View Full Version : Hacking a Base Terminal Question

2003-06-08, 03:56 AM
I've hacked outpost/tower terminals before, but why can't I hack a (for the lack of a better term, I'm a noob) hack a large base terminal? You know the ones that require a 15 minutes defend time?

I'm only rank 5 and don't have any hacking certs other than my trusty REK.

Anyone enlighten me please?

2003-06-08, 04:40 AM
:rofl: dude ne one can hack a CC just as long as u have a REk. u go up to the cc get ur REK out and hack it. when the bar that says hack in progess is done ur done then u wait 15 min and base is urs.

2003-06-08, 04:40 AM
You can hack bases without any Hacking Certs. All hacking does is decrease the time it takes to hack a teminal. At advanced Hacking you can hack into other things like equipment terminals and vehicle stations, very handy to have if you decide to ninja hack a base and have an AMS cert.

2003-06-08, 04:41 AM
Try getting a different cert and getting higher rank then get advanced hacking;)

2003-06-08, 05:15 AM
I must of been lagging because I'm having no problems now lol.

Thanks for the replies.