View Full Version : My Avatar!! Mine!!

2003-06-09, 08:25 PM
Not to be mean, but please dont use the avatar that i made(the PSU Staff Wannabe one) . It took me forever to figure out the right settings and i dont want everyone to be running around using it. Make your own please.

2003-06-09, 08:26 PM
heh a while back i made fake titles for r3d and myself.
i think his said "sexcelent"

[edit: DUH i didnt even say what i meant to say, great job getting it to look authentic :thumbsup: ]

2003-06-09, 08:26 PM
I don't blame you. You did a kick ass job. :cool:

2003-06-09, 08:28 PM
It took me A LOT of uploading, editing, uploading, editing....

now all i need is a contirbutor title and i got a nice looking-under-my-name-setup

Originally posted by Prowler
I don't blame you. You did a kick ass job. :cool:

thanks. :thumbsup:

2003-06-09, 08:30 PM
All you gotta do is go to source for the page and find where the avatar is located for a staff member and duplicate those settings.
(font and size and such)

Just doesnt ALWAYS look right cause u can Ctrl+MouseWhl and change font on webpages anyways.

So when it looks good to you it may look really fake to some1 else.

but still, great job man.

2003-06-09, 08:37 PM
Originally posted by Khronos
All you gotta do is go to source for the page and find where the avatar is located for a staff member and duplicate those settings.
(font and size and such)

Just doesnt ALWAYS look right cause u can Ctrl+MouseWhl and change font on webpages anyways.

So when it looks good to you it may look really fake to some1 else.

but still, great job man.

ya i now all that but i was rushing and i didnt want to search trhough the source code to find it. And i know it may look real to me but fake to someone, but i only care about waht it looks like to me, not to him.

2003-06-09, 08:39 PM
awww ok

2003-06-09, 08:50 PM
thank you.

2003-06-09, 08:51 PM
When I saw it, I was like "Who the fuck are these people?".

You fooled me if that counts.

2003-06-09, 08:53 PM
How'd you make the backround show up blue on the blue post section and black on the black section. Thats damn neat. :thumbsup:

2003-06-09, 09:15 PM
Ya, it's l33t.

2003-06-09, 09:22 PM
Originally posted by Powerflux
How'd you make the backround show up blue on the blue post section and black on the black section. Thats damn neat. :thumbsup:


2003-06-09, 09:29 PM
Sorry Khron we are not l33t sig maker's like you and 10. :rolleyes:

2003-06-09, 09:36 PM
well i take that as a compliment!

:lol: i was just guessin how he did it! :p

2003-06-09, 09:52 PM
I think ya guys should comply, he asked nicely and if everyone runs around with it, it's not real funny :p

2003-06-10, 12:06 AM
I didn't exactly steal your idea but it inspired my new av :)

what do you think?

2003-06-10, 12:23 AM
:lol: Awesome man, i jsut hate it when people people steal stuff without asking first. Awesome idea man :thumbsup:

2003-06-10, 08:01 AM
me says i'm sorry:(

2003-06-10, 09:41 AM
Originally posted by BladeRunner
I didn't exactly steal your idea but it inspired my new av :)

what do you think? Nice :brow: