View Full Version : More battle stories
2003-06-08, 11:22 PM
I would like to continue Hamma's little idea because they are all so fun to read. So, here is one of my personal favorites to kick it off.
First off I am a Vanu cloaker/combat engineer, and as such it is inevitable that I am the kind of person who loves a challenge. So, on this particular day I was attempting to get a foothold for the Vanu on Forseral, the only problem was that I must have been the only Vanu on the continent. Anyways directly after warping I ran to the nearest tower and hacked it without any trouble even despite the fact that Terrans kept respawnig and pouring out every other second.
After lacing the place with mines and turrets I made my way to the closest base that I could hack (Terran). I spent two of my four aces infront of the vehicle bay (great fun with boomers:D) and ran into the base. When I got into the base I got up and ran down to the basement which wasn't the brightest thin I ever did because it made me visible to the Terran cloaker who I just mannaged to see too. I don't really know what he did but I unholstered my knife and randomly slashed untill I luckily slashed in the right spot and killed him.
Now I was feeling a bit more cautious so I crouched the rest of the way to the controll room. As soon as I hacked that door I saw three guys, (one had a mini chaingun *shudder*:O_O: ). One was infront of the consol and the two others were at his sides and they were all lookin at me. Figuring these wern't the brightest guys around (the door just kept opening and closing and they didn't even notice) I walked up to point blank of the middle guys mini chaingun, laid a boomer, backed up, and detonated it killing two of the three. All this while the Terrans looked around at eachother to see who had the ace:doh:. I slashed the last guy with my knife, hacked the console, and hid in the connecting hallway for five mins. All this only to have a couple of attacking New C AI MAX units (one with darklight) blow my brains out and steal my hack.
Oh well, while it lasted I felt kinda like James Bond :D
2003-06-08, 11:26 PM
I grabbed my crappy Harasser, and MrVulcan hopped into the gunner seat. We sped off to a nearby TR base, unsupported, and encountered about 3 INF and a MAX. I bailed out to help with the Gauss, as a Harasser is too light to run anyone over, and MrV gallantly manned the chaingun. Sadly, I was cut down instantly by the MAX, and the Harasser took MrV with it in a large explosion. Kinda funny at the time.
2003-06-08, 11:29 PM
Ok heres mine
My squad was getting ready for our assault. We had an enforcer, two vanguards and an ANT. We were on our way to solsar. We saw lots of cool rocks... oops back to the story... We rolled on top of a small hill looked at the Vanu base ahead of us and on my call we attacked. I, in the enforcer cover the ANT and we parked the ANT behind a Large, cool looking rock. Then the battle battle begun. About 15 minutes after the hack was done we needed our ANT badly. We had to make a run for the ANT. The battle lasted for about 2 and a half hours and in the end the Terrans won (lotsa Terrans) but it got us a whole lot of exp.
EDIT: a part i forgot : I was the gunner of a tank and it was adly damaged , the driver was trying to repair it and i said "ITS GONNA BLOW and i got out of it as fast as i could and ducked behind a rock. He said we were safe but then it blew up lol he died in the explosion
2003-06-08, 11:34 PM
Ok, so I'm playing my Prowler driver, so I've got a BANK, a REK, and a nano/glue gun thingy. I'm walkin along to the Vpad to get myself another prowler, when all of a sudden, I notice something: a stealther. Well, I pull out my knife and turn it on, and the other stealther starts coming at me with his knife. After a very long and challenging knife duel, I manage to kill him, and I get a BR off the kill. Needless to say, I was proud of my knifing skills ;)
2003-06-09, 01:05 AM
I remember me and my friend started vanus just for fun. We did all the training (which gets you to br 3) and had 6 cert points to spend. I got medium assault, and reinforced exo-suit and my friend got a magrider and medium assault.
So he got used to the controles and we headed to some continent I really cant remember. I think it was cyssor.
We saw a huge battle on the map on a bridge and went there. It was huge NC were all over the bridge and the vs were fighting to hold there ground. So we did what was natural: backed up, got full speed, and went through the bridge killing maybe 15-20 people. IT WAS AWESOME.
