while it would be nice to have dedicated squads and squad leaders I think the sporadic nature of when people log in would make it overly tricky, even if we used pubs to fill out the dedicated squads when we lack the people to fill them out, this may help us fill a platoon during alerts but may also hurt us in ability as we all know with half a group of even good pubs getting them to actually focus on orders can be work naturally the flip side of this is, we have 200 members I know we spread across multiple timezones but I haven't seen a full RMAR platoon yet, im sure it would be lethal and you would think with current members should happen but never seem to even get close, which means theres never even 1/4th of our members on at once which is a little worrying and until we manage a way to work that out theres little more option than your current way of organising unfortunatly