Advanced tech weaponry does little more than ticket you, and that you have weapons that call kill around corners before our soldiers can even get away.
Just day, when the gods smile upon us shall fall.
Resistance is futile.
On a further note..
Useing EQ as a reference.
Terrans = Dr00ds
New con = wizards
Vanu = rangers
2003-06-11, 10:37 PM
From what i remember.
TR are fighting to regain control of everyone. They feel that by limiting the knowledge of the wormhole collapse, that they were keeping the peace. They also feel that the Vanu technology was dangerous, and shouldnt be used.
The Vanu felt that the technology was the key to evolution. Becuase they were so willing to use this technology they were feared and shunned by the others. Not willing to give it up, they fight the TR from there oppressive rule. When the vanu offered a truce to the NC, but it was rejected based on fear.
The NC are furious that the wormhole collapse was kept secret. They feel that the government is way too controlling, and that a regime change is in order. But when the vanu offer to help them by taking away their humanity, they realise that both factions are a threat to their way of life, and declare war on both.
Thats what i remember from the propoganda, it should be fairly accurate.
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