We are JACKLE SQUADRON. Air superiority fighters of the TRAF. Dog fights, escorts and border patrols, then lunch. Sound simple? maybe if you've spent most of your life in a tank. Our role requires alot of skill and a little luck. But be sure; when the day is done our birds will be the only ones left in the sky.
JACKAL Roster:
Pilot (Engineer)
Pilot (Engineer)
Pilot (Engineer)
Pilot (Engineer)
Pilot (Engineer)
Pilot (Engineer)
Pilot (Engineer)
Pilot (Engineer)
Pilot (Engineer)
Pilot (Engineer)
Pilots Role - There are 10 slots in Jackal squad and we split that into groups so that there is 1 wing man for each main pilot (for example Jackal 01 and 02 pair off. Jackle 03 and 04 pair off). It is important that the wing man of each pair stay with his team mate