Then when we got to the other side we killed a good bit more people until we died. That was sooo fun ;)
2003-06-09, 04:06 AM
The magrider is a friggin infantry plow:mad:
NightWalker XI
2003-06-09, 04:22 AM
Magrider is a great tank, easily shoots down Reavers if you have a gunner, shoots with no arc, strafing and
And people say we are crap, we have the Mag, Lasher & Lancer and we have cool outfits, what more could you want :D
2003-06-09, 04:26 AM
2003-06-09, 04:31 AM
yup we new conglomerate get free sex and the other implants
2003-06-09, 04:33 AM
2003-06-09, 04:35 AM
nuff said:p
2003-06-09, 10:29 AM
Had a bunch of TR guys defending a couple of towers on an otherwise NC-locked continent last night. The NC busted into one of the towers, and one of them was camping the spawn tubes with a jackhammer. I figured I'd keep respawning there, hoping someone else would spawn too or whatever, but he kept cutting me down with the jackhammer, talking shit, etc (jackhammer wins vs. suppressor...who'd of thunk it? :p)
Sooo....eventually they take the tower, I respawn at the other one. A couple minutes later what do I see but this same guy driving a vanguard. So I loaded up with two strikers (reinforced), and headed outside. Just as I fired my last missile, he bailed from the smoking wreckage, and closed on me with that damn jackhammer again. Since I didn't have my trusty cycler, I was forced to take him down at 50m....with my repeater!
Moral of the story: don't taunt someone while camping spawn tubes, they might come back to blow up your tank and kill you with a pistol :D
2003-06-09, 10:41 AM
Here's one that somebody else did which is the coolest thing I've seen in PS so far. After taking a Vanu base and then defending it for over an hour as they tried to take it back, suddenly it seemed that they'd decided on a different target and things died down. I was in a MAX pounder, standing on the wall and looking out into the trees to make sure nobody else was coming. We had TR all over the courtyard and along the wall and people were just starting to think about bugging out. Suddenly a Vanu reaver came flying towards the base without guns or missiles firing. As I was in a pounder all I could really do was watch what might happen. I tracked the reaver and watched the pilot hot drop out. It was easily the best hot drop I've seen as from full speed he hot dropped and actually landed behind some of those boxes that are stacked in bases for cover. Right away I started running for the stairs down to the courtyard, sure that I wouldn't make it before the many TR down there mowed the guy down. As I ran down the stairs I saw that the guy had hacked the vehicle terminal, and before I was even to the base of the stairs he'd pulled up an AMS, gotten in and plowed over about a dozen guys on his way out of the base. A reaver tracked him and killed him, but it doesn't change the fact that it was the coolest thing I've seen yet. The guy had stones the size of church bells.
2003-06-09, 10:45 AM
LOL, that's fantastic. Seems like many of the best stories involve an AMS and/or running over people :p
2003-06-09, 12:51 PM
This story is a bit bizarre, but I remember that it made me laugh/cry at the time. My friend was on the HART and making a drop somewhere in the little drop pod thingie. Well, he dropped right on top of a friendly Gal. I mean what are the odds of that?? The weight of the pod forced poor ol' Gal down and it crashed into the ground. :eek: All 3 men on board were killed. 340 grief pts!
2003-06-09, 02:36 PM
My girflfriend's bro, my brother (1st time playing the game) and I hop in a TR Marauder to go cruise around looking for some action. We drive right into a NC base with a couple vehicles and a bunch of infantry running around. I'm on the mortor in the back, and I take out two parked reavers right before they get enough altitude to get away, a harasser, 5 reinforced troops, 2 MAX's, and then we high tailed it out of there.
Was fun as hell to bust in, blow shit up and get out.
2003-06-09, 02:40 PM
I was HART dropping to join up with my squad. It took a few seconds for me to figure out where I was going, and then dropped in.
From the pod I saw another pod (vanu) below me,
When I landed I noticed the Vanu pod deconstructing, and the rider running to the battle about 20 yards away.
I shot him wiht the gauss then sent him a tell about how I'd dropped on the same spot he had. We shared a good laugh!
Then last night I was fighting away, when I saw a lightning on the radar. I pulled out the trusty decemator, and began firing as he crested a hill about 5 yards away. He got one good shot on me before I got my second dec off to kill him. Unfortunately I was in the blast radius and died horribly!
I sent him a tell. something like, LOL damn shouldn't stand that close lol
The reply... Idiot.
Then I was put on ignore.
MY GAWD some people need to learn that this is a game... games are meant to be fun!
