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Screenshot of the Shield Module in Core Combat, released 09/11/03.
Cavern Warp Gate - as seen on
Concept art of the vehicle Switchblade. From Gamespot.
Concept art of the weapon Maelstrom, view from below. From Gamespot.
Concept art of the weapon Maelstrom. From Gamespot.
Concept art of the Hossin Cavern. From Gamespot.
Concept art of Health Crystals. From Gamespot.
Concept art of the mobile artillery vehicle, Flail. From Gamespot.
Concept art of Damage Crystals. From Gamespot.
Detailed concept art of a cavern wall in the Hossin cavern. From Gamespot.
Scan of an advertisement for Planetside in the September 2003 issue of CGW.
Scans of the Planetside Review in the September 2003 issue of CGW. Page 2.
Scans of the Planetside review in the September 2003 issue of CGW. Page 1.
Liberator Bomber from the front.
Skyguard AA Vehicle
Skyguard AA Vehicle
Skyguard AA Vehicle
Skyguard AA Vehicle
Skyguard AA Vehicle
Skyguard AA Vehicle
Liberator Bomber Right Rear View
Liberator Bomber Front Right
Liberator Bomber Front Left View
Liberator Bomber back left View
PlanetSide Lithograph
PlanetSide Lithograph.
The New Conglomerate invades the Terran Republic facility. A Plasma Grenade discharges, searing the flesh of those caught inside the blast radius. The plasma will cling to its victoms and continue to cause damage to them for some time afterward.
The New Conglomerate ascends to the tower's control console, ripping into the Terran opposition with rockets and grenades. Using these weapons, the NC must keep its distance from the TR to avoid being caught in the blasts.
A New Conglomerate Vanguard provides outdoor support for the invasion, as the foot soldiers destroy a passing ANT
A new Conglomerate soldier and his compatriots approach a Terran Republic Tower. Their mission is to take control of this tower from the Terran Republic.

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