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PSU: Hamma was here.
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Mounting a reaver.
Looks a bit dry, no?
Got Stump?
View of the sky over Searhus
View of a base on the Volcanic Continent of Searhus
Mounting a mosquito on the vehicle pad.
Sky over the TR Sanctuary.
Cloaker attempts to sneak up on some NC Soldiers
My thats a big gun you have Manitou. (Mini-Chaingun)
Deliverer waiting for passengers.
Hamma busts loose his command uplink device.
Nicely placed mine.
Darklight Vision implant catches a friendly cloaker hanging out.
ANT's anyone?
Do we have to fight on rainy days?
Galaxy takes off in a heavy storm
Nicely stocked up locker.
Hacking a facility.
Sneaking in through some thick vegitation.
My squad suits up at an AMS
I see you.. NC MAX attempts to flank our position.
Nice shot of a bolt driver.
HART Drop Pod Shuttle takes off for another orbital drop. Man, those guys ever sleep?
Sunder rolling to a target. It's quite a powerhouse.
Marauder about to run down an NC Soldier.
Never did like school.
Defending a hacked base. The flashing yellow light indicates a hacked base.
Sighting a target with the bolt driver.
Hangin out at the sanctuary. In the back is a Command Waypoint.
NC Soldier with a Phoenix.

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