2003-06-09, 05:25 PM
Just got a new one. Just a minute ago I was crouching around a battlefeild droping turrets here and there. All of a sudden I look up and a vanguard is pointed right at me. Knowing I was out of dark light range I just moved out of the way a bit when it started fireing right at me. I figured that it was just my luck so I continued to strafe out of the way untill the vangaurd finall blasted me. As the screen panned around my dead body I see a Terran AI MAX behind me with darklight. That freakin Terran had used me as cover:sick:
2003-06-09, 07:29 PM
I've had a couple of funny HART drop experiences. Once I actually landed ON an enemy HART pod, and shot the guy in the back that just landed.
The other time I HART dropped into a field of spitfire turrets. Well, I tried to start walking slowly so the turrets wouldn't fire, and WHAP, get hit by a sniper. By then, I realise it's futile to even bother, so I keep walking slowly towards the nearest cover, but get finished by the sniper.
Also I've had several occasions where I HART dropped right infront of an enemy anti-infantry MAX and got owned hard.
2003-06-09, 09:38 PM
I was flying around with a friend in my skeet over east Ishundar, we were helping a bunch a guys attack the last of the bases there. I had been dammaged during the battle so I landed and asked my friend to repair my ship while I went and scoped things out. As I was on my way up the the c.c. I noticed something weird. I followed it and realized it was a cloaker. This guy was a noob cause as I followed him, he would constanty look back at me. he couldn't figure out if i was following him. Finally he turned around and fired a whole clip of AMP at me. No burts, just a long streem. I got hit 3 times. I whipped out my cycler and mowed him down.
It's always fun to kill cloakers.
2003-06-10, 01:35 AM
Once i was infil hart dropped on exact spot as TR dual cycle me runs then dead me and jaged had a good laugh:D
2003-06-10, 03:10 AM
Last night I was running back to a tower that we had been defending 30 minutes earlier, when I spied a TR crouch walking up to the door with his REK out. He was moving that way because he was surrounded by spitefires and mines I'd layed out earlier. He must of cleared a path with jammer nades and was headed for the door. For sme reason he didn't notice me run up to the side of the building.
I let him open the door and as he crouch walked inside I ran up behind him, put my Pulsar against his back and pulled the trigger.
I swiped his cycler and stored it in my locker.
As I grabbed some gear and came up out of the tower, I found the same guy making his way back toward the tower. I let off some rocklets in his direction, but thought maybe a Thumper with some plasma grenades would be a better weapon to use in this case. So, I ran back inside to grab my Thumper loadout.
As I was grabbing my gear I heard an explosion and saw that I had killed the guy again. I ran upstairs and found his pack right next to the tree by the door.
Little did the guy realize I had replaced all the mines he destroyed right after I killed him the first time.:D
So, again I grabbed his cycler and added it to my growing collection.
2003-06-10, 03:19 AM
2003-06-10, 11:01 AM
Did a HART drop right next to a battlefield where NC and VS were duking it out last night. I found a sweet sniping spot where I was pretty much obscured from 3 directions, got into my crouch and started taking out NC (they were winning the battle and helping the VS take the tower the NC were defending was more advantageous for the good guys in red). Suddenly my entire scope was filled with blue. I took off the zoom and realized that an NC sniper had taken position literally 2 steps in front of me without actually seeing me there. Rather than put one in the back of his head I was nice enough to switch out to my cycler and give him a fighting chance, but he still wasn't able to turn around in time.
Okay, this one is definitely one of the strangest moments I have had in PS.
I was fighting today on Amerish when I noticed that Verica was covered in hotspots from an NC effort to take it over. At the same time, the TR were advancing from the north via Azeban. I head up to Verica while solo to find a few Vanu making a half-ass defense of the base. I can already tell I'm having a good day with the Lasher by the number of timid stealthers, both from TR and NC, that I am finding lurking around. Unfortunately, it's not a good day hitting moving targets with the Lancer. The battle rages for 30 minutes or so until the NC destroy the spawn tubes or hacked Verica. Someone had set up an ams behind their tower, so I spawned at it and started to advance.
I took aim with the lancer to find that I was being sniped from behind. I was swiftly cut down by a TR sniper, but I got their location--they were under 200 meters away. I respawned and wasted them with the lancer. Then, I was hit by another sniper. This one was waaayy up on a hill, and I would have to walk up to neutralize him. I was going back to the ams and he sniped me en route. Damn. I respawned and started to lurk up the hill. Two TR in standard armors were in a small depression at the top--I have no idea why they were there, but I killed them and finally got to the sniper. A few lasher rounds later, he was dead. Great! I blew up their galaxy and put a few shots into a nearby reaver--this is important--before sliding back to our ams.
