View Full Version : How can people work at a Soup Kitchen?

2002-12-23, 09:10 AM
Couple of days ago, me and a few of the guys went down to the Soup Kitchen in Portland (maine not Oregon) anyhoots, we got there and I helped out by running the grille. They were serving breakfast, I punched out over 200 fried eggs in less then 45 min.

That was the most, depressing thing I think I have ever done. How can people do that, work there on a regular basis? Seriously?

Most of the older.. guests, all had the same, haunted look of hopelessness. That unnerved me striaght off the bat. Then the younger crowd started to come through... more then a few looked perfectly healthy and fit, I wanted to go over, slap them and ask "WTF are you doing in a soup kitchen Get a job man!" But something held me back...

Partially it was, maybe they ARE on hard times, and are just trying to get back on thier feet... but it was a darker thought that stopped me, what if I fll under hard times, what if I made mistakes and suddenly was out of the job and eating here....

But the thing that really took the cake, the children. Parents, many of them looking not much younger or older then I am, bringing their kids to a soup kitchen, this close to christmas... It took every ounce of self control I had not to break down and cry.. Cause I saw in this one little girls eyes.. that same look my little girl gives me........

I told my wife all this, and see, I learned something then, about bravery and courage. My wife is a CNA. She works in nursing homes, and has a side job atm taking care of a man that is paralyzed from the neck down. Happened to him 2 weeks after he graduated HS... in 1965. I Could never do that. I couldn't handle it, the injustice of it....

But she pointed out, she knows that if tomorrow, I was on a battlfeid, handed a rifle and told to go charge that hill, I would do it. She couldn't do that, not in a million years... so whose more brave....

Bah at least I helped feed em...

2002-12-23, 09:39 AM
It's really good that you helped out. Just so people know, the PeaceCorps is a great place to volunteer for any young person in college or close to graduating. THey will give you an international experience second to none, most likely related to your field. It is a large commitment, but is a highly exciting enviroment, albeit a dangerous one.



2002-12-23, 09:48 AM
omg, thank you for sharing this.
I too see some heart wrenching situations in my line of studies... and i think its good for those who are fortunate to appreciate their lives... I think your post just opened a few more eyes.
Nice Post Mr. Vicchio.


2002-12-23, 03:34 PM
When I was 8-9, my church group would feed the homeless downtown by setting up tables in a parking lot (I live in Houston). Being that young and seeing 200-300 men, women, and children line up for food really effected me. I'm glad it happened.

One time FDA came down and said we cannot do this because of the food temp and some other stuff. We said "if they don't eat this, they might not eat TODAY!" They shut us down anyways. Well, well, well... my day is in the AC/heating business, and just happened to work on the AC in Marvin Zindler's son house. So my day called up Marvin Zindler's son and told him what the FDA did.

In less than 2 weeks, we had a small not in use restaurant loaned to us. :D

2002-12-23, 04:39 PM
I cannot think of anything meaningfull to say... so I won't spoil it. :(

It's moments like these that really make me appreciate my charmed and seemingly untouchable life. I'm a spoiled brat, no doubt, and even though my family has had it's share of hard times (declaring bankrupcy is much harder on the parents than the kids :ugh: ), it pales in comparrison to what some people have to go through every damnible day.

If people want better, though, they have to try. No one can change themselves but themselves.

And promise me something guys, if I ever get that haunted look of defeat in my eyes...
No... I won't let it. Nevermind.

I'd hate to work in a soup kitchen...

2002-12-23, 05:33 PM
Your post, as beautiful as it is, just reminds me how much are society sucks. :(

Decent, good people with no homes suffering, turn around and you see some jerk who gets paid 5million just because he can throw a ball. :ugh:

2002-12-23, 06:04 PM
Society sucks. The biggest problem I forsee is that it's not going to get any better. :ugh:

2002-12-23, 06:06 PM
even worse dio is lazy ass people having 57 kids laying around getting food stamps up the ass while homeless people have no chance at that luxury. ... well what they could do is go rob a bank and get 15 years of hot showers and 3 meals a day... tsk tsk society/gov't does suck doesnt it?

2002-12-25, 10:33 AM
I think the depressing part is, that some of the people in that soup kitchen were there not because they COULDN't find a job, but because they are too lazy to get one.

The kids tho... thats just... hits ya hard. This morning, when we were opening presents, I saw that little girl in the line for just a brief second, how her eyes lit up at the plate of hot food in front of her... I held my daughter real tight for a moment, and said a short prayer for that girl, that her life would amount to more then just happiness at warm food.....