The Dragon Wolves run our official Operation Nights Mondays and Wednesdays from 8:30pm til 10pm EST. Form up for muster is 8:15.
Friday nights are our unofficial Ops nights where we get together and have fun with the game. It could be a Sunderer Run across Esamir or Flash races across Amerish. It could be a recruiting drive where we open up our squads to those looking for outfits to join or just the random pubber who hasn't seen the Dragon Wolves in action. It could even be supporting the Grand Army of the Republic.
When duty calls, the Dragon Wolves respond with firm resolve and determination to get the job done. If you're looking for someone to crack a few skulls, call upon the Dragon Wolves on Waterson.
In-game contacts:Sentrosi, SilverTalon, Shewolf, FrothyMug