I could tell we were doomed, TR at our back from southern towers and NC at our face from a northern one, but I fought off a few more NC before dying again. Emerging from the ams quickly I spotted the same TR reaver from earlier--it was smoking. I knelt down to lance it....and I was shot by a sniper! I wasn't dead, but it was the same guy from earlier in the same spot. I said, screw it, and shot at the reaver. Direct hit. I got up and started running, but I knew this guy was a good shot. I'd be dead before I got back to the ams. This is the best part: the reaver, which I thought got away, struggled ahead like a wounded bird before dropping out of the sky... right on top of the sniper, causing the explosion to kill them both. Our ams was destroyed some time after that, but I couldn't stop grinning.
Bad Mojo
2003-06-10, 02:36 PM
Fortune favors the bold ... or the the insanely lucky.
2003-06-11, 01:19 PM
This one time I was driving around in my Enforcer then I ran over this Vanu guy. The funny part was that his name was RunUOver
2003-07-07, 01:07 PM
Dragging a thread out from the dead...
This weekend I was hacking a hot tower with my infil. I was crouched in front of the CC to make the red beam as short as possible, and VS grunts kept running past me without noticing me. Suddenly one of the VS grunts opens fire on the CC and I'm down to 20 health before I blink. He then backs up to me and literally stands in the way so that any other VS who runs by won't be able to see the red beam at all. It turns out he didn't have DL and was just randomly firing at the CC to hopefully kill or smoke out anybody who might be there. He just didn't squeeze the trigger enough. I'll bet it surprised the hell out of him when the tower turned red.
2003-07-07, 01:15 PM
was at cyssor last night at chuku/ekera. I respawnd at chuku cuz it was hacked. there was a cloaker, 2 reinforced and a max that would not die guarding the cc. I must have died 10 times trying to kill that max. Well neway the cloaker was trying to camp our tubes, but i saw him and fired randomly and killed him with a supressor, then another reinforced came in, we triple teamed him. then we rushed into the cc and basically tried to get the max to killhimself while firing with our suppressors. well this cloaker somehow was able to squeez right behind the max and started rehacking teh base i dunno how he did it, but i was distracting the max and when i died chuku became ours again, i pulled out a striker and killed the max. very frantic very fun.
2003-07-07, 01:37 PM
I was running down a road on Hossin in my new Quasar MAX suit a few days ago, and I came to a tower. I knew that VS MAXes had jumpjets, but I had no idea how high they could go, so I hit space bar and jetted up to the top of the tower. When I got up there, there were two destroyed turrets, me, and a VS soldier in Reinforced Armor. A Vanguard bgan rolling down the road that I had just been on, so I switched to AP mode and fired away at the Vanguard, It turned it's sights on me and began firing it's cannon. The first 10 shots hit the side of the tower, and then three hit me. I died right away, followed shortly by the crouching VS soldier...I don't like Vanguards! I've been run over by them as a VS more times than I have by a MagRider when I was on the TR side.
I was crusing around in my Lightning, killing folks inbetween a Vanu tower and a base they were assaulting. I see one guy running towards the base so I zoom over and start blasting, but then I am getting hit with Lasher blasts. Some guy snuck up on me and was shooting me up badly, I was almost destroyed when I launch a shell killing the first guy. I quickly hop out, and he keeps firing at me, I take cover and whip out my trusty AMP. I surge at him strafing, I burst fire with my AMP, I am getting Lashed alot, I hit a medikit. I try to get close, eventually I get right up on him and unload, woot!
I had 12 HP, 0 armor, 0 stamina. I look over to see my Lightning still standing, with just a sliver of armor left. I repaired it and kept going, after complimenting that guy on a great fight.
Yesterday we were assaulting this base/defending this tower from Vanu on Esamir. I am running toward the base when I realize all the Vanu are towards the side of me. So I surge down to them, and get 2 infantry pulsaring my squad. I see a magrider repairing itself a ways away, I kill another troop on the way, I get up there, driver jumps in the Mag. I think "ohhshit" it rams me, I dont die, it was not moving fast enough. Infact it pushes me around a rock where I see another reinforced grunt. I manage to switch to load and launch a grenade from my punisher, reload and shoot him with the main barrel, all while the magrider is slowing pushing my 4hp, 0 stamina, 0 armor self slowly towards him. He dies, I scream "fuck yeah" so loud I am sure everyone within several miles heard it